


  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    How much should I be drinking? I am trying to cut out fats. Or should I not be drinking it? Thanks.

    Human beings are not meant to consume milk after the age of 2, we lose the proper body functions in order to digest it. We are also the only species to drink another source of milk outside of mothers milk....

    People who are lactose intolerant are actually normal....

    So IMO no milk or dairy for me.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Everyone is just trying to say, focus on your calories not so much on macro nutrients.

    I am not - I am saying to focus on both :tongue:
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Cow's milk isn't as healthy as everyone makes it out to be!

    As long as you're getting enough calcium/protein/vitamins you don't have to drink milk at all. A lot of people are allergic to dairy these days. Dairy, especially milk really bothers my stomach so I never drink it.

    But I DO love almond milk! And it has more calcium, less protein but you can get that from other sources. If you like milk then by all means drink it but I think it tastes disgusting and is a waste of calorie for me cos I hate it so much and it makes me feel physically ill. I don't even put milk or cream in my coffee cos even that small amount grosses me out/bother my stomach.

    Everyone who thinks a particular thing is healthy should read this well informed girls post:
    "5. There are NO healthy or unhealthy foods. This was the first thing that my nutritionist told me. I had been categorizing, like many of you, food into "healthy", "okay occasionally," and "bad for you!". She debunked this rather quickly. Huge amounts of anything can be harmful. But no one food can destroy or restore health, so no one food is healthy or unhealthy. "

    Can't argue with logic.
    That comment was far from logical. Many foods can destroy your health, & many foods can restore it.

    Also, cow's milk is puke-worthy.

    First off I was kind of speaking out loud to myself, not to others. I meant I can't argue with logic. You can do whatever you like. Personally, I can't think of a food I eat that can destroy my health by having it in my diet *swallows sour key*
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Cow's milk isn't as healthy as everyone makes it out to be!

    As long as you're getting enough calcium/protein/vitamins you don't have to drink milk at all. A lot of people are allergic to dairy these days. Dairy, especially milk really bothers my stomach so I never drink it.

    But I DO love almond milk! And it has more calcium, less protein but you can get that from other sources. If you like milk then by all means drink it but I think it tastes disgusting and is a waste of calorie for me cos I hate it so much and it makes me feel physically ill. I don't even put milk or cream in my coffee cos even that small amount grosses me out/bother my stomach.

    Everyone who thinks a particular thing is healthy should read this well informed girls post:
    "5. There are NO healthy or unhealthy foods. This was the first thing that my nutritionist told me. I had been categorizing, like many of you, food into "healthy", "okay occasionally," and "bad for you!". She debunked this rather quickly. Huge amounts of anything can be harmful. But no one food can destroy or restore health, so no one food is healthy or unhealthy. "

    Can't argue with logic.
    That comment was far from logical. Many foods can destroy your health, & many foods can restore it.

    Also, cow's milk is puke-worthy.

    Your personal taste buds and intolerances aside, care to explain why/how milk is unhealthy?
    Besides the fact that humans are the only animal to drink milk past childhood, and the only ones to drink the milk of another animal, cow's milk (the non-organic, non-raw, mass-produced kind you find in grocery stores) contains artificial growth hormone, and remains of dead white blood cells and bacteria that were killed during the pasteurization process. And the conditions the cows are raised in are completely sickening - which is the main reason pasteurization is even necessary. Without that step, we would literally be drinking live bacteria and feces.

    Also, studies have shown that drinking cow's milk is not only linked to a huge amount of common allergies & ailments in humans, but it also does not improve calcium absorption like people widely believe. It actually has the opposite effect. Because human bones can't properly absorb that type of calcium, it ends up actually depleting the bones of calcium and leading to osteoporosis.

    Finally, all cow's milk, even raw, is designed for baby cows, not humans. Even grown cows don't drink cow's milk. From a biological perspective, it makes no sense for us to either.

  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Cow's milk isn't as healthy as everyone makes it out to be!

    As long as you're getting enough calcium/protein/vitamins you don't have to drink milk at all. A lot of people are allergic to dairy these days. Dairy, especially milk really bothers my stomach so I never drink it.

    But I DO love almond milk! And it has more calcium, less protein but you can get that from other sources. If you like milk then by all means drink it but I think it tastes disgusting and is a waste of calorie for me cos I hate it so much and it makes me feel physically ill. I don't even put milk or cream in my coffee cos even that small amount grosses me out/bother my stomach.

