New Year's 2013 Challenge Thread - Closed Group



  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member

    just get me your weight tonight if you can.....otherwise i'll carry you forward from last week if i dont hear back from you tonight...

    1000 calorie burn is pretty high lol and quite a lofty goal....i use the elliptical and typically can get 450-600 cals in an hour at my weight (170-180) and intensity (pushing it pretty hard) - that's between 7.5-10 cals burned per minute...if you can keep up that pace - shoot for it and get it going....

    hope you got your pictures done and still feel pretty : ) i love it when i have that feeling come over me :)

    Good morning everyone. I forgot to weigh myself this morning before heading off to work. I will do it when I get home but I know my weight will be higher by then.

    I haven't been very motivated the last month for some reason. I need to find a focus, a goal, a good challenge. I'm curious... Does anyone use the elliptical? How long do you go on it for and what are the calories burned? How long would it take you to burn off 1000 calories?

    I think I'm going to set a goal of a 1000 calories every morning. Is that too low do you think?

    Today is the first day that I got up and I wasn't tired, no nightmares...woohoo so I actually took the time to get 'prettied-up'. I may even get a friend here at work to take a picture for me. A full body it's been a number of years since I've had one of them. That would be my "be nice to me" treat for today.

    Hope everyone has/is having a wonderful day.

  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    Congratulations Shannon, Crystal, and Becca on your losses this week keep up the wonderful work!!!

    I actually think I could have seen the 170's this week if I didn't have a set back last night. I'm hoping that life lemons ease up so I can continue to eat well and not fall off!!
  • Geminihuntress
    Geminihuntress Posts: 199 Member
    Challenge Start Weight: 196
    Challenge Goal Weight: 181

    10/24: 196
    10/31: 197.4
    11/7: 197.8

    Sorry hope it's not too late
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    here's this week's chart....

    crystal is this week's biggest loser - losing 1% of her weight...
    shannon is our overall biggest loser to date - losing 2.5% of her weight...
    becca and char also recorded nice loses this week while the others of us had gains or stayed the same.....
    no worries though - there is always next week.....

    crystal will you please give the group a challenge to work on this week???
    keep up the hard work friends, it's worth it...

  • Geminihuntress
    Geminihuntress Posts: 199 Member
  • shiningsea
    shiningsea Posts: 67 Member
    Nice work, Crystal. Keep up the good work.
  • InPieces3
    Oh wow! I'm never a weekly winner....!!! In fact I'm never losing that much when I start challenges, and I usually end up dropping out. ((from disappointment and anger of course))

    I'm going to challenge you guys to 2 things that I have been doing that I feel has helped me the past 2 weeks.

    1.) Drink your water. I've been drinking 86 ounces at least a day. I'm not saying drink that much, but at least drink your 8 glasses a day.
    2.) Try to not eat 3 hours before bedtime. I know it's hard (personally I'm a night time eater) but when I started cutting my time off and not eating before bedtime, I noticed I felt better waking up too.

    Just some other tips I've been working on (you don't have to do, just thought I would share)
    ~ I've been drinking 12 ounces of water right before I eat Breakfast. And yes, water with breakfast too. ((sometimes I will have coffee with my breakfast, but not always)) But for sure the water right before seems to help me feel fuller faster.

    ~ Measurements. I take my measurements monthly because even when that scale doesn't move and I know I have been working my butt off, I'm noticing my pants are fitting a little looser and my shirts are kinda hanging, not to mention my bra's are kinda not fitting either. It really makes me feel better about this whole journey when I have measurements written down month to month to show that yes, I'm having progress even though that scale isn't moving the way I want it to.... DOWN.

    ~ I'm doing 50 abdominal crunches on the yoga ball every day now. I do 25 in the morning sometime, and I do 25 in the evening. I'm trying to tone my stomach as I go.... I read in a few blogs on here that flabby skin is to be expected for those of us that are over 200 lbs. I get that, and they said that as they were losing weight they did the abdominal crunches too and noticed a difference. I'm sure it isn't going to *magically* disappear, but I'm just trying to do all I can to make it minimal ya know?

    Thank you guys. And I'm saying this just as much for me as for you... ((because who knows what next week will bring right?)) Just because that scale isn't moving, doesn't mean you aren't losing inches. Those measurements mean way more than that scale. I use that scale a lot...... I won't lie, because it gives ME personally the heads up on what I need to do for a few days....I didn't weigh myself today, but I will probably do it tomorrow to see where I'm at and if I need to push harder or back off, or even if I need to drink more water! I'm learning so much this time around.

    Now... tomorrow is a new day, and next week is a new week.... so lets kick up some dust and have a new winner next week!!!
  • saramerrigan
    saramerrigan Posts: 555 Member
    Yay, well done Crystal!!

