That weird thing you do...



  • Dub_D
    Dub_D Posts: 1,760 Member
    I chew on everything.
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    I have to have the volume on the tv/radio/stereo/....etc on an EVEN number.

    Wow, I thought I was the only one. Only for me it has to be a multiple of 5.

    Other weird things I do - Count backwards from 297 to get to sleep. Always 297.

    Gas pumping - the dollar amount or gas gallon qty has to be a whole number ($35, or 15g) no decimals. Yuck.
  • tracymat
    tracymat Posts: 296 Member
    If we are ALL doing these weird things, are they really all that weird????
  • Pnknlvr96
    Pnknlvr96 Posts: 104 Member
    Pop my knees..Drink milk and Pepsi..have to have labels facing out in a pantry/cupboard..ummmmm lol dunk fries in my milkshake (all of one time per year), have to put my groceries up on the belt in order of cold, canned and boxed...I'm sure there's more..

    I do the same thing with my labels and also when putting my groceries onto the belt. Sometimes I fix the shelves at the store too. Other weird things include having my car stereo volume on even numbers, double check the lock on my door every night, and rinse my ice cubes before adding the beverage (it gets the freezer taste off).

    Oh, I also have two dogs and have distinct voices for them. We have conversations and they'll "talk" to each other.
  • AlayshaJ
    AlayshaJ Posts: 703 Member
    Everything I do is weird.
  • Beckyloo80
    Beckyloo80 Posts: 1,088 Member
    i clean my bathroom 3 times a week, and if a towel falls close to the toilet, I can't use it.
    I can not take a bath unless I clean the bathtub first..... even if I cleaned it the day before.....
  • makemewannadie
    makemewannadie Posts: 401 Member
    When I'm home alone I turn on all the lights so it looks like my house is inhabited, I guess because I have a paranoia/fear of being murdered. Haha.

    Me too, I just live with my boyfriend and he always finishes work late (usually 11pmish) and I get so paranoid! Doesn't help that our flat had an attempted break in at 2 in the morning a couple of weeks ago when we were in bed, we woke up and heard someone trying to quietly unlock our front door, literally never screamed so loud haha
    (and i'm sure this will help your fear :p)
  • _SpeshK_
    _SpeshK_ Posts: 496 Member
    When I'm talking with someone, I'll tap out the syllables to the conversation with my fingers. It's hard to describe, but I try to tap it out in a pattern where the sentences end on a pinky tap. lol.

    When I'm the passenger in a car and we are coming toward a puddle I always picture the car doing a skateboard ollie over the puddle...hahaha...that's a weird one.

    When I eat chicken sandwiches (it's been awhile) I eat the bread with mayo first, then I eat the chicken patty by friends always think I'm weird.

    I take cold cans of soda and put it under my eyes because it feels good when I'm tired.

    Querks from being a baton twirler: I always have to march/run to the beat of the music, left foot on the downbeat. If I'm on a sidewalk, my right foot has to hit the crack on the center of my foot (military marching band alumni will understand this one).

    I lick my eyeshadow brushes before dipping them in the eyeshadow - makes it stay on longer.

    I'm sure there's plenty more...I'm a weird person.
  • Pnknlvr96
    Pnknlvr96 Posts: 104 Member
    my face scrunches up when i "peel" a head of iceberg lettuce. i have no idea why. it doesn't happen with other types of lettuce, just iceberg. it's involuntary.

    I do this too!!! I have no idea why either.
  • 4jenniferk
    4jenniferk Posts: 307 Member
    Dipping French fries in a shake...... Not anymore but it was a good combination when I indulged.

    I won't take the last item on the grocery shelf or the first. I'll grab the second or third item behind the first.

    I prefer setting my alarm to an odd number (5:57).... Just works for me.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    I have a form of OCD called dermatophagia--I bite the skin on my fingers compulsively and often don't know that I'm doing it. When I'm not biting it, if there are spots that can be peeled, I will pick at them with my nails, and I often do this when I'm nervous without realizing that I'm doing it until I'm bleeding. People like to point it out to me and give me suggestions to help me stop, as if in my 30 years I've never had it pointed out to me that it's not normal, and no one has EVER suggested coating my fingers with Elmer's glue and peeling that instead of my skin.

    I have to have all the closet doors in my room shut so that if anything were in there and going to come out, I'd hear the door open. I am also a very light sleeper and I can't stand light in my room, so I cover the stereo with two bandanas and then prop a book in front of it, turn the clock around to face the wall, and flip over the laptop battery so the light shines into the floor. I can't sleep with the radio or television on either because of the noise.

    I put pepper on my pizza and salads. And I put dill in everything!
  • Brianna72994
    My text messages always have to have an even number of letters in them. And the tv volume has to be on an even number. And when I have gum, I always have to have two pieces because one is an even number.. Yeah I like even numbers.

    I also can't pee unless the faucet is running.
  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    Oh yeah, I also have to sleep with a pillow (or a person in the rare occasions that I'm in a serious, sleeping over relationship) against my back or I have nightmares about being stabbed in the back, or shot in the back, or the back.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Making a mental note:

    Get psychology master's degree.
    Open on-line therapy practice.
    Advertise on MFP.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member

    I won't take the last item on the grocery shelf or the first. I'll grab the second or third item behind the first.

    Holy crap, I do this, too.

    I don't like the volume of my stereo to be set on an odd number. Unless it's five. Five is okay.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I eat one thing at a time on my plate. I didn't realize anyone actually noticed it, but apparently a few people have. They don't bring it up while we're eating, they'll bring it up in conversation later.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    3) When I burp I make a hiccup sound.
    When I used to drink pop I would always hiccup after the first two swallows. ALWAYS. Often it would be more than that, but the first two drinks were always followed by a hiccup.
  • BIRT1956
    BIRT1956 Posts: 31 Member
    I have to buy scratch off lottery tickets in 3's. Not sure why, it hasn't helped yet. LOL
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    I eat Ice
    I dont get hangover (this more just pisses people off lol)