which is worse, fat or sugar?



  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Would you like to quantify that statement with, oh, I don't know... some facts? Context?

    Donuts. They are made of fat and sugar. Are they good for you?

    Lotsa anger going on here. Seems to me the "sugar defenders" are just taking things out of context. In your new lifestyle, this weightloss journey, do you eat cake? donuts? pies? doublestuff oreos? Hopefully not. Maybe you do if sugar is OK.. *shrugs*

    I don't think there is anger. I do think there is frustration with demonizing of foods with no thought given to dose or context. Fats and sugars are not inherently bad. In fact there can be quite good physiologically in the right dose and context. Fats are essentially for funtioning. To answer you question, I do eat cake sometimes and pies. I'm not a fan of donuts or doublestuff oreos. I just make sure I stay within my calorie and carbohydrate goals for the day. If I'm over in fats, no biggie. Again, as long as I'm within my calorie goal.

    Some love to blame some foods for their own ability to control their ingestion of them. Logical fallacy. False premise. Food are essentiially amoral. Not good or bad. It's all in how we use them.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Would you like to quantify that statement with, oh, I don't know... some facts? Context?

    Donuts. They are made of fat and sugar. Are they good for you?

    Lotsa anger going on here. Seems to me the "sugar defenders" are just taking things out of context. In your new lifestyle, this weightloss journey, do you eat cake? donuts? pies? doublestuff oreos? Hopefully not. Maybe you do if sugar is OK.. *shrugs*
    Donuts yes. Pies, no. I don't like pies. Doublestuff Oreos? No, I'll probably not want to touch another Oreo ever again after having Oreo cake prepared by my girlfriend's fine hand. That was sickly, though I enjoyed it at the time.

    If you try to sustain yourself on such a diet, there will be nutritional deficiencies and other stuff to deal with. If you have things like the above once in a while, it doesn't do any harm.

    Demonising sugar, I will never understand. Do you people not eat fruit?
  • RavenSoul
    Sugar is worse for you. Obvious fruit has sugar but that is natural sugar not the processed crap in the 5 lb bags. Also when eating real whole fruit you get tons more vitamins and minerals that you do not get from the processed granulated sugar. Processed sugars (and processed foods that throw in tons of added sugars) bloat you.

    Fat has gotten a bad wrap but your body needs fat. The difference here is SATURATED VS UNSATURATED. You want healthy fats in moderation (like nuts, Olive oil, etc) and the bad fats as very little as possible.

    Whole fresh fruits and vegetables as well as whole grains, nuts, seeds are where you want to stick...stay away from boxed and bagged crap (unless YOU bag it in the produce dept.

    It is not as hard as people make it out to be, however here on MFP as anywhere else in the food and exercise community there are differing opinions and camps on one side of the argument and another. Basically you have to try and see what works best for you.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    As a diabetic I have to waqtch the fat content more so than the sugars, although I watch that too.

    As a Diabetic, I was trained to eat high fat and cut the sugar.

    And guess what? I have the blood sugars and A1C of someone that is not diabetic. I am not on any medications either
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Sugar is the killer. Ask anyone who advocates eating clean. That is the first thing that has to go!

    So, 'clean' eaters do not eat fruit?

    we eat fruit in moderation, not too much, mostly more veggies, meats , eggs, nuts and berries. I may have 1 serving of fruit a day, thats about it though.

    You better be careful as apparently the sugar in that fruit (and the veggies) is going to kill you.

    Also, what about clean eating means you have to eat them in moderation. I thought clean was the type of food. Sounds like you are mixing up low carb with clean.

    lol...I never said it would kill me, not sure where that came from....I clean eat and chose to eat 1 fruit a day...thats my choice...
    whoa :noway:

    Read the first post I quoted. That did. Oh, and you said 'we' eat fruit in moderation which implies you were talking about clean eaters.

    ETA: makes sense now who the 'we' is - I see from another post of yours that you recently started eating paleo. Clean is not necessarily paleo btw.

