Get Off That Treadmill! Cardio is Counterproductive!



  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    The Myans were right
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    This has probably already been covered, but I couldn't take it any more.

  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    I really hate any article that singles out certain exercises as useless or a waste of time.

    Do what you're motivated to do, and stop listening to the people who say that this or that is a waste of time. NO EXERCISE IS A WASTE OF TIME IF YOU'RE DOING IT.

    End of f***ing story.

  • sphinxdust
    sphinxdust Posts: 59 Member
    BTW, cardio to lose weight versus cardio as part of your lifting sessions are two different things. Losing weight comes down to one thing: calories in have to be less than calories out. If you don't get that right, you'll never lose weight. Some people are not weight lifters, so they should do their cardio. But, if the goal is to pack on muscle, you won't do it running any marathons.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    At the moment, I'm in race training, so cardio is my focus. I'm running 3-4 days a week, I've got 2 half marathons, a 30-k and a marathon coming up between now and February, so that's what I'm doing.

    When it wasn't race season, I did a bit more strength training, but I also did quite a bit of cardio and I shed 33 lbs and 10% of my body fat. So...I don't think I'll be abandoning the treadmill anytime soon. I did a little experiment for a couple months where I did very little cardio and more strength training and I saw about half the results I did when I was doing more cardio than strength training but what works/worked for me won't work for everyone.
  • sphinxdust
    sphinxdust Posts: 59 Member
    This has probably already been covered, but I couldn't take it any more.

  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I am a runner despite the fact at this exact moment in time I'm not running nearly as much as I'd like because of the dreaded Planar Faciatias.

    I have lost 84 lbs doing primarially cardio and having a sensible diet.

    I am however doing weight training 3 days a week. I do some kind of cardio before and if my calorie goals say so maybe 10 mintues on the ellipticals after while I'm at it.

    I don't want to lose muscle mass with all the weight
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    BTW, cardio to lose weight versus cardio as part of your lifting sessions are two different things. Losing weight comes down to one thing: calories in have to be less than calories out. If you don't get that right, you'll never lose weight. Some people are not weight lifters, so they should do their cardio. But, if the goal is to pack on muscle, you won't do it running any marathons.

    True, it's all relative to your fitness goals. I am trying to lose weight and body fat---not trying to put on muscle. However someone who is actively trying to put on muscle definitely should lay off the heavy treadmill sessions and hit the weights harder...just depends on where you are physically and what you're trying to achieve.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Oh, I now get annoyed when I'm on the treadmil because that means I'm not running outside, but when it's icy/cold or 10:00pm that's my option.

    I'm super proud of myself I went to the rail trail to run last weekend and it was 34 degrees out.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    You can't take professional bodybuilding advice and apply it to the general population who is coming from an overfat standpoint and expect it to mean the same thing.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    This post is counter productive.

    I do cardio because right now its the only thing I can do - Doctors orders. I figure moving my *kitten* in some way is better than sitting on the couch.
  • MelAb8709
    MelAb8709 Posts: 140 Member
    I only got through page 2 of 6 reading through the comments - so sorry if someone already pointed this out.

    The point of the article, as I understand from OP, is not that cardio is bad for you. I took it to mean that if you're doing a cardio session before a weight lifting session, you may fatigue yourself and not get the most out of your lifting session. And, if you do a cardio session after weight lifting, again your muscles might be fatigued. I assumed by cardio they meant hard core cardio, not a cool down on the treadmill to stretch your muscles.

    If I read it correctly, then I agree. It doesn't say cardio doesn't have a place at all in your workout regime - only that you shouldn't do it before you're about to hit the weights hard, or after you've already hit the weights.
  • kmccormick42
    kmccormick42 Posts: 78 Member
    I've lost almost 40 lbs between June 1 & November 1 and most of my exercise has come from the treadmill I bought off Craig's List and I've also diligently used MFP to track my eating. In other words, I literally walked my *kitten* off this summer so I'll never be convinced the treadmill isn't effective. Granted, I need to start some weights now to tone up, but it definitely helped me lose weight.
  • guardian419
    guardian419 Posts: 391 Member
    3 days lifting, 3 days cardio. Alternate between long distance and HIIT, I don't do any serious cardio on lift days, and I don't do any serious lifts on cardio days. The most I'll do is a warmup jog before lifting, or some calisthenics after cardio.
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    Yea i'm gonna pass on this 'information', as many others are basically going to do.

    I'm a jogger - sometimes bad weather permits outside jogging or perhaps its too damn dark or cold or hot.... so uh, i'm going to hit that treadmill. If i'm a jogger, i need to jog so treadmill or outside - cardio is my friend.

    Also - i love cardio for heart health concerns. I like my blood pumping especially on days i'm not doing Plyometrics or whatever.

    I really feel this information you've left the community is misleading and wrong.

    Here's to CARDIO!!!
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    I am so confused! Some people are saying cardio is OK, some people are saying cardio is bad! I hope Dr. Oz can clear this up for us on today's show.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    BTW, cardio to lose weight versus cardio as part of your lifting sessions are two different things. Losing weight comes down to one thing: calories in have to be less than calories out. If you don't get that right, you'll never lose weight. Some people are not weight lifters, so they should do their cardio. But, if the goal is to pack on muscle, you won't do it running any marathons.

    I think most people understand this but the title of this post is meant to get people worked up. Also, her post implies that lifting is the way to go.

    Original Post... Yup, she says "don't waste your life on cardio!" That's a pretty bold statement. Some of us like wasting our life on cardio. She does go on to ask about incorporating the two but after the topic and her first statements I stopped taking her serious.
    Hello Gym Bunnies!

    Hope you're all dandy. :0)

    I'm afraid I'm the barer of bad news... well, simply relaying some new revelation: yup... as the title of the post says... don't waste your life on cardio! According to an article in Muscle and Fitness October Issue (Page 114) mixing it up prior or post weight training will detract from the intensity and performance. So get off that treadmill and go home!

    So? What do you do? When do you integrate cardio in your routine, pre-workout, post-workout or on separate times or dedicated to only cardio days? How often do you cardio your fat off?

    Thank you! :0))
  • sphinxdust
    sphinxdust Posts: 59 Member
    I only got through page 2 of 6 reading through the comments - so sorry if someone already pointed this out.

    The point of the article, as I understand from OP, is not that cardio is bad for you. I took it to mean that if you're doing a cardio session before a weight lifting session, you may fatigue yourself and not get the most out of your lifting session. And, if you do a cardio session after weight lifting, again your muscles might be fatigued. I assumed by cardio they meant hard core cardio, not a cool down on the treadmill to stretch your muscles.

    If I read it correctly, then I agree. It doesn't say cardio doesn't have a place at all in your workout regime - only that you shouldn't do it before you're about to hit the weights hard, or after you've already hit the weights.
    This is exactly right.
  • Danny_Boy13
    Danny_Boy13 Posts: 2,094 Member
    I only got through page 2 of 6 reading through the comments - so sorry if someone already pointed this out.

    The point of the article, as I understand from OP, is not that cardio is bad for you. I took it to mean that if you're doing a cardio session before a weight lifting session, you may fatigue yourself and not get the most out of your lifting session. And, if you do a cardio session after weight lifting, again your muscles might be fatigued. I assumed by cardio they meant hard core cardio, not a cool down on the treadmill to stretch your muscles.

    If I read it correctly, then I agree. It doesn't say cardio doesn't have a place at all in your workout regime - only that you shouldn't do it before you're about to hit the weights hard, or after you've already hit the weights.
    This is exactly right.

    ^^^ I also agree with this.
  • muddyventures
    muddyventures Posts: 360 Member