So your eating less crap, but its still CRAP



  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    I dont know about you but to me this is a lifestyle change not a diet and no food to me is off limits... Plus why worry about what other people eat your attitude is why people keep there diary's private....

    ^^this exactly...I eat what is available to eat. Unfortunately, on my budget fruits and vegetables are a luxury that I can't always afford...I do sometimes hit the snack machine, but it is there and over the course of my life there will be days when I do that...and guess what?? I'm not only losing weight, but my body IS changing-yay, me!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Yesterday, we had a work party and I ate a cupcake AND a slice of cake and then I ate three mini Twix that I bought for Halloween.

    I guess I should just give up now.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Just a quick observation...

    The majority of the avatars telling the OP to cram it because she's a judgmental loser and a meanie pants are not fit, lean, jacked, or awesome looking.

    Not everyone wants to look like you.

    Just sayin'.
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Why log in every day and record CRAP. If you want to change your body, CHANGE YOUR DIET!

    Maybe they log it every day because they need to see what they're doing to their bodies in order to help them make changes. This is a long term goal and also an expirement for some people. You have no clue what these people are doing and what really goes on in people's minds so... I agree with most the other people, chill the f out.
  • annehart00
    Small changes implemented over time has a better lifetime success rate. Many people who change their diets overnight can't sustain that change long term - there are both mental and physical challanges to dramatic changes. I remember when I decided to eat the cleanest, mostly raw diet possible. I ended up with crippling stomach pains for months, even after changing my diet back. People need to do this in a way that works for them... so if the beginning step is portion size, great. Maybe the next step will be more fresh food, et cetera.
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Crap is good for my mental health.

    Also *you're. Sorry, but it's driving me mental.
  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member

    I have lost more than a significant amount of weight as well as added some decent muscle (still working on it obviously) and I've done it by eating what I want through moderation and avoided my eventual downfall due to deprivation. In some cases, it's not just about what you put in your body, but managing your mentality as well, and I do that through moderation. A "clean" diet is not the only way! So grow up! And find something better to do besides poking around in your friend's diaries!

    ^ True Story
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    "Crap" is subjective. What you think is "crap," other people might not agree with. What you think is healthy, other people might think is "crap." I mean, I see things in your diary that I would label as "crap," as I think people should eat real food, rather than processed stuff like PB2 and meal replacement shakes. But, to each their own.

    The cat is right.
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    I understand what the OP is saying, but everyone is on a different journey with different goals. For some people an entirely "clean" diet is simply not sustainable for them, and they need to do what they can to maintain a sustainable, healthier lifestyle than the one from which they started.

    For some others, they are in a learning curve to reshape their lifestyle and that takes time.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Just a quick observation...

    The majority of the avatars telling the OP to cram it because she's a judgmental loser and a meanie pants are not fit, lean, jacked, or awesome looking.

    The majority of the avatars supporting the OP's support of others by telling them the truth about their choices and the impact of said choices on their stated goals are leaner, more fit looking, and in general people whose opinions on subjects such as those this site would find useful I would listen to.

    Just an observation...

    BTW, I had a four-patty Five Guys cheeseburger with fries and a large DQ Resse cup Bizzard with EXTRA STUFF last night as part of my Carb Backloading program. This morning I woke up lean, tight, and ready to take new pictures. I've done this five of the last eight days and I'm down three pounds from two weeks ago. I'm going to drop a weight class for my PL meet next Saturday. Are my choices CRAP? As with all things on this site, it depends on your plans and your goals. In my case, this type of food elicits an insulin response that helps me build and/or maintain muscle mass and replenish glycogen stores while cutting fat the other 18 hours of the day when insulin is suppressed.

    That being said, I'd bet that the OP is referring to people in her circle of friends who have stated goals that are not supported by their food choices and/or plans that do not include those food choices. OP has made some good progress based on her avatar pic, so she probably has valid things to say and the fact she cares about the people in her circle to the point she gets frustrated with them for sabotaging themselves means she's a good MFP pal.

    Heck, I think I'll friend request her right now...

    Well my diary is public. Maybe she should bookmark my diary page whenever she needs a good cry! :happy: :laugh: :laugh:

    I will also readily admit to being fat. I discovered this truth over the summer. Why it took so long, I don't know, but I do know that since I've been on MFP, there are a good number of folks who would think that *most* of what I eat is crap. I don't really care. I aim for my macros with food that I enjoy. That is all. :smokin:
  • HermioneDanger118
    HermioneDanger118 Posts: 345 Member
    I dont know about you but to me this is a lifestyle change not a diet and no food to me is off limits... Plus why worry about what other people eat your attitude is why people keep there diary's private....

