It's NOT that hard.



  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    its not easy! thats for damn SURE ... lets be real
  • aitchtwoo
    aitchtwoo Posts: 2 Member
    It sounds like you are very determined. Did you seek medical advice before putting yourself through all this. It is great to lose weight, but you could do some serious damage to yourself physically if you do the wrong training.
    There are many ways to exercise and it just sounds like you have been punishing your injuries a little, did you check out your schedule with a doctor?
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
  • elizak87
    elizak87 Posts: 249 Member
    And why is this on the motivation and support board? Your doing neither but calling everyone who has a hard time a lazy POS. You may not have said those exact words but its certainly what you implied. People come on here to talk about their struggles and get good advice and encouraging words. Take your judgements to another board thank you.

    I mighten have the balls to say it but the OPs speech is so aussie. It's typical take a spoonful of concrete, harden the f*** up motivation. My bf went to hospital last week and I told him he was a soft c***. Don't take it personal. Some people get motivated in different ways. Some people dont do the fluffy puppy and kitten stuff. Those motivational slogans and pics drive me crazy and eye roll. Tell me I need to shut my whinging mouth and move my fat *kitten* and I will. No one whinged their way thin
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    Wow OP you take a massive amount of pills.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    It is amazing how one thing we all have in common - getting fit and staying that way - has so many different attitudes, life challenges and success paths.

    I agree that most of my journey in the first 53 years of my life - losing the weight - time consuming and tedious, not hard, exercise - not ever a daily thing. Maintaining - impossible.

    This year, I found losing the weight not so hard. Exercise on my own terms, easier/motivated every day. I committed to a very healthy lifestyle for one year last 12/31/11... I am re-uppping my commitment again for 2013, this feels too good to give up.

    My point is this. For years people told me I would have to starve myself and work out 1-3 hours a day to weigh what I do at my age. And that, my fitness pals, is not true, and it isn't that hard. Logging gives me the freedom to eat. Logging my activity keeps me on track to rise above my "sedentary desk job" . Knowing it is not "THAT" hard is an important message. It's all in the daily discipline, not the daily punishment. For me, anyway!
  • leejayem
    leejayem Posts: 120 Member
    I appreciate you saying that you've pushed yourself through injuries etc - & that's great because you you can do that, I mean it's physically possible. But I take it you don't have small children (or any children)?? There are times when it is in fact impossible for me (& I'm sure others) to go for a run or do any exercise because I am responsible for my little people - mothers can't just say "Right that's it kids, Mum is not making excuses anymore - you're on your own for the next half hour while I exercise". On those days I have no choice but to eat under my calorie count or else I will put on weight - & yes that's possible but it IS hard to spend the day hungry when so much needs to be done. It's worth it, the weight is coming off very slowly, but I can't relate to anyone on here who says losing weight is not hard work.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    If losing weight is so 'easy', why did you get to the situation where you needed to lose 66lbs and counting?

    This^^ :laugh:


    I may have days where I would much rather lay on the couch than exercise, and the couch usually wins, but guess what...I have never been overweight in my life. Does that mean I win this little pissing contest of yours? Am I better than you at this?

    (no, I am not "better" than anyone else here. Just because I have never been fat does not mean I am better than anyone who has. And just because you find it "easy" to lose what you went and gained does NOT mean others shouldn't legitimately find it hard for various reasons.)

    ...and you might want to take it easy on the whole "working out while in pain and not eating back calories". That's a recipe for disaster. Do you want to be "skinny at all costs", or do you want to live a long happy healthy life? You won't do that if you destroy your body and not allow it to heal.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    Wow OP you take a massive amount of pills.

    Yeah, because she's only eating 1,000 cals a day, she has to get her nutrients from some place.

    She's also taking Raspberry 'Keytones' ... It's sooo easy to lose weight.
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    yep that's one expensive toilet flush right there.
  • kimmianne89
    kimmianne89 Posts: 428 Member
    I think it's very easy to equate struggling / failure / needing lots of support with laziness / lack of effort, particularly if *you* are prone to those things.

    What is easy for some is hard for others (be it algebra or driving a car or tight-rope-walking). That's just life. It takes a pretty big (pardon the pun) person to learn to *respect* differences, rather than attack / berate / minimise / dismiss them in an attempt to homogenise the world.

    Don't forget - it's not just effort that goes into weightloss. Yes, moving your *kitten* is a huge part of it... but there's a truckload of psychology behind weight gain so there's a truckload behind weight loss. Genetics play a factor, circumstance etc. I understand you might be frustrated and I'm sure your opinion ultimately comes from a good place "LOOK, PERSON, I DID IT YOU CAN TOO, IT'S REALLY NOT THAT HARD"... but it's probably the same as saying to an agoraphobic "just go outside" or an anorexic "just eat something".

    At the end of the day, if someone needs a bit more support and motivation from others than you did, that's their journey and it's ok. If they're legitimately just lazy whingers - delete and move on :)

    100% this
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Losing weight in the USA is a challenge but can be done. It requires a lifestyle change and a lot of hard work.

