5 Pound a Month February 2010 Challenge



  • siobhannestor
    Well, I am going to try not to be disappointed...

    2/1 - 192.5
    2/8 - 192
    2/13 - 192 (and that's after a less than 1200 calorie day)

    I am struggling to keep my spirits up, so here goes the good part...

    Spent the whole day at Kaiser yesterday, seeing both my new GP and my OB/GYN, plus getting loads of tests (didn't eat much because I had a fasting blood test first thing and then appointments kept me going until 11:45 - didn't leave until 4).

    So here is the good news...

    My OB/GYN congratulated me on weight loss - even though I weigh more than I did the last time I saw her, at least the exercise is paying off in my shape (I have to keep telling myself that it's a good sign of fitness that I can weigh 192 and fit comfortably in size 14 pants)

    Last time I was at Kaiser, my BP was 142/84. Yesterday, it was 115/62!!! :bigsmile:
    (On my Beach Body page, I've reached 100% of my BP goal - woo hoo!)

    Lipid levels have also seen a big change! :drinker:
    Cholesterol: DOWN! From 224 to 173
    LDL: DOWN! From 149 to 103 (almost optima)
    HDL/LDL Ratio: UP! From .36 to .398 (almost .4 which is considered optimal)

    So, I am going to hang onto these improvements and not focus too much on the scale at this point. My GP (she's new) did give me a referral to Kaiser's lifestyle program, so I will be able to find out my exact % body fat and metabolic rate, get complete analysis of exercise and diet and hopefully come up with a plan that results in a change on the scales...

    On another note - have been wondering why my shape keeps shrinking from the front, but not from the side (at least not where my tummy is concerned). Think I have the answer - what three years ago was one teeny fibroid has grown to many giant ones - when I asked my OB/GYN how big, she honestly-really-and-truly-not-exaggerating indicated over a foot long :noway: (apparently, they can weigh several pounds when they get that big) - probably the reason I have been experiencing constipation despite exercise and lots of dietary fiber and always feel like peeing - can also definitely contribute to a distended stomach. I am going in for an ultrasound next Wednesday to rule out anything more serious...

    Thanks for your patience with the long post - had to get it out of my system!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend and Valentine's Day! Tomorrow my sweetie and I are going to an Italian restaurant called Dopo's - healthy pizzas (very, very thin crust, simple toppings, almost no cheese), amazing seasonal vegetable dishes, wonderful crudo/ceviche and then home for romance! One advantage to exercise... being more fit = more stamina = more fun :wink:

  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Well, I am going to try not to be disappointed...

    2/1 - 192.5
    2/8 - 192
    2/13 - 192 (and that's after a less than 1200 calorie day)

    I am struggling to keep my spirits up, so here goes the good part...

    Spent the whole day at Kaiser yesterday, seeing both my new GP and my OB/GYN, plus getting loads of tests (didn't eat much because I had a fasting blood test first thing and then appointments kept me going until 11:45 - didn't leave until 4).

    So here is the good news...

    My OB/GYN congratulated me on weight loss - even though I weigh more than I did the last time I saw her, at least the exercise is paying off in my shape (I have to keep telling myself that it's a good sign of fitness that I can weigh 192 and fit comfortably in size 14 pants)

    Last time I was at Kaiser, my BP was 142/84. Yesterday, it was 115/62!!! :bigsmile:
    (On my Beach Body page, I've reached 100% of my BP goal - woo hoo!)

    Lipid levels have also seen a big change! :drinker:
    Cholesterol: DOWN! From 224 to 173
    LDL: DOWN! From 149 to 103 (almost optima)
    HDL/LDL Ratio: UP! From .36 to .398 (almost .4 which is considered optimal)

    So, I am going to hang onto these improvements and not focus too much on the scale at this point. My GP (she's new) did give me a referral to Kaiser's lifestyle program, so I will be able to find out my exact % body fat and metabolic rate, get complete analysis of exercise and diet and hopefully come up with a plan that results in a change on the scales...

    On another note - have been wondering why my shape keeps shrinking from the front, but not from the side (at least not where my tummy is concerned). Think I have the answer - what three years ago was one teeny fibroid has grown to many giant ones - when I asked my OB/GYN how big, she honestly-really-and-truly-not-exaggerating indicated over a foot long :noway: (apparently, they can weigh several pounds when they get that big) - probably the reason I have been experiencing constipation despite exercise and lots of dietary fiber and always feel like peeing - can also definitely contribute to a distended stomach. I am going in for an ultrasound next Wednesday to rule out anything more serious...

    Thanks for your patience with the long post - had to get it out of my system!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend and Valentine's Day! Tomorrow my sweetie and I are going to an Italian restaurant called Dopo's - healthy pizzas (very, very thin crust, simple toppings, almost no cheese), amazing seasonal vegetable dishes, wonderful crudo/ceviche and then home for romance! One advantage to exercise... being more fit = more stamina = more fun :wink:


    What a great post! I am so happy your health is improving! I also would love an up-date with the fibroid, I'll be keeping you in my thoughts. :flowerforyou:
    Your always so positive! I love all that you bring to our group.

    I feel so lucky to be a part of such a great support system. :love:
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    I am so happy for you. I can't wait to step on that scale and see 149!!! You really worked hard and made it happen. Congratulations.
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Thanks for the long post. I'm glad you gave us all the stats. WOW. They really checked out everything and good for you on lowering so many numbers.
    I too am interested in hearing more about this fibroid. I the summer I was told I had an enlarged uterus and so I had it checked into and they found a very large cyst on one of my ovaries. So in November this year I had surgery and they removed it. It had about a quart of fluid in it. No wonder I had pain.... but now it is gone. The wild thing is they took a CD of the whole procedure so I got to sit at home and watch what they did after it was all done. they only made three little holes in me to get the thing out. One in my belly button, and two other small punctures. One of them was to put the mini camera in to take the movie of the surgery. It was really quite interesting to see how they have such mini tools that they can do it without a big incision. I took a week off from school but I was really up and moving around before the week was over. After they finished draining the cyst they had this little vacumn cleaner type tool and they sucked everything out of it and out of me. WHOOSH. It was so cool to watch. Anyway I wonder if this fibroid is anything like the cyst that I had. Do they know what it is made of?

    Well I need to get some lesson planing done and get on with the real world. I like to escape to this site and forget I have another life from time to time. LOL
    Have a good day and great week everyone. Phyljen
  • siobhannestor
    Thank you, Jenn and Phyljen - I value your support so much! :flowerforyou:

    OK, now have to make an apology :embarassed:

    Not to be too graphic, but after a bathroom break stepped on the scale again. I appear to have lost one pound! Weighed 191 - stepped on the scale several times and on several positions on the bathroom floor just to make sure. And it stayed at 191! :happy:

    So forgive again, and thank you again all! You all make this journey so much easier.


    P.S., Phyljen - a fibroid is a uterine tumor, usually benign. Once you get one, you usually get more. Inside the uterus they can be very painful and result in lots of bleeding. Mine is on the outside of the uterine wall, so it doesn't cause pain, but my OB/GYN just wants to check to make sure that nothing else is wrong. They eventually disappear after menopause, although I also had my FSH checked yesterday and it is at the level of someone who is ovulating, so I suspect that, following in the footsteps of my mom, I won't reach menopause before age 57 or 58. On another note - hope this doesn't sound weird, but your operation sounds interesting - it's cool that they allowed you to watch!
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Just wanted to mention that I didn't actually see the surgery as it was happening. I was OUT!! Thank goodness, but they send the DVD home with me so I got to watch it from home in the comfort of my big recliner. Phyljen:heart:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member

    I had a fibroid a few years back. I ended having a hysterectomy, but mine was in the uterus and was causing lots of bleeding. I ended up in the hospital getting 4 units of blood the week before they did the hysterectomy. My sister in law had one two and hers got so big she got tired of people asking her if she was pregnant. My GP at the time would tell me it was part of the aging process to get heavier periods so I put up with for years. Then I moved got a new doctor who ran some tests and my hemoglobin was low so we started looking for the cause. When my periods started lasted more than a week they found the fibroid. Before my surgery my periods got so painful it was hard to walk at times and nothing would help. Hope yours never get to that point.

    Hope everyone is planning a fun day of good eating and exercise!

    We went to Applebees last night tried one of their 550 calorie meals it was very tasty. My husband and I both are really wondering if they are under 550 because there was a lot of food.

    Make it a great day!

  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    Shivaun, WOW! That is some really major progress on things that are so important to progress on! FABULOUS!!! Congratulations!
    The body fat testing is REALLY important. Last month I hit 7 lbs of weight which was a little shy of my january goal (and I was VERY depressed!) I mean REALLY worked out every day, Kept within my calorie goal (or within 50 calories)99% if the time. Was hoping for a bigger loss, well thankfully my trainer took the body fat before and after the month, I actually had lost 9lbs of fat! That made me MUCH happier (and i know I was supposed to be very happy with the 7 :wink: ) But it was the first month after the holidays and I figured I could get 2lbs a week for sure! Obviously what you are doing is really working and making you healthy. Keep it up sista!:flowerforyou: Happy Valentine's day!
  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    good morning everyone... I have been keeping my food/exercise logs but did not chat much this week.. Much snow here in stl... but not like the eastern portion of the country.

    Jenn- good for being under 150. So proud of you!

    Terri- I had an applebees under 550 meal. It was on MFP and was just under 400. Excellent! You are right... there is alot of food.

    Shivan- sorry to hear about the fibroid. But congrats on lowering all those #'s. Awesome job!

    Well off to make some breakfast. Take care everyone.

