How do you feel about stay-at-home parents?



  • LatinaButterfly
    LatinaButterfly Posts: 192 Member
    I believe we have the ideal arrangement in our home. My husband works a temporary, what he calls a "Joe job" when he needs to, the rest of the time we make ends meet other ways, like working from home, selling merchandise on-line, freelance writing, voice over work, directing plays, etc. I've been a stay at home mom for nine years now and both of us agree on that. We homeschool our child and my husband has been home with me the past year and a half. He recently took a weekday only job to stockpile a little money because we are expecting our second child in June. He's not real happy about this new job, he loves to be at home with me and our son, but it's just until the baby is born and then we will go back to our odd's & end's so that we can be home together for another year or so. Doing as much as we can from home allows us to be our own boss and set our own hours, we love it! :)
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    I think that it's fine if one of the parents stays home while their kids are little, but I hate when parents still do it when their kids are teenagers. It's like they're using parental responsibilities as an excuse not to get a job. Teenagers are pretty independent and don't usually need much supervision, so there's nothing keeping you at home 24/7 other than yourself. With younger kids, it's understandable. But most families need 2 incomes nowadays just to pay the bills and everything. Even part-time work is better than nothing. I'm not trying to offend any stay-at-home parents out there, so if I do then I apologize. That's just how I see it.
    Have you raised teenagers yet? In my experience, they are a lot like toddlers. Only bigger. :wink: :laugh:

    Yeah, i agree with this person ^. They are EXACTLY like toddlers, only biggers. and if they are boys.. well, when they turn into men.. same applies.. which is why they get wifes! lol (sorry guys! my husband agrees!) And you said yourself "but MOST families need 2 incomes nowadays just to pay the bills and everything....." well that might be true, MOST might, but not ALL so you infact DID offend the SAHFamilies who DONT need 2 incomes and you are saying we are "using our parential rights as an excuse not to get a job."

    Umm.. so when my child became a teenager at age 13... that means I no longer have a RIGHT to parent? So i NEED to get a job? My parenting is OVER? They have all the learning they need? I dont think so. A teenager needs someone home MORE THAT EVER. They need someone to be there after school so they arent running to whoevers house doing whatever without permission. Offer to host their friends so you know where your child is. If the kid doesnt want to ride the bus.. offer to pick them up. They do not need to be in a car with a inexperienced teen driver. Have you watched the news lately? Just last week FOUR teenagers died from the local high school in TWO seperate accidents. (No texting or anything involved. Good kids, inexperience caused the accidents)

    Its MY JOB until I DIE to parent my child. I cannot hold on to them forever, but by God I can for awhile. AND I AM GOING TO. If i can pick them up, drive them, host kids at my house because a parent is there, instead of them hanging out at Johnny's no parent is home's house... if i can take them to the mall, and stay and do my own shopping while they look around & hang out... If i can take them into the kitchen and have 8 boys making their girlfriends heart shaped cookies for valentines day, with homemade decorated boxes to deliver them in... or 10 silly teen girls having make up parties in my small bathroom.. well, i might need some tylenol but I KNOW WHERE MY KIDS ARE AND WHO THEY ARE WITH. THAT is my "right" as a parent you are saying i am "using" not to get a job.

    All the while, i am cleaning up after them (and believe me.. 8 boys in the kitchen is WORSE than 8 girls in the bathroom..) that is homeschooling my daughter, who happens to be Autistic. That is maintaining my household, my 8 cats, my 2 dogs (who i walk, clean up after, feeed.. everything myself) That is cleaning my house DAILY, doing all the laundry, the dishes and mmost of the outside chores also, since my husband works long hours. That is maintaining the family chore list, making sure everything is done. Its teaching my children about savings, helping them maintain their bank book and keeping on top of it so they arent spending more than they should. Its checking their phones, messages and texts whenever i want. (i pay the bill.. if you delete a text and i find out, you lose the phone for a week. (i get detailed billing & messaging. I cant read it on the bill, but i get every message , date & number its sent to)). I am a shoulder to lean on and a friend to talk to. I cook 6 HOT meals every day. I maintain family night TWICE a week and "mom & dad" night once a week.

    Now, would you please #1 tell me WHAT HOURS you would like me to work, and at what pay it would benefit me because i am going to have to hire someone to help around the house. and #2. Would YOU care to swap jobs with me for a week or two? remember, My job only pays in love and respect.

    Please think twice before you say i an "using my parental responsibilities by not getting a job" because at this point in a childs life.. in a TEENS life.. your role switches... you not only become a mom.. or a parent.. but you also become someone who is responsible in a sense for making sure your child... who thinks they are "all grown up" and "unstoppable" STAYS ALIVE.
  • ssgtamputee
  • TheConsciousFoody
    TheConsciousFoody Posts: 607 Member
    No, not trolling, actually saying how I feel about stay at home moms. I'm not crazy about anyone who chooses not to work and to rely on someone else to take care of them.

    Well you're an idiot. How sad for you!
  • Colombianchick29
    Colombianchick29 Posts: 298 Member
    I am envious of the stay at home parent! I would like to work just part time. That would be ideal for me :)
  • Colombianchick29
    Colombianchick29 Posts: 298 Member
    The comment above me...that was stupid. When you are on a shared income, it is not easier than being a double income. It's solely for the purpose of the benefit of the child. And most of the time, it's not even worth working if you have to pay child care anyway. Especially for small, or multiple children.
  • Reeny1_8
    Reeny1_8 Posts: 277
    I feel that Stay-At-Homes should take advantage of the fact that they're home & get involved with new hobbies, learn an instrument, write a book, exercise, dance, learn to draw or paint, etc. They have a lot of time to cultivate some wonderful skills & activities that can make them truly happy, & I feel like they don't take advantage of that as much as they should (or at least, you don't hear about it).

    If I became a SAHM (never will, though :wink: ) I would DEFINITELY be spending all of that time fulfilling intrinsic motives in my life! I do that now, but I would have much more time for it all as an SAHM.

    New hobbies? Learn an instrument? Write a book? Fulfilling intrinsic motives? WTF?? When would someone find the time for that if they are home with their child? Between laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning, toilet training, taking to school, picking up from school, teaching them their abc's and 123's, playtime, meal times, and all the other lovely parenting stuff where would you have time?? Don't even get me started if you have a child with special needs! Honey I'm sorry and I don't mean this to be rude but being a stay at home parent is bloody hard work. You don't get to do what you want to do because they are the ones that come first. They need your attention 24/7! It is never ending. I love my kids and am grateful to be the one at home but just like others have said some days are better than others!
  • ngory07
    ngory07 Posts: 194 Member
    I'm not but sometimes I do get envious of those that have the privelege to. The only problem I have is with the single women who claim to be "stay at home moms" and live off the government. Being an "exclusive homemaker" is not a right. If you can afford to that's great and I wish we had the means so I could. It's one thing to need help another to use handouts as an income. Don't every take being a stay at home parent for granted!!!! It is an amazing gift!