    Everyone who thinks a particular thing is healthy should read this well informed girls post:
    "5. There are NO healthy or unhealthy foods. This was the first thing that my nutritionist told me. I had been categorizing, like many of you, food into "healthy", "okay occasionally," and "bad for you!". She debunked this rather quickly. Huge amounts of anything can be harmful. But no one food can destroy or restore health, so no one food is healthy or unhealthy. "

    Can't argue with logic.
    That comment was far from logical. Many foods can destroy your health, & many foods can restore it.

    Also, cow's milk is puke-worthy.

    Your personal taste buds and intolerances aside, care to explain why/how milk is unhealthy?
    Besides the fact that humans are the only animal to drink milk past childhood, and the only ones to drink the milk of another animal, cow's milk (the non-organic, non-raw, mass-produced kind you find in grocery stores) contains artificial growth hormone, and remains of dead white blood cells and bacteria that were killed during the pasteurization process. And the conditions the cows are raised in are completely sickening - which is the main reason pasteurization is even necessary. Without that step, we would literally be drinking live bacteria and feces.

    Also, studies have shown that drinking cow's milk is not only linked to a huge amount of common allergies & ailments in humans, but it also does not improve calcium absorption like people widely believe. It actually has the opposite effect. Because human bones can't properly absorb that type of calcium, it ends up actually depleting the bones of calcium and leading to osteoporosis.

    Finally, all cow's milk, even raw, is designed for baby cows, not humans. Even grown cows don't drink cow's milk. From a biological perspective, it makes no sense for us to either.

  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member

    Uhm. Win.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    it makes no sense for us to either.

    Sure it does. It tastes good in my Lucky Charms.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    How much should I be drinking? I am trying to cut out fats. Or should I not be drinking it? Thanks.

    Human beings are not meant to consume milk after the age of 2, we lose the proper body functions in order to digest it. We are also the only species to drink another source of milk outside of mothers milk....

    People who are lactose intolerant are actually normal....

    So IMO no milk or dairy for me.

    What body function is that? Pretty sure I still have all mine :P

    We are also the only species that can figure out the derivative of logx as far as I know...doesn't mean we aren't meant to....I'm sure I could come up with a better example, but it's late.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Cow's milk isn't as healthy as everyone makes it out to be!

    As long as you're getting enough calcium/protein/vitamins you don't have to drink milk at all. A lot of people are allergic to dairy these days. Dairy, especially milk really bothers my stomach so I never drink it.

    But I DO love almond milk! And it has more calcium, less protein but you can get that from other sources. If you like milk then by all means drink it but I think it tastes disgusting and is a waste of calorie for me cos I hate it so much and it makes me feel physically ill. I don't even put milk or cream in my coffee cos even that small amount grosses me out/bother my stomach.

    Everyone who thinks a particular thing is healthy should read this well informed girls post:
    "5. There are NO healthy or unhealthy foods. This was the first thing that my nutritionist told me. I had been categorizing, like many of you, food into "healthy", "okay occasionally," and "bad for you!". She debunked this rather quickly. Huge amounts of anything can be harmful. But no one food can destroy or restore health, so no one food is healthy or unhealthy. "

    Can't argue with logic.
    That comment was far from logical. Many foods can destroy your health, & many foods can restore it.

    Also, cow's milk is puke-worthy.

    Your personal taste buds and intolerances aside, care to explain why/how milk is unhealthy?
    Besides the fact that humans are the only animal to drink milk past childhood, and the only ones to drink the milk of another animal, cow's milk (the non-organic, non-raw, mass-produced kind you find in grocery stores) contains artificial growth hormone, and remains of dead white blood cells and bacteria that were killed during the pasteurization process. And the conditions the cows are raised in are completely sickening - which is the main reason pasteurization is even necessary. Without that step, we would literally be drinking live bacteria and feces.

    Also, studies have shown that drinking cow's milk is not only linked to a huge amount of common allergies & ailments in humans, but it also does not improve calcium absorption like people widely believe. It actually has the opposite effect. Because human bones can't properly absorb that type of calcium, it ends up actually depleting the bones of calcium and leading to osteoporosis.

    Finally, all cow's milk, even raw, is designed for baby cows, not humans. Even grown cows don't drink cow's milk. From a biological perspective, it makes no sense for us to either.

    Please cite your sources for the claims re calcium absorption - peer reviewed studies would be good and not propaganda from institutions that have an ethical issue with it - as it is not the point at hand.

    I find this type of propaganda hysterical. I have been drinking over 40oz or milk a day - at my highest I was drinking 120oz a day, for over 25 years and according to my recent DEXA scan I have off the charts good bone density - at 45 years old, that's not bad going. Now, there is no control of my anecdotal sample of n=1 that it was soley due to the milk, but it obviously did not hurt the calcium absorption.

    Also, other animals absolutely do drink the milk of other mammals - try putting milk in front of a dog, cat, raccoon or plethora of other mammals - they drink it.
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    How much should I be drinking? I am trying to cut out fats. Or should I not be drinking it? Thanks.

    Human beings are not meant to consume milk after the age of 2, we lose the proper body functions in order to digest it. We are also the only species to drink another source of milk outside of mothers milk....

    People who are lactose intolerant are actually normal....

    So IMO no milk or dairy for me.

    What body function is that? Pretty sure I still have all mine :P

    We are also the only species that can do calculus as far as I know...doesn't mean we aren't meant to.

    I know a lot of teenagers that would disagree with you.

    But seriously, though...there are a lot of things we do that no other species does. Just because no other species drives a car doesn't mean I'm not gonna' drive mine. And no other species eats nachos, to my knowledge.

    By the way, I had nachos tonight and they were very tasty.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    How much should I be drinking? I am trying to cut out fats. Or should I not be drinking it? Thanks.

    Human beings are not meant to consume milk after the age of 2, we lose the proper body functions in order to digest it. We are also the only species to drink another source of milk outside of mothers milk....

    People who are lactose intolerant are actually normal....

    So IMO no milk or dairy for me.

    What body function is that? Pretty sure I still have all mine :P

    We are also the only species that can do calculus as far as I know...doesn't mean we aren't meant to.

    I know a lot of teenagers that would disagree with you.

    But seriously, though...there are a lot of things we do that no other species does. Just because no other species drives a car doesn't mean I'm not gonna' drive mine. And no other species eats nachos, to my knowledge.

    By the way, I had nachos tonight and they were very tasty.
    When I wrote that I thought to myself "unfortunately, 'cause I could really due without some of my bodily functions" lol.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I know a lot of teenagers that would disagree with you.

    But seriously, though...there are a lot of things we do that no other species does. Just because no other species drives a car doesn't mean I'm not gonna' drive mine. And no other species eats nachos, to my knowledge.

    By the way, I had nachos tonight and they were very tasty.

    My puppy seems to enjoy nachos. In fact, she loves anything that might find it's way off the kitchen table. :laugh:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    How much should I be drinking? I am trying to cut out fats. Or should I not be drinking it? Thanks.

    Human beings are not meant to consume milk after the age of 2, we lose the proper body functions in order to digest it. We are also the only species to drink another source of milk outside of mothers milk....

    People who are lactose intolerant are actually normal....

    So IMO no milk or dairy for me.

    "An estimated 30 million to 50 million American adults are lactose intolerant. The pattern of primary lactose intolerance appears to have a genetic component, and specific populations show high levels of intolerance, including approximately: 95 percent of Asians, 60 percent to 80 percent of African Americans and Ashkenazi Jews, 80 percent to 100 percent of American Indians, and 50 percent to 80 percent of Hispanics. Lactose intolerance is least common among people of northern European origin, who have a lactose intolerance prevalence of only about 2 percent."

    Just as well I am from northern European origin as I drink so much milk. Oh, and that is approx. 16% or people in the US are lactose intolerance - does not appear to be the norm to me.

    And we are not the only mammal to drink another species milk as I mentioned in my post above. I know our dog and cats liked it. Our dog actually liked a bowl of milky tea every now and again (it was a British dog...go figure!)
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    I know a lot of teenagers that would disagree with you.

    But seriously, though...there are a lot of things we do that no other species does. Just because no other species drives a car doesn't mean I'm not gonna' drive mine. And no other species eats nachos, to my knowledge.

    By the way, I had nachos tonight and they were very tasty.

    My puppy seems to enjoy nachos. In fact, she loves anything that might find it's way off the kitchen table. :laugh:

    Ah, yes, but left on her own would she cook up the beef, grate the cheese, and pop them in the oven? My dog is flippin' useless when you give him a cheese grater.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I know a lot of teenagers that would disagree with you.

    But seriously, though...there are a lot of things we do that no other species does. Just because no other species drives a car doesn't mean I'm not gonna' drive mine. And no other species eats nachos, to my knowledge.

    By the way, I had nachos tonight and they were very tasty.

    My puppy seems to enjoy nachos. In fact, she loves anything that might find it's way off the kitchen table. :laugh:

    Ah, yes, but left on her own would she cook up the beef, grate the cheese, and pop them in the oven? My dog is flippin' useless when you give him a cheese grater.

    Hmm. Maybe I'm not getting my money's worth from obedience school.
  • angiechimpanzee
    angiechimpanzee Posts: 536 Member
    How much should I be drinking? I am trying to cut out fats. Or should I not be drinking it? Thanks.

    Human beings are not meant to consume milk after the age of 2, we lose the proper body functions in order to digest it. We are also the only species to drink another source of milk outside of mothers milk....

    People who are lactose intolerant are actually normal....

    So IMO no milk or dairy for me.

    "An estimated 30 million to 50 million American adults are lactose intolerant. The pattern of primary lactose intolerance appears to have a genetic component, and specific populations show high levels of intolerance, including approximately: 95 percent of Asians, 60 percent to 80 percent of African Americans and Ashkenazi Jews, 80 percent to 100 percent of American Indians, and 50 percent to 80 percent of Hispanics. Lactose intolerance is least common among people of northern European origin, who have a lactose intolerance prevalence of only about 2 percent."

    Just as well I am from northern European origin as I drink so much milk. Oh, and that is approx. 16% or people in the US are lactose intolerance - does not appear to be the norm to me.

    And we are not the only mammal to drink another species milk as I mentioned in my post above. I know our dog and cats liked it. Our dog actually liked a bowl of milky tea every now and again (it was a British dog...go figure!)
    A domesticated animal will eat practically anything it's given. That doesn't mean anything.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    How much should I be drinking? I am trying to cut out fats. Or should I not be drinking it? Thanks.

    Human beings are not meant to consume milk after the age of 2, we lose the proper body functions in order to digest it. We are also the only species to drink another source of milk outside of mothers milk....

    People who are lactose intolerant are actually normal....

    So IMO no milk or dairy for me.

    "An estimated 30 million to 50 million American adults are lactose intolerant. The pattern of primary lactose intolerance appears to have a genetic component, and specific populations show high levels of intolerance, including approximately: 95 percent of Asians, 60 percent to 80 percent of African Americans and Ashkenazi Jews, 80 percent to 100 percent of American Indians, and 50 percent to 80 percent of Hispanics. Lactose intolerance is least common among people of northern European origin, who have a lactose intolerance prevalence of only about 2 percent."

    Just as well I am from northern European origin as I drink so much milk. Oh, and that is approx. 16% or people in the US are lactose intolerance - does not appear to be the norm to me.

    And we are not the only mammal to drink another species milk as I mentioned in my post above. I know our dog and cats liked it. Our dog actually liked a bowl of milky tea every now and again (it was a British dog...go figure!)
    A domesticated animal will eat practically anything it's given. That doesn't mean anything.

    How on earth does that negate what I have said or support what you have said? At all?

    I notice that you have still avoided giving any sources for the claims you made with regard to calcium absorption.

    ETA: there are some cute pics here btw:
  • angiechimpanzee
    angiechimpanzee Posts: 536 Member
    it makes no sense for us to either.

    Sure it does. It tastes good in my Lucky Charms.
    Lol very good point.

    Drink whatever you want, I honestly don't care. The person asked me why I thought it was gross, and I responded with facts. Take it or leave it, you don't have to listen to a word I say. I was just replying to someone.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    A domesticated animal will eat practically anything it's given. That doesn't mean anything.

    So a wild animal wouldn't?
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    it makes no sense for us to either.

    Sure it does. It tastes good in my Lucky Charms.
    Lol very good point.

    Drink whatever you want, I honestly don't care. The person asked me why I thought it was gross, and I responded with facts. Take it or leave it, you don't have to listen to a word I say. I was just replying to someone.

    I drink almond milk so I'm just trolling! :laugh: