Read this and then make jerky comments.



  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    So..what exactly are you expecting as a result from starting this thread?

    World Peace and perhaps my own daytime talk show.
    I think both of these are possible.
    Oh, and I like jerky.
  • ♥ this!
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057

    Do you stand in the library and slap books out of peoples hands while screaming "DON'T READ THAT BOOK. I'VE ALREADY READ IT. LET ME SUMMARIZE IT FOR YOU!" Probably not. But if you do, I'd enjoy watching this. Please let me know.
    You just made me spit water everywhere!! LMAO!!
    Great post and you are 100% right!! And I need to be your friend! :laugh:
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    I think about it the same way I do at work with new employees.

    I am always super sweet to new crew and very patient, but others can be really rude to them and get frustrated with their lack of knowledge,

    I tell them to try and remember what it was like when they first started and knew nothing and just got thrown into it. It can be overwhelming and stressful and you have lots of questions. The best way to get them to grow is to be patient, understanding and answer all their questions the best you can.

    I have the same frame of mind when on this site.
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    didn't they create a stickied FAQ already?

    Sure, but that's not the point. Some people want to just read those posts, get the info and move on. Others want to have their own discussions with other people, learn new things, hear new opinions, etc. Either way works,
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member

    How many people would walk into your library and start yelling at the top of their lungs:


    In the library there are places to LOOK for the information you want. On ANY forum that is about ANY, crafts, golf, raising kids, bathing dogs, WEIGHT LOSS, there are these things called STICKIES. These stickies are like a MAP to the library, they tell you all the information you need, and where to go to find anything else you want. Also on ANY forum there's a search which you can use to find other things AFTER you have read the stickies.

    I'm sorry to assume that 90% of people who are on this forum have been on the Internet for long enough to know how to search and who probably have also been to at least 1 other 'forum' and have seen a sticky. I've actually been on sites where if you asked a question that was asked in the last 6 months they just deleted your thread so you didn't clog up the board where other people could be asking NEW questions. Considering at least 80% of people here have profile pictures and BIO's they would have to at least have some sort of mental capacity to read and notice the little pictures of locks and pushpins at the top. Possibly their brains could comprehend the messages there..READ ME.. pretty obvious no? The choice NOT to follow these easily laid out instructions is akin to yelling in the library..People are going to get annoyed with you for doing it.

    Crying that people are being mean when you have gone out of your way to IGNORE the help that is right the first thing you see in this forum...Unless you lack the mental capacity to read - and maybe some people do (but I doubt they would be here) - or have some sort of disorder that makes you stupid (again probably wouldn't be here) - is just wasting everyone's time.

    [JERK..OFF :devil: ]
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member

    Do you stand in the library and slap books out of peoples hands while screaming "DON'T READ THAT BOOK. I'VE ALREADY READ IT. LET ME SUMMARIZE IT FOR YOU!" Probably not. But if you do, I'd enjoy watching this. Please let me know.

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the analogy.....

    I don't care how many times people ask a question...I'll answer it 50x if I feel like it or not.....maybe because I get the same questions over and over at work every single day; guess what? I still have to answer the question, but I have some quick start guides I've built to help them out, so I don't always have to repeat myself...sometimes this is enough, other times, I still have to walk them through b/c they don't quite get it.....I don't mind, it's good customer service, they feel like I helped them; if I happen to need their help in the future....they'll bend over backwards to give it to me. I like the scratch my back and I'll scratch yours or you reap what you sew.....I try to make sure it's good.

  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    First, I'd like to state this is not a "OMG PPL ON MFP ARE SO MEAN AND I HATE IT! WAAAH" thread. Because I realize of course some people on here are going to be jerks, jerks are everywhere. I don't even involve myself with them. Also, a lot of the time, it's more funny than mean and some people can just be sensitive..etc.. Also, I'm a pretty big jerk sometimes, and it's kind of great.

    But, something that really gets on my nerves is people complaining about people asking the same questions over and over. Who cares. Yes, every day there are new threads asking about water, eating back exercise calories, certain diet or fitness programs, etc. I realize this can seem annoying, but I would never complain about it or say something snarky to the question asker because

    1) No one is forcing me to read any thread

    2) Not everyone knows what you know. Not everyone has been here for weeks, months, years. Just because you've had the conversation before, doesn't mean they have. Sure, the could easily search the forum for old conversations...but they want to experience it themselves, speak to new people about it, make friends and find support not experience it second hand by reading month old threads that they can't contribute to.

    I don't know the exact number, but let's say 80 kajillion new people join MFP each day, aren't they entitled to discover and experience and learn at their own rate?

