10 in 9, part 2



  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Well ladies, I am very happy to announce that I officially began the 30 day shred today! Wow that really kicked my butt! Your heartrate really gets up there, but I was trying to take it easy on my knees when it came to jumping jacks and jump rope. I gave it my all but was very careful about my landings. I think I need to get heavier wegiths for some of the workouts. We shall see. can't wait to see my progress at the end of level 1.

    Have a great night ladies!

    porterbaby - great job on the size 6 jeans and the workouts
    Dawna - give urself a break girl, if u got all ur workouts in, you deserve to indulge and it seems like you are good in not letting one cheat meal become a cheat weekend and so forth. Sometimes you need to do that to keep your sanity. As for me I can feel the cramps coming on and all the cravings coming with it too. but I am determined to ignore them as long as I can and not let these hormones get the best of me.

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning all! Today is week 1 day 2 of the Insanity program and I completed the Plyometrics Cardio Circuit. This dvd totally kicked my butt. I started out pretty strong but by the time we were doing the suicide drill 2 (hop into plank position, complete 4 push ups, 8 mountain climbers, jump back up) I was about pooped. Then after the suicide drills to the ski abs and the in and out abs had my shoulders and abs burning. I can still feel the burn as I type this post but I'll be back at it tomorrow giving it my all.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Couln't start P90X yesterday because I did some work for hubby's company again so I am going to start it today before they call me to go do more work
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Hello ladies, I have been fighting cravings all day due to that TOM approaching. I refuse to give in, and I will pretend it's not even there. Jut had a yummy samwich and am craving something sweet. Grapes maybe?

    will check in later after my workout this evening.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Hey ladies, just wanted to check in and report that I just completed Level 1 Day 2! It feels awesome to be sticking to my goals and I really am trying hard to stick to this, I took my measurements last night and I'm anxious to see the changes. I am using 5lb weights and boy does that get ur heart rate up! I never thought I could have a good workout in just 20mins! I will definately stick to this and maybe try throwing in some other things along the way.

    Well good night ladies, will talk to u again tomorrow!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning all! Today is week 1 day 3 of the Insanity program for me and I completed Cardio Power & Resistance and I'm just about toast. I mean between completing the power jacks, log jumps, 1-2-3 jumps, high knees and vertical jumps during the warm up phase and the power jumps, belt kicks, hit the floor, hurdle jumps, globe jumps and 8 hop squats as part of the actual workout its a wonder I can even walk. I must admit, I'm cursing at Shaun T all through the workout but so happy that I continue to push through it (w/my own inserted breaks of course) that all is forgiven at the end of the 39 minutes.

    Nola: Good job w/fighting the TOM cravings and getting your workout in. I can't wait to read your accomplishments at the end of 30 days. Stay focus b/c the first day of spring is this month. Use whatever you need to stay focused on your ultimate goal.

    Smadag: Hope you're able to get your P90X workout in. Let us know how you like it.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I need to be honest with myself I have put on 5 pounds but have not changed my ticker until now. I am hoping that this will be an eye opener and I can get things back to my routine. Being out of work has messed things up so I need to get a new one I guess
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    I need to be honest with myself I have put on 5 pounds but have not changed my ticker until now. I am hoping that this will be an eye opener and I can get things back to my routine. Being out of work has messed things up so I need to get a new one I guess

    I changed my ticker also, it was only 1lb but I needed to face reality and see that if I don't take care of myself and push myself hard to meet my mini goals I will never get to my final goal. I suggest making a schedule for yourself even while you're out of a job and sticking to it. Perhaps you may want to put work out at the beginning if you're a morning person so you have it done before you do anything else with your day, then alot different times for chores, cooking, job hunting, etc. Being out of work should allow you more time to take care of yourself, take advantage of it! :happy:

    Choco: way to go on the insanity girl, sounds like you bringing it. :drinker:

