DOOMSDAY DEC 21,2012?anyone believe it? non-believers?



  • lovelyMYlovely
    lovelyMYlovely Posts: 1,066 Member
    well guys i do know a bunch of weird stuff is happening.. weird flying objects in the sky. random explosions... the feeling of the earth moving in one town.... just youtube it... its real evidence.... crazy stuff has been happening in my town.. if anything i think its goverment related because it seems like they always try to hide it.. dont know for sure but the world is changing weird things are happening.. ahhhh... :(

    on a fun note i bet woman who have there babies born on dec 21,2012 will probably name there kids mayan!! haha!!
  • icom100
    icom100 Posts: 29 Member
    Nah, we aren't the first humans to have evolved thus far and wont be the last, sure we will eventually become extinct, and you know what? Another human race will take over... So no, we humans are not going anywhere anytime soon, we are here to stay.

    Y2K wasn't the end of the world as people say, it was a panic in the IT industry because of date/time formats... ffs... Y2K was related to computers, was never a human thing, can people at least get that right :/

    You are right BUT people thought when computers crashed we would lose electricity, satellites would fall from the sky, etc and those things would cause the end of the world.

    Yeah, I remember all the media hype. But at least I got a free shirt from work because of it. :)


    That's what a lot of people don't understand about what all went on with the Y2K delima. Sorry about the spelling. Y2K WAS a REAL issue. Almost every company that had computers spent a LOT of money converting their software and hardware just to keep the Y2K issue from being a real issue. I worked for a major company, worldwide company, and the issues were very real, but most of the needed corrections were made before the problem manifested itself. So just because you didn't feel the effects of Y2K, you should still be thanking all the computer geeks that had the knowhow to fix the problem. They did a GREAT job. And if you don't think so, go back and read some of the newspaper articles right after new years of 2000. There were several reports of issues caused by the Y2K syndrome. Most were minor, and preventable. Some not so minor. But they WERE there. So don't play it off as some sort of hysterical non-issue just because YOU didn't feel any major effects from it.
  • RunnerInVT
    RunnerInVT Posts: 226 Member
    They didnt take leap year into consideration....according to that, the end would have been sometime in July.
  • lovelyMYlovely
    lovelyMYlovely Posts: 1,066 Member
    12-21-12, a day like any other
    i hope so....
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    well guys i do know a bunch of weird stuff is happening.. weird flying objects in the sky. random explosions... the feeling of the earth moving in one town.... just youtube it... its real evidence.... crazy stuff has been happening in my town.. if anything i think its goverment related because it seems like they always try to hide it.. dont know for sure but the world is changing weird things are happening.. ahhhh... :(

    on a fun note i bet woman who have there babies born on dec 21,2012 will probably name there kids mayan!! haha!!

    you are trying too hard.
  • fit_spired_vicky
    They have found another Mayans calendar, I believe Ill survive now!

    Doomsday will come when Bold&Beautiful will make their movie. It will be one week long.
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member

    That's what a lot of people don't understand about what all went on with the Y2K delima. Sorry about the spelling. Y2K WAS a REAL issue. Almost every company that had computers spent a LOT of money converting their software and hardware just to keep the Y2K issue from being a real issue. I worked for a major company, worldwide company, and the issues were very real, but most of the needed corrections were made before the problem manifested itself. So just because you didn't feel the effects of Y2K, you should still be thanking all the computer geeks that had the knowhow to fix the problem. They did a GREAT job. And if you don't think so, go back and read some of the newspaper articles right after new years of 2000. There were several reports of issues caused by the Y2K syndrome. Most were minor, and preventable. Some not so minor. But they WERE there. So don't play it off as some sort of hysterical non-issue just because YOU didn't feel any major effects from it.

    Umm. I was one of the computer geeks doing a lot of the patching. I was in the office at midnight, just in case.

