Ladies I need your advise...



  • Allison22451
    Allison22451 Posts: 686 Member
    cattle prod?
  • notenoughspeed
    notenoughspeed Posts: 290 Member
    i got happy & gained 10lbs when i got a boyfriend, he did the same...then he started improving himself & i was like whoa....hold on....i have so much room for improvement too! i wanted to improve myself for me....but he inspired me. How can you inspire her? it is a mental switch in her head that needs flipped....she needs to want to be a milf....not just stuck in mom mode like so many women are....

    It's definitely a mental switch. It went off in my head. 2 month later, 30 lbs down. She has to want it for herself. She's not going to budge if she doesn't want it. I wish you the best in your encouragement.
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    If she keeps bringing it up and complaining about it, then she's lying to herself. She isn't happy with her size. No woman wants to be fat.

    You're going to have to smart small. Maybe you can help out by offering to take on the cooking a few nights a week? You can make healthy meals. She is probably struggling because losing weight is hard, and she doesn't want to fail. It's easier to make excuses, even though deep down I doubt that's what she wants.

    Maybe you can also invite her to join the site. I'm guessing she knows you are on MFP, and maybe she wants to get in on all the fun!