    Clean eating may not necessarily be Paleo............but Paleo is MOST certainly CLEAN eating. In fact, my whole lifestyle has drastically cleaned up since adopting this lifestyle.
  • sarahmichelle876
    Sugar is much worse.

    Your body needs fat for brain function, cell renewal, and satiety. As long as the majority of fats that you're eating are the healthy ones :).

    Your body doesn't need sugar for anything. Most of what you eat is converted into glucose, and sugar is already glucose, hence why it makes your blood sugar spike; your body doesn't need much energy to digest it.

    Also, if you're prone to binges, healthy fats tends to help ward off the urge :)

    Um what?! I'm a microbiology graduate student and you use sugar for A LOT of things. Brain fiction, cellular respiration, replication, cellular metabolism. Jesus people please do some research before you try to advise people. I also have a bachelors in nutrition and we were always warned to not cut out sugars completely. But go ahead and hurt yourself. Jeez.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
  • Cranktastic
    Cranktastic Posts: 1,517 Member
    I like cake.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Sugar is the killer. Ask anyone who advocates eating clean. That is the first thing that has to go!

    So, 'clean' eaters do not eat fruit?

    we eat fruit in moderation, not too much, mostly more veggies, meats , eggs, nuts and berries. I may have 1 serving of fruit a day, thats about it though.

    You better be careful as apparently the sugar in that fruit (and the veggies) is going to kill you.

    Also, what about clean eating means you have to eat them in moderation. I thought clean was the type of food. Sounds like you are mixing up low carb with clean.

    lol...I never said it would kill me, not sure where that came from....I clean eat and chose to eat 1 fruit a day...thats my choice...
    whoa :noway:

    Read the first post I quoted. That did. Oh, and you said 'we' eat fruit in moderation which implies you were talking about clean eaters.

    ETA: makes sense now who the 'we' is - I see from another post of yours that you recently started eating paleo. Clean is not necessarily paleo btw.

    Clean eating may not necessarily be Paleo............but Paleo is MOST certainly CLEAN eating. In fact, my whole lifestyle has drastically cleaned up since adopting this lifestyle.

    Errrr,,,,OK then. Not the point but ok.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Sugar is the killer. Ask anyone who advocates eating clean. That is the first thing that has to go!

    So, 'clean' eaters do not eat fruit?

    we eat fruit in moderation, not too much, mostly more veggies, meats , eggs, nuts and berries. I may have 1 serving of fruit a day, thats about it though.

    You better be careful as apparently the sugar in that fruit (and the veggies) is going to kill you.

    Also, what about clean eating means you have to eat them in moderation. I thought clean was the type of food. Sounds like you are mixing up low carb with clean.

    lol...I never said it would kill me, not sure where that came from....I clean eat and chose to eat 1 fruit a day...thats my choice...
    whoa :noway:

    Read the first post I quoted. That did. Oh, and you said 'we' eat fruit in moderation which implies you were talking about clean eaters.

    ETA: makes sense now who the 'we' is - I see from another post of yours that you recently started eating paleo. Clean is not necessarily paleo btw.

    Clean eating may not necessarily be Paleo............but Paleo is MOST certainly CLEAN eating. In fact, my whole lifestyle has drastically cleaned up since adopting this lifestyle.

    Errrr,,,,OK then. Not the point but ok.

    What was your point, other than to just put down the Paleo way of eating????

    From what I see on this site compared to people in REAL life that are clean eaters, this site advocates clean eating in a way that still allows processed foods.

    That is NOT clean eating.
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    All of them. Everything is the worst. Just don't eat anything to be safe.
  • Sam3622
    Sam3622 Posts: 172 Member
    SUGAR is much WORSE than Fat

  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Sugar is the killer. Ask anyone who advocates eating clean. That is the first thing that has to go!

