Sugar is not your friend part 2



  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    A word about sugar: don't get cocky with it.

    Score today: timbits: 3, V: 0

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    :angry: Totally agree. I fought the raw and the raw won!

    Sugar in the raw that is! :laugh:

    I was out of stevia and had that in the cubbard. Sweetened my coffee yesterday morning and went on a sugar binge all day. :sad:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    A word about sugar: don't get cocky with it.

    Score today: timbits: 3, V: 0


    Oh, me too--

    chocolate 7
    Marla el zippo
  • jaune
    jaune Posts: 29
    okay, I'm in!!! I've tried to quit sugar more times than I can remember but here I am again, day 1! Everyone's got to start somewhere. As always, like the hideous disease it is, i began with one piece, then two....then searching my coworkers desk like a crack addict! Seriously, is that insane or what!

    I will not have ANY today and from now on, God willing!
    Thank you for your support!!!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,099 Member
    Welcome jaune!:flowerforyou:

    Okay. Let's all take a deep breath.

    We survived Christmas. We survived Valentines Day.

    This week we must try to rein in our desire for "BARGAINS" when we see every single red-:heart: -shaped-sugary-thing-in-the-world marked down to $.16. Do not be fooled by this ploy.

    And begin to form your Steely Resolve. Easter is just around the corner.

    Bunnies do not lay chocolate eggs.

  • iamalexa
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    :smile: Thanks for this great thread.......I read all the posts and learned so much....I love bargains but I won't buy them more sweets.........especially interested in the late night need for sugar.....make sence to me.....guess I need to have a strawberry supply.
  • TaysMum
    Okay, I think this is the right thread... Glad I've found you guys!

    I have a serious problem, yes a big one! Sugar is my BEST friend! :devil: I have such a sweet tooth, I can't go a day without something sugary! Then when I do, one bite turns to another and another..... you know the drill. :sad:

    I only realised how much of an issue it was yesterday when I was browsing through this thread, after I had logged by Food. I went back to look at my Sugar intake. I was over by 70kcal! I went to look at the day before and the past week's and I was approximately over 40-80kcal each day! Shocking I know, I had only added the Sugar option to my food diary recently..:frown:

    Anyhow, I need advice and help fast cause there's a big box of Thornton's Classics chasing me! :embarassed:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Welcome jaune!:flowerforyou:

    Okay. Let's all take a deep breath.

    We survived Christmas. We survived Valentines Day.

    This week we must try to rein in our desire for "BARGAINS" when we see every single red-:heart: -shaped-sugary-thing-in-the-world marked down to $.16. Do not be fooled by this ploy.

    And begin to form your Steely Resolve. Easter is just around the corner.

    Bunnies do not lay chocolate eggs.


    Hey, speaking of "bargains". . .I bought the timbits for church coffee hour yesterday. I was supposed to bake, but didn't want sugar hanging out in my house. Do you know how much 80 (yes, 80) Timbits (aka donut holes) cost?
    $9.20 (Canadian...with the nearly 20% sales tax included)

    Cost of one organic pineapple from the produce market next door (granted, I am the most poverty-stricken individual in the very tony neighborhood I live in): $10.50.

    Damn, just. . .damn.

    I had a magnificent sugar crash after the incident. Reminded me "I don't like this." Got a godiva chocolate bar for Valentine's day. Didn't want it. Will save it for later (or eat it a square at a time after workouts when I can use the simple carbs) to avoid the crash and crankiness that ensued.

    Sugar, bargain or not, is not my valentine.

    Oh, and welcome, Taysmom. You are with your sisters now. Stay strong.
  • jaune
    jaune Posts: 29
    So glad to be here with all of you. Day 2 and going strong...ran 2 miles but have this awful head cold that WILL not go away!! Off for a whole week! It's Mardi Gras here my friends! I started my lenten journey early (yesterday to be exact) to eliminate sugar. I was eating EVERYTHING down to those awful candy hearts but it's the past now.

    MFP has helped me monitor my intake but I was fooled to think I could eat sugar as long as I was within my calories. Such a slow learner!! Like I haven't tried that for years now.! Ha!

    Time to count blessings, my precious family, health, faith and my new friends at MFP.

    Stay strong!
  • sillymoobags
    sillymoobags Posts: 13 Member
    Oh!!! Good stuff to know - Thanks! I'm all about awareness in foods --- especially in regards to organic foods and nutrients provided in what we intake.

    Sweet! Thanks again!

    Helen :wink:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,099 Member
    Here we go.

    DAY ONE after Valentines.

    Nice to see some new smiling faces, and for all you lurkers, good for you too.

    I tend to be pretty honest. Which means when I say I am going to do something, I try to admit when I screw up. That's what I like about this thread and the people who post here. We all try to "man-up" when we have faced the demon and lost.

