
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    i've never seen a single research article supporting the notion that eating carbs before bed, or after a certain hour, will put fat on you. like most people are saying, its going above or below your calorie needs thats going to drive it.

    As far as wether or not your glycogen stores are full, i'd say thats directly related to how many calories you need. so if you glycogen stores are full, then your probably exceeding your calorie needs anyways. maybe it would be more acurate to say that eating carbs at night (or any time) will only put on fat if you've eaten beyond your carbohydarte needs for the day.

    though i'd disagree with that, if you ate a lot of processed sugar in one sitting, and were still below your daily carb needs, the insulin response would cause the sugar in your blood stream to be stored as fat. If you were still in a defecit for the day you probably wouldn't gain weight, but there would still be that biochemical reaction that added to your fat stores.

    of course thats the same thing that makes processed sugars a GOOD idea post workout, the insulin resonse that is

    Look what a quick google search brought up......

    ''If you find you’re gaining too much fat then you should cut out carbs after 7pm. Unless you have a fast metabolism, eating carbs late at night is generally not a good idea. Your body does not need the energy while you’re sleeping so it’s likely to store the carbs as fat''

    Source -

    Like i said, you can find anything to back up statements if you look.


    i said i've never seen a single RESEARCH article backing up such claims.

    A research artilce contains the methodologies and conclusions of emperical experiments or observations and comes from a peer reviewed journal.

    Yes, you can find pretty much anything on the internet to back up just about any statement. but i was looking for some thing acutally based on emperical research, not just what one guy thinks based on his experience. find me one of those and you get a gold star.
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    If I lay in bed all day do I still needs the carbs?
  • Bridget0927
    Bridget0927 Posts: 438 Member
    If I lay in bed all day do I still needs the carbs?

    I think you specifically need Taco Bell and oreos.
  • guardian419
    guardian419 Posts: 391 Member
    I love your broscience :) thanks, I'll totally forget about this 'girly' gluten intolerance and go eat a dozen doughnuts :D
  • LaSweetMini
    LaSweetMini Posts: 157 Member
    I lost a ton of weight with my plant based and high healthy carb diet. I feel amazing.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    also think the post about people confusing the term 'grains' with 'carbs' is very accurate.

    here are my general guidelines for determining good and carbs:

    - Most carbs that don't come pre-packaged are good for you (fruits, veggies, and i'd include starches such as potatoes, but sweet potatoes are better)

    - if its made of grain, and it tastes good, its got a high glycemic index (bad carb)

    Aww, that makes me feel sad for you. I prefer the taste of many low GI or GL grains to the more processed stuff. I never cared much for rice until I tasted brown rice. 100% whole grain bread is much tastier and more filling than the processed white stuff. Pasta is better when it's cooked al dente, than when it's overcooked and mushy.

    In general, I've found that the more processed the grain the less flavor it has. I suppose that's why they have to add so many flavor enhancers to processed foods.
  • Carbs rock, at least 60% of my diet is carbs!! Waffles at night? Yes!
  • Jojo42
    Jojo42 Posts: 223
    I lost a ton of weight with my plant based and high healthy carb diet. I feel amazing.

    You're looking good on it too:flowerforyou:
  • Dunkelheit666
    Dunkelheit666 Posts: 223 Member
    Carbs rock, at least 60% of my diet is carbs!! Waffles at night? Yes!

    there was a boxing movie a few years back....antonio banderas and woody i believe...

    they got mad at eachother cuz they both ordered their prefight meal: waffles.
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    I'm an avid follower of The Blood Type Diet and The Genotype Diet books from Dr. Peter D'Adamo. Since I'm an O+ blood type, I eat accordingly. It fits me to a T.

    I also have systemic Candida and various food allergies/intolerances that affect my eating.

    The great thing about the world we live in is, we have a choice. I'm so glad that others can not force their ideals and dogma down my throat.
  • mnishi
    mnishi Posts: 419 Member
    So, I can drop the potatos, the rice, the pasta, and get all my carbs from VEGETABLES (which are carbs)... Right?

    Yes. I'm right.

    Why? Because I dropped carbs, feel fan-frikkin'-tastic, and I've lost weight. So there.

    Boom Roasted!!!!!

    Did I miss the part where someone said that fruits and veggies aren't carbs and that only rice, pasta and potatoes are carbs?
    If you are eating fruits and veggies then you have not dropped carbs, you have merely switched to nutrient dense carbs which is probably why you feel great.
  • Dunkelheit666
    Dunkelheit666 Posts: 223 Member
    I'm an avid follower of The Blood Type Diet and The Genotype Diet books from Dr. Peter D'Adamo. Since I'm an O+ blood type, I eat accordingly. It fits me to a T.