    So, 'clean' eaters do not eat fruit?

    we eat fruit in moderation, not too much, mostly more veggies, meats , eggs, nuts and berries. I may have 1 serving of fruit a day, thats about it though.

    You better be careful as apparently the sugar in that fruit (and the veggies) is going to kill you.

    Also, what about clean eating means you have to eat them in moderation. I thought clean was the type of food. Sounds like you are mixing up low carb with clean.

    lol...I never said it would kill me, not sure where that came from....I clean eat and chose to eat 1 fruit a day...thats my choice...
    whoa :noway:

    Read the first post I quoted. That did. Oh, and you said 'we' eat fruit in moderation which implies you were talking about clean eaters.

    ETA: makes sense now who the 'we' is - I see from another post of yours that you recently started eating paleo. Clean is not necessarily paleo btw.

    Clean eating may not necessarily be Paleo............but Paleo is MOST certainly CLEAN eating. In fact, my whole lifestyle has drastically cleaned up since adopting this lifestyle.

    Errrr,,,,OK then. Not the point but ok.

    What was your point, other than to just put down the Paleo way of eating????

    From what I see on this site compared to people in REAL life that are clean eaters, this site advocates clean eating in a way that still allows processed foods.

    That is NOT clean eating.

    Good luck on avoiding all processed foods, something you already admit you eat as well
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Our bodies dont 'need' processed sugars. We can easily get them from fruits, regurgitated bee vomit, etc. Our bodies do need fat though. I avoid animal fats as much as possible, but healthier fats from salmon, nuts, olive oil, etc., I don't worry about. I don't go overboard on them but I feel it's ok to eat them and they are good for me.
  • Marc713
    Marc713 Posts: 328 Member
    Way too many posts to read, but I suggest reading up on the Paleo diet, there is a lot of good logic behind it, although I don't agree with all of it, I do think that fats in food aren't nearly as bad as sugar and spiking your blood sugar level. In some countries, they eat diets high in (good) fats and are generally thin compared to other countries.

    Essentially, eat less processed foods and make choices that keep your food closer to their natural state and you should be healthier, gnerally speaking.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Sugar is the killer. Ask anyone who advocates eating clean. That is the first thing that has to go!

    So, 'clean' eaters do not eat fruit?

    we eat fruit in moderation, not too much, mostly more veggies, meats , eggs, nuts and berries. I may have 1 serving of fruit a day, thats about it though.

    You better be careful as apparently the sugar in that fruit (and the veggies) is going to kill you.

    Also, what about clean eating means you have to eat them in moderation. I thought clean was the type of food. Sounds like you are mixing up low carb with clean.

    lol...I never said it would kill me, not sure where that came from....I clean eat and chose to eat 1 fruit a day...thats my choice...
    whoa :noway:

    Read the first post I quoted. That did. Oh, and you said 'we' eat fruit in moderation which implies you were talking about clean eaters.

    ETA: makes sense now who the 'we' is - I see from another post of yours that you recently started eating paleo. Clean is not necessarily paleo btw.

    Clean eating may not necessarily be Paleo............but Paleo is MOST certainly CLEAN eating. In fact, my whole lifestyle has drastically cleaned up since adopting this lifestyle.

    Errrr,,,,OK then. Not the point but ok.

    What was your point, other than to just put down the Paleo way of eating????

    From what I see on this site compared to people in REAL life that are clean eaters, this site advocates clean eating in a way that still allows processed foods.

    That is NOT clean eating.

    Good luck on avoiding all processed foods, something you already admit you eat as well

    Stop twisting words, you know exactly what people mean when they don't eat processed foods.

    I don't eat processed foods. I do not eat grains, legumes, breads, cereals, crackers, cookies, store bought ice cream etc.

    I just ate vegetable beef stew made from raw meat, home canned tomato juice and fresh and frozen vegetables. I also had an orange and an apple.

