10 in 9, part 2



  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Wednesday! It's the middle of the week and a beautiful day out and I couldn't be more excited. Today is week 4 day 3 of the Insanity Program and I completed the Plyometric Cardio Circuit dvd. Yesterday I posted about being a bit bored w/the Insanity program and a few of my fellow MFPers offered some really good advice and I decided to take the advice and use it in this mornings workout. I was told by few different ppl to select a particular part of the workout and try to improve in that area. So w/today's Plyometric workout I decided to focus on improving my ability in completing the first circuit (suicide drills, power jacks, standing mountain climbers, ski downs).

    Thank to all that offered some suggestions on how to get through this bit of boredom. I'm unsure if I can do it long term but it did help today and that's what it's about.....One Day at a Time!

    Have a great day everyone.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Choco: I'm glad it worked out for you. I took the advice myself and pushed myself harder yesterday which is why I prob burned a lot more cals than I had before on the same dvd. I focused on doing walking lunges and pushups and also on the squat/V pullups - those are suicidal! but I stuck to it and pushed myself to complete them all - even if at my own pace but that really made a difference.

    Dawna: can't wait to see that new haircut. I also wud like a shorter haircut but waiting until the end of my weight loss when I have a slimmer face.

    yesterday I was looking at my calendar and realized I'm 16lbs away from my goal and 17weeks away from my birthday. There's no reason why I can't reach that goal in time for my 24th birthday, just gotta bring it and stop slacking. like Choco said - one day at a time. If everyday I push myself, I shud see good numbers and reach my goal in time. I have not been successful before at reaching goals cuz I set a big goal and a short timeline so I'm hoping this one pound a week goal is successful!

    have a great day ladies.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Morning ladies!
    Feeling good today after last night's intense workout... my arm & leg muscles are screaming today! Love the burn! Trying to decide what I am going to do for tonight's workout-- I think I'm going to do some Burn Intervals and then later tonight go to a Zumba class! How fun?!? I think I'm going to invite a friend to go with me and try it out. I've never tried it before and I've heard its really fun and a good workout.

    Choco- Thats great that you found a way to keep from being bored! Keep it up girl, you are unstoppable!

    Nola- I wish I could look good with a short hair cut...I just got it trimmed up last night. I'm trying to grow my hair out for a little while, and then maybe once I lose lots of weight I can get a shorter cut! My face is too round though to get it too short. How exciting to only be 16 pounds away from your goal! That is great! You can do this! Work hard and stay positive!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    It's Thursday, It's Thursday, one more day before the weekend can begin! Today is week 4 day 4 of the Insanity program which means it's a recovery day, Yippee, Yippee! Instead of completing the Cardio Recovery dvd I rocked it out this morning to Cardio X of the P90X. I really like that dvd b/c it gives you a little bit of everything (Yoga X, Kenpo X, Plyo & Core) and it's not as long as the other P90X workouts.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Good Morning! and yes I'm so glad its thursday! i'm ready for this week to be over!
    glad u got ur workout in choco! i also like that dvd and usually carry it arround in my purse in case I go over to my bfs and can't get any other workout in. i did get a short bike ride yesterday as it looked like rain but not long enough to call a workout.
    today i shall try again for something like turbo sculpt or I can continute my shred level 2. depends on how much time I have when i get home cuz I'm taking a friend to the airport.

    have a great day everyone.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Morning ladies!
    I am glad its Thursday too...I'm ready for the week to be over as well! So last night was a really crazy workout night for me. My husband was gone most of the night and I didn't have any plans. So, I decided to go home and do Burn Intervals for about 45 minutes...its high intensity cardio with intervals of endurance lifting. I gave it my absolute all! I told myself I was NOT going to stop and I was going to get a great workout. It felt amazing. Then, I made a nice dinner and had dinner with my husband, who came home for a quick intermission between meetings. Then I decided to go to a ZUMBA class...which I had never been before. OH MY GOSH!!! It was AWESOME! I thought it was going to be light cardio, which I'm sure it could be...but I don't like doing things "half-speed", I was workin it!! I was sweating up a storm...and ended up burning 500 calories in about 48 minutes!!! It was SO fun and refreshing to try something new. I didn't think it would be THAT good of a workout, but I think a lot of times workouts are only as good as you make them. I'm going to become a regular Wednesday Night ZUMBA person...and I am excited to mix it up. So, I got home and realized I had a lot of calories left so I had a peanut butter & banana sandwich on wheat bread. It was yummy and helped me recover from the crazy fun workouts.

    Choco-- I looove recovery days, especially after a hard workout when my muscles are tense. I love cardio!!!

    Nola-- Any workout is better than no workout right? I want to try a cycling class, but my husband isn't sure if he'd like it...I used to looove going on bike rides!

    Have any of you ladies tried a ZUMBA class? I thought of you both while I was there last night!!
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    good morning ladies. i just got home yesterday and it feels good. i did do some workout last night. but not much i was very tired. today i'm trying to clean and do laundry. later i'm going to workout. it feels great to be home.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    dawna: I have been dying to go to a zumba class but the only one avalable near me is at lunch and I don't see how I can pull that off - driving there working out, showering and driving back to work - that wud call for a 2 hour lunch. haha
    but I have done little segments of it using videos I found on youtube. unfortunately they are only 10mins long so I have to string atleast 3 completely different videos together. haha

    porterbaby: glad u got back home. I bet u got loads to do, so I'm sure u'll burn some calories just doing housework for hours.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    It seems like my 10 in 9 buddies are working it out. Dawna: I don't recall ever burning that many calories in such a short period of time. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but even w/Insanity I don't burn as many calories as I thought and hoped. At least I feel like I'm giving it my all so unsure why I can't burn as many calories as most. I know everyone is different but just from reading the threads it seems like I'm so far behind everyone else.

