What is your biggest motivator?



  • mercymarque
    My biggest motivator is results.. my clothes fitting better, moving up in BMI and the scale moving. I love the way I feel. I love when ppl notice the work u've put in and say how awesome u look.
  • julianpoutram
    julianpoutram Posts: 331 Member
    I like to say that my biggest motivator is my own fitness. But really the reason I want to lose weight is so that I don't feel ugly all the time. BUT as I do get fitter, my health is starting to become my priority! It feels so much better to be fitter, it's so much less draining and I feel better every day! I can only pray it stays that way!
  • antizoni1
    antizoni1 Posts: 334
    my biggest motivator is the mirror, anytime I dont feel like working out i get naked in front of the mirror, then I go to the gym
  • andrealeighx33
    andrealeighx33 Posts: 82 Member
    I have a long, long way to go. My daily motivation has become those darned MFP targets! If I am at target calories and I'm hungry I go for walk so I can eat. Apparently, I like to chase these numbers. Who knew! Initially, my exercise goal was to hit 2000 minutes per week. Now I'm trying to get to 3000+ minutes/week. I entered strength exercises and I'm trying to maintain and increase my weights and reps. Keeping track of all of these things makes all of the elusive pieces to successful weight loss more tangible for me and manageable! It's overwhelming to think I still have over 100 lbs to go. But! I CAN hit my goals for food and exercise today. Tomorrow is always a fresh start, too!

    You're almost 1/3 of the way there! That is very great progress!! And 3000* minutes/week, that is awesome! You're definitely inspiring me to set some exercise goals for myself. Thanks!
  • andrealeighx33
    andrealeighx33 Posts: 82 Member
    Biggest motivator is the future. I want to b around forever

    You are so right. I want to live a long healthy life!
  • andrealeighx33
    andrealeighx33 Posts: 82 Member
    To be a good role model for my upcoming child. I was a fat kid and I know how hard it was for me growing up. Before I got pregnant, I was working out hard, eating very well, and steadily losing weight. Now my focus is to not gain a ton of pregnancy weight. You can't preach to your kid about not being fat if you're fat yourself.

    This is so true. I know that in the future, when I'm ready to start a family, I want to be able to teach them good habits and for them to be healthy.. But how can I teach them if I don't know how to do it for myself? Also congrats on the pregnancy :) that must be super exciting!
  • andrealeighx33
    andrealeighx33 Posts: 82 Member
    my son has prader will syndrome. it's a chromosomal disorder that effects the hypothalamus and makes it so he never feels satisfied or full when he eats.. he will food seek and keep eating until someone stops him.. or worse.. We will have to keep all food out of sight and Lock all the food away. People with PWS also have low tone. and they don't metabolize calories the way typical people do. so he'll be on a 600 to 900 calorie diet and exercise regimen for life!! . If i don't get control of my own eating and activity level.. I can't control his., it's life and death for him.. and i need to be a great example for him. I want my son to be as healthy and happy as he can be. with no complications. he's just transitioned to food seeking. Time to stop procrastinating!! It's time to get serious!!! for my little guy!

    Wow I've never heard of this before, that is pretty nerve racking. You are a great mother; doing all this for him and making sure his health is #1 is heart warming. :) Good luck with your weight loss!
  • FeebRyan
    FeebRyan Posts: 738 Member
    My husband
  • andrealeighx33
    andrealeighx33 Posts: 82 Member
    Reality has hit me hard recently. My daughter will be graduating high school in less than 2yrs. It's been just the two of us for so long (not withstanding a few relationships I've had in the middle :brokenheart: ) and I'm realizing that at 38 I will have an empty nest!!! I'm excited!!! :drinker: I'm scared!!! :embarassed: I'm sad!!! :cry: I'm nervous!!! :ohwell: ...but mostly I'm unsure about what my future now holds. My life has revolved around my baby and even though I've got friendships and hobbies, I feel NOW is MY TIME to really live again. I had her at 20 so never got to do all that crazy stuff young people usually do (and I don't intend to now) but I do want to be selfish for the first time in my life.....and I want to look and feel my best while doing it!!! - Wordy, yeah but I think I just had an epiphany!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    You deserve to be selfish! Plus if you think about it, being healthier is beneficial in the short and long term! You'll feel better and you'l live longer so you can spend more time with your loved ones. :) You definitely deserve to look and feel your best, good luck to you!
  • andrealeighx33
    andrealeighx33 Posts: 82 Member
    Well, I was about to give up, then the other day after my shower, i ran up the stairs naked and my belly flopped against my legs so yeah... I'm keeping with this, even though I haven't lost a single pound in a month.