    Nothing I just ate was processed in the least.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Our bodies dont 'need' processed sugars. We can easily get them from fruits, regurgitated bee vomit, etc. Our bodies do need fat though. I avoid animal fats as much as possible, but healthier fats from salmon, nuts, olive oil, etc., I don't worry about. I don't go overboard on them but I feel it's ok to eat them and they are good for me.

    Regurgitated bee vomit...:laugh: :laugh:

    Yes, our bodies need sugar, AND FAT, and protein. The body doesn't care if the sugar was processed by humans or by bees.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Sugar is the killer. Ask anyone who advocates eating clean. That is the first thing that has to go!

    So, 'clean' eaters do not eat fruit?

    we eat fruit in moderation, not too much, mostly more veggies, meats , eggs, nuts and berries. I may have 1 serving of fruit a day, thats about it though.

    You better be careful as apparently the sugar in that fruit (and the veggies) is going to kill you.

    Also, what about clean eating means you have to eat them in moderation. I thought clean was the type of food. Sounds like you are mixing up low carb with clean.

    lol...I never said it would kill me, not sure where that came from....I clean eat and chose to eat 1 fruit a day...thats my choice...
    whoa :noway:

    Read the first post I quoted. That did. Oh, and you said 'we' eat fruit in moderation which implies you were talking about clean eaters.

    ETA: makes sense now who the 'we' is - I see from another post of yours that you recently started eating paleo. Clean is not necessarily paleo btw.

    Clean eating may not necessarily be Paleo............but Paleo is MOST certainly CLEAN eating. In fact, my whole lifestyle has drastically cleaned up since adopting this lifestyle.

    Errrr,,,,OK then. Not the point but ok.

    What was your point, other than to just put down the Paleo way of eating????

    From what I see on this site compared to people in REAL life that are clean eaters, this site advocates clean eating in a way that still allows processed foods.

    That is NOT clean eating.

    Good luck on avoiding all processed foods, something you already admit you eat as well

    Stop twisting words, you know exactly what people mean when they don't eat processed foods.

    I don't eat processed foods. I do not eat grains, legumes, breads, cereals, crackers, cookies, store bought ice cream etc.

    I just ate vegetable beef stew made from raw meat, home canned tomato juice and fresh and frozen vegetables. I also had an orange and an apple.

    Nothing I just ate was processed in the least.

    Frozen veggies are processed, butter is processed etc etc. There is a difference between non processed and minimally processed
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    All I have to say to this thread is good grief!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Sugar is the killer. Ask anyone who advocates eating clean. That is the first thing that has to go!

    So, 'clean' eaters do not eat fruit?

    we eat fruit in moderation, not too much, mostly more veggies, meats , eggs, nuts and berries. I may have 1 serving of fruit a day, thats about it though.

    You better be careful as apparently the sugar in that fruit (and the veggies) is going to kill you.

    Also, what about clean eating means you have to eat them in moderation. I thought clean was the type of food. Sounds like you are mixing up low carb with clean.

    lol...I never said it would kill me, not sure where that came from....I clean eat and chose to eat 1 fruit a day...thats my choice...
    whoa :noway:

    Read the first post I quoted. That did. Oh, and you said 'we' eat fruit in moderation which implies you were talking about clean eaters.

    ETA: makes sense now who the 'we' is - I see from another post of yours that you recently started eating paleo. Clean is not necessarily paleo btw.

    Clean eating may not necessarily be Paleo............but Paleo is MOST certainly CLEAN eating. In fact, my whole lifestyle has drastically cleaned up since adopting this lifestyle.

    Errrr,,,,OK then. Not the point but ok.

    What was your point, other than to just put down the Paleo way of eating????

    From what I see on this site compared to people in REAL life that are clean eaters, this site advocates clean eating in a way that still allows processed foods.

    That is NOT clean eating.

    Where on earth did I do that? A little sensitive aren't we?. I was pointing out that that clean was not necessarily paleo and the poster used the word 'we' so I was pointing out that the 'we' was paleo. I was also trying to point out that fruit does not have to be eating in small quantities to be still considered clean.