5 Pound a Month February 2010 Challenge



  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    Lost 1 pound this week, which was o.k. by me! This was my rest week for my boot camp class. I am raring to go for Monday!
    Jan 1st 216.7
    Feb 1st 211.8
    Mar 1st 206.8
    Woo Hoo! Let's do it!
  • jesskennedy
    id love to join : )

    my feb start weight was 248, but my weight today is 245, so il have my goal as

    mar 1st - 240

    : )
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Hope everyone is having a great Super Bowl Sunday. I did not get anything done today that I wanted to except my workout.
    Now I am cooling off before watching the game. Watch those snacks and drink lots of water. I don't care who wins, I just hope it is a great game and the commercials are awesome!
  • siobhannestor
    1/29 - 149.5
    2/5 - 149.9

    What can I say? It has been a bad week. I got sick on Monday and have not found level ground until today. I am beginning to feel motivated again and vow to myself to have a much better weigh in next Friday!! :smile:

    I always look for something positive with each unpleasant weigh in. Today's motiviation: At least I have stayed away from the 150 lb mark this week, even if today's weight is only .1 shy of it!! :laugh:

    Have a great, safe, Suberbowl weekend. Can I say a modest "Go Saints!" I'm sorry, but being from south Louisiana, I am from that Who Dat Nation!

    Have a good one,

    I know that this coming week will be better! And of course you can say, "Go Saints!" (I have no favorites at this point, just hoping for a good game, which is already on...)
  • siobhannestor
    Feb 1: 153
    Feb 5: 151
    :bigsmile: I am back to my before holidays weight! I really want to pass the 150 mark so I can be in the 140's.

    Thank you for asking, my lunch was great! I had my breakfast before I went and went to the gym first also, because I go on my lunch break most of the time. The place we had the meeting was beautiful, lush little farm called Hidden Villa. Once lunch rolled around I took out my bag lunch and started eating. I did get one eye roll with a sigh but everyone else didn't make any fuss over it. One man even said "I didn't see that, yum" lol. The food looked and smelled yummy but I didn't eat any of it! I even asked a friend to take a walk with me after the meeting was over. It turned into a hiking group fast, and I lead the way. All of the four ladies who went said I set a great pase. The women (who I thought were in such great shape I would never keep up with them) were huffing and puffing behind me. :bigsmile:
    It really felt great to stay good on a day that was challenging. Even better after I got on the scale and saw a loss. I kept the scale in mind everytime I saw the M&M's in the center of the meeting table. :laugh:
    I am so glad that the lunch went well! I love the idea of your leading all these other women on a hike and kickin' b*** to boot. And congratulations on your weight loss this week :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • siobhannestor
    Hi Everyone,
    I just got back from a 35 minute jog outside. Several rude men that I passed gave comments as I jogged by but I kept on going even though I wanted to stop and give them a bloody nose! I usually jog on the track at the school but decided to hit the streets this morning instead. I'm ready for the day now and hope to get a lot accomplished. I can't wait to see my weight be in the 140's as well as several others have mentioned. That will be a happy day and it won't be too long until that happens! phyljen:happy:
    You're my hero! (although the idea of you stopping and bloodying some noses is actually kind of fun, despite the fact that I'm a Pacifist) Congrats!:flowerforyou:
  • siobhannestor
    Congratulations to everyone who lost weight this past week! I must have misunderstood - too late to weigh today, but will weigh in tomorrow. Have a great, and healthy, Superbowl Sunday, all! ~ Shivaun
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hello everyone,

    My weekend update is that Saturday was bad for me food wise, Sunday was a little better but not the greatest. But tomorrow is a new day. I will try to step up the workouts this week so I can see the scale drop again for Friday. Hope you all have fun watching the game.
    Here is to a happy Monday! :drinker:
  • EmmyBee
    EmmyBee Posts: 54 Member
    Well, here in Maryland we got 27 inches of snow this weekend, so I definitely got some good workouts in shoveling all that white stuff! Despite not making it to the gym on Saturday like I would have liked to, I was still able to get a good calorie burn in at home doing "Walk of the Pounds" along with that shoveling! I also have to say that I'm really really proud of myself for not indulging in any of the snacks on Super Bowl Sunday, as tempting as they looked :) Like Jenn said, I tried to keep the scale in mind. Seeing those numbers drop will feel so much better than some chicken wings or chips will ever taste!

