Has anyone else quit drinking alcohol completely?



  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    Almost. Maybe one glass of wine every month or two...
  • gbbhey
    gbbhey Posts: 188
    I haven't completely quit drinking, but have gone from heavy drinking to only mildly drinking (over the past three weekends, I had one beer, and two small glasses of wine). It's not something I'll completely cut out, because I like the social aspect of it, but good on you guys for making the right steps to better yourselves!

  • butterflylady86
    butterflylady86 Posts: 369 Member
    I quit drinking in 2009. My decision was made due to a DUI. I have never felt better since quitting. This was a personal choice for me. I don't regret this deicision at all. Take it one day at a time. Peace
  • Nina2503
    Nina2503 Posts: 172 Member
    I seem to have inadvertently stopped. Mum will offer me a glass of wine now and again if we go there.. . and I just think of it as a waste of calories. I'd rather have chocolate. Once I looked at it in that light, I realised I don't miss it at all!

    I still have an ocassional drink or two, but like you said, it's a waste of calories, I'd rather have chocolate too. :)

    When I was younger I probably drank more than was good for me. Now I might Share a bottle of wine once a month with my OH. I don't see it as a waste of calories because one of the rules I have made for myself is that I need to earn the calories first, if I don't earn them then I don't have the wine. And if I do then I don't feel guilty. It also means that I never drink to excess!
  • heroyalslimness
    heroyalslimness Posts: 591 Member
    Brunch is my favorite past time and EVERYBODY routinely orders mimosas--Bellinis ...etc
    I have tried to do it--to be social--but I cannot stand the taste of it--anymore
    or---it has to be really sweet---like the alcohol has to be disguised
    and even if it is--and I get a little buzz--I hate that too---it feels artificial and screws up my system and body hates that disorientation. I think the defining moment was when I was on a plane---that was in danger of crashing and cancelled my drink order and decided to go through the "crash fatality" no matter what---sober. I do not think it is so easy--but that's been my experience. AA helped for a while-even though I have not been in ages. I will probably go back

    I decided if I want to get high--seriously? I can go to Woodstock--and go hiking--or go traveling-- that's a high that's stays for days and my body thanks me.
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    nah.. im not a heavy drinker at all anyway.. so now when i go out at random w/girls to happy hour or mexican restaurant/whatever.. i'll ask for a 'skinny ' (no sugar) margarita vs a regular or a tonic or something low cal.. usually only have 1 or 2 max and those are lower cal drinks.. all thing in moderation and calculation (tracking) not deprivation :wink:
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    I could care less about the weight loss benefits. I quit drinking because I got tired of waking up with a hangover and an ugly woman as souvenirs from the night before.
  • super_monty
    super_monty Posts: 419 Member
    I drink every weekend, I decided a while back to try and go alcohol free in November.

    I would like to just drink on special occasions like NY or holidays and not habitually, this will be the 1st step.
  • Caseyann2501
    Caseyann2501 Posts: 43 Member
    It will be 5 years on the 1st of December 2012 since I last had alcohol.

    I used to be a big drinker before that, although I didn't really need to drink much alcohol to get drunk, so I would get completely hammered pretty much any time I drank. I realised I needed to make a change when I would get home during the week and would start in on what ever was in the cupboard, then going to my room at night and drinking all on my own sitting on my bed.

    It was hard at first, and I still do sometimes miss it, when something monumental happens in my life and I feel like I can't cope. Mostly though, I love the feeling of waking up every morning and feeling fully present, like I'm fully involved in life and not stumbling around in a haze because of wanting or having alcohol. I realized how much of a crutch alcohol became for me, and I made the decision to be strong enough to live life on my own, without that.

    Once you have freedom from alcohol, you won't want to surrender to it ever again.

    If you would like to friend me you're welcome to.
  • Julie2402
    Julie2402 Posts: 126
    Hi, i stopped drinking alcohol completely 4 years ago. I became intolerant to it! I don't miss it at all. I am sure that you will start to feel much better for it after a couple of weeks, good luck and take care. x
  • crazy_ninja
    crazy_ninja Posts: 387 Member
    I have not had a drink since 4 days! :drinker:
  • TimmyT66
    I think there are quite a few replies on here from people that have been lucky they have never really been big drinkers and have given up anyway and it being no big deal. However there are others who have been heavier drinkers and no doubt more reliant on alcohol and have found it much tougher to give up.

    I am what you would call a binge drinker, can go all week without a drink, but once I have one, I want to get drunk and find it difficult to stop. I have a fairly active social life with friends who all enjoy a drink, most not as much as me. I struggle to enjoy myself on a night out without a drink, but if I have an important golf match coming up I won't touch a drop.

    I would love to give up completely as I know the weight would drop off me, but I don't want to give up completely if that makes sense?? As I enjoy it and want my fun time!

    Anybody similar please add me maybe we can help each other drink more sensibly!
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    I think there are quite a few replies on here from people that have been lucky they have never really been big drinkers and have given up anyway and it being no big deal. However there are others who have been heavier drinkers and no doubt more reliant on alcohol and have found it much tougher to give up.

