Who can look at your cell phone???



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    My question to you would be... is there some reason why you WANT to see your kids' phones... I.E. Do you THINK that they are trying to hide something? If so... sounds like perhaps phone privileges need to be either revoked or limited for a little bit anyways...

    Or are you just being nosy?... personally, I don't even have kids yet... but when I do, I don't forsee letting the kids have their own phones while they are still in high school anyways... There will probably be 1 emergency only phone that the kids can use if they are going somewhere on their own. But unless they had given me a reason to not trust them... then I imagine that I would ... Just my 2 cents... good luck!


    I would rather have a conversation with my teens than to snoop through their phones. It's much more informative than their crazy text messages and keeps us on good terms. Nobody wants their family to distrust them.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Just a note to the people who don't lock your phones: You should, in case it gets stolen or lost. I'm the most careful/paranoid person ever, and I still ended up with my purse getting stolen earlier this year.

    You can share your pass codes with your spouses to keep the openness, etc., but seriously... lock your phones.

    Mine doesn't have a password. If someone steals my phone, it gets reported and shut down. Problem solved. If someone steald my cheap $15 Chinese phone, they need it more than me, and I'll find another one. Ebay is full of cheap phones.
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    I used to have a lock on mine when I worked in sales. So if I left it somewhere and someone picked it up (I worked in cell phone sales, had my phone on me at all times) I would be safe long enough to remote access my phone and delete the contents.

    Currently though, no password, man friend is welcome to go through it and his isn't passworded either. It's not a big deal. If he really wants to read what me and my friends talk about, go for it. It's pretty entertaining.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    A cell phone is a probation officer's best friend. We look at them and the probationer's entire world is on there.
    But if I went to look at my own kid's phone all heck would break loose. I realize that's a parenting issue and believe me it has been addressed.
    My wife and I leave ours out in the open. Anyone can look at it anytime they want because we have nothing to hide.
    Is that the case with anyone else? Can your SO look at your phone? Or is it hands off? How about your children...can you look at theirs?


    BWAHAHAHAHA... i pay the damn bill, i will look at it any damn time i want to!!

    As far as my husbands? Hmmm.. i cant remember the time I looked at it, or him at mine.. Is that really an issue in marriages???

    Now the bill is an entirely separate issue. Of course I will comb through the bill, and the kids know this.
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    I have a serious issue letting people look at my phone. Even pictures - I'm showing you THIS picture, don't assume you can just scroll through as you please.
    I don't look at boyfriend's phones (when I'm dating someone) and I don't let them just look at mine - it's mine - back off. I usually have a lock on my phone too
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I ask my husband to answer my phone and answer back texts for me all the time when I'm doing something else. He always has me text back on his when he's driving. I have the password to his Facebook and he has mine. He never goes on mine but he could if he wanted. I go on his to send myself balls for Slingo LOL. That's the one Facebook game I actually play. Anyway, I think it's a good thing to be open. I don't know why you wouldn't want your long term SO looking at your phone or Facebook unless there was stuff on there you didn't want them to see.

    As for your children, I definitely think you should be able to look at their phones, especially if you are footing the bill. If they are paying their own bill, now that's a different story.

    My hubby and I send text messages for each other all the time as well.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    My daughter is 14 and does not have a phone. She was, however, using the third line I got for our home (for when hubs and I go out and leave her home to babysit). I found her sneaking and texting *gasp* a BOY....and she had been deleting all the history and covering things up by changing names in the contacts. I was devastated, truth be told, because she has always been such a *good* girl. Oh well, she's growing up...hormones and all that crap. Anyway, I disabled the texting and other than that, it's not a smart phone so *sticks tongue out* to her.

    As for my husband - his is open and out and I'm invited to look at it whenever I want. I do, occasionally, since we've had some "history" and trust issues. Mine is also available to him, although I lock it (he knows the code), because I don't want my kids picking it up and scrolling through and seeing those special pictures mommy takes for daddy. Heh.

    Aside from him - NOBODY betta be looking at my phone. Unless they wanna see a whole lot off TnA in their face. ;)

    Teenage boys can turn teenage girls into sneaky, manipulative little b!tches. I remember being 14/15. :laugh:
  • RobfromLakewood
    anyone, but my students, but really only my wife seems to, 99% of the time, when I'm driving and texts come in, she reads and responds for me.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    My husband can look through my phone at any time, and I'm welcome to look through his.

    That being said, we don't.

    100% this.
  • fit_spired_vicky
    There was a time, when my monter had to check my cell... Fun times ;s My cell phone is completely hands off, but I dont have anything to hide from my boyfriend. And I have no desire to check his. I trust him.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    My phone is hands off to anyone & everyone but me. It wasn't cheap & I dont trust people with it haha
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    In the modern times, cell phones have become an essential part of our life. You will be out of fashion if you have no cell phone. One hand, you can send massages and make phones to your friends or your colleagues with phones at any time in any places. On the other hand, we will enjoy our life with it, such as listening to music, playing games, taking photos, recording a vedio, suffering the internet, etc. But more and more people are using cell phones at the expense of public interest. They talk aloud over the cell phones, the endless ringtones sounded everywhere. How to cope with the noises of cell phones in public has drawn public attentions in many places of the world. Do we have to force ourselves to listen to the noise generated by cell phones? Of course not, Cell phone jammer is a useful tool for us to deal with the noise pollution.I have bought one for my convenient life, so if you have the same problem with me, you can come to this place http://www.jammerall.com/ to get one. You will find the cool of it.

    Sounds Legit
  • nillapup
    nillapup Posts: 204 Member
    Anyone can pick up my phone and look at it.. If they dare :glasses:
  • KrayKira
    KrayKira Posts: 230
    Anyone.. I'm fairly boring lol My phone won't tell much
  • Cindy873
    Cindy873 Posts: 1,165
    No cell phone. No worries! :)
  • crissy_percival
    crissy_percival Posts: 2,447 Member
    no one its mine !
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Girlfriend can go through it as she pleases. Nothing to hide.
  • crissy_percival
    crissy_percival Posts: 2,447 Member
    Girlfriend can go through it as she pleases. Nothing to hide.

    honesty is the best policy well done
  • Cyngen
    Cyngen Posts: 557 Member
    My wife can see mine anytime. Mostly I have weather apps and a few others for hotels and dining as well as MFP. As stated by others, she will frequently text back if I get one from one of our friends while I'm driving.
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    I believe there are boundaries in every relationship.

    One of my personal boundaries is MY phone is just that--MINE!!! I have no secrets...and nothing to hide but what's MINE IS MINE. No one needs access to MY phone, or MY computer or MY email or MY Facebook, MY car or MY ____________. Nay Nay. Mine is mine.

    I do not have nor do I want access to his stuff either. IF I ever get to the point that I feel there is a need to then there are bigger issues to deal with than a phone etc and it's time for a chat. He!!...I dont even want somebody else messing with my car......again...IT'S MINE!!!!