    Sadly plateaus happen :/ I haven't hit one yet but I know that when I do, it will be very difficult to stick to plan. Do you also take measurements? Maybe you've lost inches.
  • andrealeighx33
    andrealeighx33 Posts: 82 Member
    My biggest motivator is results.. my clothes fitting better, moving up in BMI and the scale moving. I love the way I feel. I love when ppl notice the work u've put in and say how awesome u look.

    These are all good! Especially the one about clothes fitting better. I was able to move down a size in pants and now those are starting to get loose! Feels great! :)
  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    Two main motivators and they're kind of related:
    (1) My kids - I want to be a part of their lives for as long as possible
    (2) I want to grow old gracefully. I don't want to be on a drug cocktail to manage this and manage that. And more drugs to counteract the side of effects of the other drugs, etc. I had my kids late in life and when I retire and we have an empty nest, I want to be able to travel (whether it be to the galapagos islands or just a weekend getaway to the beach). I want to feel GOOD when I'm old, not weak, achy and out of breath.
  • andrealeighx33
    andrealeighx33 Posts: 82 Member
    I like to say that my biggest motivator is my own fitness. But really the reason I want to lose weight is so that I don't feel ugly all the time. BUT as I do get fitter, my health is starting to become my priority! It feels so much better to be fitter, it's so much less draining and I feel better every day! I can only pray it stays that way!

    Yeah I know that feeling too well. I feel soo ugly and gross and I'm sick of it. I feel less ugly now that I'm starting to see some progress, but it still lingers.
    I also agree, I feel less drained at the end of the day and getting up and out of bed has gotten a lot easier! I'm glad to hear your doing well. :)
  • andrealeighx33
    andrealeighx33 Posts: 82 Member
    my biggest motivator is the mirror, anytime I dont feel like working out i get naked in front of the mirror, then I go to the gym

    I do this haha. I have definitely come to be more aware of my body and I'm learning not to ignore parts about it. It's a great motivator!
  • andrealeighx33
    andrealeighx33 Posts: 82 Member
    My husband

    That's good! You can do this :)
  • hendinerik
    hendinerik Posts: 287 Member
    Lately it's my fitness pal! I've been almost six months now on the healthy road and stress is catching up - but I go on the site and see all these motivated people, and it helps...!

    Other than that - turning 40, being strong, feeling great and looking great and how exercise helps keep my outlook positive motivates me.
  • andrealeighx33
    andrealeighx33 Posts: 82 Member
    Two main motivators and they're kind of related:
    (1) My kids - I want to be a part of their lives for as long as possible
    (2) I want to grow old gracefully. I don't want to be on a drug cocktail to manage this and manage that. And more drugs to counteract the side of effects of the other drugs, etc. I had my kids late in life and when I retire and we have an empty nest, I want to be able to travel (whether it be to the galapagos islands or just a weekend getaway to the beach). I want to feel GOOD when I'm old, not weak, achy and out of breath.

    I hate taking medication and I definitely don't want to have to resort to doing so later in life simply because I couldn't take better care of myself NOW. We got this, it's totally possible :)
  • andrealeighx33
    andrealeighx33 Posts: 82 Member
    Lately it's my fitness pal! I've been almost six months now on the healthy road and stress is catching up - but I go on the site and see all these motivated people, and it helps...!

    Other than that - turning 40, being strong, feeling great and looking great and how exercise helps keep my outlook positive motivates me.

    Yeah I'm really loving MFP. It's a great community! It's hard to be unmotivated when you're surrounded by people who are extremely motivated. Keep up the good work! :)
  • BurkYoung
    First 60 pounds... being 31, loosing my flight status (high BP and borderline diabetic) and wanting to live to see my kids graduate high school (this was 12 years ago)... complete

    Second 60 pounds... divorce... those who are divorced after 19 years of marriage know what I mean ;) ... complete

    Balance... wanting to wake up EVERY DAY NOT BEING OBESE !!!!!!!... complete

    Next 16 pounds... wanting to wake up under 200 pounds every day... then I can continue to maintain !!!!! ... in progress....

    Good luck all !!!!!
  • julesw734
    julesw734 Posts: 100
    Healthier eating and living.. Plus I want to look good in my clothes again.. We are trying to get pregnant still and I heard if your a healthy weight before pregnancy it helps with healthier pregnancy..