Fat moms = fat kids??



  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I think it's more to do with what you feed your kids and if you promote and model a healthy lifestyle that makes a difference if your kids are overweight or not than if you are overweight yourself.

    I was probably about 10lbs overweight when I got pregnant with my 1st, but very healthy and fit, I just seem to weigh more than I look like I do! I lost it all and was around the same when I got pregnant with my 2nd, but unfortunately put on loads in pregnancy. I have overweight parents myself and was quite big as a teenager, but really slimmed down once I started university, but any chance my body gets to put on weight, it will!

    My kids are still young, but they are tall and slim. My 3 year old son is on the 98th centile for height and the 50th for weight. He can take or leave food, and he is so active, we go out for walks, to the park, on his scooter etc every single day. My daughter is 17 months and walked at 9.5 months and is also incredibly active. She eats more than her brother, but she likes healthy food. We all eat meals together - i am just making our dinner of tuna fishcake, peas, carrots, broccoli and potato. We never eat junk, and if we want something like a cake we make it ourselves.

    My husband is 6 foot and has a healthy BMI, and was incredibly skinny as a child, so I think my 2 take after him!
  • kennacoconut
    kennacoconut Posts: 62 Member
    i personally don't think any woman more than 40 pounds overweight has any business being pregnant in the first place. it's selfish and irresponsible.

    young women, if you want to have children someday take care of your body now and get in shape.
    Really? Perhaps we should also prevent pregnancy for anyone with a genetic condition, or an affinity for tattoos, or perhaps for religious or political reasons. Yes that would work, NOT!!!!!!!

    Or maybe we should prevent pregnancy for people with certain behaviors, who are presumptuous, and prejudiced against a whole group of people.
  • charlene77
    charlene77 Posts: 250 Member
    i personally don't think any woman more than 40 pounds overweight has any business being pregnant in the first place. it's selfish and irresponsible.

    young women, if you want to have children someday take care of your body now and get in shape.

    The awesome things we say when we are young :-)

    hey now, I'm young and I'm not that ignorant or....well I'm not going to say the other things I think about the original post, because that just wouldn't be lady like :smile:

    I think we all are showing great restraint! lol
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    My mother was an emotional binge eater. But she never binged in front of anyone. she hid it, which was part of her problem. She's told me recently that she doesn't do it anymore or even want to now. Her sister is that way, too. She's also struggled with weight her whole life, but all of her children are very thin and always have been. And my grandmother has always been a healthy weight.

    There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason in my family for why some of us struggle with weight and some of us don't. I guess since I didn't see my mom binging and because she never harped on my weight (her mother did that), I never developed emotional or binge eating. I gained weight because I ate small amounts of VERY high-calorie foods and it caught up to me eventually.
  • charlene77
    charlene77 Posts: 250 Member
    i personally don't think any woman more than 40 pounds overweight has any business being pregnant in the first place. it's selfish and irresponsible.

    young women, if you want to have children someday take care of your body now and get in shape.

    this has to be a joke.... I have 2 healthy children. i was 80 pounds overweight when I got pregnant with my first child.... NOT ONE PROBLEM.
    Please tell me what type of scientific research backs up your theory!!!!!!!!!!!!

    LOL! Thank you! See my profile pic! That sweet, little, healthy boy there, that after a PERFECT pregnancy, delivered with no complications.......is SUPER healthy and slim! He is almost five now. I was also 80 pounds overweight! Thank you very much!
  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    i personally don't think any woman more than 40 pounds overweight has any business being pregnant in the first place. it's selfish and irresponsible.

    young women, if you want to have children someday take care of your body now and get in shape.

    The awesome things we say when we are young :-)

    hey now, I'm young and I'm not that ignorant or....well I'm not going to say the other things I think about the original post, because that just wouldn't be lady like :smile:

    I think we all are showing great restraint! lol

    I think most were shocked to read it. I personally would rather have overweight people reproducing than ignorant ones.
  • Bridget28152723
    Bridget28152723 Posts: 372 Member
    No dont think so fat moms dont equal fat kids!
    Two obese parents who teach there kids to eat like they do and dont care about what they eat "may" cause their kids to be overweight. I have seen way more super skinny moms with chunky daughters . No one here needs to tell anyone they shouldnt have a baby because they are heavy!!!! Thin women can be terrible moms , so its not about weight (health maybe , but heavy women seem to have normal birthweight babies)

    oh and kids are far more active, have faster metabolisms and dont have health problems yet, thats why they are still normal weight.
    parents have slower metabolisms, may have thyroid problems, have been on steriods for various health issues, been in an accident, etc.( which can cause you to gain lots of weight) JUST BECAUSE A WOMEN IS OVERWEIGHT DOESNT MEAN SHE EATS TOO MUCH ..OR THAT SHE IS LAZY.
    MY husband and I are not obese , our kids are very healthy. I do have a health issue which has made it very hard to lose weight from my last pregnancy (thats why I found MFP) BUt Ive always been thin , Im teaching my kids to not even use the word "FAT"- our society thinks its ok to make fun of fat people , they have severe emotional issues from being heavy, they know they are and dont need kids or adults staring or snickering-would you make fun of a handicapped person??
    I see way more heavier moms with thin kids than fat, thats my opinion, this comment is not directed at anyone in particular..just wanted to enlighten some people
  • Andrea3030
    It's kinda funny when you have the mods delete your post after 20 people copy it...she is lucky the username doesn't copy along with it.
  • tmbowen12
    tmbowen12 Posts: 175 Member
    i personally don't think any woman more than 40 pounds overweight has any business being pregnant in the first place. it's selfish and irresponsible.

    young women, if you want to have children someday take care of your body now and get in shape.

    WOW! just wow.
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    Both genetics and environment have to come into play. I have three daughters. The first two are from my first husband. he was 6'5", lean/athletic build. The last one with my current husband, who is very stocky with short, massively muscled legs (naturally, not from bodybuilding - never seen anything like it), 6'0", overweight. All three girls were raised together, eat the same, etc. Of the older two, one is 5'9" about 150 lbs, very athletic (and born the lightest). The other is 5'9", 120 lbs, very lean (born the heaviest). My youngest is 5'6", about 220 lbs, short stocky legs, built just like her dad. I have been overweight my entire adult life, but was at my lightest when I got pregnant with the first one (athletic build girl), at my heaviest when I got pregnant with the second one (the lightest girl). And i I gained the most weight with my lightest daughter (lightest now, born the heaviest.) I think there are too many variables to say there is a direct correlation.
  • TraciStivers
    TraciStivers Posts: 116 Member
    Have you seen Honey Boo Boo? ... Nuff said...

    Honey Who Who?

    It's not a who who, it's a biscuit!
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    There is no such thing as a fat gene. Your genetics have little to nothing to do with how fat you are or can be. My mother is obese. Has been all her life. I may have been the chubby girl growing up, but I never have been fat due to something out of my control. It's the habits and choices you make with food and exercise that really matter.

    ^^ This. My mother is obese and was obese when she had children. Although I have been overweight, I've never been obese. My sister has never been overweight. My aunt has never been overweight. She has one son who is and one who isn't. It's not about genes, it's about what you choose to do.
  • DoomCakes
    DoomCakes Posts: 806 Member
    I disagree. What will make your kids fat is if you're the type of mom who doesn't care about nutritional value or them being active. If you are the mom who thinks McDonalds for lunch is always acceptable, or three unhealthy high sugar snacks are good while they sit and watch 6 hours of tv... THAT will make your kids fat. What may make them THINK that the child will be fat is simply that the parent will continue the lifestyle that lead them to the weight they are and the child will pick it up.

    The weight loss surgery might be because the surgery was a serious consideration into weight loss, which means the person may have mentally been prepared for a lifestyle change. I know people who have had surgery, and resumed eating crap and didn't lose a pound. If she had a child, and her child ate like her, they would be over weight.

    Genetics may play a role in SOME extra weight, but I think it's not a big part. Most of my family is over weight including myself EXCEPT my aunt and my grandmother. The reason is because my grandmother came from a time when portion sizes were healthy and not ridiculous, and my aunt took her nutrition seriously. Everyone else in my family would eat what they WANTED not what they should.
  • starletlove
    starletlove Posts: 53 Member
    that isnt true, cuz im overweight and i did it wrong with my self and my 3 kids all are skinny and my oldest one is a tall and really skinny.
    i try my best to show the kids heathly food and also that they can eat what they want but without to go over that limit like what alot parents do with candys, chocolate etc.
    yes my kids get some sweets sometimes but they know thats not "food" just sweets, and they like fruits....and do like to do sport. so

    how a mom live is the way the kids are, skinny moms have to fat kids and fat moms have skinny kids....

    IF I AM FAT is my own fault, get the kids fat is also MY FAULT cuz im the moM...

  • Serenstar75
    Serenstar75 Posts: 258 Member
    My daughter at 18 is still a very thin girl. She's a size 1-3 (depends on the brand) and 5'4" so she's taller than I am. But instead of having her eat bad foods, I encouraged healthier eating than I was accomplishing and also didn't allow much soda, candy or anything like that. She still doesn't like a lot of sweets or junk. I think it's just what we teach them. I know for me I grew up eating bad food and it's been a struggle because of that, so I avoided that as much as I could with her even when I was more overweight than I am now.
  • LPCoder
    LPCoder Posts: 404 Member
    Here is a video on obesity and pregnancy. There are several parts to the video and I recommend watching it completely. Research shows that all the fat cells you have are laid down during pregnancy.

  • Koshkaxo
    Koshkaxo Posts: 332 Member
    Very interesting read. I think many people are kinda missing the point that its not soley blaming genetics for obesity, but rather saying that if you are affected with the gene your environmental factors take a greater toll than someone who is not. The anecdotes provided so far are all great examples that a fat mom =/= fat kids, the title is kinda misleading haha
  • flatbellybella
    flatbellybella Posts: 303 Member
    I was always a chubby kid and both of my parents are beyond fit.

    People would look at me then look at my mom and things never added up... still don't lol

  • laura_lynn66
    Have you seen Honey Boo Boo? ... Nuff said...

    Honey Who Who?

    funny! I didn't know who the heck she was before, either, until recently...what oh what has our world come to?
  • Brianna72994
    Have you seen Honey Boo Boo? ... Nuff said...

    Yeah but those kids are overweight because the mother is always feeding her kids spaghetti with butter and ketchup. Thats not really the healthiest.
    As the descendant of a chef who was born in Italy and immigrated to the US, I find the idea of pasta with ketchup a personal slight. This is a death penalty case! :-)

    The lady in the show mixes together butter and ketchup instead of using sauce. THAT is why the kids are fat, thats like all they eat.