Anyone know about appetite suppressant Qsymia???



  • Deoster
    Deoster Posts: 1
    I take Topamax (which is Qsymia minus phentermine). Started a month ago, was on 25mg a day, and upped my dose gradually to 50mg twice a day. I've been losing almost 4 lb every week since then. It works perfectly and gets the job done.
    I don't feel hungry at all ( I used to eat like a pig) and when I eat I feel full quickly.
    I have minor side effects like feeling drowsy but don't give a damn, I'm losing weight ;D
  • nictonto33
    I've been trying to lose weight for 8 months without any luck. I am convinced that I have a hormonal imbalance and my Dr doesn't think that I need an endocrinologist. Even though I eat the right foods I may eat too much of them sporadically. One day I could eat everything on target and the next I am up to 2000 calories because my appetite will not allow me to stop. So anyway my doctor suggested Qsymia. I have been on it for 5 days now and it has had zero impact on my appetite.I definitely have more energy probably because it is an amphetamine. I actually welcome this because me being convinced I have a hormonal imbalance, I would sleep directly after work. I had no choice but to sleep because I was so exhausted. I've neglected housework and cooking but I still managed to push myself to the gym 3 days a week. So with all of this being said, I eat better than most people that I know and I more physically active on the days that I I'm not down for the count than most people that I know, but I cannot lose weight to save my life. Something tells me this drug is not the answer either. That is fine with me because it is about $125 per month and my insurance does not cover it.
  • beachedtraveler
    I read through all 5 pages of this thread and felt compelled to share my experience since the OP and several others asked for people with actual experience with Qsymia and there seem to be fewer responses from patients who took it beyond the 2-3 week mark when the dosing increases.

    First of all, props to >> grisley 2/2014 << post who said a lot of what I was feeling as I read so many of the biased, uninformed, disrespectful replies that I suspect make their posters feel better about themselves.

    I started Qsymia on 6/12/14 on the 3.75/23 dose for 14 days and then moved to the 7.5/46 dose after that. It is 8/6/14 today, so that makes it almost 2 months that I have been on it. I see my Dr. every month as part of my agreement with her since she is my PCP and actually doesn't write prescriptions for weight loss drugs. My unique personal situation (which wouldn't be constructive to share) provided me a good reason for her to let me use Qsymia for 3 months.

    In the first month, I lost about 8 pounds. The major side effect was the constipation, which went away completely after the first 6 weeks. I still get dry mouth and need to keep drinking water often. My appetite is suppressed effectively during the day but sometimes late at night, I will get hungrier if I'm awake. The appetite suppression is pretty remarkable... you don't feel very hungry, and feel full with much less food. The urge for "bad" foods is gone, with some exceptions (such as in the first hour of being awake where I crave sugar or something unhealthy).

    I don't have any of the normal feelings of amphetamines that I was expecting with Qsymia... no speedy feeling, no extra energy, no restlessness - just the appetite reduction and some difficulty falling asleep. As for all the comments I read about the Topiramate side effects... it must really vary by person. I can feel the effect of the topiramate but it is very minimal and only becomes apparent if I'm especially tired. I don't experience any memory problems and in my profession, that would be extremely noticeable. And when I do drink (infrequent, moderate), I don't get significantly increased side effects. Of course, my drinking is light since I'm on a diet after all, so I would recommend against binge drinking because you will probably black out.

    With all that said, Qsymia isn't a magic pill entirely. While it managed to get my bad eating habits under control, it didn't keep me losing weight in my second month after the initial 8 lbs. My body is still bound of the same rules as before = calories in - calories burned (BMR + induced). Reading through this thread, you would think that people just took their Qsymia pill in the AM and kept losing 1 pound per day until they stopped paying for their expensive pills. And, that might be true if their "Calories In" was extremely high before; enough to account for a 1 pound deficit daily with the addition of Qsymia ~ SUM{1g (carb|protein) = 4 calories; 1g fat = 9 calories} == 454g total that would now be burned off. I don't think that would be the case for most people.

    My point is that lifestyle is still the key to losing weight... Diet, Exercise, Commitment. Qsymia is a great temporarily tool to help get everything else into place... for me at least. It is helping to glue everything in my healthy lifestyle together long enough for me to make it into a pattern that I can adopt as routine. I'm a Capricorn after all.

    Good luck to everyone out there who is thinking of trying it and remember that YMMV... always do your own extensive research first, then talk to your doctor (quiz him/her since Qsymia has only been around for a couple years) and listen to your pharmacist too.
  • barbage
    barbage Posts: 5 Member
    I started taking Qsymia about a year ago. At that time you had to get it from a special ail order pharmacy and it was very expensive. I took it about three months and lost about 20 pounds. I did not have any side effects except an empty wallet. I felt so good that I decided I could save the money and continue on my own. WRONG...Not only did I gain the weight back, but about 15 more pounds with it. I recently found out that you can now get Qsymia at the regular drug store and that my insurance pays for it, all but my copay. I called my doctor and she was more that happy to call me a new prescription. I am on day two of the starter dose. I intend to stick with it this time.
  • scullums
    I just got my prescription of Qsymia and have to say I am a bit nervous to start taking it because of not knowing what to expect. I have heard even with maintaining a healthy lifestyle you gain the weight back. I am a 12 non-Hodgkins lymphoma survivor who acquired hypo-thyroidism due to location of radiation. I exercise and eat well, but can't seem to lose the weight. I had knee surgery back in November which set me back 20lbs, I can no longer crossfit and am trying to get back into running. I need a jump start which is why my doctor recommended Qsymia, but with all the negative posts I am hesitant. If you have had experience with taking this and have kept the weight off I would love to hear from you. Thanks
  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    Has anyone used Qsymia to lose weight and then NOT gain it back? I wonder if it's just a temporary fix with scary side effects.

    "Side effects: The most common side effects are tingling hands and feet, dizziness, altered sense of taste, insomnia, constipation, and dry mouth. Serious side effects include certain birth defects (cleft lip and cleft palate), faster heart rate, suicidal thoughts or actions, and eye problems that could lead to permanent vision loss if not treated. Women who might become pregnant should get a pregnancy test before taking Qsymia, and should use birth control and get monthly pregnancy tests while on the drug. You also shouldn't take Qsymia if you have glaucoma, hyperthyroidism, heart disease, or stroke. Get regular checks of your heart when starting the drug or increasing the dose."

    "Qsymia is a federally controlled substance (CIV) because it contains phentermine and can be abused or lead to drug dependence. Keep Qsymia in a safe place, to protect it from theft. Never give your Qsymia to anyone else, because it may cause death or harm them. Selling or giving away this medicine is against the law."
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    Don't do it. You can tough it out. Remember "peanut butter out of the jar, is the fit girls ice cream out of the pint".

    When those hunger pangs just won't subside with the normal remedy, water, the Skippy "all natural peanut butter with honey", is the cure. 1 or two tablespoons does the trick, and it's sure a lot healthier than some concoction a chemist came up with in a tube.
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    I just started Qsymia along with a medically supervised one week VLCD. I can't feel any difference yet but it is only the third day. I still get hungry but I am adding veggies and that helps. I don't trust my scale but I get weighed by the doc Thursday. I would like to find someone who has or is taking this med that can share their experience with me.
  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    Don't do it. You can tough it out. Remember "peanut butter out of the jar, is the fit girls ice cream out of the pint".

    I'm not a fan of the honey, but I don't think I could have lost weight without my natural crunchy peanut butter. It is miraculous how it can keep you from feeling hungry and still be way under your calories for the day. I'll take nuts over drugs any day. :tongue:
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    Taking an appetite suppressant is not a good way to lose weight. If you ever stopped it you wouldn't have learned the habits to keep the weight off, you will just gain it back. I mean, good luck to you on your journey, but this will probably turn out to be a dead end and a waste of money.

    I'm on Topamax for Epilepsy, a pretty high dose at that. I've heard of others being prescribed it for migraines and bi-polar disorders, which is can help with. But it's stupid to use it for weight loss. Personally, the side effects may not be worth it. I have trouble remembering some words and drop of in the middle of sentences and that's one of the more mild side effect. That's something that won't go away unless I go off the medication. Not an option for me at this point. I've adjusted to my dose and it was a pain just to do that. It does help with appetite, but referring to my comment above if you can't control your eating you shouldn't be on it. Once you're off you will probably just go back to your old habits. The weight loss should be a side effect, not the main goal.

    I saw a post on the first page in regards to topamax and pregnancy, at higher levels it renders oral contraception useless. It also causes major birth defects so it's not something you want to get pregnant on.
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Yes, this medicine can cause birth defects. I can't get pregnant but you shouldn't get pregnant

    Does anyone know where I can find others on this med?
  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    Some (certainly not all!) weight loss doctors are just in the business to make lots of $$$ and do not have their patients' best interests at heart. I visited with a doctor when I had the flu, and he tried to sell me on weight loss drugs (when I was in a low normal weight category!). :mad:

    So, I'm probably biased, but perhaps you could get a second opinion (if you haven't already) on whether you need to be on a VLCD or weight loss drugs? If you are at serious, immediate health risk due to your weight, perhaps VLCD advisable, but otherwise... I'd have a hard time justifying the risk of taking drugs with scary side effects. Perhaps you have already consulted with more than one physician, but I've known too many bad doctors to trust them all.

    Be sure to be assertive and ask questions (as you are doing here, I think?). Take care of yourself. You are important!! :flowerforyou:
  • ellesoul
    ellesoul Posts: 125 Member
    Yes, this medicine can cause birth defects. I can't get pregnant but you shouldn't get pregnant

    Does anyone know where I can find others on this med?

    Currently blogging about my Q experience:
  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    Read this thread for MFP users' real reported side effects of Topamax (bald spots, memory loss, even a stroke... yikes!):

    Yes, I realize Topamax (topiramate) is not exactly the same formulation as Qsymia (phentermine and topiramate extended-release), but this thread has talked about both.

    Qsymia Side Effects:

    "Side effects of Qsymia can include mood changes such as depression and trouble sleeping. Other side effects can include confusion, problems with concentration, attention, memory or speech."

    Topamax Side Effects:

    "Common side effects of Topamax include tiredness, dizziness, coordination problems, speech problems, changes in vision and sensory distortion."
  • Naomys
    Naomys Posts: 2 Member
    I was feeling really good on the low dose once I stated the next dose I feel sleepy and depressed. I think I'm going to stop. It sucks what I paid though. I'm going to ask my dr if I can stay on the low dose.
  • MorganMoreaux
    MorganMoreaux Posts: 691 Member
    Topamax - Topiramate is a seizure medication, also called an anticonvulsant.look it up
    Some dietery doctors are finding that one of it's side effects is weight loss.... but some of the others are heart attacks, strokes, SDS (sudden death)
    I take this drug for its perscribed reason Why would anyone take it to lose weight ??????

    Omg - couldn't agree more. I took it for about six months for siezures and it was horrible! I can't believe it's being prescribed for weight loss - it almost seems irresponsible of the medical community to allow that.
  • angellll12
    angellll12 Posts: 296 Member
    I want this pill!!
    Where can I get it.
  • angellll12
    angellll12 Posts: 296 Member
    How do you go abouts getting prescribed this pill
  • tatumtracy
    tatumtracy Posts: 9 Member
    I use to take topomax with my Seroquel (I'm bipolar) and it helped me not to gain a ton of weight...HOWEVER, when i came off of it (by doctors request) I ate everything. I mean ravenous and out of control. I was even sleep eating.
    Its been 4mnths and i'm finally learning how to control my hunger. My point is this.....eventually we all have to learn to manage the hunger and make healthy choices.It was uncomfortable and hard but I'm still on the Seroquel and I control what goes in my mouth.

    Oh yeah ...I'm almost 20Lbs down from when I stopped taking it
  • lisaweaver3
    lisaweaver3 Posts: 29 Member
    Why is hunger a bad thing? It's a reminder that we now pay the price for bad choices we made in the past. Forget the pills, embrace the hunger and plan healthy strategies for not eating. Drink a glass of water, walk around the block, do 25 jumping jacks, phone a friend. Pills cannot replace a healthy mentality. Take responsibility for your body and your feelings and fight the fight. Do the next right thing.