    Today I am sooooooo sore! this morning it was extremely h ard to get out of bad and I had to literally curse at myself and push myself to stop being such a wimp! :grumble: This evening I think I will let my body recover a little and I'll do turbo jam instead of the shred since it's more fun and easier on my back and knees. Tomorrow back to it. I have established a goal this week of doing the shred 5x this week, that way I can do 5x a week and actually complete it by the end of the month.
    I didn't bring my lunch today but will try to make good choices at the salad bar downstairs, I'm skipping all the bacon and things I usually used to get and opting for the healthy stuff.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hi ladies
    Today is a much better day. All day yesterday I was feeling absolutely sick and bloated (not the TOM), but due to the fact that I ate unhealthy foods this weekend. I know that people say to indulge, but sometimes the foods I indulge in give me more pain in my stomach than pleasure to my tounge. And, I am starting to learn what foods those are. Its amazing how once you get into the healthy and clean eating lifestyle...how horrible you feel when you eat something "unhealthy". I think its good though to recognize that, because now I have learned that even though some of those foods taste so good at first, they make me feel miserable later. And, this may not be the case for all....but since I have IBS I have to really watch what I eat otherwise my stomach takes a few days to get back on track. Luckily its back to normal today! Last night, even though I felt super gross, I went for my 4 mile run and ate a nice healthy dinner. I'm a fitness-freak, always have been, and I think I always will be. I've had a personal trainer from junior high (7th grade) until my 2nd year in college. I like to push myself to my maximum, I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment, and I enjoy the strict focus on the exercise I'm doing rather than the rest of my worries in life. My husband sometimes thinks I'm crazy- but he enjoys that I encourage him to work hard too. Anyways....sorry for the little ramblings.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Thursday all! Today is week 1 day 4 of the Insanity program and it's considered recovery day, so, I completed the 32 minute Cardio Recovery dvd. I see now I will be looking forward to Thursdays for the next month since every Thursday in month 1 has been designated as recovery day. I really like this dvd b/c it incorporates a lot of stretching yet there is also some strengthening (squats, lunges, plank etc...). When I was doing the P90X program I couldn't stand the Yoga days ,which is why I substituted it out for Cardio X, b/c the duration was entirely too long for my liking. Cardio recovery is very different and I absolutely love the fact that it's only 30 minutes.

    My exercise is complete for the day and once again I'm glad I climbed out the bed and got it done. I must admit I'm a bit anxious about tomorrow's workout b/c it's pure cardio and when I watched the dvd there were no allotted breaks throughout this dvd and the moves looked insane. I'm sure I'll be taking my own breaks all through this dvd but just thinking about how it's going to kick my butt has me sweating just a little bit....LOL. No pain, No gain right (I'm still convincing myself of that motto)!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Choco great job on the workout. They key to a cardio workout with no breaks is drink lots of water 2 hrs before to stay hydrated and also stretch thoroughly before that way you don't cramp.
    Dawna: glad u feeling better.

    As for me last night I didn't do my workout and today may not be possible either because there is a conference I have to go to after work and I won't get home til 7:30. I will try my best to still squeeze it in since it's only 28 mins.

    Happy thursday ladies :wink:

    Tomorrow is friday and then the weekend is here.....ahhhhhh
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    just finished arms and sholders of my P90X. I stayed with ight weights so I can get my form correct before I move to heavier weights I was suppose to do it yesterday but time limitaions prevented it. So since I was to do yoga today I decided to to skip yoga and do what I missed yesterday and if I have more time later after my chores I will do yoga then.

    Hope yall are having a great week, I am off to the store to get some healthy foods
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Nola: Thank for the pure cardio tips. I'll definitely get my stretch on but the likelihood that I'll drink any water 2 hours prior to the workout is next to nothing since I do the workouts at 5 am. I know I will not get up at 3 am to begin that process but I've decided I'll take breaks as needed and just see what happens. Don't get too far behind in your workouts especially if its going to be difficult for you to get them in this weekend.

