10 in 9, part 2

Well Dawna mentioned that the 10 in 9 thread was about to lock up, and suggested a new thread. Thanks for noticing Dawna!
Feels awesome to have a thread going for this long and feels even better to have all the support from you ladies! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

I decided to keep the title of the thread going so it can be easily found and also becuz as it turns out, it's a great new goal to set for myself becuz 9 weeks from today it will be Easter!!! I don't know about you ladies but for me spring break/ easter is the time to go on family vacation or go to the beach and be in the sun, and I definately wanna feel confident while I'm travelling or going to the beach! Woudl love to have cute bathing suits or sundresses, shorts, skirts, etc. It's not about how I look as much as how I feel in these! Wanna feel happy and confident and on top of the world!

So here's to reaching ur goals (or mini goals) in 9 weeks and feeling confident enough to go to the beach and have fun without having to worry about how you look! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:


  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I would like to join your group please. I find mini goals less intimidating than your final goal.

    My goal for 9 weeks in to be 5 pounds lighter

    CW 159
    Mini goal 154
    GW 140
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hopefully we'll have some consistently warm weather in 9 weeks b/c I'm about done w/this GA cold. I know it's not as bad as Boston but seriously I don't want to be bothered w/it no matter where I live...LOL

    Glad you were able to post another thread before the last one locked up. Excuse my ignorance but how do you get the link for a new thread? I've seen this in other threads as well and didn't know what one had to do to continue a thread and get the link to post so everyone could follow.
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    hi ladies. i don't feel like exercising today. i'm sick today. i'll see how i feel tomorrow.:sick:
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Welcome Smadag!! We love having more support!! Also, I noticed your GW is the same as mine!!! Horrray!

    I'm excited for the next 9 weeks....I have a feeling some good things will happen in this group :wink: We can do this!!!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    All of a sudden I just got a new energy for working out. I have felt like crud all day and did not want to do anything but walking around the office just to get myself out of my chaior I feel so much better and ready to go. I think I am going to go for a run tonight even tho it will be dark and cold.
  • aam_84
    aam_84 Posts: 46
    Hey guys! Glad to see everyone moved over to the new thread! Keep up the great work everyone :happy:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Wow! I'm glad everyone made their way over here, I'm so excited because it feels like I'm starting fresh on this new thread. I will set my mini goal to either losing 10lbs or fitting into my size 10 jeans - whichever comes first! Figure that would be good to have both equally good goals, and I'll be happy to meet either one. Today I'm wearing a size 10 slacks which I h aven't worn in about 8 months. I hadn't done laundry so I figured, I'd give it a try and to my surprise they slid right up my thighs! woopee! Size 10 jeans on the other hand are less forgiving and I'm sure if I push really hard I should have no problem getting there in 9 weeks. Last night I think I over did it @ dinner and I could feel myself feeling sick after over eating. But I was still under my cals cuz I went for a very long walk/jog with my mom and burned up 500cals. This evening will try to go for 600!

    Choco: All you do is copy the URL of the new thread in this case (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/post/new/78722-10-in-9-part-2 ) then go to the thread u wanna post it in, example your May Day challenge and paste it there. Works the same in emails, etc, anywhere you want people to open the link just stick the URL in there.

    Smadag1: Welcome :flowerforyou: Glad to have a new face around here.

    Porterbaby: Hope you feel better, listen to your body and don't push yourself too much. If you feel up to it perhaps, go for a light walk, to keep ur body in motion. Otherwise stay in bed, drink ur fluids (good ones like soup and OJ, etc) and get back in the game when you feel ready.

    Dawna: You are doing awesome andI know with following your example this group will definately accomplish lots of things!

    Have a great day everyone! :smile:
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I am struggling to stay in my size 12 jeans but I think most of it is do to TOM. I only have one pair of 14's so I realy need to get back into my 12's all the way, right now it is hit or miss if I will fit into them just depends on the day :grumble:
    I completly blew my cals yesterday, i had planned on hitting the elliptical for an hour but after cooking, dished and laundry I just did not have time or energy so I went way over but I am going to try to extra good today and make up for it. might have to try to do 90 minutes on the ellptical
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    i feel alittle bit better. i know i was suppose to weigh myself saturday, but i went ahead and to see what i weigh, but i'm still going to weigh in saturday. i'm finally back in the 170's. finally.:smile::happy:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon ladies, while I did get up and complete Kenpo X this morning I'm feeling a bit sluggish now. I think my TOM is lurking or something. Of course I didn't sleep well so I'm sure that isn't helping. I had to switch health insurance carriers at the beginning of the year so am just finding new doctors. My first appt w/primary care physician will be in a couple of weeks and lack of sleep is TOP priority on the discussion list.

