


  • bilberryjam
    bilberryjam Posts: 72 Member
    The ethics of drinking the milk of another species has nothing to do with what the OP asked.
    How much should I be drinking? I am trying to cut out fats. Or should I not be drinking it? Thanks.

    To the OP -

    1. DO NOT CUT OUT FATS! Fat does not make you fat. Your body needs fat to store energy, absorb vitamins, protect organs and produce hormones. And fat is essential to keep our skin, hair and nails looking good.

    That is not a license to eat a cheeseburger everyday. Eat fats in avocados, nuts, olive oil and, yes, dairy.

    What your body doesn't need is empty calories - junk food. Cut that instead. Or at least cut down.

    2. MAKE SURE YOU'RE GETTING ENOUGH CALCIUM. It might not seem important when you're young, but a deficiency will set you up for osteoporosis later in life. You don't want to be bent double when you're 55. So if you're drinking less milk, make sure you get that calcium elsewhere. (I take a calcium and magnesium supplement, but it's always best to try to get it from your food first.)

    3. LOOK AT YOUR MACROS. My fat allowance is set to 44g (and I go over every single day!) What is yours? How much of your fat intake comes from milk? Where is the rest coming from? Are you measuring saturated fats and transfats? (Definitely cut those transfats!)

    Good luck.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    I luv 1% milk. I go through a gallon a week all by myself, lol.
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    The whole "you should see the conditions cows live in!" statement has always confused me.

    I am from IOWA. Cows everywhere! xD
    I have seen many farms (small and large), and I have yet to see any cows just covered in *kitten*. Most conditions I have seen around here are not nearly as bad as many act like. And yes I have been to a large slaughter house before too, once again not as bad as people make it out to be.
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    The ethics of drinking the milk of another species has nothing to do with what the OP asked.
    How much should I be drinking? I am trying to cut out fats. Or should I not be drinking it? Thanks.

    To the OP -

    1. DO NOT CUT OUT FATS! Fat does not make you fat. Your body needs fat to store energy, absorb vitamins, protect organs and produce hormones. And fat is essential to keep our skin, hair and nails looking good.

    That is not a license to eat a cheeseburger everyday. Eat fats in avocados, nuts, olive oil and, yes, dairy.

    What your body doesn't need is empty calories - junk food. Cut that instead. Or at least cut down.

    2. MAKE SURE YOU'RE GETTING ENOUGH CALCIUM. It might not seem important when you're young, but a deficiency will set you up for osteoporosis later in life. You don't want to be bent double when you're 55. So if you're drinking less milk, make sure you get that calcium elsewhere. (I take a calcium and magnesium supplement, but it's always best to try to get it from your food first.)

    3. LOOK AT YOUR MACROS. My fat allowance is set to 44g (and I go over every single day!) What is yours? How much of your fat intake comes from milk? Where is the rest coming from? Are you measuring saturated fats and transfats? (Definitely cut those transfats!)

    Good luck.

    And this is a good post for the OP! :)
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Using the argument "animals don't do it, so neither should we," is simply a bad argument. Just as saying if an animal (wild or domesticated, I don't see how it differs) does it, that makes it natural and good, and therefore humans should do it, too.

    Or wait, maybe it is a good idea. Black widow spiders have notably long legs, with no cellulite, so obviously they are doing something I'd like to emulate. Sexual cannibalism may be just the ticket...

    I think praying mantis do this as well. Seems to be a trend there.
    I'm going to jump a step and just eat the bugs for protein after sex.

    On a side note both of those guys are neat. I tried to poke a similar breed and held the other. Frig some spiders are smarter then I thought? If I moved it followed my head. I could move my hands and it would follow my head like it was watching my eyes...Then it raised it's legs in a Ima kick your *kitten* with my envious skinny legs motion.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    The whole "you should see the conditions cows live in!" statement has always confused me.

    I am from IOWA. Cows everywhere! xD
    I have seen many farms (small and large), and I have yet to see any cows just covered in *kitten*. Most conditions I have seen around here are not nearly as bad as many act like. And yes I have been to a large slaughter house before too, once again not as bad as people make it out to be.

