Ridiculous serving sizes



  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    McCain's International pizza has a serving size of 1/5th the pizza. How the hell do you cut 1/5th of a circle without turning it into Euclidean geometry?

    This is so funny!

    Sometimes it's easier to work out the calories for the whole thing then divide it into what you want to have. A 1/4 would make more sense.

    What I did was add up all the info for the entire pizza, then divided that by 6.

    Papa Murphy's large says a serving is 1/10. I always cut mine into 8 pieces. But then I eat half of the pizza
  • foxfirekenzie
    foxfirekenzie Posts: 244 Member
    I just recently started liking Chinese food, so I looked up the calories after I ate, to fill this out. OMG!!! I was in shock how bad it is for you. I mean you don't see a lot of fat Chinese people.

    Chinese food as we Americans know it is NOT at what real China Chinese food is like. I love American Chinese food and so I was excited to visit China and eat the real deal. Boy! Was I disappointed! Totally different. Much healthier there as far as what I encountered.
  • plumsparkle
    plumsparkle Posts: 203 Member
    In my local shop they sell salad bowls, like chicken salad, with a fork, which is obviously meant to be one meal. I used to buy them regularly, because they seemed ok in calories...........until i realised one day that in tiny little letters under the flash panel on the front it said per half pack.

    Now, dont get me wrong, but i'm not sure that half what is actually a pretty small salad would be anybodies idea of a great lunch, but with only one fork, lets hope i really like the person i have to share it with!!
  • BaileyP3
    BaileyP3 Posts: 151 Member

    Damn things...I bought them (5 years ago) thinking 'oh this will be a good' coz

    It's a good source of Calicum Oh stop...excellent source of calicum and it's made with whole grains and only 100 calories per serving


    25 bars...DH ate 4-5 a night..GRRRRR (there went my workday 'breakfast for the month)


    Fortunately...I know better now...Kudos to who??? KUDOS TO ME DARN IT!!!!
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    On the other hand, that's why this site is so great. With the logging of the food, it makes us so much more aware of serving sizes. Eating using smaller plates helps with this though. Using actual serving sizes, the food usually fits the plate instead of using what my mind considers a serving size.

    Yes, I am bummed that my ice cream serving size is only 1/2 a cup, but I just make sure I have enough calories left for 2 servings. I mix it with fresh strawberries and it really satisfies.
    buy a bigger cup?
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    To the granola problem, learn to make your own, it is easy and you can practically double the serving sized for the same amt of calories plus control nutritional content.

    Other stuff? Just learn to pay attention - weigh, measure etc. 1/2 cup of ice cream is still a nice sized dessert. ;)

    Yes, thank you. We were all looking for your advice...

    @rileamoyer - you are SO right. Thanks for joining the conversation.
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    IF you can figure out how to bulk some of these foods it can help make the portions bigger!

    Like If I have pasta, Ill have the suggested serving size, but Ill add tones of veggies to it and turn it into a huge serving!