    Yup! Some of us have chosen to do this in a more 'everyting in moderation' method, not go completely clean. This is a personal choice. If your friends ask for help then by all means, scan their diary and make suggestions. Otherwise who cares?! This is the reason why my diary is only open to friends and even then I rarely "complete" so that it's not out there to be viewed. My life, my choices.

    ETA: OP - who said you were a loser? We're just saying you're getting your panties in a twist over something that's neither any of your business nor something you can dictate to someone else. You've chosen to go completely clean - good for you!! Why mandate that all your friends do the same thing? Live and let live and calm down!

    How would you feel if some religious zealot came up to you and said you're going to hell unless you live the way they say you should? This is really not that much different...

    I actually never thought of not "complete"ing - good call!
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    It's not the fact that you care that is annoying everyone.
    It's the way you're saying it.

  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I understand how this is supposed to be a lifestyle and not a diet but I'm with you on this one. I have seen diaries that consist of a doughnut and sugar filled coffee for breakfast, yogurt and half a banana for lunch, then one cup of velveeta shells and cheese for dinner. Over and over again. I try to be helpful by saying something like, where are the veggies? Fiber? Etc., without being anal about it. We are here to help people out, not put them down. I also understand that all of us on in our own place in this journey and it took me a while to eat healthier. It took me at least 3 weeks just to realize that what I was eating WAS crap.
    Maybe they are going through unimaginable stress and don't really have the time or MENTAL energy to eat healthier.
    I'm under a lot of stress myself and I try, really try, to eat healthy foods but some days I'll choose a sodium laden frozen dinner due to the convenience of popping it in the microwave. Sometimes it's just too much mentally to prepare all of the healthier stuff. I don't do it daily but I am guilty of it. I'd delete someone if they repeatedly *****ed at me about doing that. Walk in my shoes one day and see how you cope.
    Anyway,, yeah, many of us need to improve our diets, but we are here to support each other, not alienate. When someone chooses to lose weight, start eating healthier and exercise, etc., it has to be when they are ready, not when we want them to be.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    Tell that to the people who have lost over 100 pounds still eating all their favorite junk foods.

    I reached my first goal weight easily and totally changed my body composition, all while still eating the foods I loved, just less of them. I make healthy choices more often now, but not all the time at all.

    If you can eat clean all the time that's great, but it's not for all of us and it's not necessary for weight loss.
  • freckledrats
    freckledrats Posts: 251 Member
    IMO logging in everyday and recording crap somewhat around your calorie range is FAR better than not logging in at all, or logging in and not recording. All of which I'm guilty of.

    Changing your lifestyle isn't easy, and it's not like flipping a light switch (at least, not for most people. Congrats if it is for you.)

    Worry about your own journal. If your crap-eating friends ask you for advice, give it. Otherwise, just support them for the simple reason that they are probably making progress in their own way, if not your way.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Why log in every day and record CRAP. If you want to change your body, CHANGE YOUR DIET!

    Maybe they log it every day because they need to see what they're doing to their bodies in order to help them make changes. This is a long term goal and also an expirement for some people. You have no clue what these people are doing and what really goes on in people's minds so... I agree with most the other people, chill the f out.

    Very good point! Some people think it's "cheating" to eat cake or candies. But to me, it's only "cheating" if you eat something and don't log it! Is the OP insinuating that if someone "eats crap" that they should then become a lying cheat as well and simply not log it? Just insane!
  • pattychatty
    pattychatty Posts: 6 Member
    I'm also monitoring my sugar levels, sometimes I need a jumpstart.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    I got fat eating TOO MUCH healthful food. Second helpings of acorn squash quinoa, big bowls of delicious delicious bran flakes. I would have been better off eating at McDonalds three times a day than some of the calorie-dense oatmeal I devoured. Even the deicious chicken and cabbage with mashed cauliflower I had all week was the same calories as a cheesesteak and not quite as filling.
  • capnwo85
    capnwo85 Posts: 1,103 Member

  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Yesterday, we had a work party and I ate a cupcake AND a slice of cake and then I ate three mini Twix that I bought for Halloween.

    I guess I should just give up now.

    OMG! You will never be fit! Just give up! Hurry before the OP sees it! :tongue: :laugh: