New Year's 2013 Challenge Thread - Closed Group



  • MNJohn0
    MNJohn0 Posts: 144 Member
    Challenge Start Weight: 199
    Challenge Goal Weight: 189

    10/24 = 199
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    sorry john this is a closed group...good luck with your weightloss goals
  • Geminihuntress
    Geminihuntress Posts: 199 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm a little behind you here. My name is Mary and my three children are now adults. My youngest left the nest today and my heart is feeling it.

    I weigh 196lbs and I can't seem to get myself motivated any more. I want to do this but I'm just not sure what or how to do it. I guess I'm more of a follower when it comes to routines. Make it and I'll do it. Part of the reason I went to a trainer but I gave it up because it was honestly too boring. I love to be pushed hard, challenges are my strong arm.

    I started at 95 lbs, been that since I was in my late 20's but my third child is when I started my weight gain, and gained it big. I had a c section and that was it. My doctor told me it was because my body was catching up with my lack of food intake. When you say you can go HOURS with out food, I use to go days without food. I was able to go three days without it. Lived on liquids, pop, juice, water, what ever. I hated food so much. I've had to actually be 'retrained' to eat food. I made it a rule in my home that supper(dinner) was to be family time. I couldn't get out of that one. I had to eat which added on the weight.

    I would bs about what I do or haven't done on this challenge or any time so if any of you would like to kick my behind or heck do up a work out routine...smiles I'll do it. I just need to get past the first week of working out then I'll be on a role.

    Why is it always so difficult to get started with something so important???

    With all that said, can I still be on the "team"??? smiles

  • InPieces3
    InPieces3 Posts: 215
    Hello everyone, I'm a little behind you here. My name is Mary and my three children are now adults. My youngest left the nest today and my heart is feeling it.

    I weigh 196lbs and I can't seem to get myself motivated any more. I want to do this but I'm just not sure what or how to do it. I guess I'm more of a follower when it comes to routines. Make it and I'll do it. Part of the reason I went to a trainer but I gave it up because it was honestly too boring. I love to be pushed hard, challenges are my strong arm.

    I started at 95 lbs, been that since I was in my late 20's but my third child is when I started my weight gain, and gained it big. I had a c section and that was it. My doctor told me it was because my body was catching up with my lack of food intake. When you say you can go HOURS with out food, I use to go days without food. I was able to go three days without it. Lived on liquids, pop, juice, water, what ever. I hated food so much. I've had to actually be 'retrained' to eat food. I made it a rule in my home that supper(dinner) was to be family time. I couldn't get out of that one. I had to eat which added on the weight.

    I would bs about what I do or haven't done on this challenge or any time so if any of you would like to kick my behind or heck do up a work out routine...smiles I'll do it. I just need to get past the first week of working out then I'll be on a role.

    Why is it always so difficult to get started with something so important???

    With all that said, can I still be on the "team"??? smiles


    ::::Waving:::: Hi Mary. :flowerforyou:
    Kids leaving home is something I always joke about. ((You know, I can't wait for you guys to leave and give me some peace!)) And of course everyone says I will be lonely and bored. Love my kids, but WHEW.... a single mom I'm always doing something with them, or for them. But after I re-read what you wrote about your last one leaving...I actually got a little heart sick over that. I can't possibly imagine, even though mine drive me absolutely insane, I'm not sure how I would take my last one leaving. :ohwell:
    Going without food for days is unreal! I'm known for going hours without it....but days...never. That most certainly is an is it going for you? I can't remember what your diary looked like....I will look when I'm done.

    I'm also the kind of person that likes to be pushed we are alike there. :happy: And as for difficult things, I'm with you on that.... I love to exercise, but I honestly hate water... well...take that back...I'm starting to like it a lot more than I did.

    I found out today Aspartame is not exactly good for you... and I found a decent amount of posts on MFP about it also. I guess what I'm trying to say is... I love MFP. The people I have made friends with on here push me daily, and I'm so thankful for them. I'm glad we are pals too!!!! Thanks for the add!
    We will do this... why? Because we want it, and it can be done... the right way.
    (*(*( HUGS )*)*) To you Mary.
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Hey everyone I have come to the conclusion I'm not going to be able to log my food. I need to keep life simple at this point so I promise if I'm off track I will come to the group and fully alarm you all so I can get kicked in the right direction. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!

    My goal this weekend is to stay focus and no eating out!!!
  • saramerrigan
    saramerrigan Posts: 555 Member
    I'm logging my weight this morning as I'm away from home for a few days from this evening. Will post an introduction later as I'm a bit pushed for time today!

    10/24: 224.2
    10/31: 222.0 (2.2lbs lost)
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    hope we can help get you back into your workout routine....

    glad you are here and hope we can help you get to 199 sooner than you think...

    i can't imagine my house without kids in it....i know there are days i b!tch about having 2 runts causing a ruckess but i love my kids and will truly miss them when they are grown and gone...welcome to the challenge and let's get to losing...
    Char, if logging food isnt going to work for you but you are aware of what you are eating it's all good....keep in touch with the thread for support and a swift kick in the @ss if you need it and no worries....

