10 in 9, part 2



  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning! Today is week 4 day 3 of the P90X and I've just been doing whatever I feel for this recovery week. I got up at 5 am this morning and rocked out Core Synthergenetics (sp?). This was my first time completing this dvd and all I can say is "It wore my *kitten* out". I mean btwn the lunge, kickback, curl, shoulder press exercise, the dreya roll, walking push ups, steam engines, superman/banana, bow/boat, squat runs and all the other exercises that I can't remember I was excited when those 57 minutes were complete. I know I wasn't doing all the exercises exactly the way the should have been done but I tried my hardest. I know in time I'll get better.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Choco, don't beat yourself up, those workouts are hard especially as he progresses in spead. I remember the superman banana leaving me rolled up like a baby after. Don't be afraid to pause and rewind to catch up with the moves and do them properly so you don't hurt yourself.

    I forgot my workout DVD at ho me and I'm going to my bf's tonight so I will have to improvise and find a workout DVD to do on netflix. But I did bring my HRM so atleast I'll know exactly how much I burn.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • aam_84
    aam_84 Posts: 46
    Well ladies, I have gotten WAY of track. I just took a week off and wow I can feel it. I went to see my mom this weekend so of course didnt eat the best. I am determined to get back on the band wagon TODAY! So far so good. Going to count calories again and work out at least 6 days a week. Wish me luck!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Good luck girl! I was wondering where u were. I'm glad you decided to start today and not leave anything for tomorrow or monday, that's the first step. Just get right back and do ur thing! you know whats best for you so stick to it.

    I just came to check in after a delicious lunch it was very satisfying and only about 350 cals. My tummy is happy :smile:

    Will check in again later.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hellloooo my 10 in 9 ladies!
    Last night it was hard to push through my workouts, I'm not exactly sure why...but it was. But, I think the important thing was that I did push through them. I did 15 minutes of turbo kick to warm up and then did the 50 minutes of Burn Intervals. I had a fabulous dinner- and my New Year's goal of trying to be more creative in the kitchen, while at the same time being healthy has really been working great. The biggest thing I have done differently is make a Menu for every 2 weeks. So, I put together a list of dinners I want to make for 2 weeks and then when I get paid (which is also every 2 weeks) I go get the groceries I need for those meals as well as stock up on veggies & fruits & good snacks. Then, I just make 4 servings, so that we can have a serving for dinner, and then leftovers for lunch. It has also saved me a lot of money! Its great! I'm not getting bored with the same foods, which is important for me. When I start to get bored with the same foods over and over again....thats when I lose my focus.

    choco- way to go on the workouts girl! take your time and learn the moves (to avoid injury) and just keep workin it! you are doing great!
    nola-i know how you feel about getting disappointed with the HRM when it feels like you've burned a lot more. I think sometimes our bodies get used to workouts, or we just get into better shape (lose weight) and so we have to work harder to burn more calories. I know that has happened for me. Or, maybe it was just "one of those nights" where your body was being silly like mine..haha!
    aam- GREAT TO HAVE YOU BACK! You can do this girl!!
  • porterbaby38
    good afternoon girls. i glad to see everyone is doing great on their workouts. i'm doing just fine on mine.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    good afternoon girls. i glad to see everyone is doing great on their workouts. i'm doing just fine on mine.

    way to go porterbaby! keep it up!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good evening ladies, I'm so glad you all have been getting the workouts in. WE ARE AWESOME! Keep up the great work b/c you all definitely motivate me.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning all! It is week 4 day 4 of the P90X series and I'm still in recovery week. During recovery week you don't lift any weight and I've been following that part of the routine but I've not been completing the dvds in the order that P90X recommends b/c I just don't like Yoga, so, today I completed Kenpo X and really felt like I was able to "Bring It". It was a great way to begin my work day. I have now arrived in the office but wanted to check in w/my people before I actually begin my work day.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Goood Morning ladies!

    OMG last night I was dying to log on and share with you guys my awesome workout but it was hard to post from my phone.
    So I went over to my bf who was cooking me dinner and I really wanted to workout just so I didn't feel guilty about eating so he suggested on of the p90x dvd's since he has it already and I forgot to bring my Turbo Jam DVD's.
    I remembered that Kenpo used to be my favorite so I did that. I won't lie, it really wasn't as fun as I remembered it, and I had to really push myself to finish it but in the end I burned 510 calories off - and I didn't even give it my all. So that was great knowing that I had worked hard for my dinner hehe.

    Today will definately go back to Turbo Jam, I just can't get used to any other trainer, Chalene makes it so much fun and the time just flies by. I notice I didn't like Tony's Dvd cuz they count every single thing and it feels tooo structured for me. What a difference a trainer makes but I am just glad I found something I really love.

    Keep up the great work ladies!

    Choco: have u ever done the Yoga at all? you should try it, you hate it at first but it can be very relaxing and addictive. I remember at first I hated it and after a while it made me very relaxed to the point that I almost fell asleep during the cool down at the end. haha.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Morning ladies!
    this morning my arms are burnin! I increased my weights on ChaLean Extreme to push myself. It was a great workout. Tonight I'm going to do this one workout called Burn It Off by Chalene...and its basically a high cardio workout- its only 30 minutes, but I typically burn 400 calories because it is such a high intensity workout. I love pushing myself to the max--especially now when I know my body is kind of in a plateau mode. Trying to trick my body with the workouts is getting harder...but I'm hoping when the weather warms up I can put some more variety into my workout schedule. Right now its my DVDs, the treadmill & the elliptical. Summertime...mmm..I love that word.

    Choco- way to bring it! I know what you mean about Yoga...its not exactly my favorite either. For me, I think its because I was an athlete in high school & college...and so yoga just doesn't feel like a workout to me. I have grown to enjoy Pilates though...I want to try a PiYo class (mix between pilates & yoga), maybe then I'd like yoga more.

    Nola- okay girl- if you love Chalene you should look into getting ChaLean Extreme. It is my favorite workout and I have seen some mega results! I have a friend who tried P90X, and although she enjoys Tony sometimes...she said she just likes Chalene's style. The ChaLean Extreme set is really good and I love it. Also, way to go on the workout! Sometimes my motivation to workout is just so I can eat a nice dinner...but hey- doesn't really matter what the motivation is as long as we do it! haha! Hope dinner was yummmmy!
  • porterbaby38
    hey workout warriors.
    Nolachick,Choco, and Kicklikeagirl,congrad. on your gals workouts. i walked our dog early this morning, then after my man left i did turbo jam (cardio party) and p90x (ab ripperx) but i started to do alittle bit of yogax, but our dog had to do it's duties. so took him for a walk. little bit later i'm going to finish the yogax.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    hey workout warriors.
    Nolachick,Choco, and Kicklikeagirl,congrad. on your gals workouts. i walked our dog early this morning, then after my man left i did turbo jam (cardio party) and p90x (ab ripperx) but i started to do alittle bit of yogax, but our dog had to do it's duties. so took him for a walk. little bit later i'm going to finish the yogax.

    awesome I love cardio party! and my fave party is the end with the high-lo's so I stick to it just to do the end!
  • aam_84
    aam_84 Posts: 46
    I am wondering today if it is bad to end the day under your calories? After my workout last night, I was under by 700 calories...

    What do you gals think?
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    I am wondering today if it is bad to end the day under your calories? After my workout last night, I was under by 700 calories...

    What do you gals think?

    aam- I definitely wouldn't recommend doing this on a regular basis. I know people talk about "starvation mode", which CAN happen over time...but one day isn't going to hurt you. But, if you are continually doing this your body isn't going to be happy with you. Since you are doing exercises, your body needs fuel to replenish your energy. MFP already has you at a deficit of calories (depending on how many pounds you want to lose per week). And if you don't eat enough calories to replenish your BMR, then your metabolism won't be able to speed up and burn weight down the road.

    Not sure if that makes sense..I was trying to explain it in a way that did...but..haha.. I sometimes do the very opposite! :)
  • porterbaby38
    i want to say thanks everyone on here that i appreciate the support you workout warriors give and anyone else. because i just realized i really need the support, because i sure am not getting it from my family in ohio and my man. that's why when he's not on here or when he's busy, i come on here quite abit. good luck everyone and thanks.:frown:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Anytime porterbaby! We are all here for you. I don't see why your family or man wouldn't be supporting you, but just remember you are doing this for YOU not them, only YOU can do this, and YOU are the one who will benefit from all the hardwork and dedication that comes along with this.

    You have done a great job so far, and you just have to keep pushing no matter what ppl do or say. Sometimes people wanna bring you down when they see you are trying to make a positive change in your life either because they are jealous or don't believe in you. But you shud take this negative energy and push harder and harder, in the end you will be smiling with a big grin and saying, I KNEW I COULD! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • porterbaby38
    thanks, plus i did push myself today really everyday. i feel great when i do it too. just that TOM is near and i'm starting to feel the pain from it. but i just keep going.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Friday all! This is day 5 of returning to the work office and I'm so happy the weekend has arrived. This is week 4 day 5 of my recovery week of P90X and I did cardio X. Last week I ordered the Insanity program and it arrived last night. I was exhausted but was able to check out the "fit test" and "Plyometrics" dvd and I now know why the call this program Insanity b/c Shaun T has you moving at an INSANE pace. I can't lie I am a bit nervous about taking on this huge feat but also excited to see how much I can push my body and the type of results I may see if I at least do my best. I plan to begin the Insanity program on Monday so I don't want to overdo it on exercise this weekend.

    Porterbaby: I agree w/Nola this weight loss journey and lifestyle change is for YOU so as hard as it may be don't let anyone's negativity bring you down. Just think about how good you feel when you've completed a great workout or when you notice the pants that were once too tight fit just right now. Your body will thank you if you continue to be good to it. Keep your head up.

    Nola: I'm glad to read you're back on track and kicking some major booty. Remember you have a 6 week challenge and it will be here before you know it. This is the last weekend in February so hopefully Spring is around the corner. I'm soooo ready for some warm weather.

    Kicklikeagirl: You simply rock. Your dedication to your workouts and your loving spirit (cooking for friends/neighbors) is amazing and I'm glad you post on this thread b/c its ppl like you that brighten up days.

    Well i'm off to get some work done. Have a great day!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Good morning ladies! lemme start by saying THANK GOD ITS FRIDAY!
    I feel like this has been a long week and I'm ready for the wkend! last night I did the 20 min workout and only burned 150 cals so I was a bit disappointed at the numbers but the workout in itself was great! I'm not sure I'll be able to workout today cuz I'm meeting my friends for drinks after work, but tomorrow morning I already have a workout date that I plan to keep in the morning.

    As far as eating goes I have been pretty clean but I am getting frustrated at the fact that I "feel" like I gained. I'll know tomorrow when I weigh in, but even if there's a gain, I won't give up cuz I know this weight won't come off in one week. I know if I stick to my 6 week challenge, something's gotta give.

    Have a great day ladies! will be checking in later.