    There is a young woman who just posted this morning as her first post and she got me thinking. This "break-up" with sugar (I've said it before) is a grieving process. Not just for the loss of the friend, Sugar, but for the loss of our childish ways i.e.


    It is just as hard to deny yourself pleasure as it is to break up with a lover who is causing you pain, or a leech of a friend, or quit a long-time job that is bad for you... We all use the "but I had a bad day / week / month / life / childhood excuse to Self-Indulge.

    It feels like self-abandonment somehow, to leave the pleasurable. We rationalize that "He didn't hit me." So we can stay with his cheating ways. :noway:

    And let's face it, we all have abandonment issues. Someone did you wrong at some point in your life. Left you, didn't protect you, cheated on you, lied to you, stole from you. Betrayal.

    The difference here is that denying yourself something that is bad for you - while it FEELS like pain, it is really GROWTH. It is learning about suffering and loss. It is delaying gratification. Signs of maturity.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    Bunnies don't lay chocolate eggs. Bunnies are soft and cuddly.
    Bunnies = good.
    Chocolate Eggs = not-so-much.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,099 Member
    Oh!!! Good stuff to know - Thanks! I'm all about awareness in foods --- especially in regards to organic foods and nutrients provided in what we intake.

    Sweet! Thanks again!

    Helen :wink:

    Too funny, Helen, I just wrote about you in the previous post! Everyone, get to know Helen, she is a smart lady!
  • tamarads
    How is this for messed up:ohwell: ... most of you probably are aware that Easter is right around the corner, therefore, Lent is in 2 days.. therefore we (as a family) have decided to give up desserts as part of our Lenten thing (I've been doing the sugar thing since January with a few glitches so I'm not too worried)... it gets better, stick with me:huh: ... went to the grocery store last night for eggs, decided we needed to get rid of the large pail of ice cream in the freezer before Wednesday and what better way to do that than with a chocolate cake from the bakery... :noway: It was good:ohwell:

    Welcome to all the newcomers, this is a great thread with lots of great advice! Hang in there!


    I'm with you Cheryl:

    Bunnies don't lay chocolate eggs. Bunnies are soft and cuddly.
    Bunnies = good.
    Chocolate Eggs = not-so-much.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    Bad weekend with sugar. Today is a new day.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hey, Richie's here-- hi Richie!!!!!

    Hi to everyone else-- I'm totally psyched. I committed today to doing my first half marathon in September-- I haven't signed up yet, money is still tight, but by announcing it here, that's my way of being held accountable.
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Hello all. I am lucky that my DH and I don't "do" Valentines day. We always double check a week or so early, to make sure that we still aren't "doing" it (wouldn't it stink if I thought we weren't "doing" it, and he comes in with a nice present? lol). But no candy, no fancy dinners, no going to a flick. Basically no temptations at all...

    I have not succumbed to the sugar temptation. Although I still have over 300 calories and the tofutti chocolate cookie crunch is kinda calling my name. With 2 tbsp of chocolate syrup drizzled over it. Or... I could have 2 tbsp peanut butter, with the whole 32 non dairy chocolate chips mixed in.

    Or... I could stand strong, have a sliced apple, melt that peanut butter, and drizzle it over the top...

    Sheesh, you guys make me think twice before indulging the way I WANT to... Thanks (I guess:grumble: (J/K)).

    By the way Marla... Woot to you for saying you're gonna do it. And really doing it!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,099 Member
    Hey, Richie's here-- hi Richie!!!!!

    Hi to everyone else-- I'm totally psyched. I committed today to doing my first half marathon in September-- I haven't signed up yet, money is still tight, but by announcing it here, that's my way of being held accountable.

    um. Who is Richie? I mean, Hi Richie!!!

    Better tell the black team and the proud thread about the marathon. Nice! Don't know how accountable we'll hold you. Anyone else here a runner? Oh. Hi, Shuntae!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Sugar cost me 2 months of what could have been weight loss, and in return I got 20 extra pounds. I'm back on the wagon (fingers crossed lol), and I hope I can stay away from sugar, because there's no moderation for me- all or nothing, and I need to choose nothing. I don't get any satisfaction from eating sweets anyway, that's the kicker. I can eat a whole package of cookies, and an hour later I want another package- where's the sense in that, right? Not that it isn't enjoyable WHILE I'm eating it, because of course it is, but I'm starting to think that eating none and craving it all the time isn't any harder than eating a lot and still craving it all the time.
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    :smile: Hello fellow black team members:drinker: I tried to eat every two hours today seemed to help me out. Got tons of exercise cleaning house. Kind of a marathon washed all the floors. My grandson left a box of chocolate here he knows about restraint already ..........wants to save it for when he is visiting......wish I had learned that lesson at 4 like him. Hugs Richie