Well, it is officially time for a new gym



  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 2,390 Member
    I checked the rules of both USA Powerlifting and N.A.S.A (Natural Athlete Strength Association) and both say:

    Causes for Disqualification of a Dead Lift
    7. Allowing the bar to return to the platform without maintaining control with both hands.

    That's what I go by....

    The OP (and I) wouldn't get disqualified for the lift for what we're saying happens. It's a "controlled" drop that still makes noise. Part of the problem is not having the right plates so less noise/more shock absorption is there.

    No one would say the op "dropped" the weights. As stated is absolutely dangerous to not let the bar fall quickly on the bottom of the lift (unless you're doing touch and goes for a warmup set, which will be with far less weight).