Sugar is not your friend part 2



  • tamarads
    Cheryl you are the best!! Thanks for the slideshow site and for the info!:smile:

    Marla, I hope the vege juice works for you, I find it interesting that so many people can connect over simple things like sugar... maybe Viviakay's suggestion could help too!

    Way to go Viviakay for standing strong... I went to Sam's Club the other day and the bakery just about did me in! :sad: But I stood strong!!

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    My hubs read online about a treatment for psoriasis, from which I am currently suffering. (and am one of the lucky 10-15 percent of patients who develop rheumatoid like arthritis symptoms-- )

    Seems patients who've done a week long vegetable juice fast had their psoriasis clear up-- hmmmmmmm-- worth a try. I'll try anything at this point.

    Arthritis-free fingers crossed for success--

    Hey, Marla. . .sympathies. Me, too. I have psoriatic arthritis (I have no idea if that's the way to spell it.) And, you know what's pretty much cleared mine up? (and believe you me, I hate that this is true) Eliminating wheat from my diet. I still have a few skin irritated spots, but nowhere near the coverage and joint pain I used to have. It might be just that I have a wheat sensitivity, and not everyone does, but I've been really amazed at the difference.

    It might be worth a try for you.

    Sorry for your painful fingers. :flowerforyou:

    Viv-- my psoriasis, interestingly enough, is only on my scalp, which I think is probably a blessing in disguise. It gives me the worst case of dandruff you've ever seen, believe me, but compared to what I've seen on others where it covers large parts of their body, I'll take it. I have one little lesion on my cheek that likes to bubble up sometimes, but still, not bad.

    And the joint pain has been in my shoulders and hips, but bearable. The worst has been my fingers and toes. Did you get the "sausage digits?"

    I'll have to look into the wheat stuff-- hmmmmmmm--
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    It may not just be wheat stuff, Marla. I think if you're sensitive to any food, it can cause issues like that too. Cutting out the eggs and dairy completely cleared up my face. I had "perioral dermatitis" (which I think stands for any rashy type thing around your mouth that the doctor doesn't know exactly what it is). The antibiotics would help, but they tore up my stomach, and I'd never finish a full round, therefore my face would never be "clear". Cutting out the foods I was sensitive to cleared that up, gave me much more energy (I used to sleep 14 to 15 hours a day and now only sleep the 7 or 8 at night), and took away my constant headaches.

    If you have a food sensitivity, and you're eating it because you don't know, you're body kinda rebels.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member

    My hubs read online about a treatment for psoriasis, from which I am currently suffering. (and am one of the lucky 10-15 percent of patients who develop rheumatoid like arthritis symptoms-- )

    Seems patients who've done a week long vegetable juice fast had their psoriasis clear up-- hmmmmmmm-- worth a try. I'll try anything at this point.

    Arthritis-free fingers crossed for success--

    Hey, Marla. . .sympathies. Me, too. I have psoriatic arthritis (I have no idea if that's the way to spell it.) And, you know what's pretty much cleared mine up? (and believe you me, I hate that this is true) Eliminating wheat from my diet. I still have a few skin irritated spots, but nowhere near the coverage and joint pain I used to have. It might be just that I have a wheat sensitivity, and not everyone does, but I've been really amazed at the difference.

    It might be worth a try for you.

    Sorry for your painful fingers. :flowerforyou:

    Viv-- my psoriasis, interestingly enough, is only on my scalp, which I think is probably a blessing in disguise. It gives me the worst case of dandruff you've ever seen, believe me, but compared to what I've seen on others where it covers large parts of their body, I'll take it. I have one little lesion on my cheek that likes to bubble up sometimes, but still, not bad.

    And the joint pain has been in my shoulders and hips, but bearable. The worst has been my fingers and toes. Did you get the "sausage digits?"

    I'll have to look into the wheat stuff-- hmmmmmmm--

    If I'm having a flare-up, I can't get my rings on/off. They're not all the way sausage-y (google images is not my friend. . .although it's scary, it does point out to me that others have it worse.) My left foot is the worst/most aggravating pain wise, and I have scalp issues as well. I find that I can't use any shampoo/conditioners with fragrance in them, or it gets, well, grosser. I also get very stiff and sore in my rib cage and pelvis, so it's in weird places (my knees used to be horrible before I lost the weight, they're much better now.)
    You might want to look into a food allergy elimination diet (like pettmy says, it might not be wheat. . .could be anything). You give up all the common allergens (my husband called it the "eating elimination diet", and unfortunately that wasn't far from the truth) and then add them in one at a time until one gives you trouble. Hey, it couldn't hurt, right?
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member

    If I'm having a flare-up, I can't get my rings on/off. They're not all the way sausage-y (google images is not my friend. . .although it's scary, it does point out to me that others have it worse.) My left foot is the worst/most aggravating pain wise, and I have scalp issues as well. I find that I can't use any shampoo/conditioners with fragrance in them, or it gets, well, grosser. I also get very stiff and sore in my rib cage and pelvis, so it's in weird places (my knees used to be horrible before I lost the weight, they're much better now.)
    You might want to look into a food allergy elimination diet (like pettmy says, it might not be wheat. . .could be anything). You give up all the common allergens (my husband called it the "eating elimination diet", and unfortunately that wasn't far from the truth) and then add them in one at a time until one gives you trouble. Hey, it couldn't hurt, right?

    Heck Marla, if you're doing the veg. broth fast thing, you've already eliminated everything from your diet! lol... I guess when you eat again, like Viv says, just add in one common allergen at a time.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Viv-- I've been doing that-- one by one-- peanut butter, dairy-- not much has seemed to help-- or everything has helped-- still not sure. Duhhhh-- 'cause I am feeling somewhat better.

    We'll see what happens-- so far, so good on the veggie juice-- heading out to run in a bit-- wahooooooooo--
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Wow, I see a lot has changed in a years time.............

    There was a debate last year on a forum that was created and I posted the "sugar is not your friend" and everyone jumped down my back and my throat............
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Wow, I see a lot has changed in a years time.............

    There was a debate last year on a forum that was created and I posted the "sugar is not your friend" and everyone jumped down my back and my throat............

    It's all in the delivery, I guess-- :wink:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,100 Member
    I've been MIA (Marla, Welcome back, that would be "Missing in Action" to you:flowerforyou: ) because I've been sick this week.

    Funny - Julie24 said people jumped down her back when she said "Sugar is not your friend" - I was waiting for the vegetable juice fast backlash:wink:

    I have nothing to add today, just saying "Hi" and really not wanting to eat anything, more of a "Is is time to take any cold meds yet? I'm going to sleep if it's not." My heartrate monitor is my alarm clock/reminder for pills and potions. Zicam. Miracle product.


    Carry on, strong sistahs.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Cheryl-- I know what MIA means-- meanie. :grumble: That's the one I do know. :happy:

    And yes, I'm still waiting for the backlash, too-- however, I'm not advocating it as a weight loss tool. I'm desperate for relief for psoriasis-- and, so far, so good-- it's rather ooky. I had a good run today, pain in my foot was infinitely better.

    Odd that I'm not hungry. The juice is so thick that it does keep the hunger at bay, and I drink it anytime I am hungry. I'm anxious to eat, believe me, but I'm tired of being in pain.
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    ooky... Is that a technical term? :laugh: :laugh:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,100 Member
    I am not a meanie.innocent.gif
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,100 Member
    ooky... Is that a technical term?


    ..........................of course, I'm the queen of the typos, I should talk.:noway:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    ooky... Is that a technical term?


    ..........................of course, I'm the queen of the typos, I should talk.:noway:

    That was no typo-- ooky is one of my favorite words.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,100 Member
    I'm too lazy or tired or sniffly to cook. Soooooo. Confession. I had three pieces of whole wheat toast with butter and sugar and cinnamon. And they were good. Maybe one teaspoon sugar, total. . . .If.
    It was comfort food - and I'm about out of food, after being a shut-in all week. Mom used to give me cinnamon-sugar toast. I'm feeling better already.

    8:36.Bedtime. Niters. :yawn:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I'm too lazy or tired or sniffly to cook. Soooooo. Confession. I had three pieces of whole wheat toast with butter and sugar and cinnamon. And they were good. Maybe one teaspoon sugar, total. . . .If.
    It was comfort food - and I'm about out of food, after being a shut-in all week. Mom used to give me cinnamon-sugar toast. I'm feeling better already.

    8:36.Bedtime. Niters. :yawn:

    Sounds delicious and just what the doctor ordered, Cheryl--
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Is it bad that I have an urge to commit arson on the gelataria two doors down? I want to challenge myself to go in and order a latte and nothing else (as they have, I was told by the owner, a top of the line espresso maker that cost more than most cars. . .I used to manage a coffee shop, so I'm curious. . .) I keep telling myself "good, but not transcendent. Not worth it." But I walk by after a workout when I'm hot and sweaty, so, I peek in. Not going in, though. Not doing it. Nope.:noway:

    Yes, Marla, but is it "altogether ooky?" and "mysterious and spooky?" (snap, snap). :tongue:
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Good morning fellow sugar shunners! Hope you're feeling better Cheryl. You too Marla, with your ooky cure!

    I was again under my sugars (when I subtracted the veggies and fruits) I had yesterday. I have quit subtracting the milks, so those are in my 40 and under totals.

    Katy, I was thinking about trying to make my own milks (thanks again for the links), but I just realized yesterday as I was at the store, that the RD told me to get the "enriched" ones for the added nutrients. I've been playing around changing up my nutrients tracked, and I am sooooo not getting enough calcium as it is anymore. So, I'll stick with the sweetened enriched milk beverages for now (funny thing, I haven't seen an unsweetened one that is enriched--but I haven't checked at the co-op yet either). And I'm going to have to look into calcium supplements. Anybody have good ones? I know Viactive tasted good when it first came out, and I'm thinking about getting those again. Of course, I have to double check labels to see what exactly is in them too.... The hospital sells some kind of calcium supplement as well, I should check into that.

    Viv, are lattes sugar filled? I'm not a fancy coffee drinker, other than the snickers mocha that the cruise-n-coffee in town makes. Ummmmmm yum. But I know that one's a doozy for sugar, with chocolate syrup and caramel syrup squeezed for 5 seconds or so into the bottom of the cup.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Is it bad that I have an urge to commit arson on the gelataria two doors down? I want to challenge myself to go in and order a latte and nothing else (as they have, I was told by the owner, a top of the line espresso maker that cost more than most cars. . .I used to manage a coffee shop, so I'm curious. . .) I keep telling myself "good, but not transcendent. Not worth it." But I walk by after a workout when I'm hot and sweaty, so, I peek in. Not going in, though. Not doing it. Nope.:noway:

    Yes, Marla, but is it "altogether ooky?" and "mysterious and spooky?" (snap, snap). :tongue:

    Indeed, Viv-- creepy and kooky, too-- that's my family in a nutshell, too-- believe me. (referring to the family that bore me, not that which I bore, of course)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,100 Member
    Is it bad that I have an urge to commit arson on the gelataria two doors down? I want to challenge myself to go in and order a latte and nothing else (as they have, I was told by the owner, a top of the line espresso maker that cost more than most cars. . .I used to manage a coffee shop, so I'm curious. . .)

    I would HAVE to try the espresso. Except, after a workout, I would be too tempted to buy the gelato. I read that caffeine actually helps your body burn more cals during a workout. So maybe before! As usual, I don't know where I read it. But if it's on the Internet, it must be true. :tongue:

    If you burn the place down, won't you have to pay for that cost-more-than-most-cars-espresso-maker?

    I've really been loving my soy creamer. The half and half I was using was much better, but the sat fat was pushing me over every day. Soy MILK - not so much, it curdles in hot drinks, but the Trader Joes soy creamer stays in solution. Lovely. Mixed with a little almond milk.....ahhhh. Nearly transcendent................not.