    Lol. I grew up with mountain sides of cows as far as you could see. They had hundreds of acres to roam. My friends that I went to high school with woke up before the sun to milk cows and use it at home, no pasterization, just straight from the cow.
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    The whole "you should see the conditions cows live in!" statement has always confused me.

    I am from IOWA. Cows everywhere! xD
    I have seen many farms (small and large), and I have yet to see any cows just covered in *kitten*. Most conditions I have seen around here are not nearly as bad as many act like. And yes I have been to a large slaughter house before too, once again not as bad as people make it out to be.

    Lol. I grew up with mountain sides of cows as far as you could see. They had hundreds of acres to roam. My friends that I went to high school with woke up before the sun to milk cows and use it at home, no pasterization, just straight from the cow.

    I still can't do that without it being pasteurized first ( just in case since I'm paranoid xD)
    That's how the cows are here! When ever I drive from university to my hometown its all just cows roaming around.

    We have quite a few campus cows too. I get to pet them :D
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    cold milk and a PBAJ man it's the best
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Using the argument "animals don't do it, so neither should we," is simply a bad argument. Just as saying if an animal (wild or domesticated, I don't see how it differs) does it, that makes it natural and good, and therefore humans should do it, too.

    Or wait, maybe it is a good idea. Black widow spiders have notably long legs, with no cellulite, so obviously they are doing something I'd like to emulate. Sexual cannibalism may be just the ticket...

    I think praying mantis do this as well. Seems to be a trend there.
    I'm going to jump a step and just eat the bugs for protein after sex.

    On a side note both of those guys are neat. I tried to poke a similar breed and held the other. Frig some spiders are smarter then I thought? If I moved it followed my head. I could move my hands and it would follow my head like it was watching my eyes...Then it raised it's legs in a Ima kick your *kitten* with my envious skinny legs motion.

    Lol. I actually made a post earlier about how to log protein from a bug. I got 100g of bug equals 63g of protein. Just in case.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    cold milk and a PBAJ man it's the best

    Hands down.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    The whole "you should see the conditions cows live in!" statement has always confused me.

    I am from IOWA. Cows everywhere! xD
    I have seen many farms (small and large), and I have yet to see any cows just covered in *kitten*. Most conditions I have seen around here are not nearly as bad as many act like. And yes I have been to a large slaughter house before too, once again not as bad as people make it out to be.

    Lol. I grew up with mountain sides of cows as far as you could see. They had hundreds of acres to roam. My friends that I went to high school with woke up before the sun to milk cows and use it at home, no pasterization, just straight from the cow.

    I still can't do that without it being pasteurized first ( just in case since I'm paranoid xD)
    That's how the cows are here! When ever I drive from university to my hometown its all just cows roaming around.

    We have quite a few campus cows too. I get to pet them :D

    When we drove the back roads at night, sometimes the cows would get out and they'd be trotting down the street like they were heading to town for some ... Milk.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    At one point, I was drinking over half a gallon of whole milk a day to get my calories in. No wonder I'm in such bad shape now ;-)
  • shraniken
    shraniken Posts: 37 Member
    I use powdered 2% for cooking and drink whole, usually with chai which doesn't help things. I keep within my goals though, so eh.

    I may try almond milk if the price isn't too much higher, I've never noticed it or even knew about it till now. I basically just don't like drinking 1-2%, I just can't help but think of it as milk with water in it. That's what it tastes like.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member

    People who are lactose intolerant are actually normal....

    I have found that Soymilk works just fine for me, while my son prefers almond milk. I'm so pleased that these alternatives are available now. I use it to cook with and for the occasions that I want cereal and milk. People need to find what works for them, and that is not always easy.
  • KeriW626
    KeriW626 Posts: 430
    Cow's milk isn't as healthy as everyone makes it out to be!

    As long as you're getting enough calcium/protein/vitamins you don't have to drink milk at all. A lot of people are allergic to dairy these days. Dairy, especially milk really bothers my stomach so I never drink it.

