Stop the steady state cardio today! Trust me...



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    HIIT can only be done on alternate days. What about the other days - does it pay off or not to do steady state on other days? What about effect of steady state cardio on telomere? Anyone knows?

    No idea as to your second question. Re HIIT - treat it like lifting - you should have a day's rest in between. You can do LISS on the others, as long as it's not excessive.

    ETA: lol - just noticed the original date of the thread.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Actually, the woman who said she spent an hour on the treadmill wanted ideas on what else she could do because she was bored to death (and trust me, not burning many calories by jogging 4 miles in an hour compared to even 15 minutes of HIIT).
    I don't recall anyone saying they enjoyed being on the treadmill for an hour regarding fat loss. Stress running is totally different...if you need to jog a few miles to get your mind off of stress related factors in your life, by all means run Forrest run!

    I enjoy cardio. I love it. I'll run for as long as I can...if that means over an hour so be it. I cant lift so for me this is not only something I ENJOY but something SAFE for me.

    I so wish other people would stop telling people how to run their OWN bodies. You do what YOU want to do & let others do what they want to do. Their workout is NOT interfering in your life one little bit.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member

    i like to run.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    I like to run.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    The best workout anyone can do is one they enjoy and will CONTINUE TO DO!

    Speak for yourself. To me, the "best" workout is the one that consistently gets the best results. That's what motivates me to continue doing something. Screw what I "enjoy." Being fit is about getting outside of your comfort zone, and that means doing things you don't really want to do. When it comes to fitness, no one makes constant progress by just doing the things they like.

    Wow...will you marry me? Haha! I couldn't have said it better myself.

    You all are hilarious. No one gets better at doing things they like? Whaaatttt????? So, I like to swim at the pool and I get a swim coach and train for an open water event and have fun doing it and obviously what a waste that must be. I like to hike the hills near my house but why would I ever want to put on a pack and try to get some more miles and elevation in?

    You can get fit by doing things you like. You just need to increase the intensity or change up your routine. Or, add in other new things you like. For example, I just started cross country skiing. It's new to me. I think it's going to be a good thing EVEN THOUGH SO FAR I LIKE IT. I agree you too should marry so you can keep this mindset from infecting the rest of the genetic pool.

    There is no need to hate fitness. Wow. Mind blowing.
  • DudeistPriest
    DudeistPriest Posts: 665 Member
    What is HIIT?
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    I don't recall anyone saying they enjoyed being on the treadmill for an hour regarding fat loss. Stress running is totally different...if you need to jog a few miles to get your mind off of stress related factors in your life, by all means run Forrest run!

    How patronising.

    Some people just enjoy running per se. Most runners I know run outdoors and will only resort to dreadmills in the deepest winter or for the odd interval session.

    I just think it's a little patronising to be quite so dismissive of other people's challenges. You don't have to be stressed out of your mind to want to run a half marathon or marathon. Distance running or cycling is enjoyed by plenty of people, so why try to talk people out of it?
  • CollieFit
    CollieFit Posts: 1,683 Member
    The best workout anyone can do is one they enjoy and will CONTINUE TO DO!

    Speak for yourself. To me, the "best" workout is the one that consistently gets the best results. That's what motivates me to continue doing something. Screw what I "enjoy." Being fit is about getting outside of your comfort zone, and that means doing things you don't really want to do. When it comes to fitness, no one makes constant progress by just doing the things they like.

    Wow...will you marry me? Haha! I couldn't have said it better myself.

    You all are hilarious. No one gets better at doing things they like? Whaaatttt????? So, I like to swim at the pool and I get a swim coach and train for an open water event and have fun doing it and obviously what a waste that must be. I like to hike the hills near my house but why would I ever want to put on a pack and try to get some more miles and elevation in?

    You can get fit by doing things you like. You just need to increase the intensity or change up your routine. Or, add in other new things you like. For example, I just started cross country skiing. It's new to me. I think it's going to be a good thing EVEN THOUGH SO FAR I LIKE IT. I agree you too should marry so you can keep this mindset from infecting the rest of the genetic pool.

    There is no need to hate fitness. Wow. Mind blowing.

    Totally agree.
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566
    also saving for later reading
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    The few times I've tried HIIT, I've gotten hurt. I found 1 workout online that I could do, but it disappeared off youtube. My biggest issue w/ HIIT is the up & down stuff, I've tried & tried. I can't do that, hell even Jillian's stuff had me in tears and limping on my bad hip for days after.

    And up & down = standing, to the floor, then back. My arthritis & other medical issues won't let me do that. The one I found everything was standing up or light jumping, I loved that.
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    I do find that when I'm doing HIIT I seem to be about to die when I'm done with 30min where I can carry on for a few hours on the elliptical, treadmill, etc... so I suppose that means I'm getting a better whole body workout/burning more calories.

    Only problem I seem to have is I guess I don't have a good enough imagination because although I've done tons of different workouts with videos, trainers, etc. I can never seem to remember them off the top of my head so unless I'm watching a video or in a class I seem to stand around alot thinking "what should I do now?" I guess it just seems easier to do "cardio = run on treadmill" or "cardio = elliptical"
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    Why do you care? People should do what works for THEM, not what YOU think they should do. This was just discussed at length yesterday. Give. it. UP! Worry about yourself and let others worry about themselves.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Why do you care? People should do what works for THEM, not what YOU think they should do. This was just discussed at length yesterday. Give. it. UP! Worry about yourself and let others worry about themselves.

    LOL, yes it was discussed at length yesterday.....this thread is almost a year old.
  • DudeistPriest
    DudeistPriest Posts: 665 Member
    Some people just can't do that ****! Almost everything I do is Low impact and slower paced because I have bad knees. I'm quite happy with the results I'm getting and the progress I've made. I don't need some uber-gym-dude trying to tell my my workout is worthless because it's not as good as his. Get a life and stop telling people what they should do with theirs.
  • FindingMyWings
    FindingMyWings Posts: 1 Member
    I tried HIIT training...10 minutes kicked my butt BIG time!!! It was awesome:0)
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Why do you care? People should do what works for THEM, not what YOU think they should do. This was just discussed at length yesterday. Give. it. UP! Worry about yourself and let others worry about themselves.

    LOL, yes it was discussed at length yesterday.....this thread is almost a year old.

    I've noticed there are two types of posters on MFP: those who like to add onto old threads to keep the info all in one place and those who like to start new threads on the same topic so they are fresh. If you add on, you're digging up zombie threads and if you start new ones, everyone is like "OMG, another thread about this overdone topic."
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Why do you care? People should do what works for THEM, not what YOU think they should do. This was just discussed at length yesterday. Give. it. UP! Worry about yourself and let others worry about themselves.

    LOL, yes it was discussed at length yesterday.....this thread is almost a year old.

    I've noticed there are two types of posters on MFP: those who like to add onto old threads to keep the info all in one place and those who like to start new threads on the same topic so they are fresh. If you add on, you're digging up zombie threads and if you start new ones, everyone is like "OMG, another thread about this overdone topic."

    I just though it was funny the poster was scolding the OP because this was discussed at length yesterday....and the thread is a year old.