Sugar is not your friend part 2



  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member

    Day 3 of sugar free. Have painted my nails four times in three days. :tongue:

    I am a disaster at painting my own nails. I make a mess, nail polish everywhere. I end up messing them up before they are dry. They look like a 3 year old did it for me. I usually get frustrated and take it right off because it looks like poo. :ohwell:

    Everytime I read that you paint your nails all the time I'm envious. Maybe I need to practice more.

    Heck, who am I kidding? I make just as much of a mess painting DD's nails!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member

    Day 3 of sugar free. Have painted my nails four times in three days. :tongue:

    I am a disaster at painting my own nails. I make a mess, nail polish everywhere. I end up messing them up before they are dry. They look like a 3 year old did it for me. I usually get frustrated and take it right off because it looks like poo. :ohwell:

    Everytime I read that you paint your nails all the time I'm envious. Maybe I need to practice more.

    Heck, who am I kidding? I make just as much of a mess painting DD's nails!

    You know what the secret is? A paint brush and high-power nail polish remover. At first it went everywhere, but you just de-paint the part of your hands that aren't your nails with the brush and the remover (and then moisturize like crazy with cuticle oil). Also, I just started doing it daily (almost) at the new year, and you do get better and better at it. Some days, I hardly need to do any clean-up at all. Also, I found an actual fast-dry topcoat (Seche Vite is the brand name, you can buy it at Ulta) that makes all the difference. I can literally do anything in about ten minutes. It's currently my go-to in the evening when I want to eat. Seems to be working. Nails look good and pants are looser.:tongue:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,098 Member
    I consider all dried fruit bad on my list. They cause me to eat-the-whole-bag/box/whatever. That's why crackers are bad too. Even the sugar free ones. OH, and potato chips. Yumm. I have to buy single serving sizes of all of the above. Maybe that's something I need to work on. "Closing the Kitchen" (was that you, V?)
    It's currently my go-to in the evening when I want to eat. Seems to be working. Nails look good and pants are looser

    :laugh: I am reading posts while doing nails and look what my no-sugar-sistahs are discussing. We are related :heart:

    I just spilled the glue, though.....:noway: I have to use fake nails. V, I bought some pale pink china Glaze yesterday. I am so excited for a new color and my first trip down China Glaze Way! We're doing toes, too, right? :happy:

    Nail polish is sugar-free.

    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Bunnies don't lay chocolate eggs.
    I'm gonna miss pettmybunny. (She doesn't lay chocolate eggs, does she)
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Detox, day 1 in progress. Oy.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    I need an intervention. I just ate chicken and ice cream for lunch. I've officially lost it. Whoever stole my willpower can return it. NOW! Granted, I'm not binging and shoveling food in by the handfulls, but I've made some pretty crappy choices the past few days.

    I've been exhausted, run down, it's not a wonder, I've been eating sugar! I haven't felt like working out, in fact today, I didn't!

    I really need to get my head back in this game. Sometimes the thought of doing this FOR-EV-ER is daunting. I think those are the times I take a break. Break meaning, eat whatever I want and don't think too much about it.

    Ok, I think I'll take a sugar induced coma/nap. My eyes are heavy!

    Edit: Naps are hard when the heart is racing from sugar. Just sayin'. I am better than this sugar junkie crap I'm on right now.
  • TaysMum
    Thanx guys, :flowerforyou: I absolutely Love dates.... They're so sweet, the fact that it's a fruit nearly had me there!! :sad: :sad:

    I need a substitute, preferably something sweet! what do you guys snack on in replace of sugary stuff- apart from fruit and veg?
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,098 Member
    Fruit is what I eat for the sweet fix. I just don't buy dried fruit because the sugar is concentrated. I'll eat the fruit whole. I don't drink fruit juice either.

    A cup and a half of strawberries with lowfat plain yogurt is my favorite snack.

    But I can't eat just one date or apricot or prune or whatever. If you can limit yourself to one or two, why not? Everyone is different. I just know I have a "problem" with sweets. You unfortunately can't buy ONE prune. :wink:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    9pm on the East Coast, I've eaten dinner...and no sweets today.

    Thank goodness.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    9pm on the East Coast, I've eaten dinner...and no sweets today.

    Thank goodness.

    I have got to cut sweets tomorrow, if it kills me and it might. Detox, here I come!

    Proud of you. Good job.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Thanx guys, :flowerforyou: I absolutely Love dates.... They're so sweet, the fact that it's a fruit nearly had me there!! :sad: :sad:

    I need a substitute, preferably something sweet! what do you guys snack on in replace of sugary stuff- apart from fruit and veg?

    When you really get off the sugar, stuff you never thought of as sweet will do the trick: fruit, some vegetables, raw almonds or pecans and milk satisfy my sweet cravings about 95% of the time now. But, it's a learning curve, right? If for right now a few dates here and there are keeping you away from refined sugar, I don't think there's shame in it. Just be aware that they're treats.

    I would have never believed it, but there are certain fruits that I can't even eat anymore because they're too sweet (pears, for example). It's as if your sweet tolerance lowers.

    I still have dried fruit, but not much of it. I tend to have one or two dried apricots with some almonds for my pre-workout snack. The problem with dried fruit is it's smaller than non-dried fruit, so it goes down too easily.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Day 4, and doing great. The big test comes on Friday day. Eek.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,098 Member
    Day 4, and doing great. The big test comes on Friday day. Eek.

    I had a very lovely neighbor who passed away a few years ago from breast cancer. She had some struggles with her weight during her life.

    She once told me, "Make your eating decisions at the grocery store."

    She probably said that 15 years ago to me, but it stuck with me. It is so true - just don't bring it into the house. I often still stare at the bakery things - maybe it's out of years of habit - maybe because they are just beautiful and festive. I don't bring them home with me, though. Start looking at other people's carts and purchases. It is very enlightening.

    This week, don't buy any sweets at the grocery store. Just for this week. You can do it!
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    I confess I ate peanut butter last night......It is in the frig now and will stay there until grandchildren come to visit.. I did stay away from the Walgreens so I missed out on the 1/2 price sale on valentine candies this year. I am sure my adrenal glands are grateful:laugh: Hugs, Richie
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,098 Member
    I confess I ate peanut butter last night......It is in the frig now and will stay there until grandchildren come to visit.. I did stay away from the Walgreens so I missed out on the 1/2 price sale on valentine candies this year. I am sure my adrenal glands are grateful:laugh: Hugs, Richie

    What's wrong with peanut butter? Or do you buy the kind that has sugar in it?
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Day 4, and doing great. The big test comes on Friday day. Eek.

    She once told me, "Make your eating decisions at the grocery store."

    okay-- so I'm seeing the fatal flaw in this philosophy--

    While at the store, I made an eating decision to eat a Reese's peanut butter egg, and a Cadbury crème egg--

    what am I missing? :wink:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    Day 4, and doing great. The big test comes on Friday day. Eek.

    She once told me, "Make your eating decisions at the grocery store."

    okay-- so I'm seeing the fatal flaw in this philosophy--

    While at the store, I made an eating decision to eat a Reese's peanut butter egg, and a Cadbury crème egg--

    what am I missing? :wink:

    You are making the same kind of decisions I am this week. I'm blaming PMS.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,098 Member
    Day 4, and doing great. The big test comes on Friday day. Eek.

    She once told me, "Make your eating decisions at the grocery store."

    okay-- so I'm seeing the fatal flaw in this philosophy--

    While at the store, I made an eating decision to eat a Reese's peanut butter egg, and a Cadbury crème egg--

    what am I missing? :wink:

    Oh, fine, question a dead lady's philosophical statement. Like she could 'splain it to you. :laugh:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    OK, so I have this friend who still um, "hooks up" with her ex husband. She said to me once "I know he's an a-hole, but I still want him." I said "I will never in my life understand that." Because I didn't understand how she could want to give the time of day to someone she knew was bad for her. I judged her, and felt superior to her. Bad, bad karma for me. I owe her an apology.

    Because, a few minutes ago, I was alone in the apartment, devouring a pint of cookie dough dynamo ice cream. I had eaten what I estimate to be a serving, and put the rest down the drain. . .so the silver lining is that when I had this realization, I did stop myself.

    I know sugar is an a-hole, but I still want him. But, sugar is not my valentine, no matter how vile a temptress it is.

    Fail. Back to day one. Partial fail because I put the majority down the drain? Please?
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    OK, so I have this friend who still um, "hooks up" with her ex husband. She said to me once "I know he's an a-hole, but I still want him." I said "I will never in my life understand that." Because I didn't understand how she could want to give the time of day to someone she knew was bad for her. I judged her, and felt superior to her. Bad, bad karma for me. I owe her an apology.

    Because, a few minutes ago, I was alone in the apartment, devouring a pint of cookie dough dynamo ice cream. I had eaten what I estimate to be a serving, and put the rest down the drain. . .so the silver lining is that when I had this realization, I did stop myself.

    I know sugar is an a-hole, but I still want him. But, sugar is not my valentine, no matter how vile a temptress it is.

    Fail. Back to day one. Partial fail because I put the majority down the drain? Please?

    Forget a partial fail, I call it a win because you were aware and stopped yourself. Good job!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    :flowerforyou: bumped for inspiration
    Thanks you guys:heart: