SAHM 1/25/10 - 1/31/10



  • blessdmomof4
    Nicole - I made a great 400 cal breakfast this morning. It's a simple spinach fritatta. I sauteed 1/2 a bag of frozen spinach then pour 4 beaten eggs over the top and let it sit on low until the top is not soupy . I put 1/2 cup of mozzarella on top and then pop it in the oven for about 7 minutes at 350. I eat 1/2 the frittatta and then save the other half for breakfast later in the weak (if DH doesn't get to it first :)) I top it w/ lots of salsa.

    Trish - same thing happened to me when I tried running 2 summers ago, I had a hard time not getting out of breath. I also got shin splints and gave up :) HIlls on the TM for now...maybe back to the track to try running again this summer when it's not covered in snow!

  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Hello all. Kim, I will be sure to add Kelli to my prayer list for the week. (I'm part of a prayer group at church, and unfortunately quite a long list this week. But it just means lots of potential miracles, so I think it's good)

    Melissa, awesome job on making it to the gym all week AND your continued loss. Feels great doesn't it?

    Nicole, I hear you on the plateau front. And I've done the exact same thing this week, decreased my goal to 1 lb/week, upped cals to 1260 base (I know not much, but that's an extra yogurt, small fruit, or applesauce!). I currently only eat back about half of my exercise cals, just because I don't have an HRM so not sure if they are accurate and I do have those occasional bite here and bite there of the kid's food that I don't know how to count, so like to have some wiggle room. I decided to postpone weigh-in this week and start doing my weigh-ins on Fri. so we'll see how it goes. You're still losing though, so keep it up! Even a half a pound is better than nothing and twice as good as a gain. I am constantly AMAZED by all the stuff that you do between running and working on that home of yours. You rock.

    Trish-Glad to hear each day you're getting a little better. You tackle that wall today and make that run! Once again your energy inspires me.

    Well, I stuck with all my goals yesterday and felt pretty good about it. I'm having trouble getting my butt moving this morning though. I've been getting by on about 4-5 hours sleep every night because my heater's been out and it's been below 30 outside, so in the 50s in my house. (I don't do well with extreme hot or cold at all) So I'm going to get my butt up soon and go hit the stationary bike for 45 min. That ought to wake me up and burn some decent cals. BTW, I had to pull the protective mama stance, and they FINALLY came out and fixed my heater today. I'm usually so passive, so it felt SOOO good. They canceled on me last Fri, and then waited til yesterday AFTERNOON (too late to call another co.) to try to cancel again. So I called back, spoke to a supervisor, said I have 2 young kids at home and with the cold we NEED heat so he'd better send someone out today, and that if he couldn't take care of it for me, then I needed HIS supervisor until I got a hold of someone to do it. So he canceled the rest of his route and came to my home. Kinda funny cuz my husband was supposed to be the one taking care of this issue, but hadn't so when he heard me put my foot down to this HVAC guy, he got a little intimidated. Good, now he takes me seriously for once in almost 7 years of marriage. The problem was pretty major needed parts so that's why it didn't get fixed til today. But if they'd canceled yesterday, I wouldn't have had heat until tomorrow, and just imagine how much more cranky I'd be on so little sleep. Gonna treat myself to a steak and (my healthier version of) banana pudding tonight, but staying within my nutritional goals, even if I did tweak my meal plan a little. I haven't had steak in soooo long, and you can't have steak without banana pudding! Hope ya'll have a good day
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    hi girls! you're busy busy busy! trish, glad you're resting and getting to feel better too. love that idea of the aromatherapy shower. jr, good thing you stood up for yourself! i hate working with the "men"; i never feel comfortable in those situations. but you did GREAT! kim, hope your b-room project gets done asap! what a big undertaking.

    i went over my cals yesterday--but ok. and did get my water in!
    my schedule these last few wks keeps getting reworked. and i realize the extra stress.

    i'll just say it already---
    my oldest has bipolar disorder and adhd. she was formally diagnosed in 2nd grade and began meds dec 2007. it has made a huge difference!
    however, this fall/winter has been gradually getting worse. i didn't fully realize it b/c it happens incrementally and i'm in the middle of it. so i lose perspective. but it had grown to where i'm walking on eggshells all the time and having to intervene constantly to keep the littler ones safe. it's draining. i'm not doing the woe is me victim thing. it's just that i stopped going to my therapist--to vent this stuff--and it has taken its toll on me. i appreciate your being here to let me say it. funny, i'm closer to all of you than i am to so many of my irl friends. cuz we talk and connect every day. (hugs)
    so THANK YOU

    we met with psychiatrist yesterday and we are changing her meds. increasing one and completely changing the other. he believes she will have a very good response to these changes--and the beautiful child that she is will be able to resurface. i have tears as i write this...i had really begun to dislike being with her....intellectually i know it's the illness that makes her act certain ways, but it starts to just feel personal and permanent. it will be really wonderful to let go of that anger.

    so these next few weeks will be a transition but there is hope again.

    *breathe out*
    thanks again for all your amazing support, encouragement, positive examples and more. this thread/you ladies are one of the best parts of my life. :flowerforyou:

    off to walk with leslie and do abripper x. not running around today. will just BE with my son.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    trish- It will get better! Now repeat after me, "there is no wall." Just keep at it, in a month from now you will look back and say, "Wow! I have come so far! My lungs don't hurt any more, and I have control over my breathing!"

    JR- I am so glad you put your foot down! I need to do more of that too! I think it depends on what kind of mood I am in too.

    Melissa- the frittata sounds good! I will have to try that sometime!

    Stacey- ((hugs)):heart::flowerforyou: I understand some of what you are going through, at least the ADHD part. We have found a big difference with Kyle and his diet. Maybe it can help your daughter? In addition to her meds, (and it won't hurt you and the rest of the fam either) changing the diet. What I mean is, cut out ALL preservatives, dairy that has the growth hormones in it, etc. There are healthy natural alternatives that are fun for the kids! Here are just a few.

    Partially Hydrogenated oils
    High Fructose Corn Syrup
    FD&C yellow, red, etc. #5 stuff,
    Propolyene Glycol (this is only one molecule away from anitfreeze, and they allow it in our food!:noway: )
    Artificial Sweetners ( great alternatives are honey, blue agave, and stevia)

    ((hugs)) Our bodies do not recognize any of this stuff, and there is so much more that they pump into our food to make the food last longer, so it's cheaper to make and they make more profit.:flowerforyou:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    thanks nicole! i have considered some diet changes. tho to be completely honest, i never really see a diff no matter what she eats. if she's hungry, she is irritable and more unstable, but that's hunger not the kind of food.
    but i completely agree that changing those things would be healthier for ALL of us. i've gotten rid of hfcs and trans fats in our sandwich bread. that took some effort! and i do think abt the other chemicals.
    but i admit, i go for convenience still and just getting them to eat at all!

    i appreciate your reminding me of the role of all those factors too. we have a long way to go in this house for healthier eating across the board.
    i hope kyle has a great performance tonight! you must be overflowing with pride!

    later chicas!
    --oh! did my 5mi and burned 560 cals! wowza
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Stacey, sorry to hear the extent of your daughter's issues. My younger brother had the same growing up, but was only treated for the ADHD and so really wasn't helped at all. I know what you mean by protecting your other kids, and I know that has to be so hard! But I'm glad that you are taking precautions. I suffered concussions and other injuries at the hands of my brother from the time I was 7 (he was 5) up until I finally moved out of the house at 17. If your other kids aren't in counseling, I think it would be a great idea. I never had any growing up, and now that I'm seeing one, there was so much that could have been helped when I was younger by seeing a therapist just for what my brother did and so many other things. I'm glad that you feel safe venting to us here, and I hope that helps you overcome some of the emotion, because that must be hard on you and your daughter too. You don't want her to feel like you resent or fear her, but I think it's completely normal to feel that way sometimes. I mean, all both of you want is to belong and to love each other, and so much can get in the way of that. I will be praying for you and your family, that some combination of meds work favorably and that she begins to feel a little more balanced soon. Enjoy your day with the boy! I know I love school days when I get my quality time with Lyci.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Stacey, how lucky is your daughter to have such a devoted and understanding mom who recognizes her needs! I had a good mom, a strong, hard working mom, but one who never recognized that I needed serious help in school. I hated school. It was such torture. It wasn't until I was in college that my husband encouraged me to see someone about it, and I was diagnosed with ADD. I might have actually enjoyed school had they caught this very early on and done something about it. My husband & his whole family enjoyed school, and I know several kids today who like it too, and I couldn't help but think "What's wrong with you? How could you possibly like school?", until we got my learning disabilities sorted out.

    Anyway, your kids are lucky that they have you to recognize their challenges and help them hurdle over them!

    I can personally say that giving up milk was a good thing for me. I did it at the advice of my chiropractor. I was going through 2-3 gallons a week by myself (*sheepish grin* Hey, I'm Irish, okay? Milk & potatoes are kinda our thing)
    My chiro said that giving up milk would seriously help aid my digestion. I was afraid it was going to be hard, but I did it! And just like soda, I don't really miss it. Surprise! Sure I still have ice cream from time to time, and there's probably lactose in the Ensures I drink, but I'm not guzzling down a dozen gallons each month. I tried soy milk, rice milk, and almond milk. Almond milk is my favorite. I was afraid it would be really strong, nutty flavor, but it's not. For me, after drinking a lot of soy & rice milk, almond milk tastes a lot like plain jane 2% moo juice.

    Anyway, like some of our other SAHMs were saying: Small changes make BIG differences!

    Jr-- way to go Amazonian on those puds! You show 'em whose boss, girl, and don't let them forget it!

    Nicole-- I got to the gym & did an easy mile. I just set the TM on interval training, so it flexed between 5 mph on the flat, and 3 mph on hills. It helped that a hunky, tribal-tatooed, muscly young fella got on the TM next to me ;)
    *Under breath* "Awooga!"

    Wasn't eating very many calories today, so decided to just make it an easy day and go through the calories I needed to get by. It's probably going to be better for my cold anyway, right? At least I got to the gym!

    3 tips to survive the gym:
    1) Find a brick on the wall opposite of you, and stare at it till it spontaneously combusts
    2) Keep staring
    3) Did it combust yet? Cuz you're already done with your workout. My, that went by fast!

    All you ladies, keep up the great work!
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Hello ladies! I'm still here! I've been keeping up with the posts, but I haven't had a chance to reply to any until now. I'm so excited! It's been a good day!! It started off with me hopping on the scale this morning and it registering 157.8. I was a little disappointed thinking I'd maintained this week. Then I logged in to update my weight and realized I transposed the 7 & 8! I'm down 0.9 lb from last week!!! Today I've also rediscovered hot decaf herbal teas, and at this point I have 4 of my 9 cups of water done. It should be more than that, but I'm happy! It was a beautiful day, so I made my walking goal today by walking (cold & very brisk wind but we did it!) to pick up the kids from school! That's 1.4 miles round-trip! I also realized I haven't updated my walking ticker for a while, so I need to do that later tonight. And to top it all off, dh & neighbor are putting the trim pieces on the floor right now!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Stacey - (((hugs))) I'm sorry to hear about what all you're going through with your oldest. I can understand some of what you're going through. My youngest nephew is ADHD and is on medication. The medication and diet modification makes all the difference in the world for him. Just remember that we're all here for you! :flowerforyou: :heart:

    I need to go order pizza for dinner tonight. Yes, I'm going to splurge, but I'm happy about getting the living room back sooner than I expected, and I'll be able to use the treadmill again soon!!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    you ladies are THE BEST! i so appreciate the outpouring of support---you just floor me.

    jr--you also made some good points. my middle girl really could benefit from counseling since oldest takes out aggression on her regularly. sometimes she is the instigator, but the internal buildup must be significant. i will make a point to find someone for her.
    and trish--milk made that much diff?? wow. i've used rice milk and i'm good with it. i'm gonna see if i can get her on it. she really only has milk for cereal. she has cheese--but i'll start small.

    i wish i could get her into running. ultimately that repetitive motion and tiring out her muscles would be beneficial as well. but she still resists it a lot. she is a cheetah--goes really fast and burns out. she should build endurance into her muscles and that would help her in so many ways.

    anyway, thank you all for your kind words and ideas. it really helped to share this burden.
    you touched my :heart:.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    amy--kudos to you! enjoy that pizza!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member

    i get stuff from better homes & gardens and this site is an affiliate. thought it may help you!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Aww, thanks for thinking of me Stacey! *hugs*
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Good morning! How is everyone this morning?

    Trish - Are you feeling well now?

    Nicole - How was Kyle's concert?

    Kim - How is the bathroom floor going? I was going nuts over the living room being somewhat out of commission for almost 2 weeks. I can't imagine a bathroom being out of commission for 4 months!

    Stacey & Melissa - How are you doing?

    Jr - How is the babysitting going?

    Well, the trim pieces are done. DH now has to get new feet to put on the bottom of the couch & love seat before we can put the living room back together. He's supposed to get those today. I'm hoping I'll have my treadmill back in place by the time I get home from choir practice tonight!

    I also made my goals yesterday! I walked to get the kids, I logged everything I ate (note to self: It's best not to eat Mexican and pizza in the same day! 1400 cals over! ugh!!) and I drank 9 cups of water. My goals today are to log what I eat and drink 9 cups of water.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Not feeling 100% well, but gradually getting there. Hoping my friend will be willing to watch Grace during nap time so I can get the rec center in. I didn't want to take her today cuz she is still launching snot rockets when she sneezes. No need to pass that to other kids at the rec center child care, they won't take sick kids in anyway.