    Do you stand in the library and slap books out of peoples hands while screaming "DON'T READ THAT BOOK. I'VE ALREADY READ IT. LET ME SUMMARIZE IT FOR YOU!" Probably not. But if you do, I'd enjoy watching this. Please let me know.

  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member

    It's what's for dinner?

    I was told to make jerky comments.

    ^^^this is why I want a LIKE button. :laugh:
  • slackerwoman
    slackerwoman Posts: 261 Member

    Do you stand in the library and slap books out of peoples hands while screaming "DON'T READ THAT BOOK. I'VE ALREADY READ IT. LET ME SUMMARIZE IT FOR YOU!" Probably not. But if you do, I'd enjoy watching this. Please let me know.

    This is funny and glorious analogy. I agree 100%.

    Love it! And I wanna come watch too.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    But those people aren't writing a new book every time... If I have a question, I tend to search and see if it's already been asked and answered a hundred times before I create a new thread. Just me, I don't need everything spoon fed directly to me.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    Do you stand in the library and slap books out of peoples hands while screaming "DON'T READ THAT BOOK. I'VE ALREADY READ IT. LET ME SUMMARIZE IT FOR YOU!" Probably not. But if you do, I'd enjoy watching this. Please let me know.

    This is funny and glorious analogy. I agree 100%.

    I completely disagree. I think the analogy is a horrible one.

    A more accurate analogy would be one in which someone goes to a library, but chooses not to read the books, and instead asks other people to summarize the books for them. Those people would prefer cliff notes.

    A person who wants cliff notes or crib notes or whatever you want to call them either cannot or will not invest the time in reading the book that they were assigned. Instead, they are choosing for a synopsis, in the end, enabling them to worry less about learning the material and more about getting to an end is a short cut, if you will.

    Short cuts, don't help people. Short answers don't help people...and by the way, this is all my opinion...I am not an authority on anything. But from what I have experienced, people who want answers spoon fed to them, forget how to learn. The information they gain is almost pointless because it gets filed incorrectly in their brains. They don't know why they know something, or why something is, just that it is and they should accept it, almost on faith.

    This is all hard work. I applaud the efforts of those who try, whether or not they succeed. To me, asking questions you can answer on your with a little effort is akin to not trying.


  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    But those people aren't writing a new book every time... If I have a question, I tend to search and see if it's already been asked and answered a hundred times before I create a new thread. Just me, I don't need everything spoon fed directly to me.

    Neither do I. But some people do. Who am I to deny them that?

    I just think everyone should be nice and respectful to each other. But obviously, we're on the internet, this shall never happen.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    Do you stand in the library and slap books out of peoples hands while screaming "DON'T READ THAT BOOK. I'VE ALREADY READ IT. LET ME SUMMARIZE IT FOR YOU!" Probably not. But if you do, I'd enjoy watching this. Please let me know.

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the analogy.....

    I don't care how many times people ask a question...I'll answer it 50x if I feel like it or not.....maybe because I get the same questions over and over at work every single day; guess what? I still have to answer the question, but I have some quick start guides I've built to help them out, so I don't always have to repeat myself...sometimes this is enough, other times, I still have to walk them through b/c they don't quite get it.....I don't mind, it's good customer service, they feel like I helped them; if I happen to need their help in the future....they'll bend over backwards to give it to me. I like the scratch my back and I'll scratch yours or you reap what you sew.....I try to make sure it's good.


    Same here. I'm in customer service. Answering the same question over and over is common. And yes, the whole thing would be avoided if the client was smart enough to know how to look the answer up for themselves. But then I'd be out of work! :laugh:

    Face it. Some people are NOT smart enough to use Google. True story.
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member

    Face it. Some people are NOT smart enough to use Google. True story.

    I bet my mother doesn't know how to use it. She calls my iPod a "walkman". Enough said.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Do you stand in the library and slap books out of peoples hands while screaming "DON'T READ THAT BOOK. I'VE ALREADY READ IT. LET ME SUMMARIZE IT FOR YOU!" Probably not. But if you do, I'd enjoy watching this. Please let me know.

    People go to the library to learn and find out information for themselves and dig deep for knowledge, so of course I would never slap a book out of their hands - I may slip them a note of recommendations and give them a kudos though.

    But that is not what is happening on MFP.

    Unfortunately, MFP is not a community built mostly of people digging for the knowledge to change themselves. Instead it is a community made almost entirely of people who live a life built on excuses and denial who have not yet learned that they even NEED to dig deep into knowledge. They are plagued by propaganda dressed as knowledge they have been gobbling up for years. This training to adopt justification for not changing habits, for finding new reasons why the right things won't work for you specifically, to resist change and to find the easy way or the shortcut.... is not finding knowledge. They want the shortest possible easy answer handed to them fresh and customized on a silver sugar coated platter.

