LADIES: Do you believe you are beautiful



  • Chewster001
    Chewster001 Posts: 201 Member
    I'm f*ing amazing without makeup and even cuter with. ;)
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Breaks my heart to read this stuff.

    Men and women seem delusional in different directions. I've seen men with big bellies and nothing going for them puff themselves up and think they're god's gift, while so many pretty women agonize over every perceived imperfection.
  • osualex
    osualex Posts: 409 Member
    Yep! I only wear it if I'm going out at night. I have pretty decent skin so I don't really need it. It's just another accessory to me, like jewelry.
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I haven't worn make up for a few months. I usually don't :smile:
  • oOMusicBabii
    I think I wore makeup to my high school proms...otherwise don't wear the stuff. It's an unnecessary expense in my opinion and think it adds nothing to a women's appearance other than making her look fake. The closet thing I get to makeup is my lip-balm.
  • wholelottarosa
    Only wear it when I went to bed too late and want to try to hide the evidence in the morning. ;)

    I would look a lot prettier if I knew how to apply it right, I guess. I just wouldn't look like ME.
  • Yolanda4160
    Yolanda4160 Posts: 170 Member
    definitely feel more confident all dolled up with makeup and hair done. But my husband tells me constantly that I am just as pretty without it as with it. So I trust him :happy:
  • NicoleisQuantized
    NicoleisQuantized Posts: 344 Member
    I would like to think that it enhances my features; however, I do not think that it makes me appear beautiful.
  • TraciStivers
    TraciStivers Posts: 116 Member
    I don't wear makeup at home. i"m even brave enough to run over to the neighbors for a cup of sugar without make up. But thats as far as it goes. Anywhere else, I'm wearing it.

    In high school there was a girl who lost her makeup bag and she played hookie until her dad could go buy her replacements, she came to school a couple hours late. I'm not that crazy. She also looked like a Barbie, so we might be terribly surprised if we saw her without her make up.
  • cmacphee3
    cmacphee3 Posts: 278 Member
    I don't really wear a lot of makeup, but I never really learned how to wear it (my mom didn't wear it) so I don't put it on that often. I don't feel beautiful with it or without it, but I might if I knew how to put it on properly! haha
  • LaColombicana
    LaColombicana Posts: 63 Member
    Yes! I don't wear makeup on a daily basis. I like wearing it when I go out to dinner or something. I usually grab my lip gloss and not much else. I think I'm most beautiful with nothing on but a neutral lip gloss. It's funny, often times I'll put on makeup for the fun of it and then wipe all off before leaving the house. I even went as far as buying the Naked palette by Urban Decay (my daughter told me about it) and I've used it 4 times in the last 3 months. It's hers now, lol!
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    I do feel beautiful. And I run errands and stuff like that without makeup more often than not. I fix my hair of course, since I wake up looking like Ronald McDonald. I'm not working right now but I never went to work without some make-up on. (Partly for vanity. Partly for good reasons like because I was a manager and I think it set the right example exhibiting proper dress code/hygiene, etc. Also, because I worked customer service I felt as the "face" of the company it was appropriate. And because I worked retail, I feel appearance is important. Wear fashion to sell fashion. Don't look like you just rolled out of bed.) Now that I'm not working I work out about 4 hrs a day/6 days a week and I never wear makeup to the gym. So these days I mostly only wear makeup when I go out with my fiance. And I think he always appreciates it when I put extra effort into looking nice for him. Even if we're only going out for a quick bite to eat I like to look nice for him.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    I don't believe I'm beautiful. I've been told but it's something I'm working on, have always had low self-esteem and no confidence.
    But as for make-up. I hardly wear it. Last time I wore it was for my daughters birthday party November 4th. IuUsually only wear it when I "go out". Some days I wear it to work. Now when I start school in January I probably will wear it then. But I don't know. I wear it when I have the time to put it on. Which usually I don't.
    But I will say I feel better when I wear make-up most of the time.
  • AggieFan2011
    AggieFan2011 Posts: 551 Member
    I usually feel fine without make up on especially to go run errands or go to class. If I'm going to work though I at least put some mascara on because I think my eyes look kind of dead without it, I'm a substitute teacher though so I don't really feel a huge need to impress the kids. Haha If I'm going out though I like to get a little dolled up. I think make up is kind of like a sexy pair of heels though... it makes me feel especially pretty when it's on, but it's not necessary for me to wear it all of the time for me to feel good about how I look.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I do feel beautiful and natural without makeup! My everyday 'face' is tinted moisturizer with sunscreen, chapstick and a little bit of chocolate brown eyeliner. So, I never wear much makeup for anything. On weekends, usually I just do plain moisturizer and chapstick.

    I've had my makeup done professionally for events and special occasions. I think it makes me look like someone else, and I don't like it! The first thing I do when I get home is wash it off! :laugh:
  • MonicaLee92
    I only put on makeup when I really feel like putting it on. The majority of the week I don't put it on. I never put on foundation. It doesn't bother me to not have make up on, my confidence does rise up a lot when I wear it though.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    It depends on what you mean by beautiful. Just looks? No. I need a bit of help in that, the right lighting, the right angle...
    But I have other qualities that make me beautiful, regardless of how I look. :smile:
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    I think I'm still going to be ugly, even with makeup, so therees no point wasting my time and money on it.
  • RavenBeauty87
    RavenBeauty87 Posts: 83 Member
    Sadly I have to wear makeup to leave the house. I have friends that have never seen me without it. My mother is one of those women that isn't vain but she feels like you should dress proper when going out, no matter where you are going. She believed this for men too. It was a 'take care of yourself and at the same time you feel good about yourself.' I find this true because on Sat. if I just wake up and stay in my pj's all day I feel like crap but if I get up and get dressed like I always do (even if I put a hat on) I feel so much better and have more energy. I went out without makeup and a handful of people at different times said "Oh honey do you not feel well?" I have that purple ring under my eye from pressure so I look like I have a black eye if I don't have makeup on. I've had guys ask me if my husband hits me. Uh yeah, he hits both of my eyes at least once a week to keep the look going. My husband can be so sweet and not even know it. I didn't have makeup on all day then at night I was leaving and put some on. He was asking me what was taking so long and I said I was putting my makeup on he said "I thought you were already wearing makeup" I don't know how he doesn't see the difference but to him he never notices and that makes me feel good. So at night when I take it off he doesn't look at me crazy (when we first met I really didn't like him so to scare him off I took my makeup off and he didn't care or notice till I said something)
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    No. My skin is horrible. I'm red but cheesecloth red. It's horrible and ugly and without makeup to cover it up I feel like a freaking troll. Even with the makeup I feel 'plain' rather then 'beautiful' but at least with the makeup I don't feel like a hideous beast.