    Anyway, I'm glad I got the workout over with but depending on how I feel the rest of the week I may do lighter workouts. Tomorrow is weigh in day and although I met my goal weight last Saturday I haven't changed my ticker b/c I wanted to ensure it was a true 1 lb loss and not just the scale fluctuating so I will get on it tomorrow to see what it tells me. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and that's also helping me stay focused on eating as clean as possible so the scale will be nice to me.

    Nola, thanks for the instructions about copying a thread. I'm not tech savvy so all the lessons are greatly appreciated.

    Have a great day ladies.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hi ladies!
    I'm kind of stressed, hoping I can get my workout in tonight...I have so much laundry to do. Ugh. But, I am going to squeeze it in! I tried SOOO hard to get up at 5am this morning...but I am NOT a morning person at all. I never have been. Last night I was so motivated to get up early, I had my workout clothes set right next to my bed, my Turbo Kick in the DVD player. I almost even slept with my shoes on! haha! And when the alarm went off I thought "Oh I could get up now...but, my body wants to sleep". And my arm swiftly smacked the alarm clock until 6:30. Dang it! I am GOING to get my workouts, well at least my cardio done in the morning... I just have to keep telling myself this mentally and have my husband be in charge of my alarm clock. Haha.

    Last night I did Turbo Kick Round 30. It had been a while since I've done that particular work out, so I really got a good calorie burn out of it. I burned close to 600 calories using the weighted gloves and really busting my bum. I was glad to have burned that many calories because last night I was a bottomless pit and ate all of my calories and exercise calories. I think my metabolism is getting kicked into overdrive, and I get especially hungry after the days I do ChaLean Extreme. My arms are incredibly toned, and last night I worked out in a small t-shirt and the arms were loose!

    I'm scared to step on the scale on Saturday..mainly because this morning I took a peek at the scale and I got really bummed. But, I think the culprite was having ate a LOT last night and not really going to the bathroom yet this morning (TMI, I know....) and I did drink as much water after dinner last night to wash out my system.

    CHOCO- You are one patient girl!! I get on that scale, and if it says I've lost weight...I change my profile right away! haha! Well, as long as its on my weigh-in day.
    NOLA- way to get that calorie burn in girl!! I can't wait until spring/summer to be able to go walking outside. Its -10 degrees here and I have a hard time walking to the gym (one block away).
    PORTERBABY- glad you are doing better!
    SMADAG-I totally know what you mean about doing all of the housework and just losing the energy to workout. Ugh. It's just so draining! I've been trying to get my workouts in before anything else, but its hard when the evenings are so short!
    AAM- hope you are getting your workouts in!!

    Have a great day ladies!
  • aam_84
    aam_84 Posts: 46
    Hey everyone! Sounds like everyone is dng great and staying on track. I was slacking last week but have really stepped it up this week. I have done my 20 minute ( level 2) 30 Day Shred everyday so far and even added in alittle extra. I wish I knew exactly how many calories I was burning though. What do you guys use to help keep track of that? Also, I am doing great on Calories but tend to run over on fat and Protein. Any suggestions?

    This thread has really kept me motiviated. I want the lbs to come off this next week when I weigh in and not just maintain.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hey everyone! Sounds like everyone is dng great and staying on track. I was slacking last week but have really stepped it up this week. I have done my 20 minute ( level 2) 30 Day Shred everyday so far and even added in alittle extra. I wish I knew exactly how many calories I was burning though. What do you guys use to help keep track of that? Also, I am doing great on Calories but tend to run over on fat and Protein. Any suggestions?

    This thread has really kept me motiviated. I want the lbs to come off this next week when I weigh in and not just maintain.

    Great job w/staying on track w/the workouts. I know most use a hrm but I've not been able to figure out how to use my so I log my Jillian Michael's dvds under circuit training. I complete the entire circuit but I only include the time for warm-up and workout in my exercise diary. For instance if the entire dvd was 55 minutes but 5 minutes was dedicated to cool down I only log that I did 50 minutes of circuit training and use the amount of calories given. Since I don't really eat my exercise calories I don't worry about the fact that many ppl on this site say MFP overestimates the calories burned and since I've lost the weight I assume I was doing alright.

    What's making you over your allotted fat grams? While some fats (omega, monosaturated) are supposedly good for you I would be careful w/going over your allotment in that category especially if its happening regularly b/c fat can lead to heart disease and things of that nature.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I am going to try to start getting up early in the morning but I am SOOO not a morning person but I just don't have the time at night and Hubby leaves for work WAY before I get up so I don't have to worry about disturning him like I would at night.