    Sara, nice loss the first week...very nice....

    i was down to 179.8 after my initial weigh in last week and then back UP to 185+ after a pretty sh!tty weekend of eating and still not working out like i want to BUT this morning i'm back down to 182 so i'm hoping by tomorrow's weigh in after good eating yesterday and today and another lunch time walk, i'll be either back to 180.2 or just a smidge below for a loss as i'd hate to start the "challenge" with a gain....

    i was going to go to the dr to be checked for fluid again but this morning the "swelling" has disappeared...i think i had a food baby in there from all the crap i ate over the weekend and since i'm dont know how my "new" body holds extra food since my surgery i guess i have to just get used to it lol....did not like what i saw yesterday morning that is for sure lol....anyway, i feel great after 2 walks yesterday and having a hefty deficit (950+) yesterday and plan on another day like that again today....i am determined to get myself back on my regular workout schedule and eating patterns....they go hand in hand for me...if i'm not working out i just cant "justify" eating sucks cause most people are like, oh *kitten* i cant workout so i'll be better with my food, NOT ME lol...

    hope any of you affected by the storm are doing okay and dont forget to post your weighins tomorrow by midday if possible.....

    have a Terrific Tuesday,
  • InPieces3
    InPieces3 Posts: 215
    I'm logging my weight this morning as I'm away from home for a few days from this evening. Will post an introduction later as I'm a bit pushed for time today!

    10/24: 224.2
    10/31: 222.0 (2.2lbs lost)

    Yes!!!!! You lost 2.2 lbs!!!! GREAT job!!!! Congratulations on that loss! :flowerforyou:
  • InPieces3
    InPieces3 Posts: 215
    Thank you Denise. I came back to this site because of you and Alison, and how much you two inspire me. You have to be the most *together* *organized* person I know. I admire everything you do... with work, a family, with your health... you are just amazing.

    Thank you for having me. I am pushing for that 199 by the new year... but if I don't reach it, I know I have put in 100 %... and honestly that is all I can do. Thank you for not giving up on me, even when I gave up on myself. :flowerforyou:
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    Peaked at scale tonight before dinner and it said, drumroll please, 180.2. So right now I'm the same as last week especially since I was up over 185 yesterday. Thank gawd!!!!! If tomorrow is lower i'll be even happier but right now I'm very satisfied.
  • ndetlefsen
    ndetlefsen Posts: 33 Member
    2.2 - great loss!! :smile:
  • ndetlefsen
    ndetlefsen Posts: 33 Member
    2.2 - great loss!! smile
    I'm logging my weight this morning as I'm away from home for a few days from this evening. Will post an introduction later as I'm a bit pushed for time today!

    10/24: 224.2
    10/31: 222.0 (2.2lbs lost)
  • gorbygirl
    gorbygirl Posts: 27 Member

    Challenge Starting weight: 241
    Challenge Goal weight: 220

    10/24: 241
    10/31: 241

    Exactly the same! I could sit here and make excuses or be cranky about it but I know I did not put in the effort that I should have. That needs to change. I am determined to keep a more accurate food diary, work on a better water intake and much less sodium. Those are my goals for this coming week. Hope this time next week, I am able to mark down a fantastic number.

  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    last night i was back down to 180.2 from 185+ - this am i'm 182.4 - thinking the sodium in my pork/dinner last night hit me on the scale....not great to start out with a gain but i'll get it back, this i promise myself....

    Challenge Start Weight: 180.2
    Challenge Goal Weight: 169

    10/24: 180.2
    10/31: 182.4
  • shiningsea
    shiningsea Posts: 67 Member
    Challenge Start Weight: 177
    Challenge Goal Weight: 169

    10/24: 177
    10/31: 173
  • taekwonkenpo
    taekwonkenpo Posts: 1,004
    this would have been better served under the "group" catagory since it is so specific.
  • shiningsea
    shiningsea Posts: 67 Member
    Alright, I suppose it's time I introduce myself, too!

    I'm Shannon. I am originally from Northern Virginia, and now live in Raleigh, NC. I am an Environmental Engineer for a state agency. I am married to a great guy and we have two furbabies -- our basset hounds George and Watson. We intend to start a family eventually, but at 25 I have plenty of time to become a mom. I just moved to Raleigh last month after a miserable year in a horrible job. I started this journey in March of last year (shortly after my wedding) and lost about 25 pounds rather quickly. Well, then my job became unbearable and my health goals fell by the wayside. I wound up putting on about 12 pounds over 6 months. I have recently hopped back on the bandwagon in part due to the urging of Denise (you're the best, seriously).

    As far as getting healthy goes, I tend to be really good about eating. I cook all my meals for the week on Sunday, which leaves very little room for temptation. That isn't to say I don't splurge here and there, but for the most part I have my eating under control. My downfall is making exercise a routine and priority. I am a very goal-oriented person, and I have a hard time establishing goals in my exercise. I'm working on it, but it's an ongoing struggle.

    I'm so glad to be in this group. I am so happy to see that some of y'all are reporting losses this week. For those of you who are up a little bit, or maintaining, I hope the coming week goes a little better for you!
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Challenge Start Weight: 180.4
    Challenge Goal Weight: 165

    10/24: 180.4
    10/31: 181.8
  • ndetlefsen
    ndetlefsen Posts: 33 Member
    Challenge Start Weight: 184.4
    Challenge Goal Weight: 175

    10/24: 184.4
    10/31: 183.8 (.6 loss)
  • InPieces3
    InPieces3 Posts: 215
    Challenge Start Weight: 231.2
    Challenge Goal Weight: 215

    10/24: 231.2
    10/31: 229.0 (2.2 lb loss)