    No offense but I think you should reach your goal and maintain it for a long time before getting on your soap box on how hard it is to lose weight.
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    What I have to say may sound a little *****y, and it's not meant to. I applaud you for pushing through the pain and staying on plan to lose weight. But, what kept you from losing the weight before you gained 66 lbs? Losing weight was just as 'easy' then as it is now, if not easier. I know one thing. Everyone has their own journey. Getting fit is work. Eating right takes discipline. If a MFP friend is complaining about how hard it is to avoid brownies at work I sympathize. Especially since I know she will be there for me when I'm complaining about climbing stairs after leg day (ohmythighs). That's what MFP friends do.

    What stopped me? Denial. Total denial. I saw me in the mirror & thought I looked great. It took a photo to change that. How I got there? Laziness. Totally being lazy & not eating right. Enter the photo & that changed that very day. I usually give up on things within a week or two if I'm lucky. This (apart from motherhood & being a wife) is the longest I've stuck to anything. 9 months ago I would have made an excuse to not walk anywhere or justify that pizza to myself. Now? Now I have no tolerance for either. If I don't do a workout by midday then I'm going crazy. If I eat something that I know I should not have, then I actually scold myself & make myself feel rotten for doing it..... hence the reason I have not slipped up.

    You should see me learn touch typing.... I miss a key... I slap myself on the face...... now imagine what I would be like if I ate that pizza...even a slice?
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Wow OP you take a massive amount of pills.

    Yeah, because she's only eating 1,000 cals a day, she has to get her nutrients from some place.

    She's also taking Raspberry 'Keytones' ... It's sooo easy to lose weight.

    Actually only started taking them 2 months ago. I doubt they do anything but they smell nice. Plus I do get way more nutrients than I need, the pills are mostly to combat the painkillers I have to take daily. 1000 cals..... more than that.... I burn off 600 a day at least.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member

    Man the heck am I going ot do with a gold star. Can't I get a cookie instead? Pretty please!
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    What I have to say may sound a little *****y, and it's not meant to. I applaud you for pushing through the pain and staying on plan to lose weight. But, what kept you from losing the weight before you gained 66 lbs? Losing weight was just as 'easy' then as it is now, if not easier. I know one thing. Everyone has their own journey. Getting fit is work. Eating right takes discipline. If a MFP friend is complaining about how hard it is to avoid brownies at work I sympathize. Especially since I know she will be there for me when I'm complaining about climbing stairs after leg day (ohmythighs). That's what MFP friends do.

    What stopped me? Denial. Total denial. I saw me in the mirror & thought I looked great. It took a photo to change that. How I got there? Laziness. Totally being lazy & not eating right. Enter the photo & that changed that very day. I usually give up on things within a week or two if I'm lucky. This (apart from motherhood & being a wife) is the longest I've stuck to anything. 9 months ago I would have made an excuse to not walk anywhere or justify that pizza to myself. Now? Now I have no tolerance for either. If I don't do a workout by midday then I'm going crazy. If I eat something that I know I should not have, then I actually scold myself & make myself feel rotten for doing it..... hence the reason I have not slipped up.

    You should see me learn touch typing.... I miss a key... I slap myself on the face...... now imagine what I would be like if I ate that pizza...even a slice?

    So what you are saying is, you too have tried to lose weight before and found it hard. So what gives you the right to come on here and critise other people for finding it hard? If it was that easy, you would never have been overweight in the first place. Anyone on here that has the guts to realise they need help, sign up and admit when they fail and ask for help to a forum full of people deserves a round of applause in my opinion, not your criticism.

    As for slapping yourself in the face when you make a mistake... LOL, is all I have to say.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I appreciate you saying that you've pushed yourself through injuries etc - & that's great because you you can do that, I mean it's physically possible. But I take it you don't have small children (or any children)?? There are times when it is in fact impossible for me (& I'm sure others) to go for a run or do any exercise because I am responsible for my little people - mothers can't just say "Right that's it kids, Mum is not making excuses anymore - you're on your own for the next half hour while I exercise". On those days I have no choice but to eat under my calorie count or else I will put on weight - & yes that's possible but it IS hard to spend the day hungry when so much needs to be done. It's worth it, the weight is coming off very slowly, but I can't relate to anyone on here who says losing weight is not hard work.

    Actually I have a 19yo son who needs me to take care of every aspect of his life & has needed that for years. I leave my son at home while I run now, just cause I have no choice at times. I can't trust him not to steal from me, burn the house down or do something just as stupid.... but hey..... mothers have to do things sometimes. Motherhood is NOT an excuse at all..... do a workout with them, go for a walk with them. Make an excuse NOT to do it & you prove my point.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Wow OP you take a massive amount of pills.

    Yeah, because she's only eating 1,000 cals a day, she has to get her nutrients from some place.

    She's also taking Raspberry 'Keytones' ... It's sooo easy to lose weight.

    Actually only started taking them 2 months ago. I doubt they do anything but they smell nice. Plus I do get way more nutrients than I need, the pills are mostly to combat the painkillers I have to take daily. 1000 cals..... more than that.... I burn off 600 a day at least.

    You've also just admitted you take painkillers every day; I'm assuming that's going to be for the injuries you won't let heal.

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