    Hope everyone had a good weekend and starts Monday off successfully!
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Congrats to the SAINTS. Personally I didn't watch and just heard the score.I guess I am a little slow. but I was sleeping while you watched the game. So all those who were cheering for the Saints. Way to go! Wow you sure have a lot of snow all of you that live Back East. I couldn't imagine shoveling all that white stuff. I grew up in snow and it was not my favorite type of weather. I did enjoy sledding as a Kid though. Makes me cold thinking of it right now.
    Weighed in at school today to see if I'd lost any since Last Monday when we started the month and I have lost another pound. YIppee. Glad I didn't have the super bowl food to even think of avoiding. That must be hard and tempting. :drinker:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! Hope everyone had a super weekend. It is snowing really hard here and is supposed to until tomorrow sometime. Schools are closed or closing early. Snowstorms always make me want warm comfort food. I will try to make it healthy. I guess on the positive note we are not supposed to get anywhere near what the east coast did.
  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    pretty happy, I did REALLY well on Superbowl Sunday. The key was having the party at my house and having healthy snacks! I came under my calories for the day with two glasses of wine, ofcourse the burning of MANY calories by rollerskating helped immensely! I am hoping for a loss in the next week! :tongue:
  • siobhannestor
    Congrats to the SAINTS. Personally I didn't watch and just heard the score.I guess I am a little slow. but I was sleeping while you watched the game. So all those who were cheering for the Saints. Way to go! Wow you sure have a lot of snow all of you that live Back East. I couldn't imagine shoveling all that white stuff. I grew up in snow and it was not my favorite type of weather. I did enjoy sledding as a Kid though. Makes me cold thinking of it right now.
    Weighed in at school today to see if I'd lost any since Last Monday when we started the month and I have lost another pound. YIppee. Glad I didn't have the super bowl food to even think of avoiding. That must be hard and tempting. :drinker:
    Yippee again!!! :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • siobhannestor
    pretty happy, I did REALLY well on Superbowl Sunday. The key was having the party at my house and having healthy snacks! I came under my calories for the day with two glasses of wine, ofcourse the burning of MANY calories by rollerskating helped immensely! I am hoping for a loss in the next week! :tongue:
    Congratulations on sticking with such a great game plan!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Okay here is my weigh in:
    1/2/10 171.0
    1/9/10 168.8
    1/16/10 165.8
    1/23/10 167.0
    1/29/10 168.8
    2/1/10 167.2
    2/7/10 165.8

    I am getting there. 10 more pounds to go.

    I am sorry I have not been on much lately. I have just been so busy. I will try to get on again soon to check out how everyone is doing. Keep pushing yourself and you will get there. Have a beautiful week everyone. :bigsmile:
  • siobhannestor
    Congrats, Jennifer, on all of that weight loss.

    I forgot to check in for last week, although did weigh myself on Monday (got confused about how this all works) - .5 pounds down, from 192.5 to 192. :grumble: At least the scale is budging! Hopefully, I'll see more at the end of this week. :smile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Congrats, Jennifer, on all of that weight loss.

    I forgot to check in for last week, although did weigh myself on Monday (got confused about how this all works) - .5 pounds down, from 192.5 to 192. :grumble: At least the scale is budging! Hopefully, I'll see more at the end of this week. :smile:

    Thanx, I appreciate it.

    At least it is moving in the right direction. Keep up the awesome work. :bigsmile:
  • pbenison
    pbenison Posts: 102
    I have been without internet for five days. Oh, the withdrawal...I am also still getting ill from some of the foods I am consuming. I am glad I have my food diary to show my dr on Thursday so we can find out how to improve my health :smile: So this week has been a wash also. Even though I am watching what I eat, I am not strictly following the plan as I was. I will be back on track after my dr visit though.

    Hope everyone is having a great week.

  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    PAM - Hope all goes well at the doctor. Sorry that you have been getting sick form your foods. I love keeping track of the foods and exercises I do. It really keeps me aware of what was going into my mouth. it is amazing now how I think twice before I even take a bite or anything. I do still have trouble eating all the calories that I get when I do the exercises. Most of the days, in fact all the days so far I have been under on the calories eaten. but I figure that maybe the food I am reporting is not the exact calorie because sometimes I am guessing if what they say is actually the same as what I have cooked. I would rather be safe and on the extra calorie said than eating more than I need. It is such a science really getting it all balances out.

    JENNIFER- Way to go. you are doing so good. WOW just 10 to go. I have more than that but it is going down and that is the exciting part. For about a year, I had pretty much decided that I was too old to lose weight. I thought that I was just stuck at the weight I was in and decided to just be happy with that. But then I had a wake up call and I am so happy to find this site and this group to talk to and lose weight with. You guys all motivate me. When I feel like eating I just pull up MFP and read stuff and hear all about people just like me that are struggling with weight and doing something about it. It really helps me. THANKS a TON.

    SHAVANI- You are doing so good too. Everyone is just amazing. I love all the things you write and so keep it coming. How is good ole California? Hope that you are enjoying a mild winter.

    JENN- How are you? We need more of your little kids stories. Love hearing from you.
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    TCASMEY- Can't believe how much snow you are getting. Schools closed!! I wish we could have a snow day over here. It has been chillly but NO SNOW.
    I am always grateful to you for starating this group. Thanks again. You got us all going on the same track. to a better healthier life.