    Smadag: I'm glad to read the P90X program is coming along for you.

    Dawna: It seems like you're back on track. I can honestly say I don't feel gross or disgusted when I indulge in my favorite foods. I sometimes feel a bit guilty but not so much that I've decided to forego them altogether.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Nola: Thank for the pure cardio tips. I'll definitely get my stretch on but the likelihood that I'll drink any water 2 hours prior to the workout is next to nothing since I do the workouts at 5 am. I know I will not get up at 3 am to begin that process but I've decided I'll take breaks as needed and just see what happens. Don't get too far behind in your workouts especially if its going to be difficult for you to get them in this weekend.

    you're right choco, today is thursday and I've only gotten two workouts in I HAVE to work out tonight, I don't care if I get home @ midnight I have to have to have to do it!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Hey ladies, I am VERY HAPPY to report that I stuck to my word and even tho I got home late at 8pm I made it thru my workout.
    Level 1 Day 3 Complete!

    Good night ladies :flowerforyou:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Friday all! Today is week 1 day 5 of the Insanity program which means I had to complete the Pure Cardio dvd. This dvd is PURE EVIL compared to the others that I've completed. First, the warm up is straight INSANE(joggin, jumpin jacks, heisman, 1-2-3's, butt kicks, high knees and mummy kicks) and to think you have to do that for 10 minutes and then complete the rest of the workout (suicide drills, switch kicks, wide football sprints, stance jacks, pedal/lunges, hooks/jump rope, power jacks, level 2 drills, frog jumps, power knees, standing mountain climbers, ski down, scissor runs, suicide jumps and push up jacks) without an allotted break. My legs were screaming at me by the time we got to the suicide jumps and push up jacks. I did not even come close to completing this workout w/o allowing myself any breaks and I stand up and applaud anyone who has completed this dvd w/o taking any.

    I can tell I will forever dread pure cardio days but like all the other difficult workouts I'm glad I stuck with it and gave it my all. My Friday can officially begin b/c the workout is complete, I'm off of work, I'm about to head to the hair and nail salon and my best girlfriends will be arriving in town this afternoon. Life is GREAT at this very moment!

    Nola: Way to go about gettin that workout in despite getting home later than usual.....Keep the focus and you'll be at your goal soon.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Happy Friday all! Today is week 1 day 5 of the Insanity program which means I had to complete the Pure Cardio dvd. This dvd is PURE EVIL compared to the others that I've completed. First, the warm up is straight INSANE(joggin, jumpin jacks, heisman, 1-2-3's, butt kicks, high knees and mummy kicks) and to think you have to do that for 10 minutes and then complete the rest of the workout (suicide drills, switch kicks, wide football sprints, stance jacks, pedal/lunges, hooks/jump rope, power jacks, level 2 drills, frog jumps, power knees, standing mountain climbers, ski down, scissor runs, suicide jumps and push up jacks) without an allotted break. My legs were screaming at me by the time we got to the suicide jumps and push up jacks. I did not even come close to completing this workout w/o allowing myself any breaks and I stand up and applaud anyone who has completed this dvd w/o taking any.

    I can tell I will forever dread pure cardio days but like all the other difficult workouts I'm glad I stuck with it and gave it my all. My Friday can officially begin b/c the workout is complete, I'm off of work, I'm about to head to the hair and nail salon and my best girlfriends will be arriving in town this afternoon. Life is GREAT at this very moment!

    Nola: Way to go about gettin that workout in despite getting home later than usual.....Keep the focus and you'll be at your goal soon.

    Have a great day everyone!

    hey choco, sounds like you have an awesome friday planned out! I would love to pamper myself at the hair and nail salon!
    hope you have fun and enjoy yourself.

    as for my plans - work then going home to work out , then meeting my bf for dinner and maybe a movie. It's friday and I'm trying to observe lent so perhaps sushi or seafood will be in order. Tomorrow I have something planned in the morning from 10 - 12 so I will try my very hardest to get my work out in before then, other wise, I have the rest of the afternoon to do it.

    I don't think I'll weigh in again until I have completed level 1 ( I plan to do it for 10 days) because I haven't been consistent and I have been on my TOM, so I won't know for sure until that's over. Knowing that I have a whole other week to push myself is really motivating me tho.

    HAppy friday everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Hmmm where my ten in 9 ladies at today?

    Well I am happy to report that I just completed Level 1 Day 4 ! ahhh finally. Tomorrow will be up bright and early to complete day 5.

    Have a great friday ladies! I'm off to date night with my bf, I think we're going for sushi and I have 900+ calories left, but I'm not even hungry to tell you the truth.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning! It's a beautifully sunny morning here in the Atl and my weekend has gotten off to a wonderful start! My girlfriends made it into town safely and when I picked them up from the airport we hit the ground running. Last night was the old school rap concert and the only word that could accurately describe it would be FANTASTIC! These old school rappers came out and represented and showed everyone how a concert should be performed. They didn't just rap they thoroughly ENTERTAINED! The concert began on time (8 pm) and my girlfriends and I ROCKED IT OUT to the beats of Big Daddy Kane, Biz Markie, Dougie Fresh, Slick Rick, Whodini and Salt n Pepa for 3 SOLID hours. My voice is slightly hoarse from all the yelling/screaming (Yeah, I know I'm 37 but the teenager in me came shining out) I did and I could barely walk from all the dancing. I'm just so HAPPY that my best girlfriends came down to party w/me for the weekend.

    Today is week 1 day 6 of the Insanity program which means I'm supposed to complete the Plyometrics Cardio Circuit dvd but since my friends are sleeping soundly in the room right next to where I workout I've decided to let them sleep and hit the gym and take my weekly kickboxing class. I told them prior to their arrival that no matter how much partying I do I'll be getting in my daily workout and that's exactly what I intend to do.

    Btw, my friends hadn't seen me since September 2009 and they had nothing but compliments on the transformation my body has made in the short timeframe that i've been working out. One of my friends gave me this cute little black dress that she could no longer fit and when I looked at the tag it said size 3/4. I was real skeptical that I would be able to fit into it but it fit like a glove. Who would have thought that at my largest (size 14, 152 lbs) I would ever wear a size 3/4 or 6. The hard work and dedication is definitely paying off.

    I will check back in w/everyone once the workout is complete.

    Nola: It seems like your MOTIVATION IS BACK, WooHoo. Hope your enjoyed date night w/bf. I think you said you were goin to weigh in and take measurements after level 1 of the shred, when is that going to be. I'm looking forward to reading your results. Another MFPer posted her results from completing the shred and there was a significant difference. Keep up the great work.

    NOLA: BTW, I'm lookin into flights to N.O. for the Essence festival in July. I will definitely let you know when plans have been solidified. Right now the airlines are trippin w/airfares. From GA to NO Delta wants $451.00 and that's ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS. I mean I know it's the 4th of July weekend and all but the flight is 90 minutes and I didn't pay that much for my ticket to San Diego last 4th of July and that flight was 4 hours and some change. I'm going to keep looking but I think those prices are bananas and if they don't come down I probably wont be attending Essence.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    It's still morning time as I write this thread, so, Good morning all! Today's workout is complete. I had every intention on going to my kickboxing class this morning unfortunately when I arrived at the gym I learned that the stereo equipment was not working properly so the instructor would be conducting the class w/o music. I could only muster up the energy to complete 15 minutes of the class before I opted to plug my Ipod in and get my workout done on the elliptical. I completed 15 minutes in the kickboxing class and 35 minutes on the elliptical for a total of 50 minutes completed.

    Now it's time for me to get dressed and head out w/the girls.

    I hope everyone's able to get a workout in today.