    Nice challenges for this week too, i think I can make them work :flowerforyou:
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    happy to get my water intake back up to 85oz a day.....

    not eating 3hrs before bed will be hard for me since we eat dinner between 630-7 most nights and i've been trying to get to bed between 1030-1130 but i will try very hard...i may skip my "late snack" and just have my fruffy coffee treat (32cals) with nothing to eat....i will work on it....thursday's it wont work as we dont eat dinner until 9 once the runts are in bed but the other 6 days i will made a valiant attempt :)
  • MNJohn0
    MNJohn0 Posts: 144 Member
    Challenge Start Weight: 199
    Challenge Goal Weight: 189

    10/24 = 199
    10/31 = 195
    11/8 = 201
  • InPieces3
    happy to get my water intake back up to 85oz a day.....

    not eating 3hrs before bed will be hard for me since we eat dinner between 630-7 most nights and i've been trying to get to bed between 1030-1130 but i will try very hard...i may skip my "late snack" and just have my fruffy coffee treat (32cals) with nothing to eat....i will work on it....thursday's it wont work as we dont eat dinner until 9 once the runts are in bed but the other 6 days i will made a valiant attempt :)

    I have a ton of books on fitness ((you should see me reading over here! lol)) And some say 2 hours before bed, and others say 3 hours before bed. ::Shrugs:: I don't know honestly which is better. I do know that when I cut my food time off I have seen better results. The past 3 weeks has been a test of cutting my time off. Also of course the water intake (which you are great at doing) I also seen a huge difference when I drink an 8 ounce glass of water before my breakfast. Well I drink 12 ounces instead of 8, but it does help!! I never thought I would say I love water... but I'm beginning to like it more and more. I agree with you Denise, water is very important, and I'm reading where it helps with huge calorie burns (which I'm known for about 3 times a week). Maybe instead of 3 hours, try the 2 hours, or an hour and half. I think the book (Bob Green) was just stating it wasn't healthy to eat, and lay down a half hour later. ((which I understand better now why that is bad))
    I love my health/fitness books....I'm learning something every day! :)
  • MomsL8
    Ok -- I am really struggling. I am not doing anything different than I did over the summer when I lost 10 lbs (I had gained 25 lbs after my last race and lost 10 before I started marathon training), except my job has started FULL SWING and I am soooo stressed out!

    I need to:

    1. Get back on my water. I know that's the one thing I have neglected.
    2. Look at something different for meals. I usually do a protein shake, a protein bar, a piece of fruit, nuts, cheese/turkey stick for a snack and then a lean/green meal.
    3. Handle stress - I have not been running 4 days a week like I usually do, and that helps my stress and keeps my metabolism moving. I think eating so few calories and not running works the opposite for me.

    So because I'm insanely crazy busy in the school year, I need to look at a packaged plan for my meals. I lost 25 last year like this on Medi-Fast, but I can't run as much on that. So, I need to decide if I ramp down my running for a month (which I may do) and do the Medi-Fast (but I can't choke down all those bars and shakes) or look at Seattle Sutton's or Metabolic Meals for a month.

    Whatever I do, I'm giving myself a month to lose 10 (which would put me at 167 or so) and then decide how to lose the other 10 I'd like to lose. If I'm not successful with a packaged plan, I am going to see a nutritionist.

    I hate this yo-yo stuff. One would think I would not gain like this after having run 18 miles that week and eating 800 calories a day, HOWEVER, my period is almost 7 days late, and I am a-sufferin' over here, so I'm thinking when the flood gates open, I'm going to lose a lot of water weight as well.

    Every once and a while that happens to me.

    Challenge Start Weight: 173 (will confirm in am)
    Challenge Goal Weight: 155

    10/24: 174.8
    10/31: 177.9 (water weight - I think it's almost TOM - c'mon already, get here, do your thing, and get over with!)
    11/7: 178.2 (C'mon TOM - get here and get over with!!!!!)
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i'm struggling but i have a new plan and i intend to follow thru with it this week and then the next and the next...i have got to get my head in the game and get back to healthy eating and new healthy way of living took a beating while i was recovering from my tummy tuck surgery, BUT i will not let that stop me from reaching my ultimate goal...i will get back on track this week and i will get myself straightened out back on the right path of working out and eating well.....this is my pledge to myself....i will not see 19X ever again...and 18X will be very quickly in my rearview mirror and then 17X will follow right behind it.....
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    1.) Drink your water. I've been drinking 86 ounces at least a day. I'm not saying drink that much, but at least drink your 8 glasses a day.
    I've been back to my 8+ cups a day - hitting about 85oz each day...

