New Year's 2013 Challenge Thread - Closed Group



  • gorbygirl
    gorbygirl Posts: 27 Member

    First of all GREAT JOB on the weightloss!! Keep it up:)

    Second, thank you for the reminder that we are doing this for ourselves. We are working hard to make a difference over a lifetime, not just the weeks of this challenge. Doing something nice for ourselves whether it is something very simple or something major is a great way to inspire us daily and to have something to look forward to. Great idea!

    Last but not least, I accept your challenge of 50 extra calories a day :)

  • shiningsea
    shiningsea Posts: 67 Member
    Hooray!! It's Friday!! I wore my favorite outfit today and feel so stylish. I'm also going shopping tonight for some new bras -- my favorite store is having a big sale on them. So I'm giving myself two boosts today! :)

    Last night I bumped the incline on the treadmill for my extra 50 calories. It served two purposes: it burned an extra 50 calories, and it wasn't that hard, which tells me that I haven't been pushing myself enough for a while now.

    My mantra for this weekend is: "when it comes to temptation, I choose skinny!" Have a wonderful weekend, y'all!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    today i pushed past the 30 mins or 3 miles to complete 3.3 miles in 43 mins to get my extra 50 cals

    i havent done anything for me as of right now with the exception of escaping upstairs to update our checking account on the computer but that's not really "FOR ME" lol....i suppose taking some updated "after" pics this am and updating my blog to see the transformation from pre-op to 6wks was for me too....maybe i'll sneak way to my bed for a few minutes and read before bed - AFTER i pack for our night away tomorrow at the food and wine festival in orlando WITHOUT the kids....
  • Definitely going to get my 350 extra in of exercise this week. I like that idea. As for the other... I'm not so good at that. I'm pretty hard on myself and I'm trying, but today wasn't exactly a good day. Yesterday was a good day but I still really didn't have anything positive to say to myself. Yea, I worked out hard, and I felt I did good, I just don't have anything nice to say about myself.

    Just telling the truth. I will try again tomorrow. I want to be able to say it and mean it, and I most certainly don't mean it when I'm talking about myself. (just saying)

    Hope you all are doing well.
    I do notice a few diary's that are under 1,300 calories daily. I'm beginning to think I need to do the same... so maybe I need to change that up too. I will be honest, I felt better when I was eating 1,500 or 1,400 daily. This over 1,700 a day is making me feel yucky..and I'm having a hard time getting GOOD food in. Face it... salad doesn't have a lot of calories. when you start upping your calories, you start upping other things also... and who wants to eat nothing but veggies all day? I'm not liking it, and I'm trying to find a happy medium again. Going back to 1,500 a day and leaving it be... and maybe not eat back my exercise calories. I did well last week, but I will say that was most likely from the increase of water.

    I don't believe in going under 1,300 now... I used to be the type of person that could do that and get mad when someone would tell me to eat. Well... at MY weight, that is really too low.
    I'm just venting a little. Getting discouraged. Ohio sucks... Every time I went to go walking it would pour. I tried 3 times earlier today. So I got my DVD's out and managed to do 40 minutes of that... but I won't lie, it isn't the same and my kids were home so you know what that is like. They never shut up when I'm trying to workout. In fact, they laugh at me. (( I know.)) Main thing is I did it I guess.

    Going shopping tonight after kids go to bed (oldest is home so I can go) Picking up a lot of chicken/tuna/salad and frozen veggies. Have a good weekend you guys.
  • So yesterday I posted some post it notes on my bedroom mirror. Trying to get that positive thing going for myself in the morning. ((or when I just feel like crap)) So I got up this morning, read them off and thought ya know... I really ain't half bad. I have lots of work to do, but I'm doing it slowly. So progress no matter how slow is still progress.

    Going for a walk in a few to clear my head and focus on some things I need to focus more on.

    Have a great Monday guys. :)
  • Ok y'all - I am not good at MFP stuff. How do I edit my original post to put all my weigh-ins????
  • Ok - this is the only way I can think of quote???

    Challenge Start Weight: 173 (will confirm in am)
    Challenge Goal Weight: 155

    10/24: 174.8
    10/31: 177.9 (water weight - I think it's almost TOM - c'mon already, get here, do your thing, and get over with!)
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    took a little walk over to the bank instead of driving - tonight i'm going to do my 30 minute run - 15 out and 15 back once i get the kids settled at home......

    today i didnt do anything yet FOR me but yesterday while i was at TARGET on my lunch break i tried on a few leather zip up boots...i wear either flip flops and sneakers every day and with the boots on i felt SEXY....i had on that new coral dress i got a few weeks ago....i didnt buy them but i am going to put them or something like them on my christmas list for my hubby to get me....

    i will work on getting something for me before the end of the day...
  • Ok - this is the only way I can think of quote???

    Challenge Start Weight: 173 (will confirm in am)
    Challenge Goal Weight: 155

    10/24: 174.8
    10/31: 177.9 (water weight - I think it's almost TOM - c'mon already, get here, do your thing, and get over with!)

    Oh how I hate that time of the month!!!! I started mine Saturday and I'm still going strong. :grumble: So if I gain weight for tomorrow's weigh in I will definitely take that into account. But the good news is... you and I are going to lose that and come back strong next week!!! Yay us!!! lol.
  • Geminihuntress
    Geminihuntress Posts: 199 Member
    Good morning everyone. I forgot to weigh myself this morning before heading off to work. I will do it when I get home but I know my weight will be higher by then.

    I haven't been very motivated the last month for some reason. I need to find a focus, a goal, a good challenge. I'm curious... Does anyone use the elliptical? How long do you go on it for and what are the calories burned? How long would it take you to burn off 1000 calories?

    I think I'm going to set a goal of a 1000 calories every morning. Is that too low do you think?

    Today is the first day that I got up and I wasn't tired, no nightmares...woohoo so I actually took the time to get 'prettied-up'. I may even get a friend here at work to take a picture for me. A full body it's been a number of years since I've had one of them. That would be my "be nice to me" treat for today.

    Hope everyone has/is having a wonderful day.

  • shiningsea
    shiningsea Posts: 67 Member
    Challenge Start Weight: 177
    Challenge Goal Weight: 169

    10/24: 177
    10/31: 173
    11/7: 172.5
  • Geminihuntress
    Geminihuntress Posts: 199 Member
    Way to go Shannon!!
  • InPieces3/Crystal
    Challenge Start Weight: 231.2
    Challenge Goal Weight: 215

    10/24: 231.2
    10/31: 229.0 (2.2 lb loss)
    11/07: 226.7 (2.3 lb loss)

    I have been walking a lot lately. Drinking TONS of water daily. ((well about 86 ounces a day)) I drink it even when I don't want to. And I have been eating.... decent amounts I may add. I've been eating 1,500 at least every day... sometimes I eat 1,800 calories.... but I earned those calories through all my walking. I don't eat back my exercise calories, not usually. I only do if I'm hungry. I'm going to keep doing all of that for next week and see if I can keep up this momentum. I am FINALLY away from the dreaded 229. If I only lose ounces next week, I am very happy to be away from that number and moving forward.

    Wtg Shannon for your loss this week!!!
  • Geminihuntress
    Geminihuntress Posts: 199 Member
    OMGosh way to go Crystal! Keep it going...
  • saramerrigan
    saramerrigan Posts: 555 Member
    Well it looks as though my short break for my husband's birthday up in the Lake District has wreaked it's revenge....weighed in at 224 this morning, a gain of 2.0lbs on last week. Think it's also TOM and I've got a nasty virus so feeling pretty rubbish if truth be told.

    I haven't quite managed my extra 50 cals per day from Shannon's challenge but I will try and make up for it next week.

    10/24: 224.2
    10/31: 222.0 (2.2lbs lost)
    11/7: 224.0 (2.0lbs gain, overall loss 0.2lbs)
  • saramerrigan
    saramerrigan Posts: 555 Member
    Well done Shannon & Crystal on your're doing great :flowerforyou:
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Today my weight was 180.2 probably would have seen the 170's if I didn't screw up
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    Challenge Start Weight: 180.2
    Challenge Goal Weight: 169

    10/24: 180.2
    10/31: 182.4 (+2.2)
    11/7: 186.6 (+4.2)

    i am logging another gain but i know it's the food and drink from the festival that caught up to me plus we ate out dinner on monday night for a late birthday meal with friends....doesnt matter other than seeing the scale go up and then logging it here is what it is, i'm doing it all right 90% of the time but the weekend really just hit me hard and i expected it....5 workouts a week planned plus lunch walk today on my rest day....getting back on the water wagon - slipped miserably the last few days/weeks....getting to bed earlier than 11 has been pretty good and i will keep up with that trend.....and logging and planning foods out for the day and/or week will be what helps get this extra 6.4lbs off plus all that i want to get off by 1/1...i can make 169 by the new year, i can.....

    great job shannon and crystal on your losses and sara your gain is the same as mine - we gotta make a few changes and push harder this week :)
  • gorbygirl
    gorbygirl Posts: 27 Member

    Challenge Starting weight: 241
    Challenge Goal weight: 220

    10/24: 241
    10/31: 241
    11/7: 240.2

    I really wish I did not crave salt!! GRRRR!! I peeked at my weight earlier in the week and it was a better number but sodium filled dinner last night...not a great choice! Really hoping to see the 230s next week. I still need to work on my water intake. I never had a problem getting it all in until the last few months. I'm not sure why but I just need to keep pushing through.
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Challenge Start Weight: 180.4
    Challenge Goal Weight: 165

    10/24: 180.4
    10/31: 181.8
    11/7: 180.2