Is it considered cheating?



  • sicoe17
    sicoe17 Posts: 120 Member
    If you have to ask, then yes, yes it is.
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    also, just a cautionary tale, dont google girls gone wild for a funny image of girls making out.

    more than you bargained for. thats for sure.
  • Jamie_Lauren
    Jamie_Lauren Posts: 211 Member
    i found out by going through her phone and finding pictures of them kissing

    Why were you going through her phone?

    Seems like you found out that she betrayed your trust while you betrayed's the inception of betrayal.

    ETA: posted this before I read your response. If you had to check each other's phones to feel secure then it obviously wasn't a very trust-filled relationship to begin with. Count your losses and move on I say, take this experience as a lesson. :)
  • HunterKiller_wechange
    Have you still got the pics? ;)
    Seriously though unless they they met in the middle of a double ended *kitten* i wouldn't worry too much.

    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    Catch them in the act...jump on the pile. Problem solved.

    LTGPSA Posts: 633 Member
    But wait.. why were you going through her phone??

  • Tamefearnua
    My girlfriend went out last night with her friend and went to a hookah bar with her friend and her firends sister. He friends sister bought them alcohol and they got drunk. They made out with each other and i found out by going through her phone and finding pictures of them kissing and her friend saying "your the best kisser ive ever had". At first with the idea, i wouldnt have minded. But after i saw my girlfriend on another person, it kinda tore me apart. I dont care if it was same sex or not, it still hurt. I recently broke up with her and shes so pissed at me and thinks its perfectly okay because it was just her friend and it was the same sex. Is it still considering cheating? :( Sorry to get all personal on here but i dont know who to really talk to.
  • Tamefearnua
    Is this a joke or am I from a different planet. If your" girlfriend" ( whatever that means ) goes with someone else be it male or female that her business or the other hand if you are married you may have a right to feel cheated.
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    I have been in this exact position. I think it's fair to say that unless you've both expressly said otherwise, any form of intimacy, including kissing, with either gender, is cheating.
  • LaLouve_RK
    LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member
    My girlfriend went out last night with her friend and went to a hookah bar with her friend and her firends sister. He friends sister bought them alcohol and they got drunk. They made out with each other and i found out by going through her phone and finding pictures of them kissing and her friend saying "your the best kisser ive ever had". At first with the idea, i wouldnt have minded. But after i saw my girlfriend on another person, it kinda tore me apart. I dont care if it was same sex or not, it still hurt. I recently broke up with her and shes so pissed at me and thinks its perfectly okay because it was just her friend and it was the same sex. Is it still considering cheating? :( Sorry to get all personal on here but i dont know who to really talk to.

    What is considered "Cheating" is different for all of us. What you think it is, might not be for someone else. That's one of the reasons why taking the time to talk and listen to each other is important. This way, you know where everyone stands. If the girl doesn't understand your point, well be it... let her go. Relationship is about mutual respect as well....
    If the couple is ok with sleeping around or whatever, good for them. It's not cheating then.... know what I mean?

    What she did, you thought it wasn't right.. then for you it's cheating, for her, it's not. Proves what I say, we all see that on a different level.
  • x__chrissy__x
    I don't really think its cheating. I think girls get playful with each other and sometimes when you have been drinking, that line gets crossed. I think she probably was goofing around with her friends and thought it was amusing in some way. I know I have kissed my friends while drinking (not full on making out or anything). Its just being silly. I would be more pissed if she didn't tell you about it and was trying to hide it. Then she is trying to get away with something shady.
  • bragaswag
    On the bright side you're Portuguese, you'll bounce back (irrelevant maybe.)

  • HeavyLiftGirl
    HeavyLiftGirl Posts: 1,267 Member
    To me-- girl on girl drunk kissing isn't cheating. I know women who are straight as a pin, but as soon as they get alcohol in them, they want to kiss every girl in sight.

    However-- if they did anything further, then yes...that would be cheating to me.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Guess I'm in the minority here, but I don't necessarily see it as cheating. I believe she made a poor decision after a night of drinking. Everyone makes mistakes. She didn't do it maliciously.

    Whether it was malicious or not doesn't really have anything to do with it. I mean, a lot of people cheat for selfish reasons and don't mean to hurt another person, but they aren't thinking at all about the other person.
  • _kannnd
    _kannnd Posts: 247 Member
    My girlfriend went out last night with her friend and went to a hookah bar with her friend and her firends sister. He friends sister bought them alcohol and they got drunk. They made out with each other and i found out by going through her phone and finding pictures of them kissing and her friend saying "your the best kisser ive ever had". At first with the idea, i wouldnt have minded. But after i saw my girlfriend on another person, it kinda tore me apart. I dont care if it was same sex or not, it still hurt. I recently broke up with her and shes so pissed at me and thinks its perfectly okay because it was just her friend and it was the same sex. Is it still considering cheating? :( Sorry to get all personal on here but i dont know who to really talk to.

    No one else should tell you whether it's cheating. That's a decision that you and your (ex)gf have to make. To me, it's not cheating, but that's me. It wouldn't be cheating to my husband either. I can be a serial kisser at times, especially if I'm drinking. If you love her and want to be with her, then sit down and discuss it like adults. Tell her how it makes you feel. If she can't see your point, then maybe it is time to move on.
  • IronDame
    IronDame Posts: 275
    She should of invited you! How rude!!
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    You should do some scientific research with her friend to determine who is the best kisser. I personally would bring in more girls to kiss in order to have a big enough Data sample.
  • lallaloolly
    lallaloolly Posts: 228 Member
    it totally depends on what you are willing to allow in your own relationship. clearly you discovered a line you don't want crossed. i think breaking up over it is probably unnecessary if you can talk to her about it and reach an agreement that moving forward you two aren't physical with anyone else. if she's not willing to agree to that, well, i'm afraid you've discovered you are no longer compatible.

    frankly, i think most of the people who say it wasn't cheating wouldn't feel the same way if it had been a guy she made out with.
  • slshaw23
    slshaw23 Posts: 126 Member
    it's cheating to me
  • tracypk
    tracypk Posts: 233 Member
    Yes that is cheating....if she didn't think it was a big deal she would have told you. Obviously, she knew it was something she shouldn't have done and that's why she kept it a secret.
    100% agree with this. Also, I have had boyfriends admit to cheating. So just because someone is brave enough to be honest doesn't mean it's not cheating.