EXTREME weight loss & divorce



  • iamMLH
    iamMLH Posts: 101 Member
    Several good points have already been made: it can raise insecurities in the person who doesn't lose the weight and raise confidence in the person who does. Keep in mind that in order to make a huge change, you need to become a different person, and your husband may just not like that person as much. It's also possible that as you become someone new, you won't like him as much. Those are very reasonable reactions.

    Here are two other things I would ask you to consider:
    You said you would always love him because he was with you through bad times. That may be noble, but it's not very flattering, and it implies (at least to me) that you love him for how he made you feel previously and not because of the relationship you have now. Also, rather than working through this with a man you have spent years with, you are posting it to a bunch of strangers who don't really know either one of you.
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    In because, well.....


    I made that exact face IRL.
  • dpbace
    That is hilarious!!!
  • getdancing2013
    getdancing2013 Posts: 72 Member
    my husband was NOT supportive of my weight loss. he has never been very active and has no idea about nutrition, but he also is NOT overweight. He says he loved me the way I was and wanted to know WHY I needed to change. 3 months ago, I left him. We are divorcing. We were married for 4.5 years and we had our issues, but him not supporting me in something like losing weight, was a HUGE eye opener!

    I guess it had nothing to do with the fact that you were cheating on him!!!


  • dpbace
    Again- HILARIOUS!
  • arykh24
    Nope. It had nothing to do with the fact that your husband was cheating on YOU.
  • jkowula
    jkowula Posts: 447
    My husband has voiced his worries to me about if I will "leave him" after I lose a bunch of weight. I told him "You met me at 220 lbs. I'm now down to 208, and even once I get to my goal weight I will not leave you. Because you loved me and accepted me the way I was at 220 lbs (and my highest 280) and that means alot to me!" I love this man and whether I'm fat or thin, I'll always love him the same!

    I haven't read all the pages of this thread, but THIS just made my day!
    Thanks for that...
  • dpbace
    Nope. It had nothing to do with the fact that your husband was cheating on YOU.

    *kitten* are great at not owning their responsibility in the failure of a relationship. MY husband and I are still together. He admitted his HUGE mistake in having anything to do with your nasty *kitten*! Take responsibility for YOUR part in being a bad person and a lying cheating skank!
  • sugarkissprincess
    sugarkissprincess Posts: 2,595 Member
    I have know my husband for 17 years, dated off and on in school and married when we were 24. He had already known me at my lightest and heaviest and we decided to get married. When we married I was almost 300 pounds, my dress was a size 24. We were happy, but I had noticed shortly after that it seemed as though he was constantly mentioning my HS weight and back then. He always wanted to go out with friends and never out with me. He has never been overweight so I can't really say that I can relate there but it seemed as though he was ashamed to take me out, hang out with me or show me off as his wife... until I lost the weight. 7 years later and he's extremely insecure, wants to go every where with me, doesn't hang out with his friends anymore and is always paying more attention to the guy not looking at me then me.

    My opinion is that regardless if you both lost it together or not or plan to or in my situation.. they see what we have become and the attention we are getting and they know that others are finding us attractive and that creates a threat and like my husband ... is now insecure and he is causing the problems which .... can lead to divorce. Who wants to work this hard to look good and their spouse treat them bad..

    Again this is just my opinion and please don't think this is obviously how it is with all the couples .. just my story. I am still married.. however we are discussing divorce for many other reasons as well.