    I also have systemic Candida and various food allergies/intolerances that affect my eating.

    The great thing about the world we live in is, we have a choice. I'm so glad that others can not force their ideals and dogma down my throat.

    I dunno my blood type
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    here are my general guidelines for determining good and carbs:

    - Most carbs that don't come pre-packaged are good for you (fruits, veggies, and i'd include starches such as potatoes, but sweet potatoes are better)

    - if its made of grain, and it tastes good, its got a high glycemic index (bad carb)

    That's how I see it too.

    Course I do everything bad in moderation... :bigsmile:

    I don't believe in "bad foods" or "junk foods." Rather, I believe in trying to fit as much nutrition in as possible while staying within my calorie goal.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Carbs rock, at least 60% of my diet is carbs!! Waffles at night? Yes!

  • LoggingForLife
    LoggingForLife Posts: 504 Member
    I see you are new here, we've had this discussion 9 million times in the past few months, so if people are snarky, that may be why. If you want to start a decent conversation, try using respectful language (ex. carb nazis) and don't provide "research" unless you give the source. A credible source.

    Just a few suggestions that you didn't ask for. And welcome.
  • Bridget0927
    Bridget0927 Posts: 438 Member
    So, I can drop the potatos, the rice, the pasta, and get all my carbs from VEGETABLES (which are carbs)... Right?

    Yes. I'm right.

    Why? Because I dropped carbs, feel fan-frikkin'-tastic, and I've lost weight. So there.

    Boom Roasted!!!!!

    Did I miss the part where someone said that fruits and veggies aren't carbs and that only rice, pasta and potatoes are carbs?
    If you are eating fruits and veggies then you have not dropped carbs, you have merely switched to nutrient dense carbs which is probably why you feel great.

    Yea you missed it, someone said it somewhere......... :-)
  • capnwo85
    capnwo85 Posts: 1,103 Member
    I'm an avid follower of The Blood Type Diet and The Genotype Diet books from Dr. Peter D'Adamo. Since I'm an O+ blood type, I eat accordingly. It fits me to a T.

    I also have systemic Candida and various food allergies/intolerances that affect my eating.

    The great thing about the world we live in is, we have a choice. I'm so glad that others can not force their ideals and dogma down my throat.

    I dunno my blood type

    If you don't even know your own blood type, you probably shouldn't be trying to dish out other nutritional info. Just saying. :)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'm an avid follower of The Blood Type Diet and The Genotype Diet books from Dr. Peter D'Adamo. Since I'm an O+ blood type, I eat accordingly. It fits me to a T.

    I also have systemic Candida and various food allergies/intolerances that affect my eating.

    The great thing about the world we live in is, we have a choice. I'm so glad that others can not force their ideals and dogma down my throat.

    Was someone trying to force their ideals down your throat?? I really don't understand these "I have a disease/syndrome/ailment that makes me different, so you are wrong" posts. It's a bit like saying "I only have one leg so you are wrong when you say running is good".

    OF COURSE if you have something that sets you apart from the general public a general rule may not apply. That does not make the general rule wrong. And it doesn't mean people posting general rules are attacking you personally.
  • Bridget0927
    Bridget0927 Posts: 438 Member
    I'm an avid follower of The Blood Type Diet and The Genotype Diet books from Dr. Peter D'Adamo. Since I'm an O+ blood type, I eat accordingly. It fits me to a T.

    I also have systemic Candida and various food allergies/intolerances that affect my eating.

    The great thing about the world we live in is, we have a choice. I'm so glad that others can not force their ideals and dogma down my throat.

    Me too Girl!!!!! someone told me about it and when I read what was in it for an O blood type it was all the foods that had worked for me! I dont know how true it is for all but I know it works for my booty
  • Dunkelheit666
    Dunkelheit666 Posts: 223 Member
    I'm an avid follower of The Blood Type Diet and The Genotype Diet books from Dr. Peter D'Adamo. Since I'm an O+ blood type, I eat accordingly. It fits me to a T.

    I also have systemic Candida and various food allergies/intolerances that affect my eating.

    The great thing about the world we live in is, we have a choice. I'm so glad that others can not force their ideals and dogma down my throat.

    I dunno my blood type

    If you don't even know your own blood type, you probably shouldn't be trying to dish out other nutritional info. Just saying. :)

    not knowing my blood type will not deter me from spreading my insights to others.