So your eating less crap, but its still CRAP



  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    Why do people call junk treats and rewards? I am with this lady...fuel your body with the best not the worst...junk should be assigned to the bin really, not used as treats and does make my blood boil a bit when I see those two words used, so does the word cheat...ugh!

    I love treats but they really dont need to be the food kind. A new pair of shoes or something is a way better treat than a piece of cake. Although I do eat birthday cake for birthdays...
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Eating meal replacement shakes and artificial foods is crap to me. It ranks right up there with eating fast food. I wouldn't comment on anyone else's eating patterns until I was eating totally clean food that I grew in my own garden and knew was absolutely pristine. Typical case of someone making a life change that just has to be embraced by everyone!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I'm so glad that you aren't on MY friend's list, Judgey McJudgerson!

    Wow! :noway:
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    "Crap" is subjective. What you think is "crap," other people might not agree with. What you think is healthy, other people might think is "crap." I mean, I see things in your diary that I would label as "crap," as I think people should eat real food, rather than processed stuff like PB2 and meal replacement shakes. But, to each their own.

  • MyBodyMyMachine
    You guys are all picking apart a comment to make it about what upsets YOU and missing the point entirely. I guess I know now not to bother with the forums on here. Eat what you want, by all means. Shame on me for caring.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    I always say:

    "You can't get upset over the results you don't get with the work you didn't do"

    Getting healthier is more than about exercising. It's a whole new lifestyle. Food, exercise, mindset, will power, determination.

    Although I am guilty from having a treat every once in a while. I didn't let that fool me. A treat is a treat. But having that bowl of ice-cream with those chips every day is going to derail your weight loss.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    In my experience a lot of people that start out are just trying to lose weight. They are more worried about the calories in their food rather than the nutrients in their food. If they stick around for a while they learn things and slowly start to make better choices and start to focus more on health. Especially when they start shedding weight and seeing how good they look underneath all the fat.
  • lovinmyselfagain
    lovinmyselfagain Posts: 307 Member
    Sometimes it is a bit shocking seeing what other people eat, but we don't know where they started. This could actually be an improvement for them, so I don't judge them. But you can give helpful ideas without being critical and judgmental...we all have our own issues and struggles...we should all keep that in mind.
  • NakedLunchTime
    You must have a sad life to worry about other peoples food diaries.

    So if you don't care at all about the success of other people in this community, why are you here posting? Just read the posts for yourself if that's all you care about.

    That's putting words in my mouth, I didn't once say I didn't care 'at all' about the success of others here, but to actually post a thread saying 'it's driving me mental' is a tad extreme. And this thread is hardly caring.

    Right! Some people may be eating a lot less "junk" than before. It is a process. Plus..I still don't see what the point of this thread was. What did you intend to get out of it??
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    You guys are all picking apart a comment to make it about what upsets YOU and missing the point entirely. I guess I know now not to bother with the forums on here. Eat what you want, by all means. Shame on me for caring.

    I have lost more than a significant amount of weight as well as added some decent muscle (still working on it obviously) and I've done it by eating what I want through moderation and avoided my eventual downfall due to deprivation. In some cases, it's not just about what you put in your body, but managing your mentality as well, and I do that through moderation. A "clean" diet is not the only way! So grow up! And find something better to do besides poking around in your friend's diaries!
  • TDBrims
    TDBrims Posts: 138
    People like you lady are the reason I have my diary set to friends and have precisely 2 of them on here who can see it my best mate and my personal trainer....I have no desire to be judged by strangers even though in my opinion my diary is squeaky clean but everyone's opinion of clean is different...Jog on
  • NakedLunchTime
    People like you lady are the reason I have my diary set to friends and have precisely 2 of them on here who can see it my best mate and my personal trainer....I have no desire to be judged by strangers even though in my opinion my diary is squeaky clean but everyone's opinion of clean is different...Jog on

    "Jog on"!! I love this!!
  • soulfulsally
    I don't know where my MFP pals are coming from in terms of former eating habits, so how can I judge them now? Change is a process and we all are starting at different levels.
  • TinGirl314
    TinGirl314 Posts: 430 Member
    It's not the fact that you care that is annoying everyone.
    It's the way you're saying it.
    And truth be told you might be a trained professional, but that doesn't give you control over what other people eat.

    And what are you trying to gain from this thread?
    To upset people and make them feel bad about their choices?
    Most of us already feel bad when we eat 'junk' (Our definitions are probably very different) we don't need other people going through our personal logs and calling us out in a forum post to get that result.

    I don't know why it's so hard to just focus on your individual journey, if people ask for advice give it.
    If people are trying to figure things out for themselves, leave them alone and let them do what they want.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    You guys are all picking apart a comment to make it about what upsets YOU and missing the point entirely. I guess I know now not to bother with the forums on here. Eat what you want, by all means. Shame on me for caring.

    I think you are missing the point. I can just as easily judge you, which is why it is silly to be perched on your high horse.

    Again, my example is I don't agree with your use of protein powder. Should I berate you because I care about the manufactured powdery crap you are putting in your body? Are you not able to see why your post proves the point that it is useless to judge?
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member

    I love treats but they really dont need to be the food kind. A new pair of shoes or something is a way better treat than a piece of cake. Although I do eat birthday cake for birthdays...

    Yay! Just what I meant, new clothes, perfume, something non food related... : ) I eat cake and stuff too, it isn't treats, cheats or rewards...
  • JasonDetwiler
    JasonDetwiler Posts: 364 Member
    Just a quick observation...

    The majority of the avatars telling the OP to cram it because she's a judgmental loser and a meanie pants are not fit, lean, jacked, or awesome looking.

    The majority of the avatars supporting the OP's support of others by telling them the truth about their choices and the impact of said choices on their stated goals are leaner, more fit looking, and in general people whose opinions on subjects such as those this site would find useful I would listen to.

    Just an observation...

    BTW, I had a four-patty Five Guys cheeseburger with fries and a large DQ Resse cup Bizzard with EXTRA STUFF last night as part of my Carb Backloading program. This morning I woke up lean, tight, and ready to take new pictures. I've done this five of the last eight days and I'm down three pounds from two weeks ago. I'm going to drop a weight class for my PL meet next Saturday. Are my choices CRAP? As with all things on this site, it depends on your plans and your goals. In my case, this type of food elicits an insulin response that helps me build and/or maintain muscle mass and replenish glycogen stores while cutting fat the other 18 hours of the day when insulin is suppressed.

    That being said, I'd bet that the OP is referring to people in her circle of friends who have stated goals that are not supported by their food choices and/or plans that do not include those food choices. OP has made some good progress based on her avatar pic, so she probably has valid things to say and the fact she cares about the people in her circle to the point she gets frustrated with them for sabotaging themselves means she's a good MFP pal.

    Heck, I think I'll friend request her right now...
  • JasonDetwiler
    JasonDetwiler Posts: 364 Member
    You guys are all picking apart a comment to make it about what upsets YOU and missing the point entirely. I guess I know now not to bother with the forums on here. Eat what you want, by all means. Shame on me for caring.

    I think you are missing the point. I can just as easily judge you, which is why it is silly to be perched on your high horse.

    Again, my example is I don't agree with your use of protein powder. Should I berate you because I care about the manufactured powdery crap you are putting in your body? Are you not able to see why your post proves the point that it is useless to judge?

    You work out at Planet Fitness, don't you...
  • stufielding
    stufielding Posts: 49 Member
    Everyone is different! to say it drives you mental is a bit over the top! and to create a post about it is even more so!

    For some "crap" "treats" "cheats" whatever you want to call them, might be a no no! good for you... what ever works

    However, for people who eat good during the week, have a treat at the weekend and are still losing... good for them too! its better than eating "crap" throughout the week! as long as they are loosing \ maintaining whatever the goal is.

    My diary is no way near squeaky clean, with work getting in the way etc. But I try my very best to eat a healthy breakfast and a fairly decent lunch. Evening meal the same.

    But if my mates want to go and have some beers or something on a Saturday night... I’m going to go out and drink beer with them! that to me, is my "treat" and soon as Monday come around back on track...

    Chill the f**k out!!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    It's really driving me mental!!! I have something like 89 friends on here. I browse a lot of food journals (friends and random people, too) and am SHOCKED by what I see most of the time. Most of you want to lose weight but I see are not willing to change your ways. Food for thought on this Thursday. Lean on your support network if you need help. That's why we're here! Why log in every day and record CRAP. If you want to change your body, CHANGE YOUR DIET!

    This is really a sad way to live life. :ohwell: