10 in 9, part 2



  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies and HAPPY FRIDAY!!! Today is week 3 day 5 of the P90X series and the "Legs & Back" dvd is complete. I haven't been doing ab ripper consistently b/c the few times I attempted some of the moves my lower back (where I suffer from arthritis) was really bothering me so I couldn't do the entire routine. Perhaps I'll give it another go once I'm through w/the recovery week b/c I want to continue to lose a couple inches off my waist. I guess losing another 2 inches off my waist (currently 27.5 in) could be my goal to work on for the month of March. Anyhoo, the workout is complete and the weekend can begin.

    Nola: I'm glad you got your workout in yesterday. Stick w/it, remember spring is not far away!

    Hope everyone's day got off to a great start!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    ok so just wanted to report that I made it thru turbo sculpt altho it was hard to focus for all of 45 mins. lol.
    tomorrow will get up to do cardio party!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good afternoon all! Where did this day go. I've been out the house since 8:30 am and am finally able to relax. Today is week 3 day 6 of the P90X series and I'm suppose to do Kenpo X but since Kenpo X is a kickboxing dvd I've decided to switch it ouf for my Saturday morning kickboxing class. I love this class b/c the instructor has soooo much energy and he keeps it fun. In addition to the kick *kitten* kickboxing class I did 30 minutes on the elliptical.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Sorry I have been MIA. I ahve decided to stay an extra day and not leave my family until Tuesday because they need a babysitter for my neice Monday night so I voluntered to stay for an extra day. :love:

    I am officially starting my P90X on MArch first with a challange group on here. I have been playing with it and seeing what it is about but March 1st will be the official kick off Wish me luck :ohwell:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    My TOM came a week early and has had me in a WHOLE LOT OF PAIN since yesterday evening but b/c it's going to be an absolutely gorgeous day here in GA I'm going to try to look past the pain to get a walk around the park in. Despite not wanting to climb out of bed I did and got a load of laundry completed as well as ironed my clothes for my first week back in the office. My team members and I have been working from home since November but we report back to the office tomorrow and will probably remain there until late May or early June. This will definitely require some adjusting since working from home allows a lot of flexibility to get the workouts completed and post throughout the day.

    I see my 10 in 9 ladies have not been posting as frequently, WHERE MY GIRLS AT?

    Anyway, I'll check back in later once the workout is complete. I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!
  • porterbaby38
    good morning ladies, i'm doing just great. i feel great. i've took our dog for a walk already this morning and i'm going to take him for somemore walks since it's a nice day here. i did some of my own workouts last night. i'm just going to do mainly walking today. i'll do my exercise tapes tomorrow. sunday is my rest muscles day.
    choco: i'll be stating my TOM soon and man do they hurt. so i know how you feel. since i've been on this weight lose journey, they've been terrible. i get very sick from. i just keep working out though, hoping the cramps and the bloating would just disappear. i hope you get to feeling better with yours.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good evening ladies! Since it was a beautiful day in Georgia I was able to pull myself out the bed despite the horrible cramps and go for a walk around the local park and 35 minutes later the workout is complete. I still don't feel well but I have to get it together b/c I'm reporting to the office tomorrow, so, it's going to be an early night.
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Getting ready to head back to Bama on Tuesday after spending one last night with my neice and granny. I can't wait for things to get back to normal. I miss my hubby and dog
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning all! Today feels like the first day of school since I'm returning to the office after working from home for the past 3 months. I wanted to check in before I hit the road to begin my drive since things may be very hectic and I might not be able to check in as frequently.

    Today is week 4 day 1 of the P90X series and is dedicated to the recovery process. I was suppose to complete the Yoga X dvd but I'm not feeling Yoga at all so opted out of that. I completed 3 miles of the Leslie Sansone "5 mile Fat Burning Walk" dvd for a total of 36 minutes. My hope is that i'm not exhausted upon arriving home this evening so I can complete the Cardio X dvd but I wont commit to it until I see how I feel. The TOM is still kickin my tail.

    Nonetheless, a workout has been completed for today and if I'm able to get an extra one in this evening great but if not I've done something for today.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Hi ladies,
    sorry I didnt check in over the weekend. To sum it up Saturday I woke up with my right leg/butt/hip hurting. I think I over extended my leg on friday and it was really hurting. However, Sat was the day I went wedding dress shopping with my girls and boy did we get somewalking done after going to a dozen stores walking around from 1pm to almost 6pm. So I gave myself an hour of walking for that day. Yesterday I had to improvise and use a crunch aerobics DVD while I was at my bf's and I didnt have my HRM so not sure exactly on the cals but about 22 mins I'm guessing atleast 200 cals. However, I did eat very badly yesterday and this week I will aim at keeping it clean especially with lent and all. I bought only the essentials at the grocery store yesterday so I stick to eating just that and I left the cash at home so I'm not tempted to buy candy in the afternoon.

    This evening I will try to get Cardio Party in. No I WILL get that workout in cuz I need it!

    Choco: hope u feel better, glad u are still pushing thru and getting ur workouts in. That usually helps my during my TOM just forget its there and try to do ur regular workouts.

    Porterbaby: glad u are feeling great and getting those workouts in

    Smadag: glad u get to spend more time with ur family.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Morning ladies!
    Glad to hear it was a pretty good weekend for everyone. I love the weekends! I never really get on the message boards on the weekends because I'm usually running around like crazy :) But, I do manage to get my foods logged in. One of my best friends had her baby on Saturday so I was able to go to the hospital and see her, which was fun. Saturday was my hard workout day, I got about 1000 calories burned on Saturday with about 50 minutes of running and 40 minutes of ChaLean Extreme. I am in love with the ChaLean Extreme program and I'm so glad I made the purchase a few months ago because its totally defined my body and I am so much stronger and lean. Its great. My weakness the past few weeks have been tortilla chips with ranch dip. And that craving usually comes later in the evening. So I threw them into the trash about a week ago and vowed not to buy anymore. I haven't made any more purchases and I told my husband if he wants chips we've gotta buy him a snack size bag so that we don't have any in the house. I have been feeling great as I've been able to make better eating decisions. However, this weekend was a different story- since I treated myself to my favorite treat....ice cream! I didn't overdo it, but it tasted so good!!! :)

    Have a great week ladies! I hope to check in more often....I think I've just been down and disappointed the last week or so...but I am feeling great now and have the desire to want to post and keep up with the girls!
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    Did my P90X Cardio X today and it kicked my butt ( I hope I get better as time goes on.

    I am heading off to pack to head back to Bama in the morning so I will check in with yall when I get back home and back to my routine
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Good Morning ladies!
    Glad to hear it was a pretty good weekend for everyone. I love the weekends! I never really get on the message boards on the weekends because I'm usually running around like crazy :) But, I do manage to get my foods logged in. One of my best friends had her baby on Saturday so I was able to go to the hospital and see her, which was fun. Saturday was my hard workout day, I got about 1000 calories burned on Saturday with about 50 minutes of running and 40 minutes of ChaLean Extreme. I am in love with the ChaLean Extreme program and I'm so glad I made the purchase a few months ago because its totally defined my body and I am so much stronger and lean. Its great. My weakness the past few weeks have been tortilla chips with ranch dip. And that craving usually comes later in the evening. So I threw them into the trash about a week ago and vowed not to buy anymore. I haven't made any more purchases and I told my husband if he wants chips we've gotta buy him a snack size bag so that we don't have any in the house. I have been feeling great as I've been able to make better eating decisions. However, this weekend was a different story- since I treated myself to my favorite treat....ice cream! I didn't overdo it, but it tasted so good!!! :)

    Have a great week ladies! I hope to check in more often....I think I've just been down and disappointed the last week or so...but I am feeling great now and have the desire to want to post and keep up with the girls!

    Dawna: glad to have u back! I was starting to wonder where you were and actually started feeling guilty :ohwell: because I figured you workout so hard and I have been slacking big time and figured you were not very motivated by this thread anymore (only speaking for myself, the rest of the ladies are doing awesome). Weird I know but I always feel like I've let you and the other ladies on this thread down when I don't stick to the program. I have been very disappointed in myself but logging on is what keeps me strong and sane otherwise I would be doing REALLY bad by now.

