Once I got dumped for



  • trudance4
    He decided to become a Jehovahs Witness and told me I was going to burn in hell for having premarital sex. With him..... :noway:

    hahahahahahahaha i actually bust out laughing in work at this one!! x
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    Back when I was 16 I was dating a guy (also 16) who dumped me for his Aunt who was at least 25 years older than him. The whole incest thing just grossed me out.

    Sounds like you dodged one hell of a creepy bullet there!
  • sjiphone
    sjiphone Posts: 67 Member
    He decided to become a Jehovahs Witness and told me I was going to burn in hell for having premarital sex. With him..... :noway:

    That is UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    ESPECIALLY unbelievable since JW's don't believe in hell........ :huh:

    Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in hell fire. If he said this to you, it might have been that he was still learning their beliefs and was confused, or you misunderstood him. They do however, follow the Bible's teaching to abstain from sex until married (or to start abstaining, if previously sexually active, once a person decides to follow the Bible's teachings), which happens to be safer physically and emotionally...no unwanted babies for a single-parent, or STDs, embarrassment, regret, etc.


    There are COUNTLESS studies that showcase sex before marriage is integral to healthy intimacy during marriage. Plus this completely skips "contraception" and "safe sex"... you just jumped from "abstinence" to "AIDS BABIES." STDs, unwanted children, and all those other wonderful things you slapped across "premarital sex" are easily avoided with SEX EDUCATION.

    Not to mention it's incredibly heteronormative to think that marriage is the only way someone can have a healthy, committed relationship.

    If you're going to believe something, fine. But make sure you're believing it for VALID reasons, hm?

    I never said it was the ONLY way to avoid those things, but was simply pointing out there are positive aspects of choosing to abstain until married and if someone chooses that for themselves, they should not be chastised for it. I never put down someone else's beliefs in my post. I also never said if they were or were not my own beliefs, but was clarifying that the intial posting was inaccurate about the belief of Jehovah's Witnesses. Have a great day!

    Sorry, that was a royal "you"--not you personally, but anyone who would espouse those thought processes.

    You didn't point out that those were "positive" aspects... you explicitly said "safer," a comparative term that means what you wrote is better than premarital sex, which isn't an objective truth. Actually, all of the things you just responded with you DIDN'T initially say. Perhaps you should actually say what you mean then instead of grouping things generally and continuing misinformation that has resulted in so much "abstinence only" failures :)

    Thanks for the passive aggressive "Have a great day" though! :D (This is passive aggressive too!)

    I'm a Jehovah's Witness and yes, we do not believe in hell fire. Also, having sex is a sin if you are not married or if you are married and having sex with someone else besides your mate, you are committing adultery. It is funny how this system of things, which is currently owned by Satan, says it is okay to fornicate and commit adultery. The Bible states that it is wrong. This is Jehovah God's law, not man. Duh! Read Revelation 12:9.

    "owned by Satan"??? Don't you mean Santa? Duh!
  • Songbird1104
    Songbird1104 Posts: 210 Member
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    because his girlfriend found out. LOL

    ( i didn't know either)

    HA! That happened to me too! We only dated for a month or two, it just drifted apart no break up, then a few months later his girlfriend comes on his msn (this was obviously a while ago lol) and we found out at the same time! Lol
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    for a bag of Skittles.
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    for a bag of Skittles.

    SORRY...but they are so good!
  • edge_dragoncaller
    edge_dragoncaller Posts: 826 Member
    He decided to become a Jehovahs Witness and told me I was going to burn in hell for having premarital sex. With him..... :noway:

    That is UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    ESPECIALLY unbelievable since JW's don't believe in hell........ :huh:

    Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in hell fire. If he said this to you, it might have been that he was still learning their beliefs and was confused, or you misunderstood him. They do however, follow the Bible's teaching to abstain from sex until married (or to start abstaining, if previously sexually active, once a person decides to follow the Bible's teachings), which happens to be safer physically and emotionally...no unwanted babies for a single-parent, or STDs, embarrassment, regret, etc.


    There are COUNTLESS studies that showcase sex before marriage is integral to healthy intimacy during marriage. Plus this completely skips "contraception" and "safe sex"... you just jumped from "abstinence" to "AIDS BABIES." STDs, unwanted children, and all those other wonderful things you slapped across "premarital sex" are easily avoided with SEX EDUCATION.

    Not to mention it's incredibly heteronormative to think that marriage is the only way someone can have a healthy, committed relationship.

    If you're going to believe something, fine. But make sure you're believing it for VALID reasons, hm?

    I never said it was the ONLY way to avoid those things, but was simply pointing out there are positive aspects of choosing to abstain until married and if someone chooses that for themselves, they should not be chastised for it. I never put down someone else's beliefs in my post. I also never said if they were or were not my own beliefs, but was clarifying that the intial posting was inaccurate about the belief of Jehovah's Witnesses. Have a great day!

    Sorry, that was a royal "you"--not you personally, but anyone who would espouse those thought processes.

    You didn't point out that those were "positive" aspects... you explicitly said "safer," a comparative term that means what you wrote is better than premarital sex, which isn't an objective truth. Actually, all of the things you just responded with you DIDN'T initially say. Perhaps you should actually say what you mean then instead of grouping things generally and continuing misinformation that has resulted in so much "abstinence only" failures :)

    Thanks for the passive aggressive "Have a great day" though! :D (This is passive aggressive too!)

    I'm a Jehovah's Witness and yes, we do not believe in hell fire. Also, having sex is a sin if you are not married or if you are married and having sex with someone else besides your mate, you are committing adultery. It is funny how this system of things, which is currently owned by Satan, says it is okay to fornicate and commit adultery. The Bible states that it is wrong. This is Jehovah God's law, not man. Duh! Read Revelation 12:9.

    Satan doesn't own that....that's Free Will
  • LivvyLinde
    wearing a pretty swimsuit (one piece even!!) when I was on vacation with my family.

    When my boyfriend of 2 years called me while I was away one night of the vacation, I told him what we did that day, including swimming, touring, etc. He asked if I wore as swimsuit. Uhhh, yes...? He got so ticked off, and said he didn't approve of me "showing off my body for everyone to see." The only people at the pool were my little brothers, parents, and and an old couple.

    So he said if I wear the swimsuit again, he would dump me. I told him we were going tubing tomorrow, and I sure as heck was wearing a swimsuit for that.

    He said, "I'm officially dumping you" hung up, and that was that. Oh, except that he kept calling to leave messages and curse me out- saying that I should be the one to "fix this relationship." He became a total stalker and the security at my college had to intervene. :noway:

    Dodged a bullet there. Now I'm dating an awesome guy who loves what I look like and thinks the more I show off in pretty clothes, the better. :smile:
  • elijhasmomma
    elijhasmomma Posts: 270 Member
    So we grew up in a small town. Worked together at the same little job while in high school and after graduating. He was always so "out of the blue" He asked me out by walking up to me one day at work and saying, "So what movie are we going to see tonight?" I was like huh? So I played ball. We had a really good relationship...til he decided that he wanted to join the Air Force and didn't think it was "fair to make me wait" for him even though I said I would.
    I guess that was his way of leaving me..I finished it by letting him know how much I hated him for being a wimp and not being able to just say he didn't want to be faithful while gone and he replied by saying (for the first time) that he loved me. :huh: HOW DOES THAT WORK?? lol.
    So fast fwd a few years later we still talk off and on, he would msg me on fb and ask me to text him or send him pics or blah blah blah. I finally see a thing on fb that says he got engaged. I was like :noway:

    Low and behold, about two months after this engaged thing pops up, i get a msg from him asking for my phone number again and saying he wants to see me when he comes home to visit his mom (i still live in our hometown). Saying he couldn't help himself when he sees a photo of me, he just wants to see me again

    I politely responded with hell no i wont be your last fling before you go get married! If ur thinking ur making a mistake, i wont be the one who helps you decide and be the cause of another woman's pain. Karma is a b!tch and I'd rather not have her knocking at my door!
  • KittyMarie13
    For slapping his best friend after the guy backed me into a corner at a bar and screamed at me for talking to some random guy who stopped me on the way to the bathroom. Nevermind that this "friend" was telling me I should find someone at the bar and get laid, and that the guy who stopped me asked if I would be interested in his friend and I was explaining that I was flattered but in a relationship. Oh, and let's not forget that this guy then slapped me upside the head as I exited the bar. I didn't even get a chance to react to that before a group of guys exiting the bar behind me decided they didn't like what they just saw.

    Yeah, I got home and the next morning dude told me he just couldn't date someone that would hit is best friend. But it's okay, he was a total douche and both his friend and him ended up moving in with his mom because I was the only responsible adult in the group that could afford rent and such.
  • lik_11
    lik_11 Posts: 433 Member
    I dumped a guy that I didn't realize I was dating..... yeah (that is what it's supposed to say) lol

    We were in HS, we hung out a lot, but we had never kissed, never held hands, never went on a date or anything, we would just hang out at his house and play video games. I thought we were just good friends, heck, to be honest I thought he was gay...

    So one day he came into where I worked (which he did a lot, my boss really liked him) So the three of us are standing there talking and I said, 'hey I'm not coming over Friday, I have a date" And he looks at me and says "so I guess that means you're breaking up with me?" I said, "I didn't realize we were...." (how do you reply to that???) and he said whatever and left. My boss cracked up over that and was like "You just broke his heart, how could you have not known you were dating him". lol

    YES! I went with a friend to a Perfect Circle concert on Valentine's Day- on the way he asked if I realized we'd been dating for almost a year. Incredulously- I looked at him and told him we weren't dating. That was an awkward night!

    As for getting dumped:

    My college boyfriend of 3 years dumped me when I graduated, for being a "pothead loser"- despite the fact that I graduated college with honors, was president of multiple organizations, very socially involved, and had a full-ride scholarship to graduate school. Obviously- I'm a loser....
  • Songbird1104
    Songbird1104 Posts: 210 Member
    There are COUNTLESS studies that showcase sex before marriage is integral to healthy intimacy during marriage.

    Ridiculous; by that logic no one who has ever waited for marriage has a good sex life because they didn't "practice" beforehand. To me, that sounds like a way for people to justify sexual promiscuity, no matter what your opinion about premarital sex for religious reasons. I do not believe in premarital sex and my husband and I have a wonderful, intimate, loving, fulfilling, healthy sex life. I had zero experience until him and neither he nor I regret it for a moment. Nor do I feel as though I am missing anything. In a committed relationship, sex is just as much about your feelings for your partner as it is about the physical aspect of things; it's got nothing to do with how practiced you are.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Being to large down there, and to forceful with it. She said she needed a break from it.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    There are COUNTLESS studies that showcase sex before marriage is integral to healthy intimacy during marriage.

    Ridiculous; by that logic no one who has ever waited for marriage has a good sex life because they didn't "practice" beforehand. To me, that sounds like a way for people to justify sexual promiscuity, no matter what your opinion about premarital sex for religious reasons. I do not believe in premarital sex and my husband and I have a wonderful, intimate, loving, fulfilling, healthy sex life. I had zero experience until him and neither he nor I regret it for a moment. Nor do I feel as though I am missing anything. In a committed relationship, sex is just as much about your feelings for your partner as it is about the physical aspect of things; it's got nothing to do with how practiced you are.
    Good for you. Some people value good sex as an important aspect of a strong relationship, though. It's nothing to do with being promiscuous, not that there's anything wrong with that outside of a relationship. It's about exploring every aspect of your partner and finding out if you're truly compatible.
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    Notice how amusing this thread was until some idiot turned it into a religious debate??? :devil:

    My ex used to use me as a human punch bag, black eyes, broken nose, pushed me down stairs and broke my coccyx, broken fingers etc. He dumped me because one day I finally had enough and got up from the corner and burst his nose. moron tried to press charges too. :explode:
  • HerPanda
    I was dumped once because she liked my brother more than me. And when he heard that, he freaked out and wanted nothing to do with her socially. I love my bro. lol
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    Quote: "I like my other girlfriend better. Sorry."

  • Archer_isis
    I was dumped once because after sex I got up and put her jeans on and did a sexy dance. I think she was mad that her jeans fit me. They were tight and bulgy in the crotch though, so who knows.
  • LilMissImperfect
    Not putting up with his cheating. He was cheating on me with a woman who was moving to another side of the country in a few weeks. So his response? "Why does it matter? She'll be gone in 2 weeks and it'll be over with"........WHY DOES IT MATTER? Really?? Dumbass men.