It's NOT that hard.



  • Amberonamission
    Amberonamission Posts: 836 Member
    This thread made me giggle my head off. Thanks for the laughs. I never knew the formula was ketones and painkillers. weeeeeee
  • thatjulesgirl
    thatjulesgirl Posts: 200 Member
    Ladies and gents, I think it's probably time you all grabbed some popcorn. This is about to get good....

  • Charloo1990
    Charloo1990 Posts: 619 Member
    I think it's very easy to equate struggling / failure / needing lots of support with laziness / lack of effort, particularly if *you* are prone to those things.

    What is easy for some is hard for others (be it algebra or driving a car or tight-rope-walking). That's just life. It takes a pretty big (pardon the pun) person to learn to *respect* differences, rather than attack / berate / minimise / dismiss them in an attempt to homogenise the world.

    Don't forget - it's not just effort that goes into weightloss. Yes, moving your *kitten* is a huge part of it... but there's a truckload of psychology behind weight gain so there's a truckload behind weight loss. Genetics play a factor, circumstance etc. I understand you might be frustrated and I'm sure your opinion ultimately comes from a good place "LOOK, PERSON, I DID IT YOU CAN TOO, IT'S REALLY NOT THAT HARD"... but it's probably the same as saying to an agoraphobic "just go outside" or an anorexic "just eat something".

    At the end of the day, if someone needs a bit more support and motivation from others than you did, that's their journey and it's ok. If they're legitimately just lazy whingers - delete and move on :)

    100% this
    I also second this!

    I really wish it was that easy, at one point i found it easy and im back to struggling again :/
  • makemewannadie
    makemewannadie Posts: 401 Member
    Easy for YOU, you can't speak for anyone else on this planet. You could say the same thing about anything... like it's easy to learn advanced physics if you apply yourself, it's manageable to memorise the full extensive number of pi if you apply yourself, but some people find certain things more difficult than others for whatever reasons. Yes, some people are just lazy, but some people have disordered attitudes towards food, some people have injuries or conditions that don't allow them to exercise like the normal person, etc.

    edit: my post is just a reiteration of someone else's much more eloquently put post! Oh well. It still stands :)
  • endjourney
    Sorry if this may come out a little *****y, but...... it's not that hard to lose weight & exercise........ if you are committed to doing it. I'm kinda sick of hearing about how hard it is to be motivated, how hard it is to get the scales to move, how hard it is to stay in calories & even how hard it is when you 'sore'.

    I told you it would sound *****y... but it's not.

    I have a back injury that stopped me from working in a labor job ever again. I get about 2-3 hours sleep a night if I'm lucky because of my injury & walking kills me for days. I have a stuffed up knee from breaking it in 2002. I have a bad hip & shin splints (at the moment).

    I've run, Zumba'd & done all kinds of intense workouts for the past 9 months.... every single day. With all my injury problems & even a broken toe thrown in.... I'm still going. Running on my leg kills me... but I'm sucking it up & still going.

    I eat under my cals EVERY day. I eat the same thing every day yes... but I do allow treats.... take a look.

    I've lost 66lbs ...... 31kg in 9 months..... no cheat days, no days off from working out & sure as hell no reason to NOT do anything.

    So why are people finding it so hard to lose weight? Why do people complain because they can't control their own actions or addictions?

    It does sound *****y right? But what happened to good old hard work?
  • srowe2
    srowe2 Posts: 17 Member
    About an hour ago, I had decided to skip working out this morning. Then I read your post and I was like "F!! Now I have to go!" So thanks...for being *****y.
  • xgg2rs
    xgg2rs Posts: 128 Member
    So why are people finding it so hard to lose weight?

    Why do people complain because they can't control their own actions or addictions?

    It does sound *****y right? But what happened to good old hard work?
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Brain surgery is easy to some people; doesn't mean it's not hard.

    I've always been a champion of people needing to want it badly enough, because you have to forsake so much for serious weight loss. You've got to want to succeed more than you want any chocolate bar, any tube of Pringles, any night on the sofa when it's lashing down outside, any Chinese takeaway, any bottle of wine, any period-governed slab of Dairy Milk, any steaming gooey cheesy lasagna when you go out for a friend's birthday meal. You've got to say no to so many things, and for many (including myself) that's after years of saying OH GOD YES GET IN MY MOUTH to everything.

    You've got to exercise when you hurt, when you're tired, when you're upset, when it's the last thing you want to do.

    Well done you for succeeding. Well done anyone for making the decision to improve their life through changes to their health. But yes, it is indeed very p*ssy to say it's easy.

    If it's so easy, why do so many people fail?
    I've never said no to any of those things, and I never had a problem losing the weight I put on. I've been maintaining for over a year, and I still occasionally eat an entire pint of ice cream. It's called planning and having the discipline to stick to the plan, not get rid of everything you enjoy in life.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    You really can only speak for yourself. Many people like myself find it very hard to lose weight. I have medical issues which required meds. I was lucky that I could go off of those meds. It was then that I was able to lose weight. Up till that point I tried everything I could to lose weight but the scale wouldn't budge. Many people have thyroid issues and don't know it. They try to lose weight but not matter what they do they can't lose a single pound but instead gain for no apparent reason. They may post on MFP out of frustration and trying to find answers AND understanding. To which you're obviously not supplying any of that. Being compassionate, helpful and understanding goes a long way. Much farther than an attitude.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I don't seek validation from strangers by bullying others, which is more than your third-grade attitude can say.

  • RVfrog
    RVfrog Posts: 213 Member
    seems to me you are PERFECT......yes your post is B
    . You come across like you are perfect and can't stand those of us who are not. Thanks for the laugh....I've met alot of people just like you. Well, the average person does have no clue what other people go through in life. Maybe you should walk in their shoes for a day. We all have struggles and we deal with them the best that we can.....I've lost a son at birth, divorced, lost both of my parents, lost a spouse, struggled with finances....yep you bet I ate to try to comfort myself an deal with life. That is life....sorry ....didn't care for your post ...but it did give me a good laugh. Thanks.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Some people lose weight more easily than others.

    The first time I gained and had to lose, it WAS easy for me. I exercised regularly, ate right and the weight practically melted off. But I watched other people who were eating right and exercising and struggling a lot with the losses. There are many factors that play into how "easy" it is for a person to lose, no matter what that person does.

    The SECOND time I gained, it was due to a change I made in my birth control method. Not only did it cause me to gain, but no matter what I did or how hard I worked, the weight would not come off. I plateaued for a year and then the last two months before I switched BC, I started gaining again. And, believe me, there was no other reason for it.

    So, yes, it was VERY hard the second time around.
  • xgg2rs
    xgg2rs Posts: 128 Member
    So why are people finding it so hard to lose weight?

    Because it's not easy, if it was easy there would be no need for an app or forums as everyone would have to just decide to lose weight and magically have it all disappear. Saying it's easy belittles those that have lost. It takes alot of effort and commitment.

    Why do people complain because they can't control their own actions or addictions?

    Because this is a support forums for many, and they come here for I don't !

    It does sound *****y right? But what happened to good old hard work?

    I lost over 175 pounds and just recently ran my first full marathon. Neither was easy and I had many ups and downs. Each of us are made differently and what worked for me may not work for others. I believe places like this are for people to compare notes and to support each other in their goals.

    Just because someone complains on this forums doesn't mean they are a failure or a quiter. A quiter would just quit and leave the forums. Maybe they are just frustrated, I know I had many frustrations over the time it took me to lose my weight. (I have struggled with my weight my whole life and it took me years to lose my weight) If you don't want to read about it, just don't read those posts...
  • makemewannadie
    makemewannadie Posts: 401 Member
    Some people lose weight more easily than others.

    The first time I gained and had to lose, it WAS easy for me. I exercised regularly, ate right and the weight practically melted off. But I watched other people who were eating right and exercising and struggling a lot with the losses. There are many factors that play into how "easy" it is for a person to lose, no matter what that person does.

    The SECOND time I gained, it was due to a change I made in my birth control method. Not only did it cause me to gain, but no matter what I did or how hard I worked, the weight would not come off. I plateaued for a year and then the last two months before I switched BC, I started gaining again. And, believe me, there was no other reason for it.

    So, yes, it was VERY hard the second time around.

    This is also very true. Emotions/attitudes/difficulties aside, people can literally find it more difficult to lose weight, regardless of good food choices and exercising.
  • imjessly
    imjessly Posts: 140 Member
    I think it's very easy to equate struggling / failure / needing lots of support with laziness / lack of effort, particularly if *you* are prone to those things.

    What is easy for some is hard for others (be it algebra or driving a car or tight-rope-walking). That's just life. It takes a pretty big (pardon the pun) person to learn to *respect* differences, rather than attack / berate / minimise / dismiss them in an attempt to homogenise the world.

    Don't forget - it's not just effort that goes into weightloss. Yes, moving your *kitten* is a huge part of it... but there's a truckload of psychology behind weight gain so there's a truckload behind weight loss. Genetics play a factor, circumstance etc. I understand you might be frustrated and I'm sure your opinion ultimately comes from a good place "LOOK, PERSON, I DID IT YOU CAN TOO, IT'S REALLY NOT THAT HARD"... but it's probably the same as saying to an agoraphobic "just go outside" or an anorexic "just eat something".

    At the end of the day, if someone needs a bit more support and motivation from others than you did, that's their journey and it's ok. If they're legitimately just lazy whingers - delete and move on :)

    This is why you're my sister :flowerforyou:
  • HunterKiller_wechange
    "It's NOT that hard" such a stupid statement.

  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    @ xgg2rs

    Wow congrats on your loss, that is a huge achievement. You look so much younger!!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Brain surgery is easy to some people; doesn't mean it's not hard.

    I've always been a champion of people needing to want it badly enough, because you have to forsake so much for serious weight loss. You've got to want to succeed more than you want any chocolate bar, any tube of Pringles, any night on the sofa when it's lashing down outside, any Chinese takeaway, any bottle of wine, any period-governed slab of Dairy Milk, any steaming gooey cheesy lasagna when you go out for a friend's birthday meal. You've got to say no to so many things, and for many (including myself) that's after years of saying OH GOD YES GET IN MY MOUTH to everything.

    You've got to exercise when you hurt, when you're tired, when you're upset, when it's the last thing you want to do.

    Well done you for succeeding. Well done anyone for making the decision to improve their life through changes to their health. But yes, it is indeed very p*ssy to say it's easy.

    If it's so easy, why do so many people fail?
    I've never said no to any of those things, and I never had a problem losing the weight I put on. I've been maintaining for over a year, and I still occasionally eat an entire pint of ice cream. It's called planning and having the discipline to stick to the plan, not get rid of everything you enjoy in life.
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    I've never said no to any of those things, and I never had a problem losing the weight I put on. I've been maintaining for over a year, and I still occasionally eat an entire pint of ice cream. It's called planning and having the discipline to stick to the plan, not get rid of everything you enjoy in life.

    Sorry, I should have been clearer. I've not forsaken all of those things in my life (and believe me, I have a soft spot for every single one) but at the same time, there has been a degree of sacrifice for me. A rather significant one - I don't have a life devoid of Chinese and wine, for example, but there have been several times when I know they just don't fit in.

    I'm a huge believer in planning and accommodating - I mean, I don't work my backside off, day in day out, to not have the occasional treat - but I'd be lying if I said there weren't times when it was a simple case of put down the fork and get off your backside - particularly in the early days.

    I don't deny myself entirely. But do I eat exactly what I want, when I want? God, no. There has always been a degree of sacrifice for me, and that in itself can sometimes be difficult.
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