Is it considered cheating?



  • RiverDancer68
    RiverDancer68 Posts: 221 Member
    Guess I'm in the minority here, but I don't necessarily see it as cheating. I believe she made a poor decision after a night of drinking. Everyone makes mistakes. She didn't do it maliciously.

    Drunk or not it's still cheating....Being drunk is no excuse....

    Hmmm....based on scientific research, it has been shown that people will do things, that in a sober state, they would not normally do (most people think that people act on things that they want to do anyway, and use alcohol as an excuse). Just my 2 cents....but I am confused (tho I haven't read the whole thing), since you said you were broken up and you invaded her personal space by going through her phone??
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    Guess I'm in the minority here, but I don't necessarily see it as cheating. I believe she made a poor decision after a night of drinking. Everyone makes mistakes. She didn't do it maliciously.

    So if she made out with a guy it would be ok...?

    Mistake or not, I wouldn't forget it so that would end the relationship for me.

    Me too.
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,177 Member
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    That sucks!

    I remember the hookah bar when I was your age. I would just avoid that place like the plague in the future. I never met anyone but douche bags and crazies there. Its a fun place to hang out but not really to pick up people.
  • It seems like cheating to me, because it broke the trust you shared (or should be sharing). I'm going to mention to my wife, she's not allowed to make out with someone of either gender if she wants to stay married. ;)
  • Lipstickcherry
    Lipstickcherry Posts: 122 Member
    I don't know enough about your relationship from a paragraph to know specifics. But what I don't know is, did you ever define your relationship? If you pledge to be faithful and she slipped up getting drunk, didn't tell you but left it on her phone, sounds like bad communication between you to. If you encouraged her when there and were drunk, yeah, you'd probably feel better about it.
    But that said, most girls kissing each other drunk seems to be a big turn on in the under 30 since it is mysterious and forbidden, a daring thing to do. It's not relationship matter outside of the young lady who discovers she prefers ladies over men...or that woman over most men.

    I think the lack of communication is key here. You guys don't communicate these things to each other. And you obviously still have feelings for her.

    I would try again and this time, just define the limits, the boundaries. That is, if you want her back.
  • JosephVitte
    JosephVitte Posts: 2,039

    Where you going, to get the rest of the "Troll Patrol"?
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,177 Member

    Where you going, to get the rest of the "Troll Patrol"?

  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    If you feel hurt and uncomfortable, then it's cheating.

    I completely agree. Anything that makes you uncomfortable or hurts would be considered cheating. How would she feel if you did the same thing? Same sex, opposite sex, friend or not, she still kissed someone else. If you are in a committed relationship you shouldn't even think about kissing someone else.
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I punch you in the face with my left hand, but I'm actually right handed, did I really punch you in the face?
    *this* too
  • coolraul07
    coolraul07 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Oh dear... well... if you already had broken up with her before this happened, 1) you should not have been going through her phone, and 2) no, it wouldn't be cheating if you had already split and were having "breakup sex" or whatever she was with you at the time for....

    Now, if you two were still together..... 1) you should not have been going through her phone, and 2) yes, it is cheating. Doesn't matter whether male or female. I agree with the previous posters on that.

    Either way, trust has been violated because 1) she wasn't totally honest with you and 2) you're going through her phone.

    Time to walk away...... there is no trust or honesty in whatever "relationship" you have. Period.
    oh yeah... *this* 3
  • Angeliquecasique
    Angeliquecasique Posts: 26 Member
    In a relationship it's good to discuss the limits, in general, kissing, making out with someone else is considered cheating, she should have talked to you first about it, it doesn't matter whether she was very drunk, if she thinks she might 'cheat' while being drunk, she shouldn't drink too much. Either way the thoughts still run through your head

    She probably saw it as a bit of fun and didn't really think of the consequences, she has no right to be mad if you broke up because of that reason, if anything she should appologise
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Yes, unfortunately I'd say yes it is.
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member

    If you guys are going through each others phones then this obviously wasn't a healthy relationship. You clearly don't trust each other!

    This first!!^^

    Now, on to part two. I'm not surprised about the drunken making-out, but what strikes me as odd is that she took pictures of it and they conversed about it afterwards. That doesn't sound like a "mistake" or that she felt any guilt about it. It sounds like it either happened before or was going to happen again.

    If you do get back together, you need to be clear about your personal expectations. Clearly, she thought she was doing nothing wrong (considering your relationship rules about phone privacy). I think she deserves a second shot with this new understanding.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    it's not cheating and until yesterday I did....Be right back for the article....
  • idlehandsx
    idlehandsx Posts: 15 Member
    Honestly she might not have considered it cheating, I wouldn't have. It just seems like more of a joke when girls kiss.

    If she can understand your point of view from now on, and you love her, then why not give it another shot? And let her know your clear boundaries. Then, if she does something like that again, there's no way she can be pissed that you break up with her.

    If I knew my boyfriend was not okay with something like that, even if I thought it was a joke, there's no way I'd do it.
    She just might not have taken it seriously.
  • WeekndOVOXO
    WeekndOVOXO Posts: 779 Member
    There's a difference between kissing and making out especially when there's consent ie being okay with the action.

    If you guys are looking at each others phone you might as well break it off since there's no trust and relationships are built on that foundation.

    On the bright side you're Portuguese, you'll bounce back (irrelevant maybe.)
  • JosephVitte
    JosephVitte Posts: 2,039

    On the bright side you're Portuguese, you'll bounce back.

  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    Honestly she might not have considered it cheating, I wouldn't have. It just seems like more of a joke when girls kiss.

    If she can understand your point of view from now on, and you love her, then why not give it another shot? And let her know your clear boundaries. Then, if she does something like that again, there's no way she can be pissed that you break up with her.

    If I knew my boyfriend was not okay with something like that, even if I thought it was a joke, there's no way I'd do it.
    She just might not have taken it seriously.

    yah I agree with the above. there is a kiss that is a joke, i.e theres no emotions involved and it was just a one off kind of douchy thin to do, OR

    she actually likes girls and they we're getting it on, which is cheating.

    furthermore this is a grey area in relationships, perhaps add an "we're exclusive, including making out with your friends because you were drunk and curious" next time.

    yah and the looking at the fone thing is a bit of a fail. if you hadn't looked you wouldn't have known. you could have always tries for the threesome exit package if your into that. just sayin. :P

    I think this is called spring break syndrome. girls go wild and pour water all over each other get naked and make out. happens is cancun and miami all the time. true story.