    Hope everyone is doing well today. Get that water in & endorphines going, girls!

    My goal is to do the full 5k on the TM today, even if it's just walking.
  • curliegirl
    Howdy all!! There is so much I want to reply to but time constraints here. Hubby is cutting tile while I mark it. It is going well--will report in later. Everyone have an awesome day!

  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    hello, hello! It's been a busy morning so far! I cut out Kyle's pants to sew from Christmas (finally!), have a loaf of bread rising, school going on..busy, busy. Kyle's concert was wonderful last night!:happy: Thanks so much for asking! We are very proud of him!

    Stacey- I know with Kyle and his ADD, he needs serious structure, he does extremely well with a routine. He actually used to buck EVERYTHING that we did, down to eating sleeping, exercise, school, etc. UGH! On top of it he would lie about everything!!!! Oh the frustration! The diet actually helped alot! His mood swings weren't as severe, the problem was though he had such an enormous craving for sugar, still does, and he would beg to get things from the other kids at school and the teachers. I talked with the teachers about it, some were on board, most were not.:grumble: His craving has gotten better for the sugar, since he doesn't have the additives. His cravings probably come from the levels of Mercury that are in his system. rambling point is, maybe give your daughter the structure of running, or something like that. Kyle runs too. Give her structure so there is not much down time. That is usually when the problems start with the siblings. You will probably still have problems with her trying to buck you. Kyle was never diagnosed bi-polar, which I don't think he is, but he has alot of emotional baggage from his mother.

    Trish- I hope you can get ot the gym today! Whatcha cookin' for dinner?

    Amy- Keep chuggin' and Loggin'!

    Kim- I hope the tiling is going great!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Nicole, I did a 5k on the treadmill. The balls of my feet are on fire, and not in a good way. Pins & needles. Pretty sure I'm going to DIE on Saturday when I do the real thing. I walked most of my workout today. I can go .10 mile per minute at 6 mph. Eventually I want to be able to do the full 3.25 miles at a 6. I think my problem before was that I had the TM too slow when I tried to run. Last week I was jogging at a 4, but cranked it up to a 6, and did okay for a minute each time.
    I think I really, honestly pushed my body today. I feel kinda queasy. I will get some trail mix in my tummy shortly here. 3 PM = snack time for Grace & I!

    Nothing terribly exciting tonight, just cheesy enchilada hamburger helper, made with ground turkey & some kidney beans mixed in.

    Tomorrow is Stir Fry, Saturday is Tex-Mex Meatloaf, though I might change things around. Meatloaf sounds kinda heavy for a pre-race dinner.

    Curlie & Amy, hope you get your floors done. I bet they are looking great!

    Stacey, we're all here for you :)

    Silver, what did doctor say? You have us on edge here!

    Shera & everyone else, you're in our thoughts. We're here if you need us!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    That's good that you pushed Trish, and the best way to tell is when you get the queasy feeling!

    I don't know why I respond to some of the other threads out there...UGH! I have my certain ones I post on and I should just stick with them. Like this one!:flowerforyou:

    I seem to have a very short fuse lately, and I am not sure where it is coming from. :explode: :explode: Does anyone elase ever feel that way?
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I seem to have a very short fuse lately, and I am not sure where it is coming from. :explode: :explode: Does anyone elase ever feel that way?

    Only one week a month ;)

  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    hi girls! trish, good for you for giving it a try on the TM. good planning. i get that gonna puke feeling doing some p90x stuff--pushups or other things. i know that means to stop. gagging/dry heaving=maximum reps :tongue:

    today's been good. raining a lot so boy and i stayed inside this afternoon. but we played and he did a valentine's craft. and now middle one is doing it too since she finished all her homework yesterday. have some other activities for her too. oldest is in her room--just waiting for her entrance....
    dinner--was gonna be chicken fried rice but that's too tedious and i'm the only one who likes it. sooo i'm doing baked "fried" chicken, tator tots and veges.
    i had a naughty snack this afternoon :devil: --"welcome home" bars made with crushed gr crakrs, Low Fat sweetened condensed milk, variety of choc chips and 3/4 stick butter.
    gooey yummy and with 6oz milk--i'm FULL.

    i bake "treats" for my kids. i know how unhealthy the treat/love connection can be--but that is a way i show my love for them. when i make healthy stuff too--same thing. baking with or for them is something that brings me immense pleasure. hopefully, they'll look back on their childhood and remember this sweetness.

    alright, off to do dinner.
    but for the chicas who haven't checked in---we're here! come chat! what's going well for you this week? sounds like water is good for everyone (myself included). what else is working for you? melissa, still working out/logging miles?
