10 in 9, part 2



  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Nola, how is your mom enjoying her stay thus far and what fun things do you still have planned for her to do? Do you have any big Superbowl plans to cheer your Saints on?

    While I'm a Patriot fan I will definitely be cheering for the Saints b/c I've always disliked the Colts although I loved Tony Dungy the coach.....go figure.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Way to go on the workouts ladies! I was going to check in last night....but got a little busy. The evenings go by way too fast. And by the time I get home I am so sick of looking at a computer..haha! I basically get in here and put in my exercise & food...and then no more looking at a computer screen..haha!

    Nola- thats great you started the 30 day shred! You'll have to let me know how that goes for you! Its so great to have that feeling like you've completely changed your lifestyle and eating habits. I know I thought of that yesterday as I went to grab some errands. Like now-a-days I won't even THINK of going to Burger King to grab a quick lunch, instead I go to the grocery store and pick out some healthy lunch items. Just the small mind-set changes really makes a difference. Its so good though! I am feeling SO much better about myself with my exercise and my eating habits.

    Choco- you'll have to let me know how you like P90X...I've heard a lot of good things about it. Are you feeling better today? I hate being sick..ugh!

    Well...last night I did my own Custom turbo Kick routine, as I'm practicing to teach a class next month. I finally feel like I'm in good enough shape to do so. So I'll be teaching a few times a month at the local college. I won't be getting paid, but it will be something fun to do. I burned a good 450 calories doing my routine. And then I did my first LEAN phase in ChaLean Extreme...and it was insane. I burned 350 calories doing that. So, last night was a real calorie-burning evening. Which I needed because I ate quite a bit yesterday. I didn't eat bad, my body was just really hungry and I ate a lot of snacks. One of my favorite things about exercising is how AMAZING I sleep! I hit the pillow and I am out! I can't even finish a movie on the weekends with the hubby because I fall asleep leaning against my husband. But in the morning I feel so refreshed. Love it!!! I havent' decided what exercise I'm doing tonight afterwork. But, I am excited!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Dawna, I can't keep up w/you and all the energy you ooze through the computer screen...LOL You really amaze me w/your workouts and your dedication to them. I workout b/c I have to and NOT b/c I enjoy doing them.. I'll admit I am always glad I did them when it's over but just the thought of them bums me out sometime. I really have to find a way to change that mentality if I'm going to be successful in the long run b/c it truly is a lifestyle change. While I do have moments when all I want to do is pig out they don't happen very often so I find eating fairly healthy is not as much of a struggle for me as exercising. Yet not only do you do a routine that burns 450 calories but you turn around and complete another one that burns 350 calories....do you have super powers.....LOL

    Keep up the great work Dawna b/c reading your posts do motivate me to continue working out. Nothing but great results are coming your way, there's no doubt about it.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Nola, how is your mom enjoying her stay thus far and what fun things do you still have planned for her to do? Do you have any big Superbowl plans to cheer your Saints on?

    While I'm a Patriot fan I will definitely be cheering for the Saints b/c I've always disliked the Colts although I loved Tony Dungy the coach.....go figure.

    thnx for asking choco. I think my mom is enjoying her time here. well everyday i get up early to workout with her and try to have breakfast with her too. after work we find t hings to do around the house or go for coffee, etc. there are several parades coming up this wkend I'd like to take her to. And as for sunday, no plans yet but wow am I nervous! Just t hinking about it gets me hyped up and nervous all at the same time. I will be screaming my lungs out on Sunday but I'll be careful not to blow my cals. Will try to get a workout in on Sunday morning cuz the came isnt til 5:30 local time. Glad u cheering us on, we need as much support as possible. I don't even want to think about it, but I'll definately be watching on Sunday night!


    Dawna: you are amazing! and ur right workingout makes for better sleep. and more energy in the day, atleast for me! I think we need to introduce Choco to Turbo Jam so she can become addicted like us. I would love to be doing it right nowbut my mom gets iiritated when the moves are so fast and she cant keep up. lol. but its so much fun! Wish you could come to new orleans and teach, there are no turbo kick classes that I know of, except for ONE @ lunch time at my old school. :S not worth the 30 min drive each way. grrrr
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Dawna, I can't keep up w/you and all the energy you ooze through the computer screen...LOL You really amaze me w/your workouts and your dedication to them. I workout b/c I have to and NOT b/c I enjoy doing them.. I'll admit I am always glad I did them when it's over but just the thought of them bums me out sometime. I really have to find a way to change that mentality if I'm going to be successful in the long run b/c it truly is a lifestyle change. While I do have moments when all I want to do is pig out they don't happen very often so I find eating fairly healthy is not as much of a struggle for me as exercising. Yet not only do you do a routine that burns 450 calories but you turn around and complete another one that burns 350 calories....do you have super powers.....LOL

    Keep up the great work Dawna b/c reading your posts do motivate me to continue working out. Nothing but great results are coming your way, there's no doubt about it.
    Dawna: you are amazing! and ur right workingout makes for better sleep. and more energy in the day, atleast for me! I think we need to introduce Choco to Turbo Jam so she can become addicted like us. I would love to be doing it right nowbut my mom gets iiritated when the moves are so fast and she cant keep up. lol. but its so much fun! Wish you could come to new orleans and teach, there are no turbo kick classes that I know of, except for ONE @ lunch time at my old school. :S not worth the 30 min drive each way. grrrr

    Aw, thanks ladies. You know I have the hard days too. But, I've learned that 99% of enjoying exercise is 1)mentality/attitude and 2) desire. When I psyche myself up mentally and get myself excited to exercise, I do enjoy it. Which is why I typically get on here and tell ya'll about my planned workout, to psyche myself up and to be accountable for it. But, on the days I have a bad attitude and all I want to do is sit around, then it makes exercise SO much harder. And it makes excuses seem much more approving. I think everyone has a desire to be fit, so that usually isn't the problem, but its typically our mentality about exercise that can really make a difference.

    And you girls are such great motivators for me! When I hear how someone has resisted the "work dessert table" or has tried a new program and is trying to vary their workouts...it really motivates me to do better. So, I thank you for all of your motivation to keep me going!!

    And, Choco- yeah my Mon, Wed, Saturdays are my "Power Days"- so I seem like a crazy woman but I love the calorie burn (more good food for me to eat!..yummm) I am also somewhat crazy in the fact that I love to be sore- because I know whatever I did really worked. And, my power days help me with that crazy goodness/soreness.

    Nola- I think we should get Choco addicted to Turbo Jam too!! If you love to shake your booty and punch out some rage...its fun! Haha...even if I'm not mad its fun because I just love the moves and the variety! I think I'll help you in cheering on the Saints! I couldn't decide who to root for (since my Vikings lost to you guys)...so I might as well go against my hubby and root for the Saints! Is it sad that the only person I know on the team is Reggie Bush...and thats only because my guilty pleasure is watching Keeping up with the Kardashians? Haha.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies, today's workout is complete. I did 59 minutes of P90X's "Arms and Shoulders" dvd and it was not nearly as bad as I expected. I'm stronger than I thought (I guess Jillian Michael's dvd and boot camp got me in pretty good shape) b/c the 8 lb weights I was using didn't seem heavy enough on a good portion of the exercises which means I'm going to have to purchase the 10 lbs very soon (hopefully over the weekend). Nonetheless, I think it was a good introduction and now that I have a better idea of what to expect I'll be better prepared.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Ladies, Ladies, Ladies...ugh. I didn't even want to post on here today because I feel soooo guilty! Yesterday I posted about how I try to psyche myself up for exercise- and then I get home and debate for like 30 minutes if I should go. I was feeling really tired and I really don't think I should have gave in to that excuse. So, last night I skipped my workout. And to top that off... I begged my husband to go with me to the store to get a Twix bar & chocolate milk. Hahaha, oh my goodness! I fell asleep on the couch at 7:30 and I was just exhausted. Around 9pm my husband pretty much carried me (because I was sooo out of it) to the bedroom to go to sleep. And I slept until 7am this morning. Oh my word! I was almost late for work! Luckily my husband woke up to go to the bathroom and woke me up because I was out solid. After thinking about it...I'm wondering if my body just needed the rest. I only have rest days on Sundays, and even then I get some sort of a walk in. But, my body hasn't actually had a full-on rest day since sometime in December. So, I may have just burned my body out and made it super tired. But, today is a new day- I am well rested, and my body is hopefully back to normal...and I'm planning on a nice evening of Turbo Kick & ChaLean Extreme. I kind of have to make up for last night (at least a little bit) so I'm going to do Turbo Kick a little longer than usual. I'm planning a nice healthy dinner and then a relaxing remainder of the evening with my hubby.

    choco- that is great that you are increasing your weights!! more muscle means less fat! muscle burns fat, so the more muscle you build the less fat you will have in your body...so keep it up!! It always feels so great when you get stronger!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    My knees are still bthering me so I will probably just do my elliptical tonight depending on hubby's work schedule
  • porterbaby38
    hi ladies, i feel very bad today. i'm on that TOM and it's making me feel frustrated, that i could scream. i feel like i just want go somewhere and punch and punch. i wish i had my punching bag with me i could be punching the crap out of it. :explode: part of me just want to go and hide under a rock until this is over with, because it feels i like i just want cry and cry. i've never felt this way before. :frown:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    hi ladies, i feel very bad today. i'm on that TOM and it's making me feel frustrated, that i could scream. i feel like i just want go somewhere and punch and punch. i wish i had my punching bag with me i could be punching the crap out of it. :explode: part of me just want to go and hide under a rock until this is over with, because it feels i like i just want cry and cry. i've never felt this way before. :frown:

    Porterbaby, hang in there. I know those days and they can be down right awful but just know that "this too shall pass". Hope you feel better soon and wish you had that punching bag b/c not only would it allow you to release some stress but that would be a great upper body workout.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Choco: way to go on the arms n shoulders workout. I knew ur arms were tough ever since u told me u cud do pushups so I knew ths wud be a piece of cake!
    Dawna: I think you're right, your body does need to recover, so don't be so hard on yourself. Sleep is actually a vital part of ur weight loss journey. Haha if only I could burn lots more calories during my sleep I wud be thin already. hahaha
    Porterbaby: I know how u feel, I'm on mine today and it hurts but really I think it's the best one I've had since I started working out n terms of less cramps and bloating and less cravings and all that.

    I do have to admit that last night I went to Chlli's with my mom for a margarita and we shared an appetizer. I haven't logged them yet but I know I had 500 cals for dinner so hopefully I didnt blow it. Today was day 2 of the Shred and it felt good but I was sleepy and wished I had gotten more sleep before getting up to do it cuz I know I cud have gven it more. Oh well, will try again tomorrow. Today I went shopping with my mom and I felt so awesome to be buying size M tops instead of L and XL. wooo hooo! I bought a nice pair of jeans that were size 12, I wish I was at size 10 already but my thighs won't let them slide up just yet. That's ok tho, I don't feel too bad cuz it was a 12 Petite and those usually run a bit small than regular clothes. Plus it was a little loose. I'm hoping that in 8 weeks I will be going back for a size 10!

    Tomorrow's Thursday which means its almost the weekend FINALLY!!!! WOO HOOOO
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Good morning my beautiful 10 in 9 ladies!

    It's a great morning, gloomy here in new orleans but I am shining and radiating becuz I had a good night's sleep, an awesome workout this morning, burned 450 cals already and I'm feeling great! I peeked on the scale and I'm still at 177 but that is ON my TOM so no biggie, that just means I should get better numbers when I weigh in again after it's over. OH YES! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Well I hope to hear from everyone today, I can't wait for this day to be over and the wkend to be here, Sunday is the big day, everyone here is going crazyyyyy and I'm getting nervous just thinkinga bout it. GEAUX SAINTS! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I am on the disabled list for the rest of the week because of knee pain. I am hoping to get back to working out by Monday
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies, my day got off to a very slow start b/c once again I did not sleep well. I was tired, so, headed to bed about 11 pm but was up around 1 am for no apparent reason. I could not fall back to sleep until about 4 am so getting up to exercise at 6 am was not going to happen. I finally did muster up the energy and got the workout done. Today is day 4 of P90X and it was suppose to be Yoga. I still haven't been able to wrap my mind around doing Yoga especially since that dvd is 90 minutes long. So instead of doing the Yoga dvd I did 40 minutes of the Cardio X dvd which incorporates moves from the Yoga, Plyo, Kenpo and Core X dvds. That was a nice burn and I can feel yesterday's workout of shoulders and arms.

    As always I am glad I did the workout AND that it's over for the day.

    Smadag, hope you feel better soon. I know a little something about knee pain. Remember to make smart food choices since you wont be able to burn any extra calories.

    Nola, way to go w/a 450 calorie burn to start the day. I wish I could sleep as well as you and Dawna but no such luck.

    My weekend starts today since tomorrow my agency has to take a furlough day. While I hate the idea of not getting paid for this day off I do like the idea of being able to do my own thing tomorrow. I am sooooo looking forward to this Saturday b/c my beautician and I are taking a lapdance workshop. You have to bring an over-sized man shirt, tie, hat and heels b/c in addition to teaching us a lapdance routine they're going to show us a striptease one as well....Woohoo. I don't have a boyfriend so I wont be practicing these moves on anyone but I know I'll have so much fun and it will be a great workout as well.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Choco, you are soooo lucky to have a holiday, even if it is unpaid. I would love to be off on Friday becuz the anxiety of the game on sunday is driving everyone at work crazy and then on monday well no matter what the outcome, I'm sure no one will want to come to work either!
    WTG on the cardio x, I like that DVD and I carry it around in my purse whenever I get stuck at my bf's place without a workout for the day. I like it.