    But I DO love almond milk! And it has more calcium, less protein but you can get that from other sources. If you like milk then by all means drink it but I think it tastes disgusting and is a waste of calorie for me cos I hate it so much and it makes me feel physically ill. I don't even put milk or cream in my coffee cos even that small amount grosses me out/bother my stomach.

    I have to laugh, because I used to tell people milk is made to take a 200lb calve to 2 tons in two years. lol I now drink 2%, but when I cook, I use non fat coffee creamer. I was drinking skim, my youngest saved me. lol havea good one.
  • shraniken
    shraniken Posts: 37 Member

    People who are lactose intolerant are actually normal....

    So IMO no milk or dairy for me.

    So what you're saying is, that if they weren't normal.. You'd force it down? ;)
  • jfa002
    jfa002 Posts: 54 Member
    Okay here is my theory. Milk.

    Look at nature (concerning herbivores). The young is born and they get their main source of fats and nutrients from theirs mothers milk for them to grow at an alarming rate. Once the young is of age to eat solids, the youngling is weened from its mother's milk, then it consumes its nutrients elsewhere with a low fat intake.

    Now look at human beings. When we are born we consume our mother's milk to get the gains that we need in mass and nutrition. Then we are weened from our mother's milk and then.....WE ARE TO DRINK ANOTHER SPECIES MILK!!!

    Now tell me, do you find that to be an odd concept? Where in all of nature is a young weened from one source of milk and put onto another? As far as I know, the animals that were weened now drink water for their need of fluids. I personally believe that we as human beings do not need milk once we reach a certain physical maturity. We can get all those nutrients that we need from plant based foods and the kicker is that most of those foods are low in fat or have no fat at all! Try alternatives to animal milk: rice, soy, almond milks. They are high in nutrients and doesn't give you lactose problems as far as I know. I have not drank animal's milk regularly in a long time. However, I do eat animal products such as cheese, yogurt, or stuff that contains milk. I try my best to not make it into a habit, but you know while growing up I have had it beaten into my head that "Milk, it does a body good" which is true to a certain point. I will not make lame excuses as to why I continue to eat stuff that contains milk other than it's hard for old habits to die.

    My suggestion, take this into consideration, think about it for a while, and try alternatives to animals milk. It will do your body good.:wink:
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Okay here is my theory. Milk.

    Look at nature (concerning herbivores). The young is born and they get their main source of fats and nutrients from theirs mothers milk for them to grow at an alarming rate. Once the young is of age to eat solids, the youngling is weened for its mother's milk, then it consumes its nutrients elsewhere with a low fat intake.

    Now look at human beings. When we are born we consume our mother's milk to get the gains that we need in mass and nutrition. Then we are weened from our mother's milk and then.....WE ARE TO DRINK ANOTHER SPECIES MILK!!!

    Now tell me, do you find that to be an odd concept? Where in all of nature is a young weened from one source of milk and put onto another? As far as I know, the animals that were weened now drink water for their need of fluids. I personally believe that we as human beings do not need milk once we reach a certain physical maturity. We can get all those nutrients that we need from plant based foods and the kicker is that most of those foods are low in fat or have no fat at all! Try alternatives to animal milk: rice, soy, almond milks. They are high in nutrients and doesn't give you lactose problems as far as I know. I have not drank animal's milk regularly in a long time. However, I do eat animal products such as cheese, yogurt, or stuff that contains milk. I try my best to not make it into a habit, but you know while growing up I have had it beaten into my head that "Milk, it does a body good" which is true to a certain point. I will not make lame excuses as to why I continue to eat stuff that contains milk other than it's hard for old habits to die.

    My suggestion, take this into consideration, think about it for a while, and try alternatives to animals milk. It will do your body good.:wink:

    Cows milk does my body good.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I like how folks say drinking milk is unnatural and yet adding spices to food is totally the way it was intended to be eaten. We eat things because they taste good and/or they're good for us (for the most part). Milk can be just fine as part of someone's diet, assuming no intolerances to it.
  • lt3ag4s
    lt3ag4s Posts: 835 Member
    I would continue to drink human milk but it isnt nearly as convenient as cow's milk.