    I am what you would call a binge drinker, can go all week without a drink, but once I have one, I want to get drunk and find it difficult to stop. I have a fairly active social life with friends who all enjoy a drink, most not as much as me. I struggle to enjoy myself on a night out without a drink, but if I have an important golf match coming up I won't touch a drop.

    I would love to give up completely as I know the weight would drop off me, but I don't want to give up completely if that makes sense?? As I enjoy it and want my fun time!

    Anybody similar please add me maybe we can help each other drink more sensibly!
    I used to be exactly like that. I could have written that 9 months ago. I noticed that that was becoming a problem. And a serious one. I quit drinking. I will not lie, it cost me many friends. But gave me back my life. I could go all week without a drink just fine...the Friday night would roll around and I'd start getting that itch....just to go have a few beers with the guys.,..it was never a few beers. Now I spend most of my spare time with my friends who lift too (similar interests draw those types of friends, which explains the fact that when I was a drinker, many of my friends were as well) and seeing my family. Also have extra cash is nice from not spending on booze. Although its a little rough right now. I'm going to a Halloween party on Friday and will be seeing many old friends. I will not drink, I am stronger than my dad and grandpa were.... And I will never have booze ruin my life and hurt my family the way it did for them.
  • MonicaW1988
    MonicaW1988 Posts: 23 Member
    I have stopped drinking for now so that I can continue concentrating on more important things as changing my eating habbits and controlling my portions, I found for me when I drank (usually a Saturday night) I would drink to unwind but it led me to such horrible eating habbits... I was eating absolute junk and I'd wake up the next morning with a slight hangover and also feeling quite guilty. Also my father has a huge drinking problem and has done before I was born so growing up in an alcoholic environment just makes me feel if I ever have kids I don't want them to go through what I went through emotionally because it really is damaging in alot of ways when the other person is out of control with how they drink.

    The last drink I had was a small one for my Birthday but since then I'm just drinking water or diet lime and lemon mineral soda...
    I stopped drinking last year for a few months (was trying to lose weight then) but fell back to my habbits after a while so this time I don't want to rely on drinking every weekend... I will say its hard when you are out socialising with others at parties/events etc and they are drinking but I guess you make that decision to not drink and if you do it should be in moderation to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    Good luck :-)
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I used to drink pretty heavily in college, and once I got out, I stopped drinking as much.

    Last time I got drunk was New Years, and I'll have a drink every now and then but it's like one a month... if that.

    It's very rare that I drink any longer.
  • lovinmyselfagain
    lovinmyselfagain Posts: 307 Member
    Before I started my weight loss journey in April, I made a New Years resolution to not BUY any alcohol until I reached a certain goal(unrelated to weight). I've maybe had 10 drinks this year. I thought it would be hard, because I love having wine at night while watching tv, but I haven't missed it. I've been in situations where people have offered to buy it for me and I still said no. Beer that a friend brought over to my house sat in my fridge for months. It was in there so long it perturbed my teenager, who isn't used to alcohol lasting that long in our house. lol. And since I started this journey, if it's between chocolate or alcohol, chocolate wins every time.
  • AKbluedragonfly
    AKbluedragonfly Posts: 79 Member
    I've never been a fan of drinking, but I know several people who drink almost daily and binge drink weekly. What I've noticed is the girls are very chubby from it. These are girls that are naturally thin and were always skinny as a teen. Once they started drinking it all went straight to their face and their gut. I have a male friend that stopped drinking due to legal reasons (he was on probation for doing stupid things while drunk). He ended up losing like 40 pounds in the first month or something. Again he was someone who was naturally thin but got a beer gut from drinking.

    Hopefully you'll soon see some positive changes in your body from quitting. Less sugar, less carbs, less excess calories. It's a good thing!
  • slackerwoman
    slackerwoman Posts: 261 Member
    I haven't completely quit drinking, but have gone from heavy drinking to only mildly drinking (over the past three weekends, I had one beer, and two small glasses of wine). It's not something I'll completely cut out, because I like the social aspect of it, but good on you guys for making the right steps to better yourselves!


    Same here! :) *raising my glass*
  • P05T5CRIPT
    P05T5CRIPT Posts: 285 Member
    I drank most of the alcohol in Ireland when I was at university 8 years ago, that's the culture in Northern Ireland for young people. Once I left uni, got my own place and a job, I just had no desire for it anymore.

    I'll have a west coast cooler at special events now and then, but other than that I don't drink at all....and I don't miss it. I'd rather spend my calories on a chinese takeaway :tongue:
  • RockinSkiBunny
    RockinSkiBunny Posts: 152 Member
    I haven't had a drink since Saturday. Which doesn't sound like much but it is. It's very hard to quit all together. and I make it count when i fall off! trust me! I'm rying. and if you want someone for support feel free to add me. Likewise if anyone wants to help a chicka out..bring it on.