10 in 9, part 2



  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    My knees are killing me today so I made an appointment with an orthapedist for next Wednseday (that makes 3 dr appontments for that day :grumble: . I am hoping he can give me a knee brace that fits better and that I ca wear while working out. I MIGHT try to get a workout in this weekend but it all depends on the knees
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Choco - way to go on the workout. Modify everything - like Tony says u don't have to do what they do, u have to do what's best for u! I could never do even one pull up - have u tried using the reistance band like one of the guys does? or the chair like the girl does?

    Dawna- thnx for the compliment. I took that pic for xmas and I hope when I try on that dress again next weekend it's bigger than it fit back in December haha.

    Porterbaby - I agree why not do TJ around the hubby? feel silly? I feel that u gain confidence with all those moves and I feel sexy actually hahahaha

    Smadag - hope u get a better knee brace so u can complete ur workouts to the fullest!

    Not sure about weekend plans yet but today I have been very bad already and plan on getting a good workout tomorrow. Not sure what time tho cuz I'm volunteering from 8am to 12pm to do Mathcounts for a school and well on Saturdays I usually workout first thing, but I don't wanna have to get up @ 6am on a Saturday :S
  • porterbaby38
    because we only have one tv and he likes to watch tv, not me shaking my booty lol.
  • porterbaby38
    choco: great job on your workout. also have fun with your friends next month.
    nolachick: you do look great in that picture.
    smadag: i hope your knee gets to feeling better.
    kicklikeagirl: i'm glad that you and your husband does it together. great job on your workout.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    because we only have one tv and he likes to watch tv, not me shaking my booty lol.

    porterbaby..you should tell him that if he watches you shake your booty for a bit, you'll reward him for allowing you to do the Turbo Jam workout with the TV :) haha! i bet then he'd rather watch you do Turbo Jam than watch TV..haha! i think my husband has been grateful for the increase in self-confidence from working out.
  • porterbaby38
    actually i do all my workouts on the tapes, when he not around. that way i can have time to myself to do the exercises. that why i wait for him to leave to something. i'll wait and shake my booty when it's even more slim and toned haha lol. that way he has something better to look at instead of the tv. lol
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Well, it's confession time: I'm unsure what happened here. I was doing very well all day and then got so unbelievably hungry while out getting my pedicure and grabbed what I saw and thought I wanted at the time. Unfortunately, what I saw and wanted was a bag of Cool Ranch Munchies. I hadn't even had the desire for these chips in forever but all of a sudden I wanted them and there they were. Now, my intentions were to just have the allotted serving size which is 3/4 cup but before I realized it the whole bag was gone. Needless to say, I went WAY OVER my count in every category, oh well, back to the drawing board. While I do feel bad that I consumed the whole bag for some reason it feels alot easier to not beat myself up and regroup.

    Well I'll be heading to kickboxing class momentarily and the lapdance workshop later so i'm hoping I can at least redeem myself then.
  • porterbaby38
    good morning ladies, i feel great today, even though i'm on TOM, i weigh myself today and i'm happy to say i went from last saturday 178.4 to this saturday 175.6. i'm proud of myself and i want to thank everyone for helping me out.:happy:
  • porterbaby38
    good morning ladies, i feel great today, even though i'm on TOM, i weigh myself today and i'm happy to say i went from last saturday 178.4 to this saturday 175.6. i'm proud of myself and i want to thank everyone for helping me out.:happy:
  • porterbaby38
    good morning ladies, i feel great today, even though i'm on TOM, i weigh myself today and i'm happy to say i went from last saturday 178.4 to this saturday 175.6. i'm proud of myself and i want to thank everyone for helping me out.:happy:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone! Well today is week 1 day 6 of P90X and is suppose to be Kenpo X which incorporates a lot of kickboxing moves, so, instead of doing the actual dvd I went to the gym and ROCKED IT OUT!. I completed 30 minutes on the elliptical machine and burned 305 calories in the process and then I headed to my kickboxing class. I was able to burn over 400 calories in this 45 minute class and I'm feeling really great right now. Although I had a slip up yesterday I've already dusted myself off and moved on. I've burned over 700 calories today and that does not even include any calories burned from the lapdance class.

    I just want to announce to my 10 in 9 buddies that the lapdance workshop was AWESOME!!!!!!!. I have a few battle scars (bruised my knees) from the workshop but SOOOOOOO WORTH IT. There were about 25 women of all shapes, sizes and colors all there to get their sexy on. The two instructors taught us an entire lapdance routine (about 3-5 minutes) and we practiced and practticed and practiced (hence the battle scars). While I am not currently dating anyone I do plan to continue practicing so when the time comes I can bust out my sexy moves. If anyone has even slightly considered taking any type of exotic dance class I would greatly encourage it. I don't suffer from any type of self esteem issues but I always leave there feeling like i'm the sexiest woman alive. My beautician had a ball too and is already asking me when we can sign up for another class.

    Porterbaby: Congrats on the weight loss despite having your TOM. Apparently you are doing something correct so keep up the great work.

    What an awesome Saturday!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    did the shred last night despite knee pain I just modified it to what I needed, but atleast I got a workout in that is 4 for me last week.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon ladies. I have returned from the gym after completing 60 minutes on the elliptical. My plan is to eat fairly light during the course of the day so when I go the superbowl parties later i can indulge a little if I choose to. I'm glad the workout is complete, I'm about to shower and just relax for the remainder of the day until it's time to get dress and head out to my destination.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    NOLACHICK: CONGRATULATIONS ON UR CITY'S WIN! It was a great superbowl game and the SAINTS definitely deserved the win! I'm sure your city is on PHYRE now with all the excitement. Will you be able to attend the parade tomorrow?
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    porterbaby: congrats on the weight loss! must feel great! I know u were getting frustrated but it pays to hang in there.
    Smadag: gld u got ur workout in again. I haven't done the shred in a while, need to start over on it.
    Choco: sounds like u had a great weekend, and just one minor slip up which I wouldn't even worry about.

    As for me, I haven't worked out since thursday so I feel horrible! well friday I didn't get up on time. Sat I had to volunteer for something from 8am - 12pm and well I'm sorry butI can't get up any earlier than that on the weekend, haha. Sunday well I shud have worked out considering it was the superbowl and of course I ate out but I will count in all the walking that I did on Fri, Sat, and Sunday when we had to park very far and walk downtown to catch the parades and all. So that had to count for something!
    But I must say, today when I looked in the mirror after my shower I was really happy with the progress I have made with my body and I can't wait to see the end result!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    NOLACHICK: CONGRATULATIONS ON UR CITY'S WIN! It was a great superbowl game and the SAINTS definitely deserved the win! I'm sure your city is on PHYRE now with all the excitement. Will you be able to attend the parade tomorrow?

    thnx choco~!! It was an amazing game, and I gotta admit I was biting mynails at half time, but deep down I knew we'd come back cuz we always do! I :heart: my boys and I'm so happy they made it! So many people were doubting us and WE DID IT! :drinker: :drinker:

    OH YES, I'm going to the Saints parade tomorrow. It rolls right by my work and I will be down there when the time comes!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hey ladies!
    The weekend was great- did my "power Saturday" which consisted of a 5 mile run and a circuit of ChaLean Extreme. It felt great. Sunday is my rest day and so I made some yummy appetizers for the big game and watched Nola's Saints to victory! My husband was rooting for the Colts, but a little rivalry is always fun, so I was cheering on the Saints. I'm feeling disgusting today. Yesterday I was lower on my calories and wasn't hungry for most of the day, just nibbled on some apps.... and then 10pm hit and I was starving...ugh- so I woke up this morning not wanting to get up because I felt disgusting!!! I probably wouldn't have felt so disgusting if I would have ate more healthier choices yesterday...but oh well- its not everyday I make some appetizers that tasted as good as the ones I made! Haha! But, its a new day, I brought healthy food to work...and I'm ready for my workouts tonight!

    Have a great Monday!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies! I hope everyone's weekend was filled w/fun, excitement, workouts and rest. Today is week 2 day 1 of P90X and I completed the 52 minute "Chest & Back" dvd. While there are parts of the P90X series that I definitely like and feel like I've gotten a great workout (Plyo, Kenpo & Cardio dvds) there are others I walk away from not sure what just happened although I give it my all on ALL the exercises. I may have to improvise by throwing in some Jillian Michael dvds or going to the gym to get some additional cardio but unsure right now. Anyhoo the workout is complete.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    choco: I'm not sure if u read one of my posts but did you try using resistance bands for the pull up work outs? and on those ur not quite feeling it. those resistance bands can be tough!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Nola, I do use resistance bands but I don't feel like i'm getting enough tension. I've tried making them tighter but not sure what else to do. I have a co-worker who uses the bands so perhaps I'll ask him the specific bands he uses and see if that resolves some of my problem. The other issue is i'm not sure if the space that I'm using w/the bands is big enough. Since I workout in my living room I use the bands w/the bathroom door b/c it's close enough to the living room that I can still see the tv and hear what Tony is saying on the dvd. I'm just not sure if the space between the bathroom door and the hallway is enough to get the resistance needed. It will be trial and error. As long as I don't regain weight I'm not going to worry about it and I'll keep pluggin away as best I can.

    Nola, thank for the feedback.