    Feel better Smadag. My knee was giving a little bit of trouble too so I took off from the shred today and did the elliptical instead.
  • porterbaby38
    good morning ladies. i glad everyone is working out and feeling good.
    smadag: i hope you getting to feeling with your knee, just take it easy and take care. just do what you can do.
    nolachick: in no time you will be able to get in those size 10s. i know you will.
    choco: good job on your workout.
    i feel alittle bit better, i'm having a terrible one, at least it's cleaning me out. but i was so sick last night, from it. thanks everyone, i really appreicate it. i still could use that punching bag though haha. i hope you ladies have a nice day.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!
    Been busy today with work, but decided I'd take my lil 15 minute break and get on here to say hello! Last night I was ready to get home and do my workouts, and then some friends called and said they were passing through town and wanted to grab a bite to eat. So, right after work we went out to eat. I got a light salad, so I didn't do too bad. And then about an hour after I got home I decided to get to it and do my workouts. I absolutely hate working out after a meal, but I stuck with it. I always start to feel sick. Its a weird balance, because if I don't eat anything before my workout I get sick, and if I eat a full meal I get sick (even if its like 2 hours after I've ate!) Weird. I got my Turbo Kick in as well as ChaLean Extreme. All I wanted to do after the workout was shower and lay in bed. So, my husband grabbed the laptop and we watched SNL skits online in bed. We were both so sore from the CE workout. Haha, we hobbled around like two old people.

    Nola & Choco- way to get those workouts in girls! I want to start doing it in the morning...and I know I've said that a million times..but I really do!

    porterbaby- hope you feel back to normal soon! Too bad you don't have Turbo Jam...you could do some serious punching! Haha, its my favorite workout, especially when I'm frustrated or have a bad TOM.

    smadag- rest that knee and like porterbaby said, take it easy. Hope it gets better soon!
  • porterbaby38
    kicklickagirl, i do have turbo jam and i do it. but the only time i can do it is when my man is not around.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Friday ladies! Today is day 5 of the P90X series and I completed 58 minutes of the Leg and Back dvd along w/some of the Ab ripper X dvd. I can tell already that some dvd will be more problematic for me than others b/c I struggled w/leg and back today. Part of my problem is that I can only complete one pull up and the entire back section is different forms of the pull up. I tried to improvise by wrapping my bands around the pull up so I could at least do some type of back routine. While I did attempt to give it my all I'm really unsure on how successful I was at it. Now onto the problems w/the leg exercises. This dvd incorporates a lot of lunges or one legged squats (or something to that extent) and b/c I have a bad knee it was pretty difficult, so I tried to modify as best I could. All I can say is that I gave it my best and hopefully in time I find better ways to adjust.

    Enough rambling, the workout is done....WooHoo, WooHoo!

    Since today is so nasty here in GA I will be chillin most of the day w/the exception of meeting a friend for lunch, getting a pedicure and purchasing concert tickets for myself and my two girlfriends who will be visiting next month. I love my girls (friends since the 7th grade) and they're coming in specifically to go to the Fresh Fest concert with me. For all you old School heads out there, Salt n Pepa, Biz Markie, Doug E Fresh, Slick Rick, Whodini & Big Daddy Kane will be gracing the stage next month and the plan is for my girls and I to be front and center representin for all the ppl over the age of 30......WooHoo I haven't seen my girls in about 6 months so this reunion is definitely needed.

    Tomorrow: is the lapdance workshop...WooHoo, I'll definitely let you ladies know how that goes

    Sunday: two superbowl parties to attend where everyone will be repping the Saints....GEAUX SAINTS!!!!!!

    What are your weekend plans and if you're attending any superbowl parties will you be bringing your own healthy snacks or indulging on what's provided?
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Morning ladies! Oh my word I am SO glad its Friday. This week seemed to go on forever! Last night I went to the gym to get my run on...and I realized my ipod battery was dead. Ah!! I never realized how much I need my ipod on that treadmill to get my motivation up there. If I am running outside I am perfectly fine, but on a treadmill I need some bumpin music. I tried to stay focused and motivated...usually by talking to myself inside my head. Haha! Tonight I'm hoping to get some Burn Intervals in and some Abs...and then me and the hubby are going to do something fun & relaxing.

    Saturday me and hubby do our "power saturday" which usually consists of a long run (4-6 mlies- which is long for me!) and then a session of ChaLean Extreme. Most of our motivation for doing "power saturdays" is so that we can indulge a little bit. I can't decide if I should step on the scale- I haven't for a few weeks...officially anyways- I only peeked- and I'm not sure if I want to do that yet.

    Sunday I'm heading off to church and then me and the hubby & some friends are going to chill at our house and watch the superbowl. My friend is a health nut too so she's bringing a veggie tray, and I'm making a "healthier" spinach & artichoke dip and some Wingers Amazing Wings (copy cat version). I'm going to indulge a bit. I don't indulge very often, and I know I won't go too overboard. But, I love my chips & dip.

    Choco- way to go on the P90X...I can't even imagine doing more than 1 pull up. My upperbody just isn't too strong...I'm working on it though!

    Nola- I'm not sure I've toldy ou this yet...but that new picture is amazing! You look stunning girl!!

    Porterbaby- why do you only do Turbo Jam when the man is gone? I do when my husband's home and typically get some cat calls..haha!