10 in 9, part 2



  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    great job chocolickkyss on getting your goal weight.

    nola- great job on getting up early.

    kicklikeagirl- great job for doing those workouts, that burns those muscles.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Thank for the support ladies.

    Kicklikeagirl, according to your ticker you're only 7 lbs away from your goal weight and how diligent you are about getting those workouts in I know you'll be celebrating in no time at all.

    I still fill like crap due to TOM cramps and cold so I'm pretty much staying in bed this weekend. I have a book to read for an upcoming book club mtg and a netflix dvd so I should be entertained enough.

    Hope everyone else's plans are more exciting than mine.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies, I still feel like crap but I did get up and get the workout in. I completed 2 1/2 miles of the Leslie Sansone dvd for a total of 30 minutes. I wanted to take a minute to log in but now its back to bed for some well needed R & R.

    Everyone have a great day!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    I feel awesome, I finally got some time to do some Turbo JAM (20 min workout AND Turbo Sculpt) - yey me! My HRM read 640 cals in 63 mins! WOW! I love it! Can't wait to do Cardio Party Tomorrow!

    Choco: hope u ffeel better.

    Everyone have a happy saturday!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I just got up from my nap and I feel a tad bit better. I'm eating some lunch and reading the posts before going back to bed. How rude is it to have monthly cramps and a horrible cold (sneezing, sniffling, runny nose, achy body etc.) simultaneously.

    While I have stayed w/in my calories these past two days I have been craving and eating my Tostitos w/a hint of Jalapeno chips. I'm sooooooooooo addicted to these chips. I'm still getting my water in to help w/the amt of sodium I'm sure I'm consuming but I figure I'm sick and cramping I DESERVE to eat something I'm craving.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Afternoon ladies!
    This morning I got a sweet run in. I ran for almost 6 miles in about 60 minutes. I'm still kind of slow, but I figured I was running an average of 6mph, so thats not too bad. Typically I ran about 7mph and then walked a few times to catch my breath, slow my heart rate & drink some water. But, it felt great- burned 800 calories. Then I came home with lots of energy and decided to do ChaLean Extreme and burned another 300 calories. I ate a yummy big breakfast: an egg white omelet with lots of green & red peppers, onions. It was soooo delish!! Its going to be a great day!! Sundays are my rest day, and I am looking forward to that because I am sore after the CE workout. I did as Chalene said..."Go Heavy or Go Home!" Haha!

    Hope you all have a great day!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies, while my cramps have subsided this cold doesn't appear to be playing fair. Today my throat has started to hurt along w/the sneezing, sniffling, running nose, headache, body aches. I have been able to get some well needed rest and once I'm done posting it's back to bed again. Despite how I felt I was able to pull myself out of bed and put on my workout clothes and get the workout in. I did 2 1/2 miles of the Leslie Sansone dvd for a total of 30 minutes.
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    i hope getting feeling better choco. iknow the feeling, about that TOM, i'll be starting mine soon and i sure can feel it too. i'm bloated and and hurt.
    nolachick : i like your new picture, you are very pretty.
    kicklikeagirl: that's great on that workout.
    i weight myself yesterday and last thursday and lost a pound thursday and a pound saturday. i'm finally getting back into the 170's it's about time.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Porterbaby: thnx for the comment and congratulations on ur weight loss and getting into the 170's. I still can't believe I'm there too after being in the 190's for most of last year. When I get to 160's I really won't be able to believe my eyes.
    Choco: hope u feel better
    Dawna: u are a beast with those runs girl. I think I need to try the C25k before I can run anything more than 5mins. lol. I am serious about doing it too just have to get a gym membership so i can use a treadmill.

    today I only burned 250cals @ the gym with 20 mins on the elliptical and 10 on the treadmill. I really need to push myself to get up earlier to have more time at the gym. Will try to get to bed by 10 tonight so it's not so hard to get up @ 5:30.
    Forgot my lunch @ home today so will try to make some healthy choices about the food I buy at the convenience store downstairs. Will need to by pass the candy isle, make it straight to the fruits and yogurt section and back out! hehe.