    Im talking about newbies, not those who have already 'woken up'.

    Those of us that are trying to help, are slapping the wrong perspective out of their heads and putting the right info in their hands.

    When someone takes away all the excuses you've been snuggling for years, you get butthurt - or you get moving.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Do you stand in the library and slap books out of peoples hands while screaming "DON'T READ THAT BOOK. I'VE ALREADY READ IT. LET ME SUMMARIZE IT FOR YOU!" Probably not. But if you do, I'd enjoy watching this. Please let me know.

    People go to the library to learn and find out information for themselves and dig deep for knowledge, so of course I would never slap a book out of their hands - I may slip them a note of recommendations and give them a kudos though.

    But that is not what is happening on MFP.

    Unfortunately, MFP is not a community built mostly of people digging for the knowledge to change themselves. Instead it is a community made almost entirely of people who live a life built on excuses and denial who have not yet learned that they even NEED to dig deep into knowledge. They are plagued by propaganda dressed as knowledge they have been gobbling up for years. This training to adopt justification for not changing habits, for finding new reasons why the right things won't work for you specifically, to resist change and to find the easy way or the shortcut.... is not finding knowledge. They want the shortest possible easy answer handed to them fresh and customized on a silver sugar coated platter.

    Im talking about newbies, not those who have already 'woken up'.

    Those of us that are trying to help, are slapping the wrong perspective out of their heads and putting the right info in their hands.

    When someone takes away all the excuses you've been snuggling for years, you get butthurt - or you get moving.

  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    Do you stand in the library and slap books out of peoples hands while screaming "DON'T READ THAT BOOK. I'VE ALREADY READ IT. LET ME SUMMARIZE IT FOR YOU!" Probably not. But if you do, I'd enjoy watching this. Please let me know.

    People go to the library to learn and find out information for themselves and dig deep for knowledge, so of course I would never slap a book out of their hands - I may slip them a note of recommendations and give them a kudos though.

    But that is not what is happening on MFP.

    Unfortunately, MFP is not a community built mostly of people digging for the knowledge to change themselves. Instead it is a community made almost entirely of people who live a life built on excuses and denial who have not yet learned that they even NEED to dig deep into knowledge. They are plagued by propaganda dressed as knowledge they have been gobbling up for years. This training to adopt justification for not changing habits, for finding new reasons why the right things won't work for you specifically, to resist change and to find the easy way or the shortcut.... is not finding knowledge. They want the shortest possible easy answer handed to them fresh and customized on a silver sugar coated platter.

    Im talking about newbies, not those who have already 'woken up'.

    Those of us that are trying to help, are slapping the wrong perspective out of their heads and putting the right info in their hands.

    When someone takes away all the excuses you've been snuggling for years, you get butthurt - or you get moving.

    I agree with you 100%. I'm not against people correcting other people, or offering them up different information. I mostly meant those who complain about threads coming up again and again. Not everyone joined this site on the same day.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member

    How many people would walk into your library and start yelling at the top of their lungs:


    In the library there are places to LOOK for the information you want. On ANY forum that is about ANY, crafts, golf, raising kids, bathing dogs, WEIGHT LOSS, there are these things called STICKIES. These stickies are like a MAP to the library, they tell you all the information you need, and where to go to find anything else you want. Also on ANY forum there's a search which you can use to find other things AFTER you have read the stickies.

    I'm sorry to assume that 90% of people who are on this forum have been on the Internet for long enough to know how to search and who probably have also been to at least 1 other 'forum' and have seen a sticky. I've actually been on sites where if you asked a question that was asked in the last 6 months they just deleted your thread so you didn't clog up the board where other people could be asking NEW questions. Considering at least 80% of people here have profile pictures and BIO's they would have to at least have some sort of mental capacity to read and notice the little pictures of locks and pushpins at the top. Possibly their brains could comprehend the messages there..READ ME.. pretty obvious no? The choice NOT to follow these easily laid out instructions is akin to yelling in the library..People are going to get annoyed with you for doing it.

    Crying that people are being mean when you have gone out of your way to IGNORE the help that is right the first thing you see in this forum...Unless you lack the mental capacity to read - and maybe some people do (but I doubt they would be here) - or have some sort of disorder that makes you stupid (again probably wouldn't be here) - is just wasting everyone's time.

    [JERK..OFF :devil: ]

    And in the "jerky" but right category... this! :drinker: