Worst Part About Losing Weight



  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    I'm a guy, I'm not supposed to get excited about clothes. I danced a little jig and was as giddy as a school girl when I dropped a pant size. My plan was to buy new clothes but it happened much sooner than I expected. I'm only half way to goal so now I'm hoping to drop another size. I'm living with baggy pants and am double motivated to get down to the next size. I'm not sure my frame will go that low but we'll see.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I will say the only down side to losing weight is when you are in a work group and there are a few heavy people who ask me a lot of questions about how I lost the weight and they listen to what I say and then say "But that won't work for me" or "well you only had 43 pounds to lose" and while I want to help them, I have to say something like , "ok" "I can appreciate your view on that".

    To me, I really have to remember the mantra - "Each of us finds a health/fitness level we are comfortable with in our own way" and remember to say it first. Just because I view someone at a different fitness level from me, doesn't mean that person wants to change.

    I just feel so much better now I want to help, but really the one thing I know now - the only person I can truely help is myself.
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 969 Member
    getting smaller boobs and loose skin on them, i dont like it, i suffered with stretch marks on them as a teenager and when i lose weight they seem to show up more x
  • emmeylou
    emmeylou Posts: 175 Member
    My shoe size is dramatically smaller (from 7.5w/8 to 6.5)... and i won't buy used shoes (just can't do it, clothes? sure, shoes/underwear? no way).... so other than my skin problems (did you know that all that extra skin can get pinched really easily, its horrible!) the shoes was the most unexpected difference for me.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    haven't run into any negatives yet! I'm sure whatever comes up won't be as bad as the fat. I'll glad wear baggy clothes that don't fatter me much or have to dress in layers to stay warm
  • DawnEH612
    DawnEH612 Posts: 574 Member
    Being cold, buying new clothes every few months (although I did take the suggestion of buying from a thrift store until i am at my maintenance weight/size -more size as my weight hasnt changed much but body composition is so i am getting smaller), lose of boobs (gravity isnt kind to strdhed out skin, yuck), and my *kitten*/tail bone hurting when i sit in unpadded chairs or while doing pilates moves... Ouch! But, with that said, i wouldnt regain the weight i lost because what i have "gained" in my loosing is worth it! ????????????☺????
  • DawnEH612
    DawnEH612 Posts: 574 Member
    my boobs look like tube socks / cow udders
    Your descrtion is dead on.. and sadly, i can relate. ????????????????
  • PrincessNikkiBoo
    PrincessNikkiBoo Posts: 330 Member
    The getting used to the new image in the mirror. After losing so much weight, I look like 'normal' to the outside world, but when I look in the mirror I am looking at a stranger. The fat is gone, but in the head still that fat dude from 2 years ago I guess :-)

    Me too! I don't recognise myself...
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    spending $ on new clothes for sure
  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    My ladies get smaller. They don't disappear, but it's still sad to see them shrink. I'm a D now but when I get to my GW I'll probably be a small C. :sad:

    Sigh tell me about it, the only thing I loved about being overweight is having a good set of ladies (at a B!!) so you can imagine how things will go! Not even measuring them, I dont want to know! lol
  • TaniaCorric
    TaniaCorric Posts: 51 Member
    someone should start up a clothes swap for all the people that cant afford new clothes///////////:smile:
  • I don't like explaining to people who ask me if I am losing weight how I am losing it. IRL I am very private and I am not at all comfortable talking about myself, so questions about my losing weight make me very uncomfortable.
  • StephDuffney
    StephDuffney Posts: 51 Member
    for clothing check out Ross dress for less.

    Do none of you know how to tailor in you clothing to make a size last a little longer. I always had to take in my pant leg and shirt waist to have them fit right. Sometime a tailor can be your best friend.
  • browi
    browi Posts: 47 Member
    New clothes. I know a lot of people get excited about that, but I like the clothes I have and don't really have the money to buy new sets of clothes. Once I reach my goal weight, I'll be more than happy to go shopping, but along the way it's not much fun.

    So true!

  • lozadee
    lozadee Posts: 89 Member
    ...I hate seeing pictures of myself and realizing I am not as thin yet as I feel....

    Equally I hate seeing pictures thinking, "how did I kid myself I was happy then/thought I looked ok/good!"

    I must have kidded myself for a long time....

    ....a possitive from reading this though, I cant keep warm in the slightest at the moment, I'm constantly dithering/adding layers - I just assumed it was overly cold for this time of year I never thought its cause I was loosing weight! :)
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    boob shrinkage. 'nough said :grumble:
    I wont have breasts left if I'm not careful and my toosh, I am so scared I won't get my nice round one I had previously. lol. I just want my shape back the way it was!
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    Worst thing for me is bra shopping. I hate it! The dang things are so expensive, and I don't fit in the "cheap" ones yet. My last bra purchase was $88 for one. This makes me sick, especially since I'll probably only be able to wear the thing for a few months before it is too big. Sigh.

    Thankfully my exercise bras still fit, but barely. They are on the tightest setting right now, so I'll have to invest in new ones soon. Sigh.

    Quite frankly, if I'm going to spend $88 on an item of clothing it had better be for a swanky dress, or some yummy yarn to knit myself a sweater... not a bra that only my hubby will see. ;-)
    WOW. That is a lot for one and wait, tight!? Wouldn't your bras become looser? lol
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    New clothes. I know a lot of people get excited about that, but I like the clothes I have and don't really have the money to buy new sets of clothes. Once I reach my goal weight, I'll be more than happy to go shopping, but along the way it's not much fun.

    I hear you sister lol
  • NicoleR1980
    NicoleR1980 Posts: 66 Member
    Feeling so disproportionate! My legs and hips are right small but my waist is being stubborn, so pants that fit my waist are incredibly baggy on my legs and butt. Can't wait to even out a bit, haha!

    This to exact is my problem! Oh well sighs:smile:
  • Verity1111
    Verity1111 Posts: 3,309 Member
    Really, your fee shrink? I have a size 12 foot which makes buying shoes so hard. Is there hope for me?!!
    I didn't realize, but I fit a bit smaller shoes too when I lost a few pounds prior. lol