It's NOT that hard.



  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Not everyone is the same...some people have a harder time losing weight...things that work for some, might not work for others.

    I am thankful I lost all my weight through diet & exercise. I find maintaining it harder then it was to lose. Keeping on track, and not going back to my old ways : )

    Good luck everyone.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    If self control was easy, everyone would be skinny.
  • cmacphee3
    cmacphee3 Posts: 278 Member
    You know, I said the exact same thing the first time I lost weight. I lost 112lbs in a year, and I did it by staying 1200-1400 cal a day for the whole year. No exceptions. I was all high and mighty about how it just wasn't that hard. But that sort of deal is just not sustainable for most people, it might not be hard while you are losing, but maintaining forever is another story. Losing in a way that allows for a real sustainability (not aggravating injuries so that you end up even further injured, not eating the same thing everyday so that if you get in a situation where you can't do that anymore it is much harder) is a lot harder than losing in a way where you are perfect. Sounds silly and you probably don't believe it, but from my personal experience, it is true for me.
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I felt similar a couple Years ago.. Like everything clicked and I was all "yeah! I can do this! This isn't so bad". When I felt that way though, I never felt like it wasn't still hard for other people, or that they were being whiney or took a long time for it to click for me and it takes time for others to get the motivation up as well.-_- I gained it all back and then some! It's been harder to lose this time around. I don't think bragging about how easy it is for you is being helpful to anyone else, and that's what this site is for. Help and support, not belittling and degrading...Also you should see a doctor for a bunch of reasons, but mainly because you need a safer workout routine for your injuries.
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    Lots of things are easier when you tank up on pain medication. Hunger? What's that? Yeah...
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    Lots of things are easier when you tank up on pain medication. Hunger? What's that? Yeah...

    Yes and most pain meds do decrease your appetite.
  • okidoki7
    okidoki7 Posts: 151 Member
    weight loss is very simple....but its not easy !!!!!
  • GreyV
    GreyV Posts: 60
    OP, Yes your post does come across as *****y. There are a large number of MFPers with mental health issues. I am one of them. I have no issues telling people this and due to my illness I really struggle sometimes to keep on track. How do you know that these people you're so sick of don't have deep underlying issues.

    You're very lucky to be some super human who can run on an injured knee and you have done very well in your weight loss. However, you can't judge people without knowing their story. Actually, you have no right to judge anyone, regardless.

    As my mum always taught me, if you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.
  • msbeeblebrox
    msbeeblebrox Posts: 133 Member
    You think it's not that hard to lose weight and exercise. I don't think it's that smart to over train, especially with an injury. To each her own.
  • LeggyAmericanGirl
    LeggyAmericanGirl Posts: 285 Member
    OP, Yes your post does come across as *****y. There are a large number of MFPers with mental health issues. I am one of them. I have no issues telling people this and due to my illness I really struggle sometimes to keep on track. How do you know that these people you're so sick of don't have deep underlying issues.

    You're very lucky to be some super human who can run on an injured knee and you have done very well in your weight loss. However, you can't judge people without knowing their story. Actually, you have no right to judge anyone, regardless.

    As my mum always taught me, if you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.


    Btw masking cuss words is against guidelines I have gotten a strike for it.

    Something harder than losing weight -- BEING A NICE PERSON
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    Was this supposed to be encouraging?
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    OP, Yes your post does come across as *****y. There are a large number of MFPers with mental health issues. I am one of them. I have no issues telling people this and due to my illness I really struggle sometimes to keep on track. How do you know that these people you're so sick of don't have deep underlying issues.

    You're very lucky to be some super human who can run on an injured knee and you have done very well in your weight loss. However, you can't judge people without knowing their story. Actually, you have no right to judge anyone, regardless.

    As my mum always taught me, if you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

  • Owsla135
    Owsla135 Posts: 350 Member
    I'm finding it hard to get motivated to work out today... I must really suck...
  • lauraatkinson85
    lauraatkinson85 Posts: 84 Member
    I think it's very easy to equate struggling / failure / needing lots of support with laziness / lack of effort, particularly if *you* are prone to those things.

    What is easy for some is hard for others (be it algebra or driving a car or tight-rope-walking). That's just life. It takes a pretty big (pardon the pun) person to learn to *respect* differences, rather than attack / berate / minimise / dismiss them in an attempt to homogenise the world.

    Don't forget - it's not just effort that goes into weightloss. Yes, moving your *kitten* is a huge part of it... but there's a truckload of psychology behind weight gain so there's a truckload behind weight loss. Genetics play a factor, circumstance etc. I understand you might be frustrated and I'm sure your opinion ultimately comes from a good place "LOOK, PERSON, I DID IT YOU CAN TOO, IT'S REALLY NOT THAT HARD"... but it's probably the same as saying to an agoraphobic "just go outside" or an anorexic "just eat something".

    At the end of the day, if someone needs a bit more support and motivation from others than you did, that's their journey and it's ok. If they're legitimately just lazy whingers - delete and move on :)

    absolutely this! well said :-)
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    lol, I am scared to agree with you because of the anger that has bubbled up over this. But, I was just thinking this the other day, losing weight won't be the hard part, but keeping it off will be the real struggle. At least for me.

    I have days that I am unmotivated but I just do it. I have days that I want to eat a box of donuts, but I just don't. yes, it is hard to make these choices, but not that hard.

    It is when I think of it as a lifetime commitment that I get deflated. I can't seem to wrap my brain around it. I hate exercising. I love fried food. I love watching TV. A perfect storm for weight gain! So for doing this for a year to get the weight off, seems doable, doing it until I die, seems impossible.

    plus, why bother, cause the world is ending on 12-21. sigh.
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
  • lisalu1202
    lisalu1202 Posts: 30 Member
    It's not hard to put on weight either as you obviously have done in the past. Maintaining is the real challenge!
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    and eat the same thing EVERY DAY? Wow, just wow.
  • rummyqueen
    rummyqueen Posts: 155 Member
    It depends on everyones body.Some people can lose weight really fast and some cant.I never had a weight problem in my life.I always was 98 pounds when I got married and that was 25 years ago.After I had my first child I lost most of my weight and I had to have a c-section and I gained 65 pounds with the first.ost most of it I was 120 pounds after then I was 30 had my 2nd. child by c-section and I gain more weight about 70 pounds.I lost some weight was up to 171 went on a strick diet and workout every day.I lost pounds and went down to 150 then omg my body change went into MENOPAUSE and that was it weight went up and up no matter what I did couldn't lose weight my doctor was in shock that i was again 171 but didn't look it because I workout but what made me look bigger that what I was my mid section.I had the biggest belly that I couldnt get rid of the my doctor said I wont either because I was cut open.You can lose or tighten lose skin that was cut open or tou cant tighten up muscles that was cut open and my rib cage was spread apart because of 2 pregnancis the only way I would get rid of the belly I had to have a tummy tuck and I am so happy that I did. it will be a year in jan.Its not a weight lost my now I really can workout harder then ever and I see the difference in my body.but since I started to watch what I eat and count the calories it's still hard to LOSE THE WEIGHT,and it depends on your age to.So many people do have a hard time losing weight.I went from 171,down to 162 been that way for almost a year now and I just lost 4 lbs now im at 158 and I been 158 since I stared this program about 3 weeks ago and yes ITS hard to lose weight .ut everyone don't stop keep on trying and workout and just eat the right foods.
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    Sorry if this may come out a little *****y, but...... it's not that hard to lose weight & exercise........ if you are committed to doing it. I'm kinda sick of hearing about how hard it is to be motivated, how hard it is to get the scales to move, how hard it is to stay in calories & even how hard it is when you 'sore'.

    I told you it would sound *****y... but it's not.

    I have a back injury that stopped me from working in a labor job ever again. I get about 2-3 hours sleep a night if I'm lucky because of my injury & walking kills me for days. I have a stuffed up knee from breaking it in 2002. I have a bad hip & shin splints (at the moment).

    I've run, Zumba'd & done all kinds of intense workouts for the past 9 months.... every single day. With all my injury problems & even a broken toe thrown in.... I'm still going. Running on my leg kills me... but I'm sucking it up & still going.

    I eat under my cals EVERY day. I eat the same thing every day yes... but I do allow treats.... take a look.

    I've lost 66lbs ...... 31kg in 9 months..... no cheat days, no days off from working out & sure as hell no reason to NOT do anything.

    So why are people finding it so hard to lose weight? Why do people complain because they can't control their own actions or addictions?

    It does sound *****y right? But what happened to good old hard work?

    Lordy did you wake up and decide to write a 'little missy perfect' post today or what? Just because you never struggle doesn't mean it's easy. I think this is possibly the most condescending post i've ever read on here.
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