14 year old girls dressed as h**kers trick-or-treating



  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    Where I am its pretty dang cold so most of the kids had jackets and hats on.

    I honestly think you are making a bigger deal out of it than it should be. Do I think dressing like a hooker is ok at 14? No I don't but I also don't think the kid was have you looked at the pirate outfits for women? Go google Pirate costumes for teens and do an image search... most of these are replicas of what is being sold to women who want to go as sexy pirates. then do a search for halloween costumes for teenage girls, they are all somewhat sexy.

    its great to say "I would never let my kid dress like that" or "my kid would never dress like that" but let me tell you a secret they get out of your sight and go to a friends and change into what they want.

    I had trick-or-treaters ranging from 0 - 16 tonight and NOT a single female was dressed like a hooker, I had monster high dolls, I had witches, I had pirates, I even had a bettie page and a marilyn monroe show up on my door step looking for food bank donations... I honestly think it was an innocent costume that people are just over reacting about. I bet if you see that kid on the street tomorrow she is in jeans an a t-shirt and looks like a sweet innocent 14 year old kid.

    Also, my mom let me dress like a hooker at 16 for halloween - my best friend was my pimp (at a halloween party - at school I was little miss muffet) and I turned out just fine and I certainly do not nor have i ever dressed like a hooker outside of that one costume.
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    i hate seeing little girls dressed like s***ks ...

    Snacks? Sharks? Sticks? I'm so bad at this game.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    Frightening, isn't it? I'm more scared by the ones who are even younger dressed like that...

    yep a couple of girls 10-13 in skin tight booty skirts and tons of make-up came to our door. what are their mama's thinking?
  • darleyschroeder
    Frightening, isn't it? I'm more scared by the ones who are even younger dressed like that...

    yep a couple of girls 10-13 in skin tight booty skirts and tons of make-up came to our door. what are their mama's thinking?

    It's Tacoma hahaha nothing unusual there :P
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    i hate seeing little girls dressed like s***ks ...

    Snacks? Sharks? Sticks? I'm so bad at this game.

    like a skunk but with an a
  • frogz21
    frogz21 Posts: 314
    I saw a few girls dressed in a suggestive manner tonight. My SO told me he is glad we don't have a girl.
  • Sarah_Wins
    Sarah_Wins Posts: 936 Member
    i hate seeing little girls dressed like s***ks ...

    Snacks? Sharks? Sticks? I'm so bad at this game.

    like a skunk but with an a

    Here's a shocker. SKANK is not a naughty word on MFP. Or in most of the real world.
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    Have you looked at women's Halloween costumes lately? She was probably just wearing an off the shelf costume from a normal costume store. Leg Avenue costumes are everywhere these days, and slutty as hell (and that's just one company, there are others that are just as bad). You used to have to go to a certain sort of store to get them...now, not so much.

    I agree that that sort of costume is probably not appropriate for a girl that young, but I do understand where she is getting it from.

    The problem is especially obvious with costumes, but it's a problem generally with girls' clothing. I had to establish a rule very early that if my daughter wanted a pair of shorts, they had to have an inseam longer than the width of my hand. It made me sad how many pairs of everyday girls shorts failed that test. Why are we putting six year olds (or sixteen year olds) in booty shorts? There were times we went shopping and could not find a single pair of shorts at the mall that she could wear. Another time, my daughter needed a pair of shorts to wear over her dance leotard. She wanted the pair that had "DANCE" printed across the butt in big letters. I nixed them. She asked why. I said, "I don't like clothing with writing on the butt, it draws people's eye there to stare, and I don't think that's appropriate." She said, "Oh!" because clearly she'd never thought of it that way, and she accepted that and chose a plain pair.

    Swimsuits are another sore point with me. Apparently when we're talking about our SONS, we are fretting ourselves just sick over skin cancer, and our boys need knee-length shorts and rash guards. Our girls, though? Heck, who cares about skin cancer when it's girls? It's not like there's an epidemic of young girls tanning until they give themselves wrinkles and melanoma, right? Our girls need to dress as skimpily as possible, expose as much skin as possible, when they go to the pool or the beach! ARGH! Some of this is the parent's fault for not trying hard enough, but some of it is just that people have become desensitized and don't see a problem where one actually exists.

    As for the contention that rape culture erroneously asserts that only women who dress like they're asking for it get raped, that point is valid, but so is this one: There are pervs out there at high school football games and swimming pools, with cameras, filming cheerleaders' and lifeguards' crotches and cleavage and posting it online or selling it. Those outfits make that possible, and they go looking for that. Because those girls are engaged in a public activity, it's *legal*, but it's *sick*, and it's made possible by an entire culture that has willfully blinded itself to the dangers of hypersexualizing our young girls.

    Moms and dads, what is your daughter wearing? Just give it some thought. Take care of your babies.
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    All of you "happy to have boys" don't know that parents can say NO.

    I have a 13 year old daughter. She made her costume...an OREO. She looked SO CUTE! :D

    Boy or girl, you have to PARENT them so they don't wear those things. My daughter would never have worn that because I'd never buy it. We talk about impressions and things that are inappropriate.

    Thankfully, she told me she didn't want to look like a slut. She's a good kid....that isn't by accident.

    My 12-yo daughter has been making her own costumes for years. What she wants to be, costume designers don't make. She wanted to be Susan Pevensie one year; there were no costumes for that awesome character. She wanted to be Katniss Everdeen this year; there were NO Katniss costumes. If it can't be rendered inappropriately sexy, it doesn't come prepackaged for 12-yo girls. Before that, she was Athena. We are getting a lot of mileage out of her bow and arrows set!

    My 9-yo daughter wore an off-the-rack costume: Captain America. Why can't there be girl costumes based on terrific role models?
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    Having a girl is no different than having a boy.

    Raise them right, talk to them often and set limits. I really don't see the big deal.

    I have boys in class and I'm glad to come home to my girls. lolol. But in all seriousness, those girls have parents who aren't parenting. Costumes are expensive so momma/daddy had to have bought it. If the girls are trashing it up after leaving home, then that's another story. If I saw my kid like that, I'd snatch her so quickly. But she knows better and even says herself that the girls look trashy. She's president of her 8th grade class...her "unsluttiness" isn't hurting anything.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    All of you "happy to have boys" don't know that parents can say NO.

    I have a 13 year old daughter. She made her costume...an OREO. She looked SO CUTE! :D

    Boy or girl, you have to PARENT them so they don't wear those things. My daughter would never have worn that because I'd never buy it. We talk about impressions and things that are inappropriate.

    Thankfully, she told me she didn't want to look like a slut. She's a good kid....that isn't by accident.

    My 12-yo daughter has been making her own costumes for years. What she wants to be, costume designers don't make. She wanted to be Susan Pevensie one year; there were no costumes for that awesome character. She wanted to be Katniss Everdeen this year; there were NO Katniss costumes. If it can't be rendered inappropriately sexy, it doesn't come prepackaged for 12-yo girls. Before that, she was Athena. We are getting a lot of mileage out of her bow and arrows set!

    My 9-yo daughter wore an off-the-rack costume: Captain America. Why can't there be girl costumes based on terrific role models?

    I wouldn't even care if the costumes were just 5 inches longer on the *kitten* and two inches higher on the bust.

    I remember when my oldest daughter was in 3rd grade. It was SO HARD to find jeans that weren't "low cut". Wtf? stop sexualizing our children, America. I didn't buy that garbage. She didn't wear jeans until we found a pair with a decent crotch-to-waist ratio.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    Have you looked at women's Halloween costumes lately? She was probably just wearing an off the shelf costume from a normal costume store. Leg Avenue costumes are everywhere these days, and slutty as hell (and that's just one company, there are others that are just as bad). You used to have to go to a certain sort of store to get them...now, not so much.

    I agree that that sort of costume is probably not appropriate for a girl that young, but I do understand where she is getting it from.

    The problem is especially obvious with costumes, but it's a problem generally with girls' clothing. I had to establish a rule very early that if my daughter wanted a pair of shorts, they had to have an inseam longer than the width of my hand. It made me sad how many pairs of everyday girls shorts failed that test. Why are we putting six year olds (or sixteen year olds) in booty shorts? There were times we went shopping and could not find a single pair of shorts at the mall that she could wear. Another time, my daughter needed a pair of shorts to wear over her dance leotard. She wanted the pair that had "DANCE" printed across the butt in big letters. I nixed them. She asked why. I said, "I don't like clothing with writing on the butt, it draws people's eye there to stare, and I don't think that's appropriate." She said, "Oh!" because clearly she'd never thought of it that way, and she accepted that and chose a plain pair.

