DOOMSDAY DEC 21,2012?anyone believe it? non-believers?



  • TommiEgan
    TommiEgan Posts: 256 Member
    I don't know how people can believe it.

    Have a look at this,
  • thedavyg
    I'm one of those folks who believes that God has his own time table, but I guess we'll find out in less than a month.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
  • thedavyg

    I like that quote.
  • GCrew1502
    Non believer.

    If you study the Myan calendar to begin with, you will see that it ends on 21 December 2012. It certainly doesn't mean the end of the world. This date was chosen so to celebrate the winter solstace (in northern hemisphere) and summer (in the southern hemisphere). It is the end of a 5125 year cycle for the Myans.

    The problem with the calendar is that it did not make any allowances for leap years and it therefore makes the calendar a little inaccurate. So divide 5125 by 4 and then add that to doomsday, you would be far more accurate in working out a real 'doomsday date'.

    Also, it was allowed for the calendar to end and the new civilisation to commence their calendar but when you research, the new calendar (ours) isn't even supposed to commence until the year 3000 and something....

    Doomsday - I don't think so. A new way of looking at things - definitely :)

    Wish you all health and prosperity well into the new year and beyond...
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    Nah, we aren't the first humans to have evolved thus far and wont be the last, sure we will eventually become extinct, and you know what? Another human race will take over... So no, we humans are not going anywhere anytime soon, we are here to stay.

    Y2K wasn't the end of the world as people say, it was a panic in the IT industry because of date/time formats... ffs... Y2K was related to computers, was never a human thing, can people at least get that right :/

    You are right BUT people thought when computers crashed we would lose electricity, satellites would fall from the sky, etc and those things would cause the end of the world.

    Yeah, I remember all the media hype. But at least I got a free shirt from work because of it. :)


    That's what a lot of people don't understand about what all went on with the Y2K delima. Sorry about the spelling. Y2K WAS a REAL issue. Almost every company that had computers spent a LOT of money converting their software and hardware just to keep the Y2K issue from being a real issue. I worked for a major company, worldwide company, and the issues were very real, but most of the needed corrections were made before the problem manifested itself. So just because you didn't feel the effects of Y2K, you should still be thanking all the computer geeks that had the knowhow to fix the problem. They did a GREAT job. And if you don't think so, go back and read some of the newspaper articles right after new years of 2000. There were several reports of issues caused by the Y2K syndrome. Most were minor, and preventable. Some not so minor. But they WERE there. So don't play it off as some sort of hysterical non-issue just because YOU didn't feel any major effects from it.

    Considering I am a programmer and hardware engineer... I do know the issues.. and quite frankly, compared to what people said, they were non-issues.

    Could people have died? Did the world end? NO! So the hype about a sky net takeover like in terminator really in all honesty was stupid and irritating at best. Oh, and all accounts reset to zero etc? Seriously? Even back then we took backups. I'll just say it as it is. It was just stupid people, being stupid. Just like this rapture thing, and mayan thing and what ever comes next.

    Just a question, you say it was truly an issue, I presume then of course you have at least SOME programming logic to make that claim? Because even in assembly this wasn't really an issue.
  • GCrew1502
    Oh, I most certainly agree :)
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