    And yes, I still think the media hype was extremely out of proportion to the issue at hand.
  • fit_spired_vicky
    well guys i do know a bunch of weird stuff is happening.. weird flying objects in the sky. random explosions... the feeling of the earth moving in one town.... just youtube it... its real evidence.... crazy stuff has been happening in my town.. if anything i think its goverment related because it seems like they always try to hide it.. dont know for sure but the world is changing weird things are happening.. ahhhh... :(

    on a fun note i bet woman who have there babies born on dec 21,2012 will probably name there kids mayan!! haha!!

    you are trying too hard.

    Mwahaha :D
  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    I don't think the end will be on Dec. 21. I think it will be the day after I reach my goal weight. Wouldn't that just figure?
  • lovelyMYlovely
    lovelyMYlovely Posts: 1,066 Member
    well guys i do know a bunch of weird stuff is happening.. weird flying objects in the sky. random explosions... the feeling of the earth moving in one town.... just youtube it... its real evidence.... crazy stuff has been happening in my town.. if anything i think its goverment related because it seems like they always try to hide it.. dont know for sure but the world is changing weird things are happening.. ahhhh... :(

    on a fun note i bet woman who have there babies born on dec 21,2012 will probably name there kids mayan!! haha!!

    you are trying too hard.
    may i ask WTF! is ur problem!!! this is my thread!!! u dont have to be a **** to every comment u make!!!! calm down and if u feel like **** as a person u dont gotta be rude to everyone who doesnt believe what u believe..!! have a opened mind and accept everyones opinions! u dont have to be rude and ruin the fun of getting to know what people think!!! if u dont like there opinions u should just disagre u dont have to go all out and be rude!!! u need a reality check.. GOSH I REALLY HATE MEAN PEOPLE.. if ur not gpoing to be nice leave this topic.. bye!!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Everyone has their beliefs about it... However, the commentary regarding providing bank details isn't that far off. In Buffalo, for Y2K, the people who believed it was truly over were throwing cash around in the city. Went and withdrew everything, thinking it was all over. So, if anyone wants to do that, please come visit Rochester... My student loans would thank you. Or me. Whichever. However, I don't think that anyone can know when it will all be over anymore than the dinosaurs did (NOT 26,000 years ago) - for that matter, none of us have any indication or guarantee we'll survive today. Why worry?

    No! They should come here! I swear I need the money more than you! :laugh:
  • lovelyMYlovely
    lovelyMYlovely Posts: 1,066 Member
    sorry i just really get mad when people say mean comments.. haha!!! i did this for the fun of knowing what u guys think lol... :) I am very happy how this thread turned out yay!!! this was my biggest one yet!! TY guys for participating this is a fun little subject
  • dorlincecum
    dorlincecum Posts: 39 Member

    You are very funny:bigsmile:
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    They didnt take leap year into consideration....according to that, the end would have been sometime in July.

    This is completely wrong. The way they handled the discrepancy that we call leap year was far-far more accurate than our current calendar. The Maya were the masters of time; few dispute this.
  • kanadian_bear
    Oh Jesus Christ, the only place that is safe is being closed down and you are worried, just in case! Please, the world isn't ending in 2012. Its being shut to keep the f*cking nut cases who believe anything away from civilised people. However, if you think it is, please let me know and I'll give you my bank details so you can forward your assets to me. And for God knowing when the world will end, really? Please let me know and I'll send you my bank details as well.

    Honestly, If you think that the world was made 4,004 years ago on a Tuesday afternoon, around tea time, and that dinosaurs were put into the ground as a test, then seriously, I despair for the human race.
  • kanadian_bear
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    If I believed it, I wouldnt be here....I would be scarfing down Cinnabons and maxing out my credit cards.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I think only nutters would put any stock into this....
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    I expect a lot of people will be doing crazy things because "it's the last day of their lives", meanwhile, I will be writing my last exam of the semester. Going to die a university freshman, tragic :(
  • Rum_Runner
    Rum_Runner Posts: 617 Member
    Do not believe. If Im wrong o'well....but Im not going to sit here and think that some ancient tribe who (practically) wiped themselves off the earth actually predicted the end of the world. Not gonna happen. I probably will not be out much on that day though because I'm sure there will be people out there "doomsday believers" who will cause havoc and chaos.
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