Fat moms = fat kids??



  • raichhype
    raichhype Posts: 74 Member
    Not in my case. My mum is so skinny! It isn't healthy how skinny she is.
  • VogtAndrea
    I was a mom who got prenant while obese. My daughter was never skinny but never fat till she became an adult. Even then she was healthy and active. Her children are healthy, active but not skinny. None of them are what anyone would call fat either.
    The fact simply is that if your eating habits aren't good, you're not going to be feeding your children healthily enough that they aren't overweight. If there's a hereditary component, it makes things harder for them.
    If that mom can turn things around for herself, she's more liable to do the same for her children and change their eating habits too.
    Common sense.
    As to morbidly obese moms.... it complicates pregnancies. It's harder for doctors and nurse-practitioners to do any examinations. Ultrasounds are much harder to show features and to find birth defects. It's harder to deliver on both mom and baby Gestational diabetes is a huge problem. BUT having said that, to be so extreme as to make a statement of the sort that was posted earlier is just rude, nasty, and someone has no concern about what they say hurting others.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Very interesting read. I think many people are kinda missing the point that its not soley blaming genetics for obesity, but rather saying that if you are affected with the gene your environmental factors take a greater toll than someone who is not. The anecdotes provided so far are all great examples that a fat mom =/= fat kids, the title is kinda misleading haha

    Yes, I admit the title was meant to get attention. I guess I failed to realize how many people would read nothing but the title.

    This actually makes me wonder if that is not where so much of the nutrition confusion on this site comes from. People only read the headlines of articles and papers, which are often sesationalized to catch attention, but they never actually read the articles.
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    Ok, first off, I was 243 when i got pregnant (didn't rejoin mfp until i was told i couldn't breastfeed anymore) with my son and i actually lost weight during the pregnancy. My son was born healthy and he is now 9 months old. I am getting healthy and trying to set up good habits for him and let him see what it is like to eat healthy and exercise (he is very active). can't be said for my husband whose mom used to eat fast food and so does he when he is stressed but we are very slowly changing that.

    Now, my mom used to work out all the time, until her first heart attack, and even then the most she ever weighed was 161, and my father was always active as well. I was always overweight. never made sense, even when i was doing athletics and band. Now, I can say that there isn't a "fat gene" because its about lifestyle change and exercise. If the mom can turn it around, then so can the kidos.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I eat all the food, so my kids don't have a weight problem. I was probably 60 lbs overweight when I had both of my kids. I had no problems with either pregnancy. I do feel like some of my weight problems have to do with genetics, because my mom fed us pretty healthy foods, and I was very active as a kid, but I was always on the chubby side. My brother could eat all day and not gain. My mom had my thyroid checked because she couldn't understand why I was overweight. She was never "fat", but she always had that lower tummy thing, which I also had as a kid and still have. That's really interesting, OP. Thanks for posting.
  • jjelizalde
    jjelizalde Posts: 377 Member
    Wow! This topic sure ran off the rails.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Now, I can say that there isn't a "fat gene" because its about lifestyle change and exercise. If the mom can turn it around, then so can the kidos.

    I'm not sure you really understand genetics.
  • JewelsinBigD
    JewelsinBigD Posts: 661 Member
    I have 4 kids- one is heavy though not "fat", 2 are super thin- like 5-10% in weight and one is normal - 50% in weight. THey have the same parents, are served the same food and participate in the same sports. Go figure!