    Anyway, I hope you ladies are enjoying your Thursday.

    Porterbaby: Welcome back. Get back in the groove of things as quickly as you can.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    choco: are u using a good HRM? if any at all cuz I remember telling me u have one but never use it. also, you are at a very low weight compared to some other ppl. usually the lower ur weight and the more in shape you are, the less calories u will burn in the same amount of time. hope that helps.
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    i still have lots to do it, but i got quiet abit done. when it gets warm i need clean the outside. i need to clean the exercise room up and replace everything. so i can workout better.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    It seems like my 10 in 9 buddies are working it out. Dawna: I don't recall ever burning that many calories in such a short period of time. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but even w/Insanity I don't burn as many calories as I thought and hoped. At least I feel like I'm giving it my all so unsure why I can't burn as many calories as most. I know everyone is different but just from reading the threads it seems like I'm so far behind everyone else.

    Anyway, I hope you ladies are enjoying your Thursday.

    Porterbaby: Welcome back. Get back in the groove of things as quickly as you can.

    Choco- One thing is that I weigh about 155 pounds...and therefore I am at least 25 pounds heavier. I know my husband burns a LOT more calories than I do (he is male) but he also weighs at least 20 pounds more than I do. The more weight you have, the more calories you will burn doing an exercise. Another thing, which I'm sure you do- cause you're hard core- but I give it my complete all. I usually will get lower in my positions, and really do things to work my arms. I keep my abs tight, and try to use a bit of plyometrics when I'm doing any sort of workout.

    I really do need to get my VO2 max tested, but for now I just use what my recommended max heart rate would be : 220-age... so for me my max would be 197. So, I usually set my HRM to be inbetween 66-85% of my maximum heart rate. Those numbers entered into my HRM help to give me a more accurate estimate of how many calories I'm burning, also considering my height and weight.

    But, I'm guessing its because you weigh a lot less than I do, and therefore it takes less energy and exertion to move your body. I was burning a lot more calories 20 pounds ago... but as I lose weight it takes more work to burn a lot of calories.

    Hopefully that helps...I'm not a personal trainer or anything, but have been into fitness/health for a while.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Nola & Dawna: Thank you for the insight. I'm not sure if I have what you would call a "good" hrm. The one I bought is a Precor and I bought it off of woot.com. A while back someone posted a thread about them being on sale and the ppl who responded had pretty good experiences so I purchased it. A friend of mine programmed it for me and it's been working ever since. At this point I won't really worry about it and i'll just log the calories as they appear on the heart rate monitor. As long as I don't gain any weight I'm not gonna be upset. According to my scale I'm still maintaining and have dropped 1 % in body fat, so, something is working.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Friday everyone! I hope everyone's day get's off to a wonderful start and you're able to get an excellent workout in. Today is week 4 day 5 of the Insanity program so I completed the Pure Cardio dvd.

    Dawna: Thank you for the hrm article. I plan to check it out b/c I'm interested to read what it says.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Morning ladies! nothing exciting today except I shud be getting my car back. hopefully it's purring like a kitten. lol

    have a great day everyone!

    I dunno what my plans are for eating and working out. its friday so no meat. also its friday so I may be able to get in an hour workout tonight. we'll see but I will definately try to do something. This week I have been stressed and busy and just out of my routine so I have only worked out 1 day. but its ok cuz I know when I'm ready to start over I will give it my all and no I won't let another day pass me by without a workout. I actually miss it!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    HECK YES it is FRIDAY! Whew! This week has been a drag...and I'm excited for some fun things goin on this weekend! Last night I went to the gym and went running. It was great. Ran 45 minutes. Tonight I'm planning on doing a fun Turbo Kick routine and then lifting...my husband begged me! We're taking it easy tonight, but tomorrow after I get my workout in...we're going out with some friends during the day to go shooting (yes, shooting a real gun). Sounds super hillbilly, but its kind of fun!! Then tomorrow night we are going to babysit for one of our friends. Sunday is pure relaxation...yesssssss!

    Hope you all have a great Friday!! TGIF!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Dawna: sounds like u got a great weekend planned out.
    I am really tired u guys and honestly I'm ready for bed and its not even 8pm yet. I didnt do my workout but ate a light dinner.
    Will make up tomorrow. promise.

    Good night
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    good afternoon ladies. i finally got to do some workouts on dvds, plus i did some on the computer. it felt great to be doing them. i did turbo jam 20 min. and some zumba on the computer. it feels great to be home. i also went for a walk today.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Good morning ladies, last night I went to sleep early and should have the energy to workout today. all that's missing is the motivation but with all the compliments I got on my progress pics I can't lose focus now!
    I just tried on two dresses that I haven't worn in 2 years and guess what? they actually FIT! wow! I couldn't even believe it. one was a little snug but in no time it will fit like a glove. well I'm off to do my workout and then going shopping and maybe treating myself to do my hair and nails cuz I am feeling great!

    have a great Saturday ladies!