    I know Monday sucks, but this week I'm going to try extra hard! I have a wedding to go to on the 14th and I gotta push extra hard before that.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Mornin ladies

    I am NOT having a good day. THe scale said i have put some weight back on but, I can still fit into my size 12's just a little tight. I am not sure what I am doing wrong but I need to stop this soon. I kknow I need to change my eating but that is my biggest sturggle. Hope fully I can get things turned around this week
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hi ladies!
    Happy Monday and Happy February! :) I'm glad because its not only the starting of a new week..but a new month! I hope to meet my goals. I'm not going to lie I stepped on the scale on Saturday and was super bummed because the scale hasn't moved despite how great I am feeling. My husband thinks its because I have been building more muscle than the fat I am losing. Because I look really toned, especially in my stomach area (Hallelujah!). But, I want that scale to start showing me some love!!! I'm deciding right now that I won't step on the scale until Feb 15th. I've gotta work hard, eat right (no more sneaking in cookies on Sunday evenings..ugh!) and making sure I am eating enough during the day to help sustain me until dinner. I CAN and I WILL do this! I will look fabulous for the summer!

    My goal was to get to 150 by April 1st....and then be 140 by July 1st. And then...I'll reasses my goals. Maybe by sharing my goals with you, it will motivate me to meet them and be accountable for the things I do (exercise & eating right).

    Hope you all have a great Monday!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Mornin ladies

    I am NOT having a good day. THe scale said i have put some weight back on but, I can still fit into my size 12's just a little tight. I am not sure what I am doing wrong but I need to stop this soon. I kknow I need to change my eating but that is my biggest sturggle. Hope fully I can get things turned around this week

    you can do this! The beginning of this lifestyle change is the hardest. And soon enough you'll be making decisions you never thought you'd be making! Eat your veggies, fruits and good carbs (whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, brown rice, potato) to fill you up, and eat lean meats! You can do this!!! Substitute the "bad" foods for good, healthy, filling foods!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    My workout is complete for today. Since it wasn't freezing outside I decided to walk/jog around the local park. My hat goes off to all you joggers/runners b/c it's really not my cup of tea. The wind was knocking me all in my face and at times a bit difficult for me to get a nice steady breathing pace b/c I could feel the wind in my throat. Anyway, I did that for 45 minutes and totally unsure how many miles that was but in all honesty I could care less. I exercised and felt like I gave it a good effort.

    Dawna, your dedication is amazing so I have no doubt that you'll push past this plateau that you might be experiencing. I wish I could run the way you do. I'm glad that despite the scale not showing any love you've vowed to keep on keeping on and not allow any negativity pull you back into old unhealthy behaviors. Stay focused b/c I know you can do it.

    Nola, congrats on getting to the gym this morning. The 250 cals that you burned are 250 more than you would have burned if you had decided to remain in bed so don't sell yourself short. While you will have to push yourself to make your ultimate goal that fact that you are remaining to your workout is to be commended.

    I took my measurements this morning and here's the results:

    chest: (down 1 inch)
    waist: (down 1/2 inch)
    hips: (down 1/2 inch)
    thighs: (down 1/2 inch each)
    body fat: (down 2%)

    I'm pleased w/the overall results and am not sure what my goal should be for the next month. While I would like to continue toning and add definitiion I'm not sure how to do that and not continue to lose inches. I don't want to lose too much in my hips and thighs b/c I like my shape.
  • aam_84
    aam_84 Posts: 46
    Happy cold Monday from Kansas! Well, its offical.... weekend workouts are not happening for me. I find it very difficult to get motivated to work out these days...UGH! My workout partner kinda bailed on me so its all up to me :) I do pretty good Monday-Friday but the weekends are killing me

    I want to see the weight go down this week for weight in....

    Looking for motivation,
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy cold Monday from Kansas! Well, its offical.... weekend workouts are not happening for me. I find it very difficult to get motivated to work out these days...UGH! My workout partner kinda bailed on me so its all up to me :) I do pretty good Monday-Friday but the weekends are killing me

    I want to see the weight go down this week for weight in....