    2.) Try to not eat 3 hours before bedtime. I know it's hard (personally I'm a night time eater) but when I started cutting my time off and not eating before bedtime, I noticed I felt better waking up too.

    didnt do well with this one thursday night since we had chinese. friday i had a coffee and one mini pb cup. sat i had my party and we were out and i ate later in the night. sunday i had a caramel apple and a coffee around 9 and went to bed at 1130. monday i had my coffee and 1 mini choc chip cookie at 9 and went to bed at 11. tonight i will have my coffee and 1 mini choc chip cookie around 9 once the runts are in bed and will head to bed by 11....this will be my MO while my hubby is away this week.....friday i will be eating later in the evening as i have bunco and we have "dessert" after we play around 9-930ish, depending on what it is, i may partake :) BUT I'm trying....
  • InPieces3
    1.) Drink your water. I've been drinking 86 ounces at least a day. I'm not saying drink that much, but at least drink your 8 glasses a day.
    I've been back to my 8+ cups a day - hitting about 85oz each day...

    2.) Try to not eat 3 hours before bedtime. I know it's hard (personally I'm a night time eater) but when I started cutting my time off and not eating before bedtime, I noticed I felt better waking up too.

    didnt do well with this one thursday night since we had chinese. friday i had a coffee and one mini pb cup. sat i had my party and we were out and i ate later in the night. sunday i had a caramel apple and a coffee around 9 and went to bed at 1130. monday i had my coffee and 1 mini choc chip cookie at 9 and went to bed at 11. tonight i will have my coffee and 1 mini choc chip cookie around 9 once the runts are in bed and will head to bed by 11....this will be my MO while my hubby is away this week.....friday i will be eating later in the evening as i have bunco and we have "dessert" after we play around 9-930ish, depending on what it is, i may partake :) BUT I'm trying....
    Yea, Sunday night was horrible for me. I was having a little pity party and got all down and depressed and ate at like 11pm and went to bed at midnight. I hate that I fell off the wagon there and ate... the next day I felt like crap. ((lesson learned)) but when you are an emotional eater and you feel sad and over-whelmed at the time, food is the only thing that makes it go away. ((for the time being anyhow)) So I had a bad night too... trying... that is all we can do.
  • InPieces3
    Tomorrow is our weigh in and I'm a little scared. I weighed in at 228 yesterday. ((didn't dare weigh in today, wasn't going to get all worked up over it)) If I gained from last week, I know why. ((Sunday night was bad)) But I would like to have stayed at 226 at least. Hope you all are doing well. :)
  • claritarejoice
    claritarejoice Posts: 461 Member
    Hi all! Denise just invited me to join this group. It's such a great idea and I love the group motivation. I put my starting weight for 10/23 when you started the group. I have been weighing on Saturday mornings but I will switch to Wednesdays for this group. I live in the Los Angeles area. I'm married and work full time in the non-profit/social service sector, doing project and grants management and communications and writing. I love dance and travel. I gained weight because of some bad things that happened in my life that affected me emotionally. It was unexpected, it devastated me and I became sick and depressed. Now I am learning to take care of myself and let go of stress, and my physical health is coming along with my emotional and spiritual growth. My IBS symptoms have decreased which is fantastic. I love to cook and eat clean. I am 5'7" tall and I think I am aiming for an ultimate goal weight of 140 pounds.

    Challenge start weight: 167
    Challenge goal weight: 157

    10/24: 167
    10/31: 167
    11/7: 164
  • InPieces3
    Hi all! Denise just invited me to join this group. It's such a great idea and I love the group motivation. I put my starting weight for 10/23 when you started the group. I have been weighing on Saturday mornings but I will switch to Wednesdays for this group. I live in the Los Angeles area. I'm married and work full time in the non-profit/social service sector, doing project and grants management and communications and writing. I love dance and travel. I gained weight because of some bad things that happened in my life that affected me emotionally. It was unexpected, it devastated me and I became sick and depressed. Now I am learning to take care of myself and let go of stress, and my physical health is coming along with my emotional and spiritual growth. My IBS symptoms have decreased which is fantastic. I love to cook and eat clean. I am 5'7" tall and I think I am aiming for an ultimate goal weight of 140 pounds.

    Challenge start weight: 167
    Challenge goal weight: 157

    10/24: 167
    10/31: 167
    11/7: 164

    Welcome to the challenge :flowerforyou:
    Great loss!
  • shiningsea
    shiningsea Posts: 67 Member
    Oof. I knew it was going to be bad.... on to the next week.

    10/24: 177
    10/31: 173
    11/7: 172.5
    11/14: 176.0
  • InPieces3
    Challenge Start Weight: 231.2
    Challenge Goal Weight: 215

    10/24: 231.2
    10/31: 229.0 (2.2 lb loss)
    11/07: 226.7 (2.3 lb loss)
    11/14: 228 (1.3 lb gain)