Anyone at goal or has lost not doing low carb?



  • DamnImASexyBitch
    DamnImASexyBitch Posts: 740 Member
    I haven't cut out anything, just cut back on amount and frequency of certain foods. I love my carbs. I have stalled on the scale, but just measured a half inch off my waist and 3/4 inch off my neck (weird measurement); just from the last few weeks. Exercise and calorie counting!

    This is me. I figure with the holidays I'll take a stall vs a gain. Now that they are over, back to getting to business.
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,089 Member
    eating 200-300 g of carbs per day
    my macros are set for 25 protein, 50 carbs, 25 fat
    lost 33 lbs, now maintaining
  • honkytonks85
    honkytonks85 Posts: 669 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I have read a lot of people doing low carb and it working for them. But has anyone reached goal/close to goal or lost a significant amount not doing low carb? Due to some changes in my schedule/budget I have had to redo my food plan. It is going to involve more carbs. Here is an example of a new day:

    1/2 cup dry rolled oats, 1/2 cup blueberries, cinnamon
    1/4 cup quinoa, 1 cup shredded chicken, 1/2 cup black beans, chopped peppers/other vegetables, 2 tbsp salsa, 1 cup brussel sprouts
    Green monster smoothie (1 cup both spinach and kale, 1/2 cup strawberries, 1 banana, 1/2 cup 0% greek yogurt)
    2 cups sugar snap peas

    Lunch varies (everything above i'll be eating every day, i find it easier to stick to) so some examples are:
    Turkey meatballs with spaghetti squash and side veggie
    Balsamic chicken with 1/4 cup quinoa and side veggies
    Turkey meatloaf with 1/2 cup roasted potatoes side veggies
    Shrimp stir fry with stir fried vegetables, 1 tbsp soy sauce, garlic, lemon, siracha, side veggies

    As you can see not all of my lunch items have major carbs but over all on the days I do have carbs with lunch then its close to my MFP carb target which I have read is high. I know different things work for different people but I was wondering if a normal amount of carbs works for some.
    2 cups sugar snap peas

    I eat carbs. Lost 160lbs.
  • cathydow
    cathydow Posts: 13 Member
    So refreshing to see people losing weight normally! I just follow MFP and try to stick within my calories (including exercise) works for me when I stick to it!
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Done low carb for 6 months this year and lost on it ... And then gained (took liberties with calories I suspect).

    Now doing Anything Goes Within Calorie Limit and losing OK too.

    Low carb for some people helps control appetite, nowt wrong with it if it works for you, I switched back for greater variety and the fact I couldn't see a metabolic advantage in keeping the carbs so low. It ain't all about insulin, etc ;)
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    So refreshing to see people losing weight normally! I just follow MFP and try to stick within my calories (including exercise) works for me when I stick to it!

    For some people they have to control carbs, this is their 'normal', be thankful you don't have to.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    I had a week were I only ate cereals and milk because I was moving and didn't want to order out. I lost a pound and a half that week. Of course I still stayed within my caloric deficit.
  • george29223
    george29223 Posts: 556 Member
    i eat anything i want but just not alot of it and i lost weight
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    I don't do low carb.

    I just eat like a normal person, only less.
    Seems to work for me.
  • Alisha_countrymama
    Alisha_countrymama Posts: 821 Member
    Low carb works for some, and not for others. Our bodies are all different, what makes us gain weight is different. Carbs happen to be a trigger food for me. i crave like crazy when i eat carbs.

    I don't consider eating low carb a fad diet, it's a way of life. Just like someone who knows if they over indulge and go over their calories day after day they will gain weight. I know that if I over indulge and go over my carbs I will gain weight. It's the same difference. We all just have to find what works for us. Low carb works for me. I hope you find what works for you!! :)
    Carbohydrates comprise hundreds of different foods. I had to cut out peanut butter, because I know I can eat the whole jar. You don't see me saying all fats are bad.

    This is just my opinion... The majority of the people I see who cut carbs are the ones who do it, because that is what they heard was the right way. They don't under the basics of nutriton (calories in vs calories out). Regarding the whole genetic thing, I am not going to say there are not genetic differences, I will say many run to genetics.

    I was one of those low carb people, afraid to eat white bread, white rice, etc. I finally learned and have made amazing progress. Mind you, I thought I was one of these endomorphic types who couldn't eat ANY breads, pasta, rice. I use to joke about getting fat, just by looking at bread. Silly me.

    Never did I say Carbs are bad. I eat plenty in veggies and flax things like that. There is a difference between low carb and no carb. And I'm glad that refined carbohydrates do not affect you like they do me and others. Some people's body's can not handle them, others can.
  • Alisha_countrymama
    Alisha_countrymama Posts: 821 Member
    For some people they have to control carbs, this is their 'normal', be thankful you don't have to.

    Yes! This!
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    I hit my ideal weight range last year doing a high carb diet and are maintaining the weight doing the same this year. It all depends on what you do with those carbs once eaten – for me it was cycling 11,500 miles last year and 15,150 miles so far in 2012
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    I did South Beach a few years ago, which is no carbs for the first two weeks and then gradually adding in a few fruits and whole grains for the period after that. I lost about 15 lbs over 5 months. It took me five years to gain most of it back because I gradually added too many carbs back in. I won't do a specific no-carb diet again, but I definitely feel better when I don't eat so many of them. My macros here are set to 40-30-30, but I usually have about 50g of carbs left over at the end of the day. The main SB thing that 's stuck with me is to think about what non-carb options I have, especially for snacks. Some celery with a little peanut butter or hummus will keep me filled up way longer than a couple of those 100-calorie snack packs. It also got me in the habit of packing my own lunches and planning meals ahead of time.
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    Not at goal yet, but losing with macros of 40/30/30. Protein and fats help you feel full, but your body needs carbs, preferably ones that aren't processed.
  • I lost weight and got to my goal without doing low carb!
  • marathon_mama
    marathon_mama Posts: 150 Member
    Low carb doesn't necessarily mean cutting out all carbs. Your body does need some carbs. Most people who say they eat low carb are cutting out simple carbs like sugar in cakes, cookies, sodas. and white flour- chips, crackers, white breads, white rice and white pastas. They concentrate on eating more vegetables and higher fiber carbs i.e. fruits and whole grains, which fill you up. They also eat higher protein and good fats. These foods keep you fuller longer and allow you to eat less total calories. You can lower your calories 200-300 per day by cutting out sugar and simple carbs, but keep your proteins and good fats high, and you won't be any hungrier than you were eating at the higher level. Sugar and simple carbs also make your blood sugar spike and release a lot of insulin, causing you to crave more sugar.

    Of course there are many people who have lost weight without cutting out sugar, bread, pastas, etc. They did so by cutting back on calories and exercising. It is harder to have a large calorie deficit while keeping your protein levels good, if you don't cut back on the sugars, etc. It will usually be a slower loss and you will need to do a lot of exercise to burn off the carbs in your diet, before you can start burning stored fats. But it can be done. It's all in the way you choose to lose.

    yes, exactly correct.
  • Alisha_countrymama
    Alisha_countrymama Posts: 821 Member
    Low carb doesn't necessarily mean cutting out all carbs. Your body does need some carbs. Most people who say they eat low carb are cutting out simple carbs like sugar in cakes, cookies, sodas. and white flour- chips, crackers, white breads, white rice and white pastas. They concentrate on eating more vegetables and higher fiber carbs i.e. fruits and whole grains, which fill you up. They also eat higher protein and good fats. These foods keep you fuller longer and allow you to eat less total calories. You can lower your calories 200-300 per day by cutting out sugar and simple carbs, but keep your proteins and good fats high, and you won't be any hungrier than you were eating at the higher level. Sugar and simple carbs also make your blood sugar spike and release a lot of insulin, causing you to crave more sugar.

    Of course there are many people who have lost weight without cutting out sugar, bread, pastas, etc. They did so by cutting back on calories and exercising. It is harder to have a large calorie deficit while keeping your protein levels good, if you don't cut back on the sugars, etc. It will usually be a slower loss and you will need to do a lot of exercise to burn off the carbs in your diet, before you can start burning stored fats. But it can be done. It's all in the way you choose to lose.

    yes, exactly correct.

  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
  • caitlyn30
    caitlyn30 Posts: 207 Member
    I eat what I want, but track my calories. no special diet here. lifetime change for me!:
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,142 Member
    Low carb doesn't necessarily mean cutting out all carbs. Your body does need some carbs. Most people who say they eat low carb are cutting out simple carbs like sugar in cakes, cookies, sodas. and white flour- chips, crackers, white breads, white rice and white pastas. They concentrate on eating more vegetables and higher fiber carbs i.e. fruits and whole grains, which fill you up. They also eat higher protein and good fats. These foods keep you fuller longer and allow you to eat less total calories. You can lower your calories 200-300 per day by cutting out sugar and simple carbs, but keep your proteins and good fats high, and you won't be any hungrier than you were eating at the higher level. Sugar and simple carbs also make your blood sugar spike and release a lot of insulin, causing you to crave more sugar.

    Of course there are many people who have lost weight without cutting out sugar, bread, pastas, etc. They did so by cutting back on calories and exercising. It is harder to have a large calorie deficit while keeping your protein levels good, if you don't cut back on the sugars, etc. It will usually be a slower loss and you will need to do a lot of exercise to burn off the carbs in your diet, before you can start burning stored fats. But it can be done. It's all in the way you choose to lose.

    yes, exactly correct.

    I consume about 200 g's of carbs a day, which is less than my protein intake and is considered a low carb diet......not to be confused with the very low carb diet VLCD where around 5% of calories are carbs and will always find the person in ketosis.