    Looking for motivation,

    Perhaps you should start w/lighter workouts. Since Monday thru Friday seems to work for you have those days be your intense days and use the weekend to be active. So instead of kickboxing or 45 minutes on the elliptical try a 20 - 30 minute walk at a park. This may at least get you use to the idea of working out on the weekends. Your intensity doesn't have to be high every single day, you just need to be active.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Choco: Thnx for the support. Getting up early is so hard especially since I like to sleep, but I like my body more. Haha. Congrats on your check in, th ose are awesome results. I don't wanna lose much on my hips and thighs either, I wud be perfectly happy with a thick lower bottom, just need to tone up big time

    Dawna: I'm sure whatever ur goals are u will meet them, you are amazing and truly inspirational. And you're right, I have a great feeling about this new month. Feels good to start fresh!

    Alicia: you cannot let yourself go on the weekends. Find something, anything to do. Go on walks in an area where u will want to walk around. For example, here I would walk down a long street where there's lot's of little stores and art galleries, etc, I know I would like to see them all so one day I kept walking and walking til before I knew it, I had covered almost 2 miles. Not much, but definately better than nothing. And it was really fun too. Also try having a back up workout. I keep a workout DVD in my bag in case I ever get stuck not being able to go to the gym or something. Pop that into the DVD player/laptop, and do ur thing. Also weekend workouts are important cuz you will usually eat more on the weekends. So by working out atleast you will earn extra exercise calories that u can consume.

    Porterbaby: don't be so worried about the scale, try to drink lots of water and stick to your routine and I'm sure your next weigh in will be more consistent.

    I won't get on the scale again until after my TOM has passed. I'm happy to say that usually I get super bloated the week before my TOM which was last week, and I dunno if its my diet and exercise but apart from some minor cramps, I'm feeling pretty good. :) I read somewhere that a healthy lifestyle decreases PMS symptoms so I hope that is the case.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    I have some exciting news...

    Well I've been curious about trying something new and also something I heard was really effective, so yesterday I bought the 30day shred DVD and today I did Day 1 Level 1 - felt awesome! I loved it, my heart was pumping, only had to take a few breaks cuz I was using 5lb dumbells. Burned 250cals in 25mins and I'm happy with that! So wish me luck, I will try my best to be faithful to it and complete it!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    My workout is complete for today. I did 58 minutes of the P90X Plyometrics dvd and despite not being at 100% due to still getting over this cold I felt that I "brought it" as Tony Horton often says.

    Nola, check you out switching things up. That's the way to do it so your body doesn't get use to it.....Muscle Confusion.....Get it girl. Keep us posted on the results. Based on a few threads that I've read about the shred it appears ppl lost inches even if it didn't result in lbs lost on the scale. I'll be interested to see what you have to say. Are you going to follow the entire program or just use it to supplement your current workouts?

    Well it's off to do some work but I'll be checkin in w/my ladies later.

    Have a great day.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Thnx for posting Choco,, felt like I was talking to myself here. Well I heard about the losing inches part and thats really what I would like to see as well - that plus definition and toning. I didnt feel like my time on the elliptical or treadmill were cutting it. I get so bored! that and I am not a good runner at all. I think I will use 30 day shred faithfully and supplement it with extra cardio be it on the machines or walking with my mom. I got her to do it with me too so I hope she will stick to it atleast for the rest of the time she's here. I felt good becuz yesterday she said she was really impressed by how much I have changed my eating habits. Maybe becuz I analyze every single thing before I put it into my mouth.

    So now I'm also party of the 30day shred thread and the New Me Feb Fitness Challenge (exercise atleast 20days in February)
    I thinkk both of those will help me stick to this workout and be more accountable.

    Have a great day ladies! hope to hear from everyone today.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Nola, it seems like you've really kicked the workout into high gear for February, great job and good luck.

    I was suppose to start P90X yesterday but b/c I was soo sick this weekend I didn't have a chance to get the pull up bar and I wasn't sure I had enough energy/endurance to sustain an hour workout. Yesterday I walked/jogged around the park for 45 minutes and did the best I could do w/the weather elements and not feeling 100%. I'm still not 100% but did complete the Plyometrics dvd so feel good about that.

    My plan is to do the shoulder/arm workout tomorrow and see if my strength increases as the week goes on. I hope to be 100% by next week so I'll do as much as my body will allow.