  • narci
    narci Posts: 6
    Hi all, I'd like to join as well.
    January 1st - 200 and some change:wink:
    February 1st - 187.8
    Febrary 15th - 190.5 (I know, shame on me but I'm back on track).....
    March 1st ' goal: 183
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Ok Dec was 210
    Jan - 205
    Feb (so far) -202.5

    Overall, a general trend downwards for which I am grateful!:happy:

    Keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Shivaun-You won't lose weight eating as little as you do. Most days you don't even eat enough for your body's basic functions, let alone supporting tough workouts.

    You HAVE TO EAT to lose weight. If you eat too little, your body is unsure when or if it will eat again, so it holds onto every last ounce of fat it has. Eventually, if it doesn't get fuel from food, it will turn to burning muscle instead of fat -- the exact opposite of what you want to happen.

    Don't get frustrated get even with that scale. Also, make sure to only weigh once a week. Measurements are always a good indicator as well. Hang in there it will get better. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Okay here is my weigh in:
    01/2/10 171.0
    01/9/10 168.8
    01/16/10 165.8
    01/23/10 167.0
    01/29/10 168.8
    02/06/10 165.8
    02/14/10 162.6

    I have to confess, over the weekends I weigh more than once and I am glad that I did. I have not seen 162 is just over 6 years. I am feeling great and am almost at my goal weight.

    Have a great week everyone. :bigsmile:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Okay here is my weigh in:
    01/2/10 171.0
    01/9/10 168.8
    01/16/10 165.8
    01/23/10 167.0
    01/29/10 168.8
    02/06/10 165.8
    02/14/10 162.6

    I have to confess, over the weekends I weigh more than once and I am glad that I did. I have not seen 162 is just over 6 years. I am feeling great and am almost at my goal weight.

    Have a great week everyone. :bigsmile:

    That is so awesome. I have to confess I weigh myself every morning. I do not let slight flucuations bother me and I watching my weight trends and know it varies from day to day!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I went mall walking yesterday while the hubby and kids went skiing. I had a great laugh they different vendors (think Tupperware, and home party plan) booths set up around the mall. My favorite one had a sign that said lose 20 pounds of belly fat. My laugh came when I saw the woman manning the booth and she was very overweight and carrying most of it in her belly. Maybe she should try whatever she was selling!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • pbenison
    pbenison Posts: 102
    I have missed you guys so much! I have been feeling so out of it and have temporarily fallen off the wagon. My doc tells me I am lactose intolerant, which means I had to rethink my eating habits. I also had a throat infection that has affected my energy. I have not logged a meal into my diary for some time, but hope to begin again tomorrow.

    I did weigh in on Friday and had gained 1.6 lbs. Here's to looking forward to better weeks ahead :smile:

    I have read your posts and am proud of the progress you have made! :flowerforyou: I hope you all have a great day, and look forward to "seeing" you again soon!

  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    Pam- sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I know sometimes i have those day where i just fall off the wagon. So glad you are back on.
    Well I am down 1 lb this week. I really want to make to 181 by the end of feb. But if I don't it will be okay. I haven't been 181 without working out 5-6 days a week in awhile. With my foot, by the way still hurting, i am doing this just basically with changing my eating habits. I am glad everyday that i have found this site.
  • pbenison
    pbenison Posts: 102

    Thank you for the encouraging words. And congrats on the lb lost! That is great with only watching what you eat. Take it easy on the foot though, you only have two you know! :laugh: Hope it feels better soon.

    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I have missed you guys so much! I have been feeling so out of it and have temporarily fallen off the wagon. My doc tells me I am lactose intolerant, which means I had to rethink my eating habits. I also had a throat infection that has affected my energy. I have not logged a meal into my diary for some time, but hope to begin again tomorrow.

    I did weigh in on Friday and had gained 1.6 lbs. Here's to looking forward to better weeks ahead :smile:

    I have read your posts and am proud of the progress you have made! :flowerforyou: I hope you all have a great day, and look forward to "seeing" you again soon!


    Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Take care of getting well so your body can preform at optimum levels. Your body needs rest to heal the infection. Hope all is back to normal soon!
  • pbenison
    pbenison Posts: 102
    I have missed you guys so much! I have been feeling so out of it and have temporarily fallen off the wagon. My doc tells me I am lactose intolerant, which means I had to rethink my eating habits. I also had a throat infection that has affected my energy. I have not logged a meal into my diary for some time, but hope to begin again tomorrow.

    I did weigh in on Friday and had gained 1.6 lbs. Here's to looking forward to better weeks ahead :smile:

    I have read your posts and am proud of the progress you have made! :flowerforyou: I hope you all have a great day, and look forward to "seeing" you again soon!


    Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Take care of getting well so your body can preform at optimum levels. Your body needs rest to heal the infection. Hope all is back to normal soon!

    Thank you! I am taking it easy; as luck would have it this week, I have Monday and Tuesday off from work for Mardi Gras. I sent my 10 year old son to stay with my daughter in New Orleans so she could take him to the parades and I could relax. Do you hear the quiet in my household?! :laugh:

    Have a great Tuesday!