    Lets hope I have the motivation to do this come 5am
  • aam_84
    aam_84 Posts: 46
    I dont go over my fat ALL the time... just every once in awhile! As for my excersise... its about 20 minutes worth of circuit training and i figure its about 300 calories :)
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I am adding to my goal for the end of the 9 weeks but acctualy I would like it to happen in 28 days. When my next TOM comes I don't want to have to pull out my fat pants. I want to be able to stay in my 12's.Lets hope I can do this, I HATE those fat pants
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning my ladies! Despite feeling absolutely CRAPPY due to TOM cramps and a stuffy head, running nose, sniffling, sneezing head cold type of thing going on this morning I climbed out my bed and completed today's workout. Since I didn't have alot of energy I decided to take it easy this morning and completed 3 miles of Leslie Sansone "5 mile fat burning walk" dvd for a total of 36 minutes. It helped rejuvenate me just a tad bit and now i'm enjoying a hardy bowl of oatmeal which I'm hoping will add to my energy level.

    I also have officially MET MY GOAL WEIGHT and have actually exceeded it by a pound and i'm super excited.

    Thank for all the support my 10 in 9 ladies. This journey would not have been as fun w/o you. Since I'm now trying to reduce some body fat I will continue logging and posting.

    Happy Friday!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Congratulations goes out to CHOCO who has met and exceeded her goal! GO CHOCO, GO CHOCO! U are my inspiration!
    I've heard of those DVDs, can you tell me how your Leslie Sansone "5 mile fat burning walk" works?

    Smadag: when TOM comes around pretend its not there - stick to ur diet, drink lots of water, actually EXTRA if u can cuz ur body retains in that time and try to do moderate workouts. don't give in to the cramps and cravings or u will be regretting it after.

    Today I was up bright and early @ 5:30am to do my workout. Did 30 mins on the elliptical and some abs for a total of 400 cals. I still didn't meet my goal of 500 but I ran out of time and had to get ready for work. Will try my best tomorrow and Sunday since I have all day to workout! For lunch I'm taking my mom to an italian restaurant that has killer salads. I'm ordering a greek salad with dressing on the side. So yummy. I might indulge and have a few breadsticks tho since I skipped breakfast this morning. (Felt full from last night still, yes I overdid it again! grrr) Tomorrow I'm taking my mom uptown to see a parade and I'm sure there will be lots of walking invovled.

    Happy Friday everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Congratulations goes out to CHOCO who has met and exceeded her goal! GO CHOCO, GO CHOCO! U are my inspiration!
    I've heard of those DVDs, can you tell me how your Leslie Sansone "5 mile fat burning walk" works?

    Smadag: when TOM comes around pretend its not there - stick to ur diet, drink lots of water, actually EXTRA if u can cuz ur body retains in that time and try to do moderate workouts. don't give in to the cramps and cravings or u will be regretting it after.

    Today I was up bright and early @ 5:30am to do my workout. Did 30 mins on the elliptical and some abs for a total of 400 cals. I still didn't meet my goal of 500 but I ran out of time and had to get ready for work. Will try my best tomorrow and Sunday since I have all day to workout! For lunch I'm taking my mom to an italian restaurant that has killer salads. I'm ordering a greek salad with dressing on the side. So yummy. I might indulge and have a few breadsticks tho since I skipped breakfast this morning. (Felt full from last night still, yes I overdid it again! grrr) Tomorrow I'm taking my mom uptown to see a parade and I'm sure there will be lots of walking invovled.

    Happy Friday everyone! :flowerforyou:

    Thank for the shout out Nola, ur constant encouragement has really helped on this journey, glad I came across this site and the friends I've met.

    I had been hearing a few ppl post about Leslie Sansone on a few other threads and decided to check her out. I bought the dvd at Target for $10.00. I consider her dvds general/low impact aerobics and use them for days like today when I just don't have the energy to go intense but still want to workout. There's a lot of walking in place, knee lifts, side stepping and kickbacks. The dvd I purchased consists of 5 (1) mile circuits w/each being about 12 minutes in length. This dvd is extremely easy to follow but should only be considered if you have days you feel like taking it easy but it definitely serves its purpose.

    Since I don't feel well I do this dvd tomorrow and Sunday so I can be prepared to take on P90X on Monday.

    Have fun w/your mom and try to keep the eating in check this weekend.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    yeahhhhh...way to go Chocolickkyss!! Thats awesome girl!! I look forward to the day I can say I have met my goal, I bet it feels GRRRRREAT! Congrats!

    Nola- great job on getting up early this morning...I reallly tried to get up at 5:30 but after last night's ChaLean Extreme...my body was soo sleepy & sore!

    Last night I did 40 minutes of Turbo Kick and then did ChaLean Extreme. I can feel it today!! I was sooo hungry yesterday I ate all of my exercise calories. Well, I've actually done that the last two nights. I've been a bottomless pit. But, I'm thinking its because my body is building a lot of muscle and my metabolism is kicking into overdrive. I'm thinking tonight I am going to do some Burn Intervals. It is very similar to a boot camp, and the sadistic part of me LOVES the burn and the soreness in my muscles. haha! Hope you all have a great weekend! Any fun plans??? Nola, have fun with your mom!!