    Swimsuits are another sore point with me. Apparently when we're talking about our SONS, we are fretting ourselves just sick over skin cancer, and our boys need knee-length shorts and rash guards. Our girls, though? Heck, who cares about skin cancer when it's girls? It's not like there's an epidemic of young girls tanning until they give themselves wrinkles and melanoma, right? Our girls need to dress as skimpily as possible, expose as much skin as possible, when they go to the pool or the beach! ARGH! Some of this is the parent's fault for not trying hard enough, but some of it is just that people have become desensitized and don't see a problem where one actually exists.

    As for the contention that rape culture erroneously asserts that only women who dress like they're asking for it get raped, that point is valid, but so is this one: There are pervs out there at high school football games and swimming pools, with cameras, filming cheerleaders' and lifeguards' crotches and cleavage and posting it online or selling it. Those outfits make that possible, and they go looking for that. Because those girls are engaged in a public activity, it's *legal*, but it's *sick*, and it's made possible by an entire culture that has willfully blinded itself to the dangers of hypersexualizing our young girls.

    Moms and dads, what is your daughter wearing? Just give it some thought. Take care of your babies.

    Yea. Bathingsuits are also difficult. My children don't wear bikinis, and some of the tankinis are SO low cut. Holy crap. My youngest is 4 and the suits for her were ridiculous! Shopping for girls is tricky, but...it can be done tastefully.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    She wanted the pair that had "DANCE" printed across the butt in big letters. I nixed them. She asked why. I said, "I don't like clothing with writing on the butt, it draws people's eye there to stare, and I don't think that's appropriate." She said, "Oh!" because clearly she'd never thought of it that way, and she accepted that and chose a plain pair.

    Great job mom of giving your daughter a decent explanation! I
  • frogz21
    frogz21 Posts: 314
    Having a girl is no different than having a boy.

    Raise them right, talk to them often and set limits. I really don't see the big deal.

    I have boys in class and I'm glad to come home to my girls. lolol. But in all seriousness, those girls have parents who aren't parenting. Costumes are expensive so momma/daddy had to have bought it. If the girls are trashing it up after leaving home, then that's another story. If I saw my kid like that, I'd snatch her so quickly. But she knows better and even says herself that the girls look trashy. She's president of her 8th grade class...her "unsluttiness" isn't hurting anything.

    That is not always true. My SO cousin was raised right, but she just wanted to do things her way and left home before she was 18.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    Having a girl is no different than having a boy.

    Raise them right, talk to them often and set limits. I really don't see the big deal.

    I have boys in class and I'm glad to come home to my girls. lolol. But in all seriousness, those girls have parents who aren't parenting. Costumes are expensive so momma/daddy had to have bought it. If the girls are trashing it up after leaving home, then that's another story. If I saw my kid like that, I'd snatch her so quickly. But she knows better and even says herself that the girls look trashy. She's president of her 8th grade class...her "unsluttiness" isn't hurting anything.

    That is not always true. My SO cousin was raised right, but she just wanted to do things her way and left home before she was 18.

    That happens with boys too. My brother started cocaine when he was 15 and caused a lot of crap. so? He was raised right and turned. It happens. That doesn't mean we should just throw our hands up in the air and say OH WELL! ya'll will do what you do!

    My dad was not as strict as he should have been with my brother. I did what I did, but I was still a good kid. And being 17/18 is different than 13/14, imo.
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    I figure as long as it isn't my kid it's not my concern.
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    . Are only adults allowed to dress as hookers?


    But seriously. . They come to the door and I opened the door and I'm sort of dumbfounded and I immediately avert my eyes because I don't need to be checking out some 14 year old. .It's creepy.. It creeps you out about YOURSELF. . It's very awkward. . I mean how do you act! Do you smile and make eye contact like you would with the little kids or if they were hot ADULT girls? Do you look away (like I did) and try to focus on the candy. . Ack!. . :noway: :laugh:

    Not all that many years ago girls got married at 14. Many other countries it's perfectly legal to drink and or smoke at that age. America has turned into such an uptight, puritanical society it's kind of absurd.
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    I blame jesus. If he had just gave everyone a pen*s, instead of giving girls different anatomy down there, this issue never would have existed in society.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I get generally irked by what Halloween has 'become'
    The original idea was something 'scary', I always thought - a ghost, monster, ghoul etc.

    Now for MOST girls/women it seems it HAS to be something they see as particularly 'sexy' - because dressing up in clothes that accentuate their feminine charms for the other 99.7% nights of the year really isn't enough.
    Then, for everyone; it's now merely 'fancy dress night'. No theme, no specific intent, just random fancy dress.
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    Evidently the Jimmy Savile story is inspiring people.