    Anyhooo........ Food is really evil in that sometimes you really can't control yourself. haha. Lately I've been having a sweet tooth and can just gobble up chocolate like nobody's business. But then I stop myself when I realize how many cals I'm eating and how many cals I'm NOT burning. Glad to have you back and I'm really going to try my bestest to make u and the other ladies proud!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Nola- Don't feel guilty one bit! I love this thread and it keeps me motivated. Sometimes there just has to be some balance in life and you were spending time with your momma, which was way more important than getting your exercises in. And wedding dress shopping with a good friend. When I was on vacation for a few weeks in Dec/Jan I didn't do one single workout, but I was with family, out of town & traveling constantly. Sure, I could have woken up early to get a workout in, or stayed up later to get one in......But, I didn't. I was purely enjoying time with my family and trying not to be obsessive about my exercises. With all the things we have going on in our lives, its great to be able to get our workouts in...but when there are more important things going on, I say- live life! so you are just fine! And look at you getting all back into the groove!! You go girl!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Thanks Dawna.

    Well ladies, I'm extremely happy to report that I just completed Cardio Party (Turbo Jam) for a wopping 510cals!!! woohooo

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    I can hardly contain myself. I am feeling super awesome and on top of the world!!!!

    I'm back ladies! and more committed than ever! It's time to make time for ME!
    It's time to take care of me!
    It's time to schedule everything around my new lifestyle and not the other way around!
    It's time to get my body and my confidence back!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning all! I don't have a lot of time since my work day has begun but I wanted to check in w/my ladies before the day got away from me. I got up at 5 am this morning and rocked out the Cardio X dvd of the P90X series. This is week 4 day 2 of the P90X series and since it's considered the recovery week I'm changing up my routine a bit.

    Nola: I'm glad you're back on track. I see you have come up w/goals for the next 6 weeks and I wish you the best of luck as you go about accomplishing each of those goals. Please let us know if you need some help, motivation as you embark on this journey. We're all in this together. Keep up the great work!.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Good morning ladies! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I decided to start out this morning with a bowl of oatmeal since yesterday I had a light breakfast which had me feeling hungry all day. I hope this helps hold me over til lunch and with my snacks in between I can get home with enough energy to do my workout.
    Today I am doing Turbo Sculpt and I actually love that DVD cuz the music is very relaxing but the moves are killer!I can definately see a difference in my biceps from when I used to do it before and that just motivates me more cuz I know if I stick to this I will be able to wear a nice tank top without being self conscious about my arms.

    Choco: So proud of you for sticking to P90X and making it to WEEK 4 ALREADY! u are awesome! :drinker:

    Will be checking in throughout the day and then again tonight to report my workout!

    Have an awesome day ladies. :flowerforyou:
  • porterbaby38
    good morning ladies. i did my workout tapes yesterday and i did alot of walking yesterday too. i worked on my stomach and stretches last night. today i'm going to work on my stomach, and my legs. i'm just going to do my own. i can't go for my walkings today, iy's very terrible outside.
    nolachick: you have let me down. everyone has bad days or bad weeks. i know you will get back on the wagon. nolachick you should be proud of what you've done so far, you'll reach your goal, just like i know everyone will reach their goals. so hang in there and good luck.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hey hey heyyyyy!
    So, I could have sworn I posted a little somethin-somethin this morning, but apparently I did not! Last night I didn't get my workout in because I ran home to make dinner for some friends who just had a baby. They were exhausted and wiped out, so I made them a dinner and then helped clean their house & dishes that had piled up before the wife went into labor. It felt good to help & serve them. I just love doing that kind of stuff! I love getting warm fuzzies :) When we got home I decided to make them lunch & dinner for today as well. As I was in the loving mode...I also made some cookies (didn't eat a single one!!! how awesome is that!) for our neighbors who have 2 young children and just had a new baby about 3 weeks ago. It was a good night. Although I didn't get my exercises in, I felt I made a difference in my spiritual & emotional well-being. So, the workouts are just going to be nice and intense tonight to make up for last night! It will be easy to get the workouts in since my husband is leaving for the night for some meetings. So, here's my plan for tonight! (I gotta tell you so I can be held accountable tomorrow when I report :)

    15 minutes Turbo Kick
    50 minutes Burn Interval

    ...its going to be awesome and I am going to be all nasty and super sweaty....but its going to feel SO great!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    wow Dawna! I would love to have a friend like you! haha

    Well I just finished doing Turbo Sculpt and while it was a good workout I was a little disappointed tha t when I saw my HRM it only said 350. but I could not go any further, it burned me out.

    Tomorrow will be a light workout cuz I know I will be tired from today.

    Now I gotta figure out what